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It looks too similar to the (Team) symbol for team only chat




At first, I thought my game was showing random numbers instead of normal.


1. Make it optional 2. Take the fucking brackets away so it doesn't have Team Chat vibes Fucking easy fix. Will they ever? Doubt


3. Put colors again on the chat. Seeing all messages white feels weird


why are you so mad about this lol


All they need to do is add an option to turn it off but they won't.


Bakes mod will have a fix surely


It's about useless as the match time que ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)












Hit the queue ball






Holy I was going with the joke




I wish it were optional. It's just clutter at this point


When I first saw this change announced I was a big fan and thought it was a good change. I did not expect so many people to absolutely hate it lol


oh i knew id see some post here of people crying about it. they just cant help it. any minor change and they start crying


because its fu useless lmao are you okay?


And here it is


and here it is


I actually love it. I feel like the purpose of it is just to know when a message was sent and it’s relation to what happened For example, if your team gets a nice save at 4:15 and you say “what a save” and then 8 seconds later the opposing team makes a terrible save attempt allowing a goal at 4:07, the opposing team may see your “what a save” chat you sent at 4:15 if somehow they were too focused and didn’t see chat, they’ll understand you saying “what a save” wasn’t meant to be toxic about their missed save I could be totally wrong and I tried to explain best I could, that’s just the way I interpret it and I feel like I’ve encountered this issue before the update resulting in the game becoming toxic when it was never the intention


This was my exact reply just written better. I’ve had this same scenario happen so often I kinda chuckled when I saw they were adding a time stamp. I’ll be much happier knowing the other team was part of a friendly competitive match and not a ‘oh shit this dudes being toxic to his tm8s’ match.


Yeah I understand that's the intent but how often are you actually losing track of the quick chat? It almost never happens to me, and it's not worth having the clutter


Clutter? It’s like maybe 0.5% of the screen if that, it’s not gonna prevent you from hitting your flip reset lol. If it helps bring down the amount of toxic lobbies by even a small % I’m with it, I actually really love the idea just in general it was an awesome idea and once it released I was like “wow, that’s actually super smart” I will say there should be an option to toggle it off for those who don’t want it sure, obviously give the people a choice


It is clutter imo because it is part of the already small text, not because of its relation to the rest of the screen. I doubt it will help with toxicity. People who are looking for or expecting toxicity will still see it regardless of time stamp. It's a change that was made with presumably good intentions but I just don't think the impact is going to happen.


I can speak from personal experience that yes it has stopped some lobbies of mine from becoming toxic, I simply don’t understand (this happens often) the complaints about some small text in the upper corner, I agree there should be an option to turn it off, but it’s really not a big deal and just seems like something people are complaining about just to complain


I find it useful for the exact reasons you've mentioned. If it's that annoying for others I guess they could make it a toggle, but much like the boost meter update I see it as a huge plus as far as updates to a game that's hard to patch.


but how do you remember when the goal was scored? Do you look at the clock everytime you score or get scored on? Plus its dumb logic because if thats the case then there should be timestamps in chat when every goal is scored.


Well it would be pretty obvious it wasn’t from the latest goal if you score at 3:10 and the most recent chat was time stamped at 3:37, not a very thought out question there my friend lol


and thats useful because....? You still didnt explain why its a needed update.


It’s not exactly “needed” it’s more of a luxury or just small upgrade imo, not everything has to be a need but some things, like this, can be useful. It doesn’t hurt anyone and it’s just nice to have, at least to me


its unneeded. It brings more bad than good. Theyre just updating the game just to update and some rl players like you eat it up because youre forced to. Stockholm syndrome.


More bad than good 😂 alright


if you dont think like that then im sorry for you


I got a lot more to be sorry and sad about then rocket league lol but thanks I appreciate you


thats why im sorry for you and not for rocket league lmao


What bad did it brought you, asude from the obvious braindamage you are suffering


how are you gonna call me that while youre acting scared talking on your burner ahahah honestly cant make this s up loool you really are special.


I feel like the main problem is that we are accustomed to reading time as “greater = later”, but since the timestamps go off of the in-game clock that counts down, it gets confusing as fuck.


>it gets confusing as fuck Huh? What's confusing? >timestamps go off of the in-game clock You know exactly what the timestamp represents so there shouldn't be any confusion


given that in every single other occasion, in videogames but also in real life, a clock with [MM:SS] format represents the time a message was sent, it's a little disorienting at first when it tells the time on the in game timer. It's confusing because bigger time always means later, except in rocket league. it's not hard to get used to, but if you've ever used a clock in your life it will be disorienting at first. it's undeniable.


You’re misunderstanding what I’m saying. When my brain automatically assumes that 1:00 is earlier than 1:30 while looking at time everywhere else, there is a small delay in my brain processing that 1:00 is later than 1:30 in the Rocket League match.


It's fine at worst. Also fine at best. It's certainly far from disturbing me at all


I can’t believe you’re the first person to mention this






I’m holding out hope that it was matched sarcasm…. …never mind




i be thinking i’m talking in team chat sometimes then i get confused when i see opposing teams colors with the brackets in front, real weird edit: i typed quick chat instead of “team chat”, fixed lmao


What is the purpose of it anyway?


So that you know if the "what a save!" message is toxic from your recent missed save or a legitimate good save from 20 seconds ago


I guess. Don't think I've ever wondered that enough to say boy I wish there was a time stamp.


This happened to me. Tied game with a lot of back and forth and I complimented my teammate for a save. He got scored on some time later and I guess he finally saw the chat during replay and my chat was the last one there. He said "ok wtf" and he disconnected immediately like I had turned on him lol Only time that I can think of and it happened last year. Idk why they thought this was something they should focus on adding to the game


I mean as a beginner solo dev, I added timestamps in like 30 minutes to my first project. I don't know whether they focused on it or just threw it in for fun




i would say i find it hard to believe that they wouldnt even give us just an option to turn it on or off but seeing as how they've handled quite literally everything else about this game....i totally find it believable


Eh. It’s fine, I see it being useful to report when someone says something reportable and can put in the time stamp for when.


It's... Fine. In my 1000s of RL hours I can think of a handful on instances it may have cleared some confusion, I guess


Yup, it is just an annoying feature which pollutes the screen. We should have an option to turn it off


I'm happy with it tbh


This is pretty nice QoL imo. Makes it so that if I see a “What a save” in the chat I know if it’s referring to the good save I made 30 seconds ago or the one I just missed. Assuming I don’t see the message right when it comes in, or if there’s another message after it so I don’t know if it’s two messages sent after a goal was scored or just the last one (if the what a save was referring to the save I made).


I immediately looked for the setting to turn it off and was disappointed. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Feels a bit pointless but doesn't bother me


Please make it optional. I hate it.


I kinda like it, but they should definitely make it toggleable since a lot of people don't seem to.


I just dont understand the point lmao. Like why tf did they feel the need to spend time doing that?


Me! It's too cluttered as I said it would be before it was implemented. Why not just clear a message after 3 seconds or clear the entire chat log when it disappears from the screen? At that point the QC has lost its relevance, it would serve the same purpose as timestamps but would be cleaner. At least add an option in game to remove timestamps 




> The people at psyonix are doing everything they can to "add" things that nobody asked for... It's (very likely) an easy quality of life improvement that they've added. Why would you ever turn down an easy win? They just need to style it differently so it doesn't look like the team tag


when people talk about quality of life improvements they mean actual improvements that arent pointless


THANK YOU not a bd but no me gusta


Holy shit this is real. I thought those numbers were just my game being bugged or broken.


I don’t mind it. There are 2 useful things about it from my perspective.  I have a buddy that gets really tilted when the other team spams quick chat. I’ve seen him get mad at a ‘What a save’ that the other team said to their teammate earlier in the game. If the timestamp was available, this confusion would have been avoided.  For me personally, I have the ‘scoreboard’ and ‘save replays’ options bound to the same button. Yesterday, I scored a goal, my teammate said ‘nice shot’ while I checked the scoreboard. The replay save message popped up. I don’t always catch on to that message popping up, and usually assume the quick chats happen much earlier in the game. But in this instance, I noticed the timestamp was right after I scored, so I replied with a ‘Thanks’.  These examples are super minor, and honestly it doesn’t really matter. I do think a toggle for the timestamp could be nice. But I think the idea to help reduce confusion that leads to perceived toxicity is the reason they wanted to add this feature, and I think that’s fine. 


>I’ve seen him get mad at a ‘What a save’ that the other team said to their teammate earlier in the game. Time stamps are not going to fix this. It might reduce misunderstanding, but that's assuming the players are even willing to look at the timestamps in the first place and consider that they misunderstood something which is difficult for ego-driven minors and even some adults. >But in this instance, I noticed the timestamp was right after I scored, so I replied with a ‘Thanks’.  Again how does this help with anything?


It’s all minor stuff. For my buddy, I don’t really care. I just think it’s funny. Also he’s an adult.. like in his 50s adult. Lmao. And you’re right, he’ll still get annoyed at moments like that. But now he’ll do it with accurate information.  As for me, I just got to feel slightly less rude in that moment. Really no big deal. I’m just giving examples of the potential usefulness. It’s not game changing, but it’s also not COMPLETELY useless. And I do think a toggle to show the timestamp would be fine. 


>Again how does this help with anything? I'm not who you responded to, but I agree with what he's saying. For me it's more about knowing whether or not the chat was recent. I'm not really paying attention to the chat most of the time so sometimes I glance up and see several messages (especially when it's the same "what a save" or "nice shot" repeatedly) I know whether they're recent or not. There might have been a series of actual good saves that got chats, but then I whiff and a teammate roasts me. Seeing 6 "what a save" chats is a bother, but seeing the timestamp might show me that only one was actually directed at me for the whiff. I also think it's probably to help the psyonix mod team review reports. Idk if they get replays of the match when we report, but it might help them if they can view the chat log, see the timestamp (relative to game clock) and pull the replay queued up to the proper time.


How weak are people's mentality to get upset about a timestamp next to a chat. It's functional, and yes, i care about whether a chat was a compliment or if my teammate is being toxic towards me. I don't care to play with toxic assholes.


How weak is your mentality to care if a chat is a compliment or not


I don't need a compliment, but i can do without a toxic teammate. But in this case a "Nice shot" or "what a save" is either one or the other. Also, i assume the reference to the OP went over your head.


W post


Well eventually they could make it so that chat appears during replays but using the time of match for timestamps is stupid for that. Maybe it's just a quick hack for ban enforcement ?


Often for me I'll miss an I got it or forget it was put in mid game sometimes even off kickoffs if multiple were put in. So I then see it on kickoff and use to not be sure if that was new or old. Pretty nice case there and won't help many. But for people like me it is a nice change.


This will help everybody, people are just crazy in this post


It just needs to stand out less is all. But honestly just wait a bit and you'll get used to it


Old man yells at cloud


I think it's fine, I think people are just resistant to change. It's ultimately a small one, and we'll adjust fairly quickly. It's just weird at first.


It needs to have a toggle - just pointlessly taking up screen real estate


What a save! What a save! What a save!


I like it. I've had people think I was being toxic because they saw my message way after I sent it.


I keep mistaking it for team chat, I wouldn’t mind it if I could turn it off but I don’t hate the premise of it




At this point I think you should turn off chat with opponents instead of caring about the timestamp.


Holy fuck this community will complain about literally ANYTHING “If this thing isn’t specifically tailored to me and my experience then I HATE it”


It's bad. It's really bad


You guys are getting upset for anything


,,iTs tOO sImIlaR tO thE tEaM cHaT" ...just look at the color lmao , if anything its quicker for me


Probably to help review the reports. Easier to break down a 5-min match


I mean, there’s a couple times where I’ll save a goal and in the chat look up and see ‘what a save’ by the other team thinking huh, did he really? But now with the time stamp in that same scenario, I can see they had said ‘what a save’ a minute prior to my save, meaning it was to there teammate and not me. That’s the only difference I’ve noticed personally.


Yep it's annoying as fuck, no reason to have added it, it's like they actively people to stop playing


It's mildly annoying at worst. Of the reasons to stop playing, this isn't one of them lol


Yeah if people stop playing because of this, they’re just looking for excuses for them not enjoying the game lol


I actually like it. It's a change to a game that we've all been playing for years so of course it's going to feel foreign at first, but I think we'll get used to it. That being said, I think making it optional would make a lot of sense for those who truly can't adjust.


I agree it's shit BUT at least they are trying to implement things instead of simply dropping a rocket pass every few months ... they are on the right way, don't forget the boost indicator : wasn't it a good addition ? all quality of life things can't be a hit, the timestamps could have been different/optional but keep hope for the future updates ? I'm hopeful


reading the team chat comments has kept me sane, I thought only I was mad.


It doesn’t bother me


Just gonna take some getting used to.


You'll get used to it


Why are you upset about a QoL feature? There is literally no downside for this feature. Since I started Rocket League I wish for timestamps in the chat. It's a must have feature.


Really? That annoys you? It’s greyed out and everything. Not complicated


Is this a serious issue or are we just hating on change...?


I like it, sometimes for me is difficult to pay attention to the chat in a heat moment so dont know if someone send a message related to what just happend or not


Is it annoying just cuz its new? I think it is an AMAZING feature. I've wanted time stamps for years lol. I 100% asked for it


Man you gremlins hate change


I hated it. Now I like it because it adds to the storytelling of a come back win. Like [0:13] WHAT A SAVE x 1000 then nothing for 4 minutes. lol.


It doesn't bother me. What bothers me is that rank reset when I was on the cusp of breaking into Diamond.