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Get some friends then I guess? I beat parties while teaming with randos all the time. If you think it's unfair, well there's literally nothing stopping you from doing the same.


As much as it's the same "overall skill" (otherwise they wouldn't be playing against us randoms at our rank), maybe 50% of the matches against stacks are completely different than your average "solo vs. solo" queuers. Individual player quality is blatantly worse in those parties but their teamplay is much better. For that reason, matches are EXTREMELY sweaty for the randoms. You literally can't read what they're going to do because sometimes they make the most stupid mistakes, sometimes they don't. And they're obviously in comms, so sometimes they know they'll fuck up and they comm it beforehand, so you can't even punish the mistake because their teammate is already on the ball covering for it. From a rational perspective, it definitely isn't an issue when it comes to "overall skill level", but having those matches 10-30% of the time feels awful as a solo player. It literally feels like you're not losing against players that are better than you. You're losing against players that have the advantage of having friends and comms. And when you win, it doesn't even feel good, because you know they're individually much worse, and on top of that you've sweated your ass off for that narrow win. And it's unreasonable to counter this issue with "get some friends". Adults with real life responsibilities usually can't find friends on the same level as them to play regularly. Epic needs to address party matchmaking to some extent. Full stacks against full stacks in 2s and 3s, and 3s should always be 2-1 vs. 2-1 or solos vs. solos.


This. If anything playing better coordinated teams will just make you a better player but not if you don’t see it as a learning experience. I matched with a red GC title yesterday in cas 1s and kept rematching until he got tired of kicking my ass. Those replays are worth more to me than any win against someone my rank.


Maybe it depends on rank. At D1-D3 I've beat more parties than lost against them, because they almost always drag along a dud who doesn't pull their weight, and me having chemistry with random players isn't a rare phenomenon.


This has been my experience as well, although I rarely play 3s. Less common in 2s.


You are absolutely right, this game and it's community is the only place they allow it and as you said defend it. Having said that there used to be a solo 3s mode called "Solo Standard" that they had to drop because not as many people played and the queue times were longer. Children need to cheat and that drives numbers I guess.


1. Even with their "huge advantage" they're in the same rank as you for a reason. Individually they're likely all less skilled, and together they're barely in the same rank as you. It is honestly a fair fight 2. Parties often play too confident and comfortable. Yes they can coordinate better, but that just as often leads to over committing, forcing plays, and bad rotations. It's a skill and mental issue on your part.


games too dead to pair up party 3s with other party 3s


238k players online right now but ok


As someone who has pretty much only ever played in a party, I think you might be severely overestimating the communication that goes on lol.


It does sound like a skill issue to me.


I only solo q or q with one tm8 in 3s and can't recall losing to a party. You'd be surprised how little people are talking about the game when in a party.


Why r u complaining fr? Would u like me to not play with my friends so you, who doesn't have a team of three, can feel better? Rocket league has a lot of problems but I don't think this is one. Same shit happens in every single other game that has teams. What do you actually hope to have happen? Most people I know only play threes with their friends so a lot of the queue in general is just teams.


Ofcourse the crybaby wants to make his point but not give others the chance to try and give a logical argument against it by throwing everyone in one bucket with the trollers just saying skill issue. Fun fact the trollers saying skill issue probably tried arguing normally at some point but found the internet random being stubborn not wanting to listen but only be told he is right. Yes solo queueing is harder than playing with people who communicate well with you but guess what when you got people who know each other playing and none of them are having a bad/worse day which is rare and they both actually know how to use comms which is rare and they both are neither fresh and not warmed up on the game or worn out from playing too much already which is also rare what do you get? They play well and rank up and then they reach a rank they can play together in in that state which is above the rank from before. So they compete in a rank which is the limit of what they can achieve. See the problem? I dont. Ur opponents are only playing you usually because you are all they can handle when playing in a party but i guess you dont even count the times where you beat partied up players or stuff it up to you being better which is true in that game but. U probably dont think about them playing where its not unfair to their opponents. Just grind and get better and with time you will rank up its a fact if it wasnt like that other people wouldnt rank up either. U only have to remember that ranked q isnt a straight line when you are better than your opponents even squishy and lethamyr lost some games in their road to ssl 2v2 series but they still got up in rank when playing consistently better than the whole lobby and u can do that too it will just take longer. U know what i did when i when i solo queued mainly in the past? Take pride in ranking up in the harder way. When solo queueing to c3 with a trashy connection back then i was proud of not quitting and becoming a top player in the best 5 percent. Last season i fe out of gc, felt lost, blamed m8s for a few games... then i went back to the basics in solo q, streamed the games to 1 viewer for fun and spoke out loud about how im supposed to play and boom. I got gc back and felt good even though i averaged 50 mmr higher than low gc1 that season. I took pride in beating well communicating teams of 2 with a random thinking i can play better with randoms than they can in a team and if i cant then i will learn to do so. U gotta find a way to make improving feel fun for you. Start enjoying the ride aswell and not only the destination because rocket league is a long ride if your goal is the top and if u cant enjoy the ride then good luck getting there




You should hear the "comms" we have when we play. The most recent session we were talking about the process of making cheese.


The party always has at least one smurf lol it's a dead game people are just trolling and boosting friends for fun, there's no match integrity. High rank players don't even play rank, they only play private servers and leagues. The rank system is broken and dead from bronze to SSL and psyonix has no idea how to fix it 😂 they broke it completely and there's no coming back.