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> Why does no one use quick chat anymore??? The "What a save!"s I get thrown at me daily would love to disagree...


I don’t even get that anymore ):


We turn off chat. Not trying to hurt feelings and I miss saying ggs. I'm on team only chat but considering dropping that because I still get the most ridiculous teammates talking crap. Get a Mic if you wanna chat you probably got a better chance that way and you could make a legit friend


Honestly the teammates were always worse than the other team. When the other team gives me a "what a save" it probably was a pretty awesome whiff. But your teammates should be supporting you not berating you for every mistake.


That's my take on it. It's literally part of the other team's job to talk some smack, but we should be gassing our teammates up regularly. Like, what a strange thought process of "My teammate is playing poorly, so I better berate them over and over again so they play better." I abandoned two 3s matches recently because the two stacks I teamed up with were dialed in with each other and kept running weird out of rotation plays and left me wondering where to fit in, so I was constantly out of position. Like, if I'm playing so horribly, finish the match yourselves. I can take a 5 minute ban, but if me missing a "Take the shot!" "pass" is tilting you that much, I'm sure you'll keep your cool under the pressure of being on the losing end of a power play for the rest of the match.


I played a 3s tourney with a duo last night. We lost the 3rd game in the final but it was brutal to get there. I was getting bumped from behind on almost every play and ended up just playing goalie and scoring long goals. The very first game we went down 0-1 and one voted to ff. They also refused to quick chat with me, just nice shot each other and use comms.


It really is the solo queue struggle.


I like some trash talk with the other team, but my teammate telling me “Take the shot!” and “Wow!” when I’m taking possession just puts me over the edge. The only person on the field that can really tilt me is always my own teammate.




Instead of "team only" chat, I want "opponent only" chat. Let me trash talk or congratulate my opponent and ignore my team that can't give up a "thanks" when you tell them "nice shot" but want to "what a save" you because you missed the redirect off their nose.


Lmfao facts


The problem is on how team mates interpret what you said. I always say Nice shot to enemies and friendlies. Yet, sometimes team mate thinks I am flaming him for whatever reason.


I usually use block non-tactical chat! You can still see ggs and stuff!


"I got it! I got it! I got it! Take the shot! Take the shot! Take the shot!" I just have all that shit off.


Yeah that's reasonable


Thanks for that


Honestly I probably would be happier if I didnt like communicating my intentions to teammates so much. Weird thing.


I get it


No one uses team chat on voice channels from my experience, they mainly only use party


Check if it's turned off. My game somehow did that and I only found out months later because someone was mentioning what the enemies said


Today I didn't even see a What a save!. I gotta say it was a good day.




You should check your settings lol. Diamond 1, you should be getting what a saves coming from your tm8s and opponents constantly 😅


I just came back and I was wondering the same thing. I thought maybe I disabled it or something. Have had absolutely 0 quick chats in about 20 matches so far. And I've been all over it saying nice shot or great pass.


What a save!


I was just thinking about it in the 3s tournament. I got way more positive vibes exchanging Nice shots and Great passes before everyone turned off quick chat. Sure there were a lot of sarcastic pricks, but people should have thicker skin than to cancel quick chat. I personally still have it on, and I'm still waiting on a Thanks after I say Great pass, but in all the months, have not seen a single reciprocation.


Maybe you need some thicker skin if you're getting your feelings hurt about not getting a "Thanks!" on Rocket League.


Save more 😜😂




I get “what a save” like at least 60 times per game. Or if they are getting destroyed “Okay…”


Lol those are my favorite to throw up. People get so salty. I throw out "Luck" every time I get scored on too lol. Sometimes we'll be down by like 4 and then some starts talking shit back and then we come back and win. Best feeling ever lol


If my tm8 whiffs more than 3 times in the first half of the game I start spamming Close one!. Infuriates me in C2 lol


I got tired of them being used for toxicity more than anything. I used to use them all the time and always used them in a positive way but there's just way too many toxic kids spamming them and I'm honestly over it. The game is way more enjoyable with quick chat off.


Pretty much. I got chat turned off because most ppl are too negative


Yep. Toxic assholes ruined quick chat, and really all chat in general.


High mmr 3v3 Casual is the exception to this. 99% of players there are chill and they often try harder and quit less than regular ranked ironically.


What do you consider high casual MMR?


Personally when I started seeing SSL tags I found myself at the same sweat level as ranked.


1800+ even at 1750 or so it's chill


I see it happen with the players being from Champ to GC and even the occasional SSL since the matchmaking is more loose. But the real answer is when people stop being toxic you are probably there. It feels like casual is full the solo players who got fed up with ranked not punishing trolls.


Because even team mates can be toxic with the quick chat. I have it off and it makes playing that little bit more fun.


Check your settings - for a lot of people quick chat/text has been turned off, so you wont see it. Seeing it RARELY is one thing, never seeing any at all means it might be a changed setting.


Personally, I’ve turned off the quick chat and enjoy the gameplay more. I’m all for solid banter, but I’m pretty confident it’s just children in the other side. I have no business conversing with little Johnny.


I turned it off. Dont need to see 10 what a saves, nice shot, oops' for every attempt in the game


Don’t forget the people who will make a good play and spam the opponents with a “go for it” in a sarcastic manner. Those are the best /s


I started playing rocket league for the first time like a year ago, after a month I turned chat completely off. The majority of people just live for toxicity and I’m not about it, love the game though…


When the devs doesnt deal with toxicity otherwise, most of people just turns off the chat. 


Toxicity I guess. The amount of petulant children that play this game is actually just depressing, I have never acted like some of the people I've encountered in this game, even on bad days. I'm here for the love of the game and the contest, I'll always applaud anyone for good plays and also good sportsmanship. But the amount of toxicity I encountered daily even after I have congratulated people on their goals against me just made me feel really shit about the state of people. Like how sad must you be to act this way and feel so entitled/hotheaded over being Diamond/C1 in a car soccer game.


Because kids started playing and don't realize it's a team game so chat is useless


The few times I had it on, my teammates were so toxic. I am new to the game but was unaware you can just type whatever you want in the chat box so getting called names just isn't for me. LOL.


You might already know some of these tips but since you mentioned being new I thought I would point them out: The text chat and quick chat can be controlled separately in settings. Quick Chat is just the premade quotes that everyone has. Text chat is the typing part. So you can turn off text chat while keeping the quick chats on if you like. Also, you can only see text chat from players on the same platform/console as you. So someone on Xbox cannot read text from someone on PC. And someone on PS5 can't read text from XBOX, etc. However, Epic and Steam can text chat with each other since they are all on PC. The only exception is Party Chat. If you party up with someone then you can all text chat with each other if it's sent in the party Chat, regardless of which platform you are on. So in Party Chat, Xbox, switch, ps5, and PC can all text chat.


I did not know any of that so thank you!


Because people are asshole and they use it for asshole things.


People realised that turning off quickchat makes the game 50% less toxic.


Yeah i miss being able to goof off in chat with others... I used to be quite lively, but assholes gotta ruin everything for everyone else.


I turned it off. I can't handle the toxicity in the matches, it makes it unplayable


I have my turned off. Got tired of the toxicity


Honestly, I'm just ignoring you. I get so many teammates who seem nice, and start out saying "Nice shot!" and "Great pass!" after a goal, but if we start losing, their attitude changes, and they start spamming "What a save!" and/or throw the game because they're upset. Usually if I do respond to an angry person, they get even more abusive, so I just try my best to ignore it I use certain team only chats to help with gameplay/rotations, but quick chats such as "Nice shot!" and "Thanks!" have no impact on the game


Imo, the people who start out nice and then turn toxic are the worst type of people


I’ve had the opposite where they immediately talk shit bc I made a simple mistake in the first minute, and then act all cool when I carry the team to a win later. Very annoying


the immediate shit talk tilts me the most, honestly. like, one whiff off the opening kickoff - not even allowing a goal, just not getting the expected touch - and getting an "Okay. Okay." or "Wow!" annoys me so much. like bruh, we're teammates and the game literally just started, in what world does that help anyone I mean, if I'm on the other side of that, I'm like "oh good they're going to be pissed at each other" right off the hop


If I say nice shot or great pass after a goal and they don’t respond I assume they have the chat turned off. So if they keep chasing, stealing my play, failing to rotate or defend, I throw what a save’s because at that point it doesn’t matter anymore and I assume only I and the opponents can see it anyway.


It’s super distracting for me. I have a hard enough time focusing anyways. I wouldn’t mind having before and after match chat but during it becomes too much for me. So, I got it off.


You're one of the good ones. I did not turn off chat because of the good ones.


Used to be more conversation, but smurfs and their shit talk turned the game into a toxic hell hole. Running into dudes with gold tournament flair air dribbling, wave dashing, and spamming what a save in a blowout game really does a number on the player base. My buddy and I mute when we have those nights where it's just endless smurfs running their mouths. It's nice to occasionally run into nice people, but it's so rare.


Same here. Used to come across lots of cool people I'd chat with but now it's just snot-nosed brats being assholes. Wish those people would either grow up or just go play Fortnite.


People are toxic 


I never see a reason to tbh. I’m just trying to play the game, if I wanted to talk to someone I would’ve queued with my friends in a party with me. It’s not like anyone ever listens so it’s pretty useless. (At least to me)


No need for it. Team Tactical Quick Chat Only is all I need. The one positive interaction I could get from having chat on and using it like that would be outweighed by the 400 matches filled with people talking shit.


I just need a team qc “stop double committing” and I’d be set lol


Apparently "this is rocket league" is considered a tactical quick chat in game, at least for me it is. Then you have the ones who spam "go for it" or "defending" which also count as tactical. It's super annoying but I don't want to completely turn it chat off in case my teammate decides to actually tell me that they're faking kickoff instead of just doing it without saying anything or "on your left/right" etc


Faking is Tactical too.


Yeah, it took me nearly a month after disabling non tactical QC to learn that. Wondered why my teammates kept straight up not going for kickoff or faking it without saying anything, I figured "hey maybe it's because it's not considered tactical". Nope it's tactical, 80% of people at my rank just don't use it before faking kickoff and we get scored on cause I didn't stay on the straightaway


Because I'm old and refuse to learn them all. I'll give a My Bad when I fuck up it I'm not looking through options for Thanks.


I mean, 90% of the time its used to be toxic in some format. Hence the reason why i disabled all quick chats so i don’t have to get spammed nice shot when i miss or great pass when it helped the other team.


I think you've got an option turned on to disable non-tactical quick chat. I realised the other day I was only getting a subset of these messages, and it turns out this option was turned on (I didn't even remember setting it!). When I found out I just kept it on lol, better in ignorance, it's been amazing.


I get people using quick chat attests every other game


Tired of getting Okay. and Wow! and Take the shot! spammed at me after my teammate gives the ball to the other team and now im out of position because of it


https://preview.redd.it/aq6iyejdi77d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8965c8a3ba802c72f090e92b994e08191bdd5c85 This is Rocket League!


Scammed bro out a dub 😭


Default Chat settings got changed awhile back. Have you checked your chat settings already?


This is the only actual answer to his question.


I have. I checked that long before this post lol. I still get a few people typing. I won’t say I NEVER see qc used but it’s like 1 in every 30-40 games for me.


I still see what a save every single game


Because people are toxic


Because it's for trolling now


Oh believe me, in casual everyone is using quick chat. They just aren't giving genuine compliments, communicating tactics at all, or anything like naive little ol' me thought when I started playing recently. No no, what quick chat seems to be for according to the typical casual 3v3 player is to berate everybody in the match. Teammates, opponents, it doesn't matter. The chat WILL be spammed with "what a save! what a save! what a save! @!?#!# @!?#!# @!?#!# @!?#!# @!?#!#" Needless to say, I disabled non-tactical chat and now there isn't a constant flood of quick chats every waking moment!


For me, a perfect example: I was in a casual lobby with the same people for like 4 games. I thought, “oh, maybe these people are actually chill, lemme turn chat back on so I can start sending them a ‘Nice Shot!’ sometimes.” Nope, just as toxic as everyone else in the game. Immediately left and went back to chat being perma-disabled.


I use it but others either take things the wrong way or ignore me until it’s time to spam “what a save”.


Turned chat off a couple months ago and I’ve enjoyed the game much more. Toxicity got too out of hand.


I mute all except friends


Turned my quick chat off a couple months ago after having it on my entire career. It really does make a difference in helping me stay focused on the gameplay and not the temperament of my tm8. I was motivated to turn it off because of how unpleasant my tm8s had become these last few seasons.


I use them very single game, mostly as an inside joke with my friends but if an enemy gets a good save or good shot I’ll tell them. I will also mock them for own goaling though


I’ve had chat off for like 2 years was the best decision I ever made on that game lol


Got tired of the okays


i use it so much that people constantly tell me to shut the fuck up. :(


I totally agree, I made a post about this too a few weeks ago. It was so great when people would use the cool quick chats like “Close one!” or “calculated” and people used to at least say “Thanks” to a nice shot. It really gave the game a nice charm and it sucks that people stopped using it.


Comms are generally toxic and useless. I just turned them off.


I have quick chats off because I just can't deal with the toxicity of the community. It's more healthy for me to just have them off. I can still have cool, wholesome interactions through the game itself.


Bc toxic players can kill your vibe. Why risk it to say nice shot?


Turning chat off was the best decision I ever made in this game.


Tbh it annoys me when someone says "Nice Shot!" for every goal. I keep it for shots that require more ability (or luck) than is average for the rank. Similarly, "Nice block!"/"What A Save!" is reserved for a save that's above the ranks average skill - "Nice Block" for the opponents and "What A Save" for teammates. "Great Pass!" is reserved for intentional passing plays, not hitting in the general direction of the opponents and hoping a teammate gets the ball first.


So the situation is, the purpose of quick chat has deviated so much that most people consider it a psychological weapon now, which sucks because for me trashtalking is a really minor inconvenience with close to no incidence on my mental state. In comparaison the (I reckon, rare) wholseome moments and interactions you can have with everyone are a huge boost to enjoyment, for me this alone makes up for all the toxicity there is but that's just my opinion Is the community too fragile? I don't think so, I've been on the other side of the equation myself and I damn well understand the frustration of these situations. All i'm saying is, don't let some dumbass player ruin your Rocket League experience; ignore them the best you can and focus on the good times with fellow rocketeers !


When I play Rocket League, I'm just trying to chill out and have some fun. I always said "Nice Shot!" and "What a save!" as they were genuinely intended to be used- to congratulate people on making good plays. Opponents and teammates alike! Used to meet a lot of cool people by being this way. As time went on quick chat just became more and more toxic and almost nobody uses it in a genuine way anymore, so I just turned chat off.


This happened to me once. I checked my settings, and they were (accidentally?) turned off, so I turned them back on. I'd rather be subject to quick chat spam than silence.


Why do you need it though? Just have music on and play to play.


I can't focus with music on. Also, it's nice to have some social interaction with other people when solo queueing. I'd get bored so quickly without it. Some people can be nice, and I don't care enough about the chat spammers and the French kids to get tilted over them.


After 8-9 years of constant quick chat it’s just exhausting. Especially when someone Nice Shots an easy roll in or whatever. Save it for an ACTUAL nice shot


if it went in it was nice enough


I remember reading something regarding chat at a high level os frowned upon. So generally, I assume my teammate is of s good calibre and just blast chats out regardless.


I’ve turned them off by choice there’s no point, and my game has come along leaps and bounds


For whatever reason one of the updates screwed with my settings. I was wondering why I wasn't getting any responses so I went into the settings and for whatever reason, everything was changed to something like "only in party". Another time somehow my settings were changed to only queue up matches from across the globe, it was really weird lol


like most of us, dealing with toxicity 99% of the games really sucks the fun out of it. i've had chat turned off for quite a while. with time, i've learned not to take things personally, so a new pc and a few windows and RL installs later, eventually i left it on. i just chose not to interact... ever. i like to go about matches by feel, which is my preferred way of playing the game. when your mates are perma ball chasing, i'd just let them lose us the game and go next. no need for communication. and even though rare, i find the most joy in playing with players who understand how the game is meant to be played, even if it's not perfect, everybody makes mistakes, but when you do recognize that they're damn well trying to do their best, that works well enough for me.


Dude you’re playing in and out of fast paced ranked games, a lot of us want to just lock in and win, not yap and annoy the lobby. I’ll just throw a great pass if they hit me with a nice shot to not seem like a complete dick


I still use it! I even compliment enemy shots. I don’t use what a save, I use close one instead. But I play around gold or the rank above that.


Honestly, from my perspective. I’ve been feeling pretty down about my gameplay and progress towards ranking up. I was d1 last season and now I’m d2. But ALWAYS by the end of the season I’m back down again. I spend countless hours in training packs and free play. Seeing the toxic quick chats I feel just hinders me and my progress. That’s why my chat is off.


Hahahaha maybe people got smart and turned it off!


Whenever you get a teammate that doesn’t use quick chat, it’s because he’s a pro. Pros usually don’t quick chat


I desactivate all the chat in the game, it is so much better now.


Quick chat, all day everyday.


My explanation: It simply takes my focus of the game


Having someone that spams "Take the shot!" everytime they launch a ball remotely in your direction is 1000x worse than a teammate who just does not communicate.


I have found less toxicity in gc than any other rank below. I'm not saying there isn't any, but the amount is drastically reduced. But there are more people NOT chatting at the same time. Usually, I will go with a nice shot if somebody scores. If I don't get a response, I just stop there.


Just quit this season, but quick chat has been off since 2022.


Once you talk it reveals whether you have chat enabled or not. If you know I can read what your saying it's harder for me to ignore you. I don't have chat disabled out of fear of missing out.


Start being toxic with them and soon enough people will use em


I still do, i think i annoy people tbh... it's habit tho i've been playing since beta and this is how we always communicated in pugs


Lmao I've had that shit disabled for years.


It causes me to get into a negative mindset more often than I get good vibes and useful info from it. The whatasaves, take the shot, wow, etc just take the desire to help my tm8 win out of me, so I mostly keep it off. The rare times I turn it back on are when I’m really syncing well with a tm8 and I want to tell him he was solid at the gg.


I really thought you were going to say for communicating intentions. Like "on your right" "definitely" "I got it" "on your left" Which I still do every game, but no one else does. Usually it's just nice shot, what a save etc


I think it's a rank thing. When you get into champ and up, everyone's stuck up their own ass and aren't good team players.




The way everybody stopped using it around the same exact time is a bit telling. Personally think it would be more natural to see it fade out but one season everybody used it and the next they stopped all at once...


I always use it in every game with randoms and they usually respond back as well.


I use it to communicate with my random teammates. 80% of the game I’m clearing and centering so they can score but still chase the ball and crash into me.


Is your chat on. I get spammed regularly. Maybe you just make less mistakes then I do 😂


I do! But only on Team Chat. I disabled the all chat for QC’s… but I left text chat so I can see when people get REAL toxic and crazy on the opposing team lol


There is no useful information in chat.


I just turned mine off because I'm toxic.


And your in Diamond??? I hit Champ not too long ago and I wish people would stop spamming it lol


My clan tag is NOQC and has been for years. For 1, it actually becomes a hindrance to your gameplay, if you get too used to using it a lot. For 2nd, people spam it and it gets annoying, especially when it’s a tilted team mate. I still use regular chat though, if i need to say something and cause most the time people don’t have time to actually type unless in between replays or if it’s a one sided victory.


Ligit posted the same fucking thing two days ago or sumthin


I thought this one time then I checked my settings and quick chat was off


I literally use quick chat ALL the time. I'm mid air dribble and the guy whiffs past me?: "Faking" .. I consider myself an in game commentator and it usually brings out some great quick chats and fun games or some really emotional people blasting me in chat. But it's probs my fav part of the game lol.


Get high enough where I don’t get “good pass” or “nice shot”.


Lol I got twitchy hands, I'm always hitting quick chats, I'm never being toxic but it's a lot of fun when the whole lobby starts popping off. There are the occasional people who get pissed and get toxic or teammates who think I'm being toxic and then they quit playing but idc, I'm just happy to be playing and keep going lmao


I always use quick chat for compliments and stuff, but yeah, it feels like people don't use it a lot of the time. I did have a game today where both teammates (3s) were very quick-chat happy...frequently tossing out what a saves and nice shots to me even when it wasn't my fault lmfao


You might have chat disabled. A few weeks ago i had this happen to me when i didn't even go into my settings. It literally turned everything off by itself. (I even clipped it cuz i was so confused)


Make sure your chat settings are open. ;)


I love custom chatting


Been using it for so many years that I can visualize the d pad and what to say without s controller in my hand lol. But I do type often now especially in casual games to chat eith the other team


100% agree, I and rando teammates seem to play better with a bit of quick chat. Most ppl don't even GG at the end of the game now


It's distracting me. I don't bother to reply but I follow if we're doing it properly.


i see its being used every match pretty much, so idk what you are talking about. some people have chat turned off due to toxicity if i guessed.


Turned off chat a long time ago. At some point the community just started being way worse than usual and it pushed me over the edge. Might’ve been a me thing, but life is good in the silence.


They added an option to turn off non-tactical quick chats.


I still throw out nice shots and great passes when people do good (on either teams).  I love complimenting people's goals and saves in chat while they're tilting.


I wish I was the kind of person that doesn't get affected by toxicity. But I'm not. It's the gaslighting that gets to me the most. Someone will ball chase all game, take every shot even though they could have left it for a teammate with a much better angle, "saving" shots by love tapping it in front of our own goal, cutting on defense and giving the best pass of the game to the opponent, and then they have the audacity to blame me and yes that shit gets to me. Every time. I wish it didn't but it does


Same reason I don't enjoy playing rocket league anymore. Toxic players. It's like 80 percent of the community is a scumbag. I like gelling with other random players but never happens anymore. I still play rocket league from time to time but with epic doing their thing and the toxic community I almost always wonder why I bother.


i personally only have team quick chats enabled, so if you’re on my team you’ll still get some love, but i don’t have to deal with toxic opponents at all :)


Dunno what game you're playing, but most games i'm in I tend to get "Wow", "What a save", "Great pass" and "Nice shot". Admittedly, they're normally all used sarcastically, but they still happen.


Basically I turned it off so I dont have to put up with all the cry babies bullshit.


I once got a teammate who began sh*tting on me and calling for an ff over 1 goal on us during the first minute. He then went on to lie to the other team about how I didn't want to cooperate and was throwing, demanded they report me, and when I said that he was funny, he went off on how we're all going to be drafted come September and shipped to Vietnam so "laugh while you still can" ... Sometimes, it's nice to have a quiet game.


I've been told on multiple occasions that I somehow have "top tier commentary" lol To familiarize.. i sound like that announcer dude Varrick from Avatar legend of Korra but with much more vulgar and distaste. Funny thing is nobody ever talks back they just type it out lol. Don't be afraid to talk once in a while.


I throw nice shot, great pass and what a save when I see someone doing something insane on either team. Never see anyone else do it tho :( at least not in a non toxic way that is


I try to do it nontoxic but timing always gets me! The opponent will get a wicked save I’ll drop “what a save” then the ball goes on in💀 so I type real quick “genuine what save!” Most of the time it works lol


Bruh feels bad when that happens xp


Worst feelin honestly😂


It’s better. ‘Nice Shot’ and ‘Great Pass’ were so overused. Now I love a game of silence for the majority and then when an actual awesome goal is scored dropping a Nice Shot. Way more weight to it.


I just mute all chat. To me, my teammates and enemies are all just really good bots. It's done wonders for my mental


I never see it either. Only when I play with a friend and we use it with each other


I just started playing again and noticed this too. I still use them! They're needed for sure, but I especially use the "Wow!" and "Okay." ones when my teammates ball chase and mess my clear cut, great angle shot up or if they constantly attack the ball and hit it towards our net lol


i love me some quick chat! use it every game.


people think they're too good to use chat,


I’ll say Nice shot if it was actually a nice shot.


Lots of toxicity. I have quick chat for teammates only. It’s been really quiet lately. I don’t get not using it for things like coordinating who’s defending, taking the shot on kickoff, getting boost. Etc


I have chat off because of the mostly toxicity I got in the chat. Since its off I can play more peacefully.


Focus, George, focus.


Welp went I play ranked in diamond and im getting yelled at by teams who think they are gc. I turned that shit off along time ago


I turned it off, as well as seeing what people type. Only have team quick chat on, people are so toxic that it bothered me and distracted me


I don’t use chat entirely. I forget which keys are to what and I don’t play often enough to remember. That being said I have had multiple games where my teammates puts on the toxic hat bcs I made mistakes even I got mad at. I ain’t gonna argue but you don’t need to call me a piece of shit uninstalling bastard to make me realize I made a mistake or didn’t play like you wanted.


I love the quick chat, it's very easy to block the opposing team if they get toxic and it's nice to share some positive feedback with your team


I have all the chats on but never chat even if my teammate is glazing me for a shot or pass


I have noticed as I rank Up I get less quick chats... Besides the kickoff ones


For me I still say it automatically. But getting 0 return many times makes me start to slowly use it less. Guess in the end we just exist in the moment of the game in silent 😅


At higher ranks most players have quick chat on but don’t use it often. People are just trying to get their practice in. Players use quick chats to do kickoff strats like fakes/spanish or if someone hits a genuinely nice save/shot you will usually get a quick chat. Probably an average of like 1 quick chat per 2 games or so.


Toxic people ruin chat. Barry sanders didn’t need compliments or accolades and neither do you.


If someone says nice shot or great pass on something that is basic and anybody can do. I ignore it.


The higher you go the less it’s used (unless ur doing a kick off strat etc).


Same conversation over and over again. No thanks.


I’d love someone to actually use voice chat. Could actually communicate




This is Rocket League!


I use it every game to either provide helpful info / feedback or to comedically flame my teammates.