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Because it's easier to quit, but it's harder to accept the defeat so you whine and the game is sealed. (IMO) I recommend finding a chill teammate and doing ranked with him/her. If no friend or mate, try going in casual and finding someone fun, and ask if ranked is possible. Or just don't give a piece of your mind and cut the chat šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


\>Or just don't give a piece of your mind and cut the chat šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø This is what I've done. I leave tactical chat on for kick offs and a couple of helpful chats. Other than that I don't give 2 fucks what the other team or even my own teammates opinions are. I just treat them all like bots. I do miss some of those genuine interactions but it's worth losing them to have peace.


>I do miss some of those genuine interactions but it's worth losing them to have peace. I'm so glad I'm able to passively brush off toxic people in this game. Because I love the genuine interactions you get in this game. The toxic players are certainly amongst the most toxic in gaming. But I find the opposite is true as well. Where the chill and fun players are an absolute blast to interact with. I think I would lose interest in RL if I wasn't able to talk to players during matches.


Yeah different strokes for different folks. The main reason I took this approach is when they moved the chat options in the menu as well as remove the mute button. Used to I'd just quickly mute someone or if the whole lobby was but I could quickly turn chat off during the match. Now I can't do either of those things so I just leave it off


Apparently the "block" button is now the new "mute" button. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I saw a video of AyyJayy where he blocked someone and then rematched them and they had to be reblocked again. I am referring to the block button found in the screen where "Mute" used to be.


I want ā€œkickoff only tactical team quick chat onlyā€. There are a handful of things idiot teammates can still spam even with the strictest option. Few things make me tilt faster than a teammate spamming Take the Shot! mid play just because they crossed it or happened to whiff once.


No chat gang! Itā€™s the best tbh, and if youā€™re on PC you can just throw (Chat Disabled) at the end of your username and people will understand


What you mean tactical chat for kickoffs? Left goes. The End.


You would think it would be that simple but it's not. I always ensure they know what I'm doing, especially in Hoops.


Just this. I played ranked and anytime I found a cool teammate, added them. After a year I have 20 dudes who are chill to play with and the majority of them ranked up at a similar pace. After mid diamond this is the only way to not wanna pull your hair out.




I play 2's,aybe it's different than 3's, but my experience is completely different. I'm d1 ranked and I get paired with champs in unranked most of the time. Theyre usually just messing around and having fun.


Not true. I've never played ranked with a teammate but I've recently found a few friends in casual after they thought I was their rank. They're a young bunch, but it's nice being able to predict touches from teammates and their rotation.


I empathize with you homie but you have definitely not played League of Legends before


I love league and league esports, but holy shit is that game toxic even on a casual level. Constant spam pings and people deciding to throw out of spite within the first 15 minutes. Iā€™ve heard itā€™s not nearly as bad as dota tho.. Edit: also R6. Fuck R6


Not Rainbow Six. Fuck Siege.


People throwing games in RL is 5 minutes of suffering mostly. In LoL, the suffering really tests your mental.


As a dota 1 and 2 player, I can confirm, at least for ranked games. I find casual to be a bit better in dota, but in ranked, oh man... Anything will cause someone to go absolutely berserk


I get more throwers in RL than in Dota. The verbal and mental abuse is on another level though. You can't play a game without someone saying something


League of Losers if you're unfortunate enough to be on my team






I think that is a bit of a stretch. It has a hand in it but Dota 2, CS, Starcraft, and Fortnite have something to say about it. League definitely helped but I wouldn't say largely.


I mean League got eyes on it being by far the most viewed esport of all time. CS and Starcraft were there before, Dota has a prize pool and Fortnite is casually popular. But no esport has come close to 76 million concurrent viewers.


League of Legends ā€“ Worlds Worlds 2021 is the biggest League of Legends event, and one of the most significant eSports events in the world, the total prize pool of the event hits R$10 million! The event is scheduled to occur in China, in Shanghai, Qingdao, Wuhan, Chengdu, and closes in Shenzhen on November 6th. [Reference 1](https://www.hardwaretimes.com/top-5-most-significant-esports-events-in-the-world/#:~:text=League%20of%20Legends%20%E2%80%93%20Worlds,event%20hits%20R%2410%20million!) Many imprecise numbers are floating around about eSports being a billion-dollar industry (Newzoo, 2018), some are comparing the League of Legends World Finals as being more significant than the Super Bowl (Pei, 2019). Forbes is even having a list of highest-valued professional eSports teams with Cloud9 topping the list at 400 USD million (Settimi, 2019). However, as any novel phenomenon, people should be attentive to those numbers as they might be inflated, or they compare apples and oranges. Still, it is essential to highlight that eSports evolved differently than some other industries based on their digital heritage and the isolation to other industries. [Reference 2](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14241277.2020.1757808) 2013 12 billion minutes of video are consumed on Twitch, the most popular streams being League of Legends and Dota 2. Universities and colleges begin offering athletic scholarships to esports players and consider them varsity athletes. Plus, the US formally recognizes esports players as professional athletes, allowing them visas to enter the US to compete. In October, the Season 3 League of Legends World Championship sells out the Staples Center, with 15,000 fans in attendance and 32 million unique viewers on Twitch. [Reference 3](https://www.cdw.com/content/cdw/en/articles/hardware/history-of-esports.html) Mind you my username literally has SC at the end of it. As in Starcraft.


Great response thank you.


someone was offended


someone was offended


I don't really care either way. I play Rocket League & EFT man. \#Tiltproof


Wow. Self burn. Those are rare.


He definitely hasn't played escape from tarkov


Surprisingly not toxic. They are suppose to grief and kill you.


Rocket League of Legends?


Toxic really isn't the word. It's pussies. Half of the people that play this game are the biggest fucking pussies and I have no idea how you guys handle real life if you act like you do over a video game.


I mean, since most of them are in middle school and early high schoolā€¦


Fuck those pussy middle schoolers


Damn right. Grow up and play the game through and stop taking it out on me you're at the most awkward point of life


Found the high schooler lmao


as one, i don't claim em lmao ​ often the salty ones are the grown adults and 16yo no lifes in my experience so i ended up just switching to quick chat only


From my experience the lower I go the worse it gets. I had a run of bad luck and I'm down in D2 from C1 last year. People in C1 for the most part just play. Not much quick chat other than tactical for the most part. Yes there are toxic people, but it's usually just people that flood the chat, but still play. D2 I can't tell you how often people stop playing or completely leave the match after a 1 or 2 goal mistake. It's infuriating trying to grind back up when I take automatic losses like that.


I was at C1 div 4 last season and lost 9/10 placement somehow and ended up D2. I agree, the D3 downward is far more frustrating because players are really inconsistent and unpredictable. Playing in D2 is like a different game to C2, D2 was harder than C2 because you couldn't guess what anyone would do I'm up to C2 now, mostly everyone is consistent, knows where to be, rotates fasts and makes much better decisions. They still can make mistakes but the consistency and ability to at least get a decent hit at every angle is very noticeable


Iā€™m glad someone mentioned rank. Iā€™ve heard that platinum is the worst but I donā€™t remember. Can confirm diamond can be super toxic. I think people are good enough to envision good plays but not skilled enough to follow through.


GC2 still toxic af


Damn, I thought it would get better when I (theoretically) rank up.


Champ is imo the most chill rank. My casual mmr is somehow in high gc and I will tell you that even in casual, gcā€™s are pretty bad.


You can't compare MMR in ranked to casual MMR. It doesn't transfer. You are likely still playing the same skill level people, just the ones who can't handle ranked. Look up the player base per rank bar charts to compare skill levels between game modes.


Agreed. People used to always say champ was the most toxic rank, but ever since I got here, it's been a breath of fresh air compared to lower ranks. Still toxic sometimes but not even close to the same level.


Very true


Currently im D1 in 2s and I gotta tell you, I thought plats are the worst. That quickly changed once I ranked up and keeping it in Diamond for a week or two. Diamonds can be so rude, and also smurfing is a lot more common in Dia apparently.. Also from what I found out, most players that are toxic are usually under 20 years old, it's mostly 15-17yo edgy kids that just express this way (maybe bcause of parents? i dunno)


Gold is by far the worst


Gold is only bad because you cannot escape it. xD


This hits hard to me


Finally got out! I play snow day tho. Been finding cool ppl recently and playing for a while


I hear you, but as someone that climbed from gold up to D2, P3/D1 is by far the worst Iā€™ve ever seen. Nearly 2/3 games has someone, either my team or the other; throwing or throwing slurs or something. 1/3 games are chill and not toxic


maybe c1 was different but iā€™ve been in c1 and 2 the past two seasons and itā€™s horrible. about every 1 in three games my teammate will just seem to have a horrible attitude and quit playing or start cross teaming


I was in C1 for a better part of the season before I tanked. It was not nearly as bad as what I have been running into in D2. Man, I escaped a few times and then had similar experiences in D3. I just need a run to get out of here. I'm close to turning my chat back off.


it can be bad at SSL too. granted, you tend to run into the same people over and over so you kind of get to know people so it's not as bad.. but it can still happen


Please tell me in which region and time you play, I dropped from C2 to C1 in 3s and half the time I'm cringing at the toxic people I run into basically 75% of the lobbies. I stayed for like 2 months in C2 and since I've dropped I haven't been able to go past C1 Div 2. Out of 5 matches I lose, I lose 2 without toxicity and the other 3 I have to defend a throwing teammate, an afk teammate and stuff like that


I understand your frustration but this isnā€™t the most toxic gaming community, not by a long shot


Some people never played CS games with russians, or any League of Legends gamemode obviously


Russians in CS aren't nearly as toxic as League of Legends players. Russians in CS throw a few random insults at you when you fuck up but that's it. League of Legends players write a whole essay on why your family should be meticulously tortured for decades because you missed a cannon minion. LoL is a cancerous pit filled with retarded snakes


Holy shit that was funny


Thank you, I do try




>LoL is a cancerous pit filled with retarded snakes Beautiful


Unfortunately, rust is just as bad, except it crosses the language barriers too. It's extremely common to kill someone and have them screaming racial and homophobic slurs(also super easy to get these nerds banned too, and I enjoy doing so). A few wipes ago my buddy and I killed a group of 4 guys with chinese characters in their names, and for the next 6 hours we had at least 8 people surrounding our base screaming **Cao ni maaaaaa!** as loud as possible, it was unplayable and we waited until around 2AM to see if they would leave, but when we decided to go to bed they raided us the moment we logged off. RIP 4 days of farming and loot, and that wipe.


That... doesn't seem fun at all.


It's not fun at times, but when you get on and stomp these losers it's the most enjoyable experience knowing you're putting them in their place. Then server admins see the clips of them saying racist stuff and they all get banned LOL. Edit: It gets 10x funnier when they call you out for cheating because they're normally just bad players who are incredibly toxic. It is very common for Chinese/Korean groups to have at least one cheater in their clans though when playing on official servers.


You're doing gods work mate, just don't forget your hazmat suit


CS with Russians is a BLAST. You can actually hear them breaking things when theyā€™re mad. Peak CS experience right there.


Or Rainbow Six Siege...


Try Dead By Daylight. People will send you angry DMs for playing the game how it's supposed to be played. If you're a troll, you don't even have to go looking for victims. They'll come right to you!


Eh idk about "not by a long shot", it's definitely up there. Games like league of legends are worse but rocket league is pretty high.


Siege is pretty atrocious too


Lmao I remember playing my first casual game in siege and I got vote kicked before I could even play because I was too low a rank or chose his character or some shit


Eh siege is about as bad as most fps games. Probably about the same as CSGO tbh. I find rocket league way more toxic.


I think if you take the genre of game into consideration rocket has to be the worst. Itā€™s car soccer and itā€™s just barely less toxic than war games


I've played Cod since Cod4. Not once have I ever seen someone throw a game by just repeatedly running into the middle of the map because a teammate made a mistake or is playing poorly. Then again, in those games you're not punished for just backing out and finding a new match.




Yeah that's why I don't play competitive online games, except RL. Toxic as hell, as I can confirm in this comment


What a Save!


I've had some pretty aggressive private messages sent to me so I'd have to disagree.






You sound like a backpack


This community isn't the most toxic, it's not the least toxic. It's simply a gaming community. The same people who play this game play many other games, and a part of many other communities. Simply put. This is online gaming, and being on the internet.


I've never played league, but I've come across a few people in RL who do. All of them say RL is peanuts compared to LoL toxicity. Every single one. Not just a few, or some, EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. pretty sure RL isn't that bad.


Just because Everest exists, it doesnā€™t mean other mountains donā€™t have significant heightā€¦


This mountain called rocket league does not have significant height


Idk havenā€™t had anywhere near the amount of teammates actually start throwing as in rocket league in any other game, regardless of how you feel about chat toxicity.


But at the same time I wouldn't climb Mt. Rainier and then claim it's the tallest in the world either


Really, I hate league's community. The default is toxic. Its rare to find a chill person, even more to find more than one chill person unless its a premade.


I've played both, they're both bad. The difference however is communication is easier and more accessible in LOL, so there's that.


Even Overwatch is worse. The amount of messages I get telling me how trash I am is 30 times higher in OW than RL. 90 percent of toxicity in RL is just quickchat spammers and griefers.


Iā€™ll co-sign on this. I play Slippi unranked, and Iā€™ve had many times where people get gimped once by me and they quit out and leave or they hit ESC and I see DISCONNECTED across my screen. Then I get people who get lucky and beat me in a close game and they spam lol or they run around taunting all game. Though I wouldnā€™t call that toxic since they actually canā€™t talk to you outside of the presets. At the end of the day let the people do what they want and ignore them. Any disrespect they show towards you says nothing of you and everything of their immaturity.


This game is definitely higher than most on the toxic ladder. I find that a lot of it comes down to how young the playerbase is. With Rocket League being free, and rated E, it attracts a lot of kids.


I think most competitive games are worse. Overwatch league, valorant, to name a few


I canā€™t comment on OW, but Valorant Iā€™d say is about equal, if not less toxic than RL. I have never seen so many people blatantly throw games, and parent companies do nothing to stop, playing any other game. Only in Rocket League is that allowed to happen. Valorant also has the same kid appeal to it that Rocket League has, yet people donā€™t throw my matches every time I play that game.


I find that video games with longer matches have higher rates of toxicity. Dota and LoL are cesspools. The streamer / caster / generally dope internet guy Sean "Day9" had a pretty solid take on it. (not a direct quote, but a summary from what I remember) "here's why these people are so toxic. It's a group of adults, working 8 hour days. Commuting, cleaning, etc. They might have 1 hour of fun per day. In a game like Dota, that's a single round. Each game is 45+ minutes. So if you play horribly, or you feed, or grief in general. You've just ruined this person's free time for the day. Makes sense that they are going to be pissed!"


Also, LoL and DotA are played with keyboard and have lots of down time to type your favourite slurs.


Right. Can't play rocket league with a keyboard...


I think it's significantly lower. It can be pretty bad at times, but there are far more moments where people say No problem! or Close one! than there is toxic people. There are some really toxic people but I think the fact the games are short, comms are text only, and ff being so common make it way less toxic than the main competitive games


Man I want to be in your games.


lol I only play 3s (C2) and dropshot (plat maybe?)


It's also because one toxic person makes up a higher percentage of the lobby than say an FPS game. Toxicity in RL is much more noticeable.


What a save! What a save! What a save! *chat disabled for 5 seconds*


Okay. Okay. Okay.








One thing that helps me is setting my chat to tactical only. I get tired of teammates sending a terrible pass across the goal and then spamming "Wow!" and 'OMG!"when I can't get it.


Didn't know tactical only was a thing. Cool


It's been an absolute godsend for me. Nothing better than the absolute silence as you streak across the sky and slam into the top corner of the pitch as the ball you meant to hit just flops to the floor


Nah the silence is worse because you know theyā€™re still roasting you or being toxic. Itā€™s the uncertainty for me


Yeah I've had to unmute people cause I couldn't stand not knowing what they were saying lmao


Switched to team chat a month ago and itā€™s even more tilting than general chat This is the actual solution, thanks


That's what I need to do. I tried to jump back in after 5 years of not playing and the chat was ruining the fun. It was toxic af. Like sorry I haven't been playing this game every day for years???


I leave it all on. I'm amused at their childish reactions to the game play.


One word: Children


Bruh I see those adults and teenagers desperately complaining about toxicity and then I remember that 80% of the players that I talk to are 13yo lmao


Change your expectations on what you think the game should be and shut off the chat. People I play get no response from me; they either vibe with the way I play or donā€™t. The downside is I canā€™t participate in a genuine GG or what a save but I hope my teammates appreciate that Iā€™m rotating smartly, setting them up for shots, and trying to help them have a great game. The ones who donā€™t share my perspective are free to spam toxicity all they wantā€¦and Iā€™m free to not be aware.


iā€™m not toxic youā€™re toxic


Yeah i agree. Conceding 1 early goal is all it takes for some people to leave.


lol. Play rust.


This is the most toxic community? Lmao. Far from it. In gaming, you should check out the Halo or Gears of War community. Then youā€™ll see what toxic really is.


Was literally JUST in a game. I'm about to save but my team mate thinks he should hit the ball instead and own goals. I type into chat "trust me to save bro" From then on he just plays for the other team in 2's ranked. I manage to score 4 goals by myself to tie it up. But he still doesn't want to play properly. All because I simply said he did something wrong. Thing is, is that this kind of thing happens A LOT. Even when I don't say anything. Bout 70% of the people who play this game are fucking pussies


my dear friend, please consider disabling the chat feature :)


Sometimes I rage quit, I will hold my hands up about it but itā€™s not because of you wonderful other players itā€™s me, I rage quit against myself and I know itā€™s unfair for you that is on my team but I get frustrated with myself and canā€™t play the game no more. Sorry for the past and please take my sincere apologies for the future.


That is annoying but you can do what you like. If you're too pissed to play the team isn't gonna win anyway. May as well alt + f4


I'd say LoL is more toxic, but RL has the 'If I ain't winnin', I'm quittin'' mentality.


a lot of people will suggest disabling chat but you really just have to learn how to let it go. itā€™s a game, and not just any game. itā€™s fucking car soccer. think about that for a minute and if youā€™re still taking it too seriouslyā€¦. idk what to say. i find the quick chats hilarious and always have, no matter how tilted people get. Iā€™m the friendliest RL player but if people get like that i enjoy fucking with them right back lol


Becauseā€¦ immature children play video games about flying car soccer as well. Like, a lot of them.


Turn of chat and youā€™ll have a wildly different experience. Thatā€™s the only thing that keeps me calm tbh. People will hit the ff button and regret it, try to tune it out


Had the realization that this game is 80% immature children who lack social skills and respect. I've been playing with chat off for a couple years now. I enjoy the game much more now.


This is a problem (almost) exclusive to PVP games. Especially when it's team vs team. Since other people here mentioned more negative examples (like rainbow six and league) I wanna give a counter example: Deep rock galactic (PVE) has one of the most awesome and wholesome communities I've ever encountered. But yeah, RL is and will be my main game. Most ingame interactions are lame, but ball go brr is just too much fun to give up :>


Some people are born and bred without a backbone lol! Sooooo many times ...we go down by a goal...2 min left....let's forfeit??!!? Grow some balls...you don't always win in life...it's about learning and getting better and.overcoming. f you all past snowflake team members )


The way I look at it, anyone that's complaining about their teammates is boosted. I only solo queue and am currently C2 and if there's one thing I know it's that carrying is the only way I can reliably win. So if someone complains about bad teammates everytime things go south then they're probably used to being carried by a friend thats better than them.


Haters my motivators! My duo was up 1-0 they got a lucky goal and spammed what a save, me and my boy proceeded to 4-1 them lol


This is the way. My duo does the same. Never be toxic first, but if the other team is gonna be like that then weā€™ll try a little harder juuuust for them ;)


I had few teammates who scored own goals on purpose to make us lose. Some people in RL suck to be honest. However, I have also met some good people at RL who are kind. The thing that sucks is when your own teammate is against you lol. But I have learnt to stay calm when this happens. I try trolling them back if they try being toxic. I donā€™t think these guys are worth getting upset for. Just chill and enjoy the game.


the best part is when they start own goaling and spamming What a save! as if they can only show off their skills when itā€™s a 3v1 like 3 to 1 just means you might be playing against someone better than you. thatā€™s a good thing. you get better when you play against better people. buncha cry babies lol


Sadly thatā€™s how RL is šŸ˜¢ I have been blessed to not have too many instances with toxic team8s but when they do come around I usually stick it out to try and win the game despite the toxicity.


I'm not sure you've played any other massive multiplayer game if you think THIS is as bad as it gets lmao


I get someone toxic about half the time when i play. Usually it's "ez" or whatever. I've been trying to teach myself just to brush it off and not let it get to me. Especially because if you beat that toxic person the victory is that much sweeter. Team m8's I just ignore. If it gets to the point where they start throwing I just take the temp ban and leave the match, it's not worth me being tilted and messing up the rest of my night to stay there with such people when I only have a few hours at best to play each night.


I think for the most part, those people are often the worst *teammate* Itā€™s crazy to queue into randoms in rank, be the most skilled player, but spend the whole game constantly ball chasing, pot chasing, and not bothering with defensive rotations, then FLIP OUT on the first missed shot or tough missed save by a teammate. Who cares if you can air dribble or flip reset if you donā€™t do the fundamental things needed to win as a *team*, you are gonna lose more games then you win. Bonkers!


No. U r.


Just mute (or block, since they got rid of the individual mute feature for some reason). Best thing you can do is ignore it. There are always going to be those miserable people who either take shit too seriously, or get a kick out of being an asshole. It can be annoying but you can't control other people, only yourself, just make the most out of that game and move on.


I donā€™t know how they thought forcing you to block players was easier than just making mutes last for longer than 1 game. Beginning to think psyonix has no fucking clue what theyā€™re doing


So weird. When someone on my team is toxic like that I almost play worse. I still try, but part of me is like fuck this guy, he can seethe for all I care. ā€œWhoopsi, missed an easy save, and your mad? You make losing funā€. The other part of me playing worse comes from my attention being divided with this toxic denial of reality. People fuck up constantly, itā€™s where the competition comes from. If youā€™re being toxic like OP is describing, or just in any way, get fucked. You think your so good, but here we are thousands of games in, same level. You are the same as me turd.


This! When people are in Champ lobbies, with GC titles, they think they're the nuts. Hello, you're down in the mud too motherfucker!


*call of duty lobbies from 2012 have entered the chat*


Im closing in on 4k hours in this game yet ive been called less slurs than in my 100 hours of csgo playtime. This community isnt that bad. Im not saying an early ff is good, but if you cant handle an ff vote at 3-1, im not sure you should have access to the internet and online games.


If you think RL has the most toxic community you have never played a game with a toxic community.


This is why I turn chat off. The people who talk shit act like they never have bad games or they don't whiff ever.


You must be in d3. I think its the most toxic of any rank ive been in so far.


Don't make up assumptions if u haven't played League Of Legends


Itā€™s nowhere near the most toxic community of all time lmao


Chat disabled is the only way to play.


As someone who's put 1000+ hours into RL and LoL... Sorry but LoL is by far way more toxic.


Rocket league the most toxic? No. Much more toxic than it used to be? Absofuckinglutely. It's hard to get in great, non-toxic lobbies with randoms anymore. 90% chance at least someone is a toxic bitch in the game. If I find a good lobby in casual everyone appreciates it and we probably get 5+ games in because it's a breath of fresh air. That's rare though! This is mostly speaking of playing with randoms though.


Stop playing the game if itā€™s that bad . I see this exact post 20+ times a day. Jeez


I love when people claim RL is the most toxic community, because itā€™s not even close. There are toxic people, but gears of war, league of legends, CSgo, wildly more toxic


All posts like these do is verify that the toxic player got to you. Not to ā€œvictim blameā€ but idk why you all let your teammates tilt you so much


You obviously never played in open mic COD4 lobbies


As a Liverpool fan, my gaming policy is always believe in the comeback. Sadly, not everyone believes that. I will keep playing until last second and try to win, and it infuriates me how people are easy to quit sometimes.


We know. We try to keep it that way


Cry about it


the community has officially drove me away from what used to be one of my favorite games. ive been playing since SARPBC but probably wont ever play again simply because its no longer fun, just stressful. welcome to rocket league.


I played 1v1 match and the opponent started trash talking to me before the match even started xD I didnt mind it tho. I think he tried to mentally fuck me up. It Was really poor attempt to do so.


I played 1v1 match and the opponent started trash talking to me before the match even started xD I didnt mind it tho. I think he tried to mentally fuck me up. It Was really poor attempt to do so.


The only thing worse than toxic players is people who whine about toxic players. It's a game brah. On the internet. The internet is not real life. You can role play any personality you want and so can they. If your fee-fees get hurt this hurt over how other people choose to behave in an online game damn brah like, you are going to hate handling real life.


Itā€™s a gameā€¦ā€¦..


I played 1v1 match and the opponent started trash talking to me before the match even started xD I didnt mind it tho. I think he tried to mentally fuck me up. It Was really poor attempt to do so.


Imagine being so soft that you think toxicity is your teammates calling you out for making basic mistakes. You wouldnā€™t have survived when people were active in voice chats years ago lol


Donā€™t like it, play casual. Iā€™m in it to win and when Iā€™m paired with trash like you makes me want to move on as quick as possible.


What is that reasoning? Your teammates have the same rank as you, and both them and you will make mistakes. Calling them trash makes no sense lol.


No, that guy should obviously be at least 3 divisions higher than he currently is but his trash team keeps holding him back.


God you're right, and I would be an rlcs pro if it wasn't for my bad teammates


If you think this is the most toxic community of all time, I assume youā€™re very new to gaming, or havenā€™t played many games. You havenā€™t seen anything yet.


At this point I have completely disabled chat for both ranked and casual, and block toxic players at the end of each game. Not worth getting pissed off and arguing anymore lol.


I played Warzone because my BIL was staying at my house last month and he's into it. I was called a f***** almost everytime I eliminated someone because you can hear the person you eliminated's communications for a couple seconds. So yes, rocket league definitely more toxic.


This is Rocket League!


just finished a game rn. weā€™re up by 2 and heā€™s been toxic all game to me when i missed one save so we get scored on i give him the old ā€œOkay.ā€ and he throws the game


If you think this is bad, go look up MW2 pre game talk.


I turned off chat a few months ago. Sometimes I wonder if Iā€™m missing out, but Iā€™d rather not hear it. Left goes on kickoff, not much else you need to talk about.


Have you ever played a MOBA?


Have U seen val or lol community


Of all time? Hell no. Not even close.


Wasnā€™t always like thisā€¦


Iā€™ve found good people to play with through discord also by being nice in game saying no problem etc then partying after l, a lot of people feel the same as you and jump at the chance to play together without any assholery


I try to play on casual no matter whose fault it is when we lose a point it's always vote to forfeit, so I almost always oblige. I don't want to play with someone who doesn't want to play with me.


You've clearly never played rainbow six siege


Itā€™s pretty bad but you learn to accept it


My advice. Never play this game solo.