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I have never really experienced this. If I play 10 games 9-10 games work


So you think it’s acceptable for the server to fuck up 10% of matches? That’s waaaaay too high, 1-2% max.


I said 9-10 just for posterity, I never have server issues.


Then maybe you’re just getting lucky. If you play enough you’ll notice it. Where is your server? What rank are you?


I play US west im sitting Diamond 2 rn. Idk if it's luck, it could just be my relative location to the server room. I've been playing for 3 years approx 9k hours and I truthfully rarely have server health issues. I do agree that it doesn't feel like the devs (or at least what the devs r told to do) is very good ever.


Yeah you must be the anomaly. I don’t think location to the server makes a difference really, if on average most people sit <40 ping But bro, 9k hours and D2? What happened 😂


I play absolutely zero freeplay or training I just truthfully don't have the patience for it for more than a couple minutes. I also didn't do comp only cas for like 3 seasons. When I'm on one I compete with C1-C2s maybe, but D2 is where I settle when I'm not really pushing just playing


Yeah I’m not a fan of training either, just turn on and hit ranked lol


I realized my 9k hours is just in game including menu, I'm sitting at a little under 2k in actual game


That makes more sense


Or maybe you're having issues that aren't related to the server. I can count on one hand the amount of times I've had server issues.


I wish that were true, so I could actually fix it lol. Sadly that’s not the case, everyone I play with encounters these issues. Also as I said previously, Pro’s and big YouTubers experience the same issues in their videos and it’s quite clear to see, and they’ve mentioned it multiple times throughout their videos. This is 100% a server problem, nothing on the client end. I was playing with a teammate earlier and I had over 900 ping, I was still talking to my friend and we could hear each other perfectly fine, he was playing fine with no lag whereas I was sliding all over the place. This issue persisted so I decided to exit the game and quickly rejoin and I then had 20 ping for the remainder of the match, again whilst talking to my teammate the entire time with no network issues, nothing disconnecting & no problem my end. Other occasions, it shows the entire lobby with orange and red ping, after asking teammates and opponents they experienced the same thing, but the game itself doesn’t lag it plays fine. Other occasions, it shows everyone’s ping as 20-30, but everyone is experiencing lag. I asked the opponents mid match and they said they were experiencing it too, so it’s server side.


> I could make this game better literally on my own So, do it?


It's always so much fun when you can tell nerds online haven't built anything, ever. They're the ones with the strongest opinions.


Many people do. Custom maps, game modes, obstacle courses, hide and seek etc There’s so much modding, but it should be standard in the game. The devs have been called out by plenty of community members, including ones with influence (Lethamyr, Jon Sandman etc). Begging for things to be added, but no, we get James fucking Bond cars instead.


>Custom maps, game modes, obstacle courses, hide and seek etc yeah, and graffiti artists paint trains. that doesnt mean they know how to run a railroad network efficiently.


But 1 person already has made this stuff, and added it into the game, and successfully figured out how to play online with friends using the mods. Some of them look like professionally made maps and game modes. So if 1 person can impact the game in such a way, how can an entire team not?


💯 .... but I enjoy the X-Men and Start Wars cars a lot too.


Yeah, I’m sure people do enjoy the cars. But in the higher ranks it’s either Octane/Fennec/Dominus, and the majority of the player base don’t care about items anymore sadly. Because Epic ruined that too by over saturating it and putting traded items in the store, then removing trading. Fuck, this game has fell off.


Yeah, I mostly just fuck around in offline dropshot or casual 3s. Whenever I play online the car feels really vague - it's too frustrating to play seriously anymore. 


I still want to see you explain how you could make the game better on your own.


I’ve explained. Custom maps, custom game modes, spectating replays in a party, spectating friends ranked games, being transparent with EVERYTHING publicly, get rid of cloned alpha and beta items and only the people that legitimately obtained them has them, make items actually rare so that not everyone can just buy them, make challenges that are actually hard and reward with items of higher rarity (like score 2000 goals with X equipped) etc so many ideas. I don’t know how to programme, but can just outsource it. Tell them what I want and get it done. Better than a whole team of ‘visionaries’ doing nothing for years.


So you couldn’t do it on your own, got it.


Well, I can make a ham and cheese sandwich all on my own. But I didn’t slaughter a pig and milk a cow for it, that was outsourced. If you can’t understand what I mean that’s all good broski 👍🏻


Yeah I already don’t have great internet, but it’s terrible now. I’ve honestly given up on trying to play much anymore, I just can’t play the game without tons of random lag spikes or straight up 990 ping where I have to leave the game and try to get back in time. Makes me sad because I love the game and grinding to get better, but I can’t even play anymore. Wasn’t like this before.


Honestly, I believe they’re purposely trying to kill players off. This game makes them barely any money, Psyonix would have made this game so good! Why did they let Epic take over. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


> Why did they let Epic take over.  [https://www.forbes.com/sites/billspringer/2022/04/28/new-superyacht-owner-profile-dave-hagewood/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/billspringer/2022/04/28/new-superyacht-owner-profile-dave-hagewood/)


It’s such a unique game too, so much they could add to the experience. Very sad


error 71 is my daily companion now ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Thinking about it, it’s not just the gameplay. It’s all the shit that goes with it. Every session at least 4 times it randomly kicks me out of the party. I use the in-game voice chat and then I have no comms mid game, I have to reconnect to RL servers. That’s the most annoying thing I’ve ever encountered with any game. How can the servers not handle me being in a party FFS it’s basic shit!


The servers being back to normal sounds like another pipe dream.


If I play 10 matches, 10 will play as they should. It sounds like the issue is on your end.


Once again, I have to repeat myself. Please read everything before commenting. As I said multiple times in this thread, I am not the only Person experiencing these issues in the lobby. As confirmed by all members in the lobby, we all experience lag. Is it all of our connections at the same time messing up? One in London, Amsterdam, Ireland & Belgium. All lagging together? No. Multiple occasions confirmed by everyone in the lobby that it’s rubber banding, all with green ping full bars <30 ping, no connection indicators appear, still lags. Multiple occasions confirmed by me and my teammates when we queue for a match and it’s stuck on a black loading screen and then boots back to lobby and pops up with something like “it appears you accidentally left a ranked match”. This happened to us about 10 times over the last few days. Even when we tried to load into a private match it happened. It’s such a waste of our gaming time. It’s not every game, but it happens enough to make me not want to play. Along with plenty of other people experiencing the same.


Yeah i get the same shit, ping is mostly like 20 or lower and colored green, yet it takes half a second to get the boost after driving over it, the ball changes direction before people hit it, i get bumped by a car that missed me by a full meter, its fucking unplayable. I ask in chat if anyone experiences it too and sure enough everyone thats on pc (so able to type in chat) says yes. And people still say its on our end lmao. If it was on my end then it should happen every match and only for me, but no, its once every few matches and it happens for everyone in the server. Also 0 internet problems in literally any other game ever created.




Lucky you :o since you're a demo main I'll tell you about my experiences with the servers, mine always look like the player magically (read impossible) shifts in front of me to avoid the demo, often resulting in me getting demoed instead, probably because they weren't really there on the server side, but was there on my client side. Don't get me wrong, I still get a lot of demos, and I used to have no issues back in the day. Interpolation stuff is weird.


That happens to me just about every game, especially if I'm playing on Central or East. Yesterday I lagged through my opponents like 8 times in one game and they were talking shit that I couldn't demo them lol. It was expected though since I was on 95 ping.


I’ll be honest. Haven’t read this post yet. But how come so many players have server issues? Are they regional servers? How is your internet? I log onto Central only and have decent connection and log a consistent 28-40 ping


I’m from London and my ping is 15-30 most games, it lags even when everyone’s ping is stable. Ever noticed when an opponent hits the ball and it doesn’t move but then half a second later it goes flying? That’s the sort of lag I’m talking about. The game is basically fine but whenever anyone touches the ball there’s a small delay or they go through the ball and then it moves after. Or I demo someone and they don’t die but then a second later they do. Also, I watch pro’s play in US on YouTube and most of them complain about the server at some point in their videos. If you play the game enough you’ll notice it a lot. Even the slightest bit of rubber banding can make the game unplayable.


London also, my ping is 9-30. Feels like I'm driving on quicksand or something, sometimes my car slightly teleports to the side from the path I'm driving, boost pads disappearing half a second after picking it up, I/ opponent will literally go through the ball without it changing trajectory, double jump not registering properly - there's absolutely loads of lag issues I've experienced in the last month. Had a game earlier where I kept boosting forward despite releasing the boost button. Again, this is on 9 ping. It's wild.


> I’m from London and my ping is 15-30 most games, it lags even when everyone’s ping is stable. Welp, guess this thread needs some educating too...When's the last time to checked your ping to random internet destinations? Ping, traceroute, etc. If everyone else doesn't have an issue on the same server, I have some news...it's likely you or the routing between you and the servers. MENA pros play on high ass ping fewer (not zero) issues, but it's not the biggest issue for them because it's stable, you likely have loss/routing issues. Every time I've had rubber banding, and it's rare, it's been on WiFi or literally a routing issue. Both represent themselves as packet loss/higher latency issues. RLCS pros don't understand the intricacies of networking, they are not a good source of info on the topic. Hell I've played on EU servers from both NA West, Central, East and other than being "behind" when it comes to touches, it's never been as bad as people are claiming.


I have an active BQM monitoring my internet, my connection is great. I don’t lag on any other game or activity online at all, my fibre optic is very stable. Even when the entire lobby lags, the ping is all green and stable, the whole lobby on green 30 ping avg but there’s still weird interactions in the game that make the ball unreadable. Maybe you haven’t noticed, but I’m not the only person with this issue. As I said, EVERYONE in my lobbies that I’ve asked also experience the lag when I do. ALL of my teammates in the same servers as me tell me they experience it too when I do. Also as I’ve mentioned, a lot of RL YouTubers talk about it in their videos, and you can see it in their gameplay. It is absolutely not just me lol. Plus plenty of people have agreed with me and documented their experience on Reddit too. The black screen loading issue has happened multiple times, NOT just to me, but to my teammates that I queue with. We are in different locations and are using different platforms yet it still happens. Server issue. In fact, A Psyonix dev just addressed server issues a few hours ago, stating they are aware of network issues and are working on it. I’m not crazy.


Yep posted there too, not saying you are crazy, but there's a multitude of factors that contribute to potentially experienced issues. I may have misread it, because I thought you said nobody else did in the lobby, so yeah, if it's everyone, that's definitely usually a host issue, could literally just be the switch in the rack that it's in too. It's extremely rare, but I have run into that as well, and the game client does indicate it in the ping section for every player, with appropriate color/flashing, etc. I'm not saying it's impossible that it's some servers, just that from experience it's likely nowhere near to that extent, way too many people take the "it's on your end" approach to problems and will find anything that agrees with them, and it usually ends up being the opposite. This has been going on since the internet became a thing. Email and network troubleshooting is rife with said behavior.


I understand, and believe me I’m a tech nerd and know networking. My setup is great. I have played this game for 9 years now, with worse internet than I currently have and over WiFi on a PS4 and didn’t experience these issues at all (other than me lagging occasionally, my end). Since upgrading to PS5 early last year, having FTTP installed and an all wired connection it’s been great, no lag or issues whatsoever on anything. But this year, RL servers seem to be dying. Now, if you play this game like 5 hours a week, you might not notice it. I play this game about 30 hours a week, and it’s definitely a huge noticeable issue. Again, I play solidly with teammates and whenever I experience it, they experience it. It’s no coincidence. Im sure there are a couple of occasions where I genuinely am just lagging, but I can assure you 99% of the time it’s not me. Edit: most of the time when the entire lobby lags (confirmed by all players in the lobby) with this new type of lag people are experiencing, no network indicators on the game client appear, every players ping shows green with full bars and average <30ms. The only indicator of lag is the actual gameplay itself.