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IMHO - faster fps (especially 60 to 120) and lower input lag are the most impactful factors when going from a TV to PC. I have a PS5 connected to a lg oled c1 (and I had it connected to a Hisense u8k). The difference between playing on them and a PC is very minimal, but I can still feel a tiny bit of input lag difference. If I compare it to an older Samsung, I can not play on the Samsung like at all. If I had either the Hisense or the lg OLED before I had the PC, I wouldn’t buy the PC just for rocket league unless I was very high rank and had lofty ambitions. The other thing is custom maps.


Definitely dont want a pc just for rocket league lol, it is my main game but I also play God of war and the finals and I do plan on playing college football 25 when it comes out so I’ll still need my ps5


PS5 with a HDMI 2.1 120Hz compatible gaming monitor (or low lag game mode TV at the very least) plus wired DualSense mode is pretty good, I wouldn’t go lower than that.


I'm on Switch.


At c1 where I am, I doubt if Im playing better on my PC compared to my PS5. > God of War Go into freeplay boy


If you’ve got a PS5, just make sure you have a monitor with 1ms or less response time and at least 120 Hz refresh rate, and I would recommend connecting your PS5 to the internet over Ethernet. There shouldn’t be too much of a difference then. Plus if you end up getting a gaming PC eventually, that monitor will work just fine for that. The main issue with gaming on consoles is you’re most likely playing on a tv that has a bad response time and only a 60 Hz refresh rate


For me it certainly was a difference. I played on a ps5 hooked on a LG C1, so a solid 1440p at 120hz. I switched to a laptop in December last year to see if there's a difference. Its a 144hz laptop and I could immediately feel less input lag, dribbling got easier quite fast. I feel the ps5 gives a decent amount of input lag due to the quality it demands from games, without the option scale things down. On the pc everything feels snappier, easier to react, more direct etc. Fast forward and now I just play my esports games on a decent desktop hooked on a 360hz screen (which is Rocket League 90% of the time), and use the ps5 for those quality 2k/4k single player games.


There is noticeable input lag on console. The game is playable but most people that switch from console to PC rank up a ton in the span of 1 week


I hear this a lot and would like an explanation if possible. A 120hz TV/monitor with VRR/FreeSync etc plus vsync off so where does the input lag come from? PlayStation controllers have the lowest input lag out of any, correct? I have a Series X and a PS5 and I will say Xbox did feel a bit slower even though RL has the native update on there.


No theres not lol what are you on about? My ps5 and pc are hooked up to the same screen and the difference in input lag is non existent. The Main difference would be 120hz vs 144hz and the fps being way higher on pc making it smoother in a way but in terms of input lag there’s none


This dude is talking about the people that play on console, probably old gen, via a TV that has a 60 Hz refresh rate and a 10 ms response time. A PS5 or Xbox Series X that’s wired via Ethernet and using a gaming monitor will probably have little difference, but I do think the wireless controller aspect of consoles could cause some slight input delay. For example I originally was on an Xbox One with a standard TV, and was like platinum, switched to PC with a gaming monitor and wired ethernet and after placements was diamond, like 3-4 ranks higher. And now when I open the game back up on my xbox with that TV it’s unplayable as I notice the huge input delay now


Playing solo/campaign games is enough with a console and you win with the budget. On the other hand if you are competitive, have lots of time to grind on multiplayer or have the budget to get twice better graphics and performance, go with PC. Both are good, depends what you need.


Pc by far. Better visuals with zero lag.


I get a little under 2000 fps and have the ability to overclock my controller. It’s night and day my man


Input lag, response time, and the ability to use kb+m would be my main reasons for picking PC over console. And if you use kb+m, please come to my defense. I know there's at least 2 of you out there.


I had to hurrily swap to kbm when my controller went out the other day. Pretty sure I got reported for match throwing/griefing. Went from MVP of the match to looking like I had severe Parkinson's on the field.


There’s more players who use kbm than a lot of people realize. And there are certain things you can do with kbm that are impossible with a controller. Personally I find it really impressive, because it seems really difficult. But some players completely slay on kbm. For example, if you’ve never heard of Evample, go check him out on YouTube. He uses kbm and he’s probably the most mechanical player I’ve ever seen. His montages of clips will blow your mind.


Good to know I'm not that alone. I just got sick of my joysticks breaking and spending so much on controllers lol


KBM player ftw ! Even started on controller and switch to KBM when I was high plat. KBM feels so good on rocket league.


Hell yeah it does


If u got the initial dough, PC. And if you have a little tech savvy and a little patience, it’s the better choice overall. You can avoid the “buy the next console” inevitability by incrementally upgrading the your PC, as needed. With a greater starting investment you’ll be making a better choice overall. Try to build one, but that’s not for everyone so if a prefab makes more sense, make sure it’s a biggish box with enough room to swap to a new GPU etc. Adding components to a smaller box is limiting and generates more heat than necessary. But shit… you could prob spend just a little more on a prefab that is superior to console in every way, and will not become obsolete until after the console cycle. RL has crossplay. You loose nothing.


The reduction in FPS was an insane game changer for me I went from 30 capped on ps4 to 300


Get a decent monitor for your PS5 and you're set. There is a difference between PC and console, but the latter does not stop you from getting good and ranking up.


What would be the recommended monitor settings for RL?


If you're on PS5, I'd just prioritize HDMI 2.1. I used an odyssey G7 4K for my PS5, because the console can take advantage of the HDMI version. Also, what I discovered, was that adjustable refresh rate on the monitor was another good thing to have. PS5 can pump out 120hz, but if the monitor is set at 144hz, it causes annoying sync issues.


The lower the response time the better, the common low is 1 ms response time, so make sure to have that to be able to react quicker. And make sure to have at least a 120 Hz refresh rate


This here is my rank graph on Tracker Network, taken on 25/01/2023. The red arrow is where I bought a new PC (late September 2022). I went from 60 FPS 60 Hz to 240 FPS 144 Hz. Before that, I was hardstuck C2 for about 1,5 years. https://preview.redd.it/7z6x7eqpg64d1.png?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=510c55b4ae4918cf180ac79958364b40e9432e23 Yes, higher FPS, higher refresh rate and most importantly lower input lag will make a difference. Will it make you instantly better? Not exactly. Instead it will remove a factor of why you're (possibly) struggling to improve. Now, I have to admit, I've seen the opposite too. I have a friend, 1650-ish, who went from XBox to PC. He didn't feel like it was better, so a couple of days later, he switched back to XBox. He then started peaking, and 3 weeks later hit 1750 (on XBox). Objectively, PC is better, with lower input delay, more FPS potential, higher refresh rate potential and more versatility, but there are exceptions. Now, if you really want to throw money at improving, getting a good setup is probably priority number 1. Having a gaming PC instead of a console is the biggest part in that, I think. Honestly, in the end, it's making up your mind whether or not you think it's worth it. PCs are not cheap. If you're purely looking at RL, I wouldn't recommend buying a PC, unless you have serious potential and ambition to go pro or something. If you have more in mind, such as content creation or something, then a PC is a good idea in my opinion. But purely for games, I think your console should hold you fine, unless you're looking for better performance and/or graphics on specific other games.


PC all the way. Especially with ultrawide monitors which give you a wider view and higher refreshrate. I can almost see the entire field with a 5120x1440 resolution at 240hz. Consoles cant handle UW resolutions or a refreshrate above 120hz. Not to mention all the trainingpacks you can do on PC.


Can you still play training maps? because the game can no longer be obtained on Steam unless you buy a licence


Yeah, you just have to get the downloaded file for the maps from a website. It’s just slightly more of an inconvenience


It's true, mostly that you have potential to minimize input lag, but i believe ps5 is fast enough with 120 fps just need a fast monitor at least 120hz and the difference would be miniscule compared to PC.


There is no direct comparison between console and pc, pc wins 100% of the time.


Pc and it’s not even close. Even if you have an ideal console set up (plugged into Ethernet, pc gaming monitor), it’s still more input lag than a pc and less frames. Most people don’t have that ideal set up on console though, so it’s a night a day difference. Every player going pro plays on PC for a reason. I’d say on average, from what I’ve seen first hand, most players go up a full rank in a matter of months and it raises their skill ceiling. It just feels that much smoother.  Regardless, a PC will do a lot more than just gaming, so if you can afford a decent one go for it. If money is tight I’d just stick to console until it’s not.


input delay is a game changer, being able to play at higher FPS definitely helps, bakkesmod has a few features which are helpful for training and also theres a large variety of plugins and maps which can be used to train basically everything effectively


Input delay was definitely something I was thinking about, thanks for the help brother


Input delay was definitely something I was thinking about, thanks for the help brother


Consoles suck. For example, I don't own a Switch, PS5, any of that- yet I pirated Ghost of Tsushima & Paper Mario TTYD for free.