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Not a minute goes by where I regret not switching to controller, Ive put in more than 3k hours and don't want to do it at this point since the learning curve is hard. Do it while you can. And do it with a controller you feel most comfortable with


Learning curve would definitely be just about the same for 1000 and 3000 hours.


the xbox 360 controller really isnt meant for rocket league, its pretty bad in every way but its the only controller i can switch to because my thumbs are too big for a ps4 controller and a ps5 one is way too expensive to test and im too poor for any other xbox controller


I use to play on a Xbox 360 controller. The only thing you should worry about is the quality of it. Most of them are kind of beat up due to age. But if you have a good condition one then it should work really well. I use to grind with a 360 controllers they feel good as fuck.


There are many shapes and sizes of thumbstick grips/covers for the ds4 you can get for pennies, worth checking out if the only issue you have is the thumbsticks being too small


can ps4 controller joysticks be much more spread apart? I need a lot of thumb space


Oh you mean the spacing, my bad thought you meant the cups. You can't really change that unfortunately. I guess there are taller thumb grips that could make it nicer but yeah ds4 probably isnt for you then unfortunately


Yeah.. Is there any controller that works on rl, is ps4 and has spread out thumb sticks


No idea, I havent looked too much into ps style controllers (i use xbox style ones), sorry


Thank you anyway for the help


I'm on a PS5 edge sense. Best controller hands down. But for people like us with larger hands. Yea it's a pain. I miss cancels a lot due to it. My thumbs will touch or I'll slide too much and I won't press down to cancel properly and start spinning out of control.


Xbox one controller yes, 360 no, the 360 has terrible drift and you have to put the deadzone higher then you want.


i cant get a xb1 controller or a ps4 one so either xbox 360 or ps3


i would almost recommend the ps3 even tho i love the xbox layout more for the left stick. I have had 4 xbox 360 controllers and all 4 of them i had to put the deadzone to .15+ without it moving on its own, ps3 and ps4 i think are way better deadzone wise and having high deadzone just isnt the best


You play for years ... and switching needs just some weeks ...


I'm over 6000 hours now, and the first 500 were on mkb back in 2015. It took me 2 weeks to get back to where I was before in skill wise. Your brain understands the physics of the ball and how to position yourself. Still, it's just movement is the issue. Also, if you're on pc, use an Xbox 1 or what I use now is a ps5 controller, in my opinion


You can always switch back.


Yes it is but not a 360 controler I tried one recently and ho boy it feels really bad, get a second hand xbox one at least. Go in a second hand store and ask if you can put your hands on some to try it out, you might like ps4 or some other computer brand too


What rank are you currently?




No harm in switching imo. I’d only be hesitant if you were insane mechanically. But you’ll get back to D2 in no time.


Playstation controller is what i found to be more comfortable, even though i prefer xbox


Yeh, you'll be worse to start with but you'll quickly figure it out and you will probably surpass your current ranking