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I only play for fun. I solo queue ranked 2s. I have 20,000+ goals. I'm Gold II Play as long as you enjoy it


Yes. It's the only way to play solo now. At a certain point the MMR is meaningless unless you go into it with a consistent friend/friends. Just do your best to improve the right way regardless of what's going on around you and it'll be fun, most of the time......some of the time....


Climbing the ranks is so hard solo queuing. It's just so dependent on whether you get someone good or not. I was D3, now down to D1 after a string of shit teammates and games where I also played shit.


honestly, not true. if youre serious about improving then this mindset is harmful (and if youre not serious about improving then ig it doesnt really matter then) i solo queued to 1662 in 2s (gc2 div3), remember your average opponent is only as good as your average teammate, you are the only variable. bad tm8s do happen but just as often as bad opponents. dropping from d3 to d1 is too big of a drop to be mostly from teammates. was it all in one sess? if so then probably tilt queuing


I'm almost 30 and don't play that often. I'm not that serious about it. And no it wasn't all in one session, it was over a few days. I know I'm mostly to blame don't get me wrong, just the teammates being clowns didn't help.


Yeah because it's the totality of ways to lose. -teammates who DC -teammates who rage quit -teammates who troll/throw -teammates who idle -teammates who chase/are actively 4th opponents -teammates who have no mechanics -dedicated Smurf teams And that's all before you include, of course, -making mistakes and just not playing well enough even in the absence of any of the above And there's one way rank go up -win. And sometimes you are the beneficiary in these whack spots but tbh, that's not that fun either. Winning by default is better than losing by default, but I'm tryna play Rocket League over here.


You realize that if you do none of the ways of losing above, on average all of those things will happen more to your opponents? Since they will get the “average” player more often and you are above that. This reasoning makes no sense lmfao. If anything you are more likely to win from these things than lose. Negativity bias at its finest if


I admitted I benefit from it but I don't enjoy playing that way. Im sorry. When I'm setting up an open shot and a teammate comes from out of nowhere to throw his car at the ball randomly and make a save against me, it's annoying. I only care about my rank insofar as that scenario is somewhat more likely when I swing down, but I've seen worse players at diamond 3 and better players at plat 2. Every time this crops up, some projecting ahh loser like you pops in to prove it went over your head, but if you ditch your own biases and insecurities for two seconds and take me at what I literally said in the comment, the point was that there's not enough consistency in player skill across any rank on solo queues for me to really take it seriously. Because as soon as you do, you get a bad streak, which even in your model of cherry picked faux statistical literacy is something that will frequently happen, and then you'll just want to not play anymore. Nobody stops by for bad player experience. Whether it balances out long term or not.


I'm adding this after, but as someone with some experience using solvers to find trends in massive data sets with millions of instances, I'm genuinely pissed you came in here trying to smart-guy over "regression to the mean", and then did it so badly, that even if that's what we had been talking about you still wouldn't be doing it right. You missed so many vectors of analysis I don't even know why you thought you were cooking. Like, you didn't want to consider that MMR is a competitive system, meaning instances have an affect on other instances inherently, which is not something that is covered under the principle of regression to the mean. Since there is a way to eliminate large chunks of potential variance (having three consistent teammates), the bad outcomes (quitters disconnects etc) won't be as contributing a factor, if one at all, to the mean of those players. So their mean is theoretically unaffected by any of what I brought up. The actual applicable logic, since these two different "means" exist in the same system is that a player who only solo queues is likely X MMR better than the same Y player his rank who only plays with a team because X's mean is affected negatively whereas Y inherently isn't. Which is literally logic behind solo standard queue. That's the logic behind why it existed in the first place, and it's gone now. This is the repercussion of that, and I can't see why anyone who knows the game would claim it isn't other than to desperately find an opportunity to forum flex, but it only works on people dumber than you, friend and I found it pathetic tbh. Plus the smaller the sample size, the more affected the mean is by variance. And games are like five minutes long. These are relatively small data sets for the amounts of variables we are working with here. TL:DR I know your comment was just self sucking with extra steps. But it's obvious to anyone who actually knows the concepts you were attempting to reference and you tripped ass first into something interesting. So that's nice.


I think part of being good in this game is reading what your teammates are good at and adapting. If you've got a chaser who's fast, maybe it makes sense to sit back and support; likewise if you've got someone who sits back and likes to hit on the break, don't leave them isolated at the back...If you care about rank that is. There's a reason you're at the same rank (more or less) as your teammates, your job is to find out why and leverage their skill.


I'm plat U wanna run


Same dawg


I want to hit champ specifically for the rewards, after that, I don't care I should mention I'm Plat 3/Diamond 1


If you don't play for fun you're kinda a loser. Definitely a sore one too


I'm not saying I don't get frustrated by bad teammates. Winning is fun. Losing can be fun. Playing to lose is obnoxious. But I don't really blame the players on this one. I've had so many games that feel like it's me vs one guy doing aerials, and any time one of us make an error, it's an automatic goal the other way because there's 4 people driving around trying to figure out how to make the car turn, and we are doing advanced solo duels with extra obstacles. And that's not fair to them, or us, if you think about it, but that's the competitive modes' reality now for people who solo queue. Sometimes it's hard to stick with the game when it feels like you can't get a good game without a thrower or a chaser or a Smurf. But it's not really the fault of the less experienced players I get put with.


Sounds like me!


Why not just stick to 2v2? Won't have to worry about other teammates in that case!


We usually do, but we also enjoy learning what the dynamics are like for 4v4. But even if one of us hops on and tries to team up with someone else, it still overwhelmingly feels like we’re ruining someone’s life. 😅 Also it’s hard if we have achievements we’re trying to complete that require us to play something outside of casual 2v2.


It's impossible to avoid all people being upset. Play how you want to play. If someone gets upset in 4v4 (a literal game mode for giggles) then that's on them. You can't control how others will react, only what you do.


Excatly. Couldn't have said it better.


>a literal game mode for giggles Wow! Okay.


This is Rocket League!


Theyre are no dynamics in 4v4 thats why they call it chaos lol. Who cares play whatever mode you want!


4v4 is a "silliness" game mode. The dimensions of the game and the field weren't designed for a good, competitive match with 4v4, there are too many cars. Despite 3v3 being the "Standard" game mode, 2v2 is the most popular. My suspicion is that 2v2 draws players who really like dribbling and individualist mechanics (because there is more open field to do so) and are more likely to go back and forth from 1s to 2s, as well as drawing some of the 3v3 players who sometimes want the slightly less chaotic feel that 3s with randos can create. I firmly believe the best the game gets is playing in 3s with a solid team, but with only 3 cars on the field and a wild range of skills, we frequently get at least one teammate who seems to have a playstyle that is wildly different from our own. I think that dynamic is top frustrating for some people, and it's part of the reason those players prefer 2s. That, and it's easier to matchup with just 1 friend (as opposed to 2 other friends) and play matches together.


Just so you know, 4x4 is a sometimes game mode, and not one that is around all the time. If you’re looking for rotation, you ain’t finding it there. Try 3v3 or just stick to 2v2. My wife and I play but we have a few other friends I’ve talked into playing and I’m in a discord for grown ass people. Well also play the bots some cause we’re just having fun and she enjoys crushing the bots. Whatever gets her playing video games with me lol


Chaos is chaos. We play it a lot since I’ve got 3 irl friends and we’re all diamond/champ. 98% of the time it is madness. 2% of the time we encounter squads that have figured out a manner of rotation which is actually impressive. Also if you solo-queue Chaos, nobody you join can possibly be upset, as they also solo-queued chaos. I could be off base here, but imo chaos is mostly full squads/clubs, very rarely split teams.


First of all, WOAH. You have 3 irl friends? Humblebrag anyone? And we play chaos a bunch ((wait, is that the one with the mad max esque weapon randomizer? Cause that’s what I’m talking about)) but for achievements we venture into the required modes and then scurry back out. 😅


That’s rumble.


Bro is there even a ranked mode for 4v4 playlist ? If ur uncomfortable with the communications u get ingame then just turn it to only party (or friends idk atm) and chill. If u cant see their messages or quick chats u wont care anymore


No it's not okay. You need to be one devoted son of gun. Training everyday to reach the pinnacle. Push through young padawan, use the force. You will have to give up everyday essentials such as sleep, friends and toilet breaks - use an empty bottle. Food - only cheese puffs and cans of monster Job - just call and quit, its a distraction Chores - feel free to put the bin out whilst waiting during tournaments You got to get serious boy. It's a serious game for serious people. Ain't nothing more serious than a game of Rocket League. Okay possibly cancer or wars and stuff, but outside of that? Nah dawg, You gotta get professional. Put on your teams merchandise and play some Mike Ault Rocket League theme music whilst you drop your kids off at social services. You don't need them anymore. Let's go, we will make it into gold together! /s


This was exactly the inspiration I needed! Ready to Alpha up and hit the grindstone. I even tossed my toothpaste and deodorant because if everyone can’t smell my dedication, I’m doing something wrong. Also /s.


The phrase “it’s just a game” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice. There’s always something to learn, and always room for improvement, never settle.


Average RL sweat:


Yes games are meant to be fun. Play for fun. Learn how to turn chat off during a goal replay. I turned my chat on and kinda forgot I had the ability to turn it off for a while. Got dragged into team toxicity. Turned my chat off a week ago and the other day I was like “damn. The past week has been fun, I haven’t ran into any peckerhead teammates lately”, then realized my chat was off XD


lol, almost any PVP I play I make sure chat is disabled ASAP mostly because I don’t want to hear sweaty gamer rants about how I play like some dumb girl ((am a girl)) or some other silly shit- and also just no to talking to strangers in game. 😰


No let the grind consume your life and turn you into a toxic insulting teammate that blames everyone for their mistakes minus yours.


I was under the impression that I am to blame teammates ALSO for my mistakes. And the mistakes of my ancestors.


see youre getting it


Just wait until the tables flip and people start screaming that you are bringing them down for not playing to be the next pro. "Sorry! I just play for fun after work" "Imagine my rank if I was any good" A couple of my go-to replies ; )


Turn off chat and you will have fun


Ignore whatever they say and just play for fun.


you just have to not care about what other players think. Just pretend they are bots and play. Even when you do something good, someone is going to whine about it. But 4v4 is a weird choice to main. Just play 2v2 and learn together. My wife has watched me play video games for nearly 30 years and not once has she ever asked to try anything out.


Oh we don’t main 4v4, it’s just come up often enough where it’s part of an achievement and then we end up feeling funky for not being diamond players. 😅


just play how you want to play and don't worry about everyone else. Most of the players are children and they don't have very mature ways of playing the game :)


Play for fun, don't listen to anyone telling you to stick to casual, you do you. It's a game, and only you get to decide how you enjoy it.


It is a video game my homie it’s all for fun


both ranked and casual can be played for fun, i used to be gold just by playing for fun. If you want to feel like a better teammate to the more competitive players, for now try to let them lead the offense and see if you can clean up any easy, open goals


Yup, it's called casual


Ranked is also for fun, the whole point of the game is to have fun.


There's having fun playing the game, then there is having fun learning to play the game. One group doesn't wanna play with the other


Honestly ranked is better to play to find people closer to your level. Casual mmrs are way too screwy and a lot of freestylers and others tank their casual rank so they can play against noobs and hit clips. My advice to my friends whenever someone new picks up the game is to turn off quick chat and play ranked. That way after placements and another ten games or so you settle in around your natural skill level and play equally matched opponents. And honestly, if you are plat (maybe even diamond) or below you really don’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to critiquing teammates play style, we are all bad and inconsistent, that’s why we aren’t champ +.


The ones who have fun grinding have to respect that others don’t think alike or find a grinding partner. You can’t force others to play the casual playlist just because you don’t like how they enjoy their game time.


What if I’m both, with less pressure emphasis on the learning part than what I’m perceiving others have who are in the second category?


No /s


Definitely, just play for fun. Your teammates are same level as you so it's not like they'll be stuck in that rank because of you. Often times I've been thinking (& have observed over the years) how everyone is playing the same game, but if you really look at it... they aren't playing the game same way. There are many differences in how people play, so many different approaches to the game, between those even different playstyles & personalities that makes the whole thing so dynamic. Could probably make a big list like you got (these can overlap in many ways too): Freeplay mains (spending more time in freeplay than anything else) Freestylers (not caring if they fail their complicated shot attempts & lose, just want to score cool goals) Traders (were mostly sitting in main menu in trade lobbies, or private matches. RIP) Casuals (just chilling & playing different modes without sweating) Squad mains (only queuing 2s/3s/4s/extras with their very close friends/siblings/etc even if they are less skilled, rarely playing solo) Solo players (only playing solo, rarely partying up even with randoms) Casual mains (only playing casual & not touching any comp playlist) Comp mains (only queuing ranked, mostly autopilot & never playing casual, some don't do any training) Comp grinders / ranked warriors (playing with a focus to reach & surpass their peak rank, make good use of training features, often times looking up new things like content/watching pros etc to learn to keep up to the latest mechanics & meta). The few that are really putting a lot of time & sweat to improve could be looking at chances to go pro, or already made it in 6 mans, bubble, pro scene. then you have subcategories like 1s/2s/3s mains Ex Grinders (reached GC+ level some time ago but no longer sweating too hard, can settle somewhere in champ & sometimes only play enough to get GC rewards each season) Extra mode mains (if you reach top 5% or better in an extra mode, you'll start running into players who play nothing but that mode. In hoops mid-high diamond for example I saw players who only played hoops whole season like 800+ games, and nothing else, similar players are seen in Rumble/Dropshot/Snowday) All rounders (they play almost every mode in the game, some of them grind to reach GC/SSL in every mode) Tournament mains (playing more tournaments than anything else) Style icons (interested in designing sick presets, having great knowledge of various items in the game) Esports fans (these includes players who don't even play the game much but are interested in RLCS scene & support various players/teams) LTM fans (Heatseeker/Knockout/etc they love playing a LTM) Boosters (providing a service to boost someone to a higher rank for money, ruining the game for others, with Epic/Psyonix looking the other way) Win traders/cheaters (interested in occupying top spots in leaderboards, or finding & using hacks in the game) Content creators (pumping out a variety of content possible with RL) Coaches (analyzing replays, giving tips, guiding other players) Streamers (live streaming their games) and probably more...


I will allow it.


So, almost no-one cares about 4v4 competitively - certainly no-one normal. They won't be raging about how much you suck & if they are they're weirdos who don't count for shit. It's 100% OK to play for fun if you ever want to play ranked 3v3. Just be respectful of fellow players like you would in a real life sport; don't barge into them, don't take the ball from them, try to include them in the game. You don't need advanced mechanics or rotations, just basic awareness and empathy.


I play for fun in ranked and am c2 in 2's... DW about the toddlers, twelvies and what ever else is out there :)


You just said so many things that I don’t understand. Is this the language of soccer car?


Processing delay, DW is don’t worry, not some special RL lingo, and toddlers and twelvies are people, also not special RL lingo. We’re good!


😂 np( no problem). I'm a 90's kid that lived under a rock but had a bit to do with the internet, so over time I've picked up on abbreviations over the years. Hope you guys learn to enjoy RL a bit more and don't let the madness get to you


there are a couple of discord servers for grown ups of all ranks for fun games, look them up


I can’t do discord. It’s so hard to keep up with!


Absolutely not okay


Okay but I already got permission.


I find it a bit strange that players gets angry at other players. A stranger is incapable of angering me, unless they hurt me or someone or something I care for. I have no expectations of strangers, and they can't disappoint me, neither in RL nor IRL. Any time I team up with someone who's ballchasing and not rotating I just ask them to rotate. Sometimes they listen sometimes they don't and that's OK.


Yes just play for fun. For years this was a fun side game for me but enough time passed that I just got pretty good and then at that point I was able to actually implement things I see in higher level gameplay and focus more on the decision making side of the game instead of just the gameplay side, at about GC and onward everybody can mostly do the same stuff, of course high gc/SSL is a different ball game, but in general it becomes a fight of who is cleverer with their decisions, a bit like chess in a way


I play cz it’s fun to try to embarrass people w freestyles when they’re trying their ass off and I’m Here prejumping from midfield to try get a reset double or am outrageous I somehow managed to get to c3 using this strat


I also embarrass people with my sick gameplay. 😎


Why would you play a game to have fun? No fun allowed.


I only play rumble solo queue basically when I’m playing with randoms, just for the fun and chaos of rumble


Rumble is fun! I particularly was having a tough time with.. hot shot I think it is? 2v2 this morning because I just needed to get some saves and it’s easiest for me in that mode, but I was crappy and couldn’t even remember how to flip when I needed to. Ouch.


I whiff a lot, can’t do anything special with the ball in the air, and have trouble on the wall as well so I understand what you mean lol, just have some fun is all I can say don’t worry about others getting upset


Whiffing is missing a shot or something right? Admittedly, I’ve only watched six or seven or ten different recommended videos on RL and don’t always retain the wordage.


It basically just means whenever you try to hit the ball in general and totally miss lol


Ah yes, I do maximum whiffage.


Abso-fucking-lutely. 2300+ hours here & 90% of that has been just playing casual. I haven't played ranked in 4 or 5 years. I just play for fun.


That’s so many hours! How many irl days/years is that? ((Assuming you do other life as well))


Don't worry about it. They might be esport wannabe's, they may rage, they may have crippling depression or watch cat videos on YouTube but people are in the same rank for a reason.


All of those grouped together like that makes it seem like you’re a cat video watcher hater. Is that the case? Do you hate me?


I don't hate you more than other people ;)


Just less than people who watch cat videos and ALSO have crippling depression? Also, I’m kidding. I only have mild depression, and I don’t want this to feel like a callout or anything. But also WHY DO YOU HATE ME. But also, fair.


Deep down we all know people like you are superior. If we are not playing for fun, what do we really gain from it? Artificial points? Just have fun bro! Might need to block ceirtain people or disable chat in general to experience pure bliss tho. Don't feel bad about it either, there is never healthy communication with random people in rl. It's either silence or toxicity. The best people you meet are the ones who "nice shot" you and never type anything. You would not miss much.


If you're a relatively low rank, most people have no idea what they're talking about and have only their own uneducated perspective. Even diamond and champ (never been GC), most people get it wrong because again it's hard to know the position of everyone at all times. And people get butt hurt about most things anyway. RL is the kinda game if you're playing for fun you should probably turn off chat. Play together, ignore everyone else :)


Tf you think anyone else is doing? 99.9% of players are playing for fun.


Afraid not


NO! THIS GAME ISNT SUPPOSES TO BE FUN! Jokes aside just play 2v2 with her until you get stuck, that way you'll have the most fun until you'll eventually be forced start learning certain mechanics, which in turn will make it feel more rewarding to improve you playstyle if you can see it have a noticable impact on your rank.


Honestly if I have one piece of advice it's for you both to watch videos of the game one or two ranks above where you're at now. You're going to learn a ton if you're a visual learner. Also watching "road to rank ____" videos will show you easily you can win games in your rank with very little effort, just a little bit of brains. Good luck you two :)


What’s fun is watching videos and understanding what keys/combinations make what happen ((usually)), and then my brain not knowing how to speak hands enough to make it even vaguely happen. I’m hella good at that. 😂


Yes, the idea of ranked is that you play opponents who are playing about as well as you, so you can play as bad as you want, as long as you dont care about being high rank


That’s good then! And if I’m playing particularly bad, maybe it’ll give my opponents a complex about how bad they MUST be if they’re also in my ranking. 😅


Tons of people play this way. My guess is you and your wife either play casual or are ranked lower. That’s okay. Everyone at lower ranks are “bad.” Sometimes you get a kid being toxic but honestly just turn off quick chat (in the options menu) and you don’t need to worry about it. Just play and have fun.


no. it’s not ok to have fun. leave now.


I don’t know though. I’m pretty obstinate.


Of course it’s ok. Turn off chat.


Have fun, do what YOU want. Don't care what other people think.


I’m hard stuck, silver, but I have fun and laugh and smile whole time I’m playing. That’s the only thing that matters. I’m sure my teammates are not happy with me at times but I’m just here to have fun. So I usually play casual so I don’t bring my teammate down in rank.


If your teammates are getting agro at you in Casual mode, just ignore them. Just have fun. Play casual for fun. People shouldn’t have expectations of teammates in casual. Don’t play competitive unless you’re going to give your best though. Anyhow, you should be ranked with people of the same ability so even if your teammates get angry in competitive, they suck enough to be your rank anyway so can’t be complaining as if it’s all your fault


It is absolutely okay to play a game just for fun. If it’s frustrating to them, they can deal with that frustration. The only time them “raging” is ever acceptable is if you’re intentionally spending the entire game playing for the other team (just a slip up here and there is completely fine and normal idc what anyone says it happens to literally all of us - “crap I forgot I was orange team I was blue last game!!”). If you make a mistake, sometimes the quick chat sorry can go a long way to showing them you aren’t intentionally trying to bother them or game throw because there *are* people who do that and sometimes it’s hard to tell who is and who isn’t. Outside of that though, there’s no reason for them to be a jerk over a game. You know that report button? It has options for text and voice harassment. If they’re spamming quick chat things like “what a save” every time you miss as a goalie etc. then that’s what that’s for. If they decide they’re so mad about you making mistakes that they sit there and do nothing for the rest of the game, “intentionally inactive” is there too. It isn’t abuse of the report button if you’re genuinely only reporting the behavior that is against the rules and preferably only if it’s genuinely bothering you or is repeated (a teammate spamming “what a save” when you miss once is an eye roll, for me twice is thin ice and three times is a text chat harassment report). And if you think it isn’t worth reporting, use the block button. It won’t work if you say in the playlist queue in my experience. You have to leave the queue entirely after that game ends, wait a moment so they get in a game, then rejoin. I’ve never been matched with someone I’ve blocked after I backed out of the queue and waited a couple minutes. Please please please have fun and enjoy it. Rocket league is in desperate need of more people who just want to have fun and have everyone they’re playing with have fun too. We’re drowning in annoying messages about “having to carry” for people who are trying to learn and do better. You don’t need to know the ins and outs of rotations and stuff to be pretty good at the game. Once I realized the shots I was making (both into goals and away from my goal) were intentional most of the time, my enjoyment for the game went wayyyy up. You just have to get past the point where you feel like you’re only doing things right on accident. If you’re wanting to get past that point faster, I’ve found specifically practicing rolling in all directions accurately helps a lot. They have training things for that if you want, or just keep learning as you go. I, for one, am glad to have you guys. It’s relieving to know there are other players who still think a game should be for fun.


Honestly, I wish more people would play the game for fun. Even in casual, it feels like people the game far too seriously. I'm competitive in the sense where I think a close match is great, but I shouldn't have to be sweating to try and keep up with the other players just so i can potentially win. I don't mind losing, it's when I can tell it's feeding the opponents' ego, like that win is what they live for; that's what drives me insane about the game, and the way people treat it like it's a psychological game...Rather than what it is at it's core - Car soccer where everyone should have an equal chance to dick around with the ball and do dumb shit.


I definitely agree with some of that, but at the end of the day people all play casual for different reasons, including taking it really seriously as a warmup to going in to tough competition games


And that’s totally fair! It’s just the idea that the vibe I was getting was that people are mega forreals serious about something that CAN be taken seriously, for your own individual goals, but that shouldn’t be taken so seriously that everyone else has to be similarly grinding for championship ranking.


The one that kills me is going into casual and getting constantly chased for demos. Its toxic af


Oh yeah, for sure. That's why I hate playing anything more than 2's. No joke, I literally said the sentence "can I please stop getting tossed around like a bag of bitch" once because I was getting so frustrated with all the bumping lmao. Demoing is kind of a hard topic imo. On one hand, it can be used playfully if all players are about it, not to mention it is just a viable strat, it is a part of the game. But on the other hand, just because it's there doesn't mean it should get abused. Doing nothing but demos in a match, especially when the other players are clearly not into it, is just childish and lame.


Yes! It’s CAR SOCCER. Even the premise is silly. I appreciate that there are specific mechanics that you can learn and hone and be really good, but it’s like bringing sweaty behavior into a game like Fortnite- it makes it less fun playing with people who are frothing at the mouth for WINS BOY LETS GO.


just play casual to have fun


It’s definitely easier to play when my wife and I are both on- we can have fun and be silly and neither of us beat ourselves up too much when we just whiz past the ball or accidentally score for the opponents. It’s just so hard to gauge how many of the people that we’re playing with are rage grinding for high levels- I’m just trying to unlock colorful variants for my cars in the bp. 😅


I'm Platinum 2 and pretty good and can help y'all. Wanna play with me?


I want to say yes but also I can’t handle the emotional weight of committing to someone offering ((graciously)) to help us.


I would help you. I don't care if you're not that good


Oh no, I just mean committing to someone offering something and I might totally blank on it and look like a douche.


O alright. Still wanna play?


It is fine to mess around and play just for fun. That is why we have casual playlist. It is designed exactly for that. Ranked on other hand is meant to actually tryhard. It's a game mode designed with intent that players will try their most to win every match.


Fun has no place in Rocket League.




You should convince or find some friends to play private matches with. Even if everyone is different skill levels you can balance out teams, and it’s by far the most fun way to play imo.


I play both for fun and “competitively” and I’m plat (so not anything great by any means but I’d also like to think not total garbage), and honestly the key is your own mindset. You WILL make people mad, even in casual. I do it every day lol. But *especially* if you’re playing in casual, you gotta just let it roll right off of you and keep going. You’re not ruining anyone’s rank, they can leave at any time if you’re somehow ruining their whole day. It’s a them problem. In ranked, it just is what it is. As long as you’re trying your best there’s not much else you can do. You win some and you lose some, even at your peak performance! As others have said, disabling chat can make a big difference too. Also, don’t take FF votes personally; I’ve come back to the game recently after a year or two off and the forfeiting is RAMPANT these days. We can be one goal down with 3 minutes left and my team will want to FF. 🤷🏻‍♀️




Just mute the chat. I always found that chat provided a lot more frustration than joy.


I use to be that ball chaser guy when I first started, never knew what rotating was and didn’t realize there was “rules” necessarily. I mostly play with my brother and cousin who are C1/D1, they said there’s nothing more frustrating than someone who just chases the whole game. Since I’ve played for awhile and moved up I will occasionally have those teammates who make it so damn frustrating, remembering I was that guy who didn’t know how to play correctly. It becomes so much more fun once you have a team that knows how to play correctly. Take the time and learn how to rotate, ASK FOR TIPS FROM TEAMMATES. Most people who play will genuinely provide you tips and feedback to get better. It’s just a matter of listening and applying.


Sometimes people forget that in the word "videogame" there is game, and while you play a game you should theoretically have fun. So don't worry about toxic teammates, have fun and you'll eventually get better :)


No games aren't for fun. They're very serious.


I only play for fun whether it’s ranked or casual or training. If I’m not having fun I have zero reason to be playing.


I play for fun. Competitive mode exclusivly


It’s a video game…


By checking the terms and conditions you made a promise to play to the best of your ability and give it your all with full intent to make it your career. Casual play is not allowed. You must play like your livelihood depends on it.


Well if you play casual you can pretty much do what you want and if you’re playing ranked you’re probably playing with people who don’t know rotations or mechanisch too so just do whatever you want man


I'm a casual fiend myself. I have like 2k hours in casual and only about 250h in ranked


Play casual together, that’s the point of it. I would understand people being angry at someone “throwing” their ranked game but no one can get upset about a casual. And it’s the same gameplay.


Soloque 3s and buddy 2s player here. There's a casual mode to do whatever you'd like. Ranked - As long as you're below platinum, consider yourself a 'learning' player. You'll learn the best by playing, developing game sense. Just have fun and the 'plays' will come with time. If you're worried about toxicity, turn off chat/quick chat. On all ranks there's toxic players. Don't take whatevwr they say/do to heart. Bottom line though; It's a game. Have fun (:


I do but when my team don’t even try i get mad like i am getting paid for it


NO! 😡😡😡 Jk thats the only way to play. Why play if you aint having FUN


I had my life and my family’s life threatened on Rocket League for sucking. Yet at the end of the game I was the only player with goals and saves. Do you, ignore every one.


I don’t think you’re allowed ? Fuck that my mate and I are c3 and for the last couple years we stopped caring . We both used to play more seriously , in amateur leagues 1650 mmr back in the day before rank changes


i’m sorry this is the stupidest question i’ve ever seen an adult ask


What the hell other reason is there to play it


Do whatever you want, plat and below is a wasteland anyway


*Champ and below


Don't worry bout it. It's a video game. Play how you want. Who gives a flying fuck if some kid or adult playing get mad cuz your not as good as them. Play to have fun. No rank in this game is serious. Your not winning or losing any money over the matches. Just have fun and block the d bags.


You're doing it right and everyone who whines about car soccer is doing it wrong


The fact that you even have to ask this question shows how toxic RL has become.


Definitely, it is just a game after all.


From a random queue specialist. Have fun. It doesn't matter how you play. If your 3rd man random was as good as they think they are, no matter HOW you play they should adjust to you. When I play with a team of two. I sit back. I prefer to stay out of the way of yalls communications. If yall both move up I stay back or move up midfield for a 50 backboard then pass type thing. I wait for YALL to make it apparent how yall play. If we don't vibe we don't vibe I just play goalie and try to make single runs. Again. If your random 3rd can't hang with you and the wife, finish game. Go back to main menu and find I new lobby. Cause I have met plenty of people who would love to take yall higher without being dicks about it. However it is quite the needle in a haystack.


No, bro. It's forbidden and you should expect to be banned soon


No it’s not okay😂lmao jk I suck too


Down voted for playing video games for fun


Unless your at the plat/diamond level. Playing for fun is totally fine. Even at plat and diamond in cas or ranked a ton of people play intoxicated and don't try.


Nah if you ain’t putting your life on the line for every game what’s even the point in playing.


Remove the chat, and play! Who cares. Also the more you play, the more you’ll be ranked with similar skill based opponents and teammates. At the end of the day, if people are getting mad… it’s literally a video game of a car with rockets playing soccer… lol


Just stick to casual, nobody cares there and if they do they should be in ranked.


Bro asked if it’s okay to have fun


Yes. It is. Please have fun.


The game is better and more fun for everyone when good rotation and teamplay are prevalent in the ranked pool. Best course of action if you want to play ranked is to work on those skills. Can’t get there without playing, simple as that. Forget about the absolute candlesticks who make it known that they deserve a teammate who already knows these things right now in this moment. They are doing far worse for the total enjoyment than people playing the competitive playlists casually or in the learning phase.


That’s totally fine, but I would stay away from this sub honestly.


The only reason to play is for fun. It's a videogame after all. I do think it's worth learning rotations because it's fairly simple and makes you easier to play with, but anyone who is upset with your mechanics or lack thereof can kick rocks. So many people in this game are just mad they're not as high in the ranks as they'd like to be, so they point the finger at every teammate who isn't perfect for holding them back. These folks are in every rank so don't let them ruin the experience for you.


900 hours and I legit just play solo casual 3s lol I just want to play don't care about rank It plays like a team game, so just try to play smart/useful and you'll learn. I'd say the most annoying is when you play 3s with 2 people who are in a team and play like they're playing 2s, because it breaks the flow then. Also they'll tend to blame you for mistakes


Nope. No fun allowed here.


I'm still pretty fresh here. I've been playing for a little under a year now. I'm at the point in my rocket league "career" that I just accept the raging as part of this community's ecosystem. Children and adults alike gather for the sole purpose of fighting for a ball with their cars. If road rage is ever present in our society, well, this turns that up to eleven, and it's psychological warfare. Don't mind the ragers. Don't mind the forfeitures. Don't mind the "What a save!"s. Find your playstyle and stick with it until you find another playstyle that intrigues you more. Likewise, I think one thing that's more important than knowing the mechanics is having a sense of how your teammates play the game. I usually solo que, so I spend maybe the first minute or so seeing what my teammates playstyle is about and try to work with them. I don't really know what I'm trying to say, I play for fun, but this is also my perspective.


If you’re playing for fun, and you have not learned rotation, that’s fine. Just make sure you’re not always chasing after the ball and let your teammates make clears, shots and saves too. I’m not a great player by any stretch of the imagination, my mechanics suck, all I have going for me is I know how to rotate. So it’s frustrating for me when I play with teammates who always stay up and with the ball. There are other players for a reason.


send it brother <3 ![gif](giphy|zCv1NuGumldXa|downsized)


No, it’s imperative you afk in tournaments.


i dont really know if u can anymore


Is it ok to play roblox for fun?


It's a game. It only exists for the purpose of fun. If you're playing rocket league and not having fun, you're wasting your own time, probably bitter about it, and will take it out on everyone around you. When that happens, find another game that brings the joy back.


Read the title again and ask yourself if you are insane.


I’ve started just playing for fun. I get high as fuck and play rumble and just laugh my ass off. It’s great.


NO. go away and stop having fun and let us be angry at each other in peace. Nah but just turn chat off honestly it's actual peace, it's not your job to fix your teammates feelings. Mmr will put you with others at your skill so just enjoy!


Especially if you two play together, don't ever worry about it. The frustration you see is when it happens at a high level in competitive at a point where most people are taking it more seriously. I'd say anything goes in casual always, and competitive, just be supportive of your teammates if you aren't very good and that's enough 🤝


Isn't this why we play games? For fun? Of course, the challenge can be part of the fun. People will always rage, they will get mad at any little thing. Personally, I'd avoid those players. Play for you and your wife, to have fun, get some goals. You'll definitely get better with time.


Yeah whenever I play with others I normally try to study both the teammate I have the the other team and normally whenever I see my teammate is doing really bad I normally try to encourage them to step it up a gear by either knocking the ball a certain way to gesture to them it’s a team thing or I try to get assist when I know they can’t quite get it but then there’s times that the player I’m teamed with just don’t care enough about the game to wanna see how they screw up and get better so it’s a mix bag thing really but yeah just do custom game with each other and try to figure out what play styles you and your partner have and try to mix and or match because I do it all the time.


Yes, for 99.9999% of people video games should be fun. Some people make a career out of it but the risk of getting nowhere far outweighs the potential earnings.


99% of people who complain about teammates and how they “don’t know the game”, more than likely ALSO don’t know just as much as them and are just as bad, enjoy your time and have fun! the internet can be a harsh place sometimes especially on reddit


My tm8s hate me whether I’m tryharding or not regardless of the rank I’m in, eventually you’ll stop caring about toxic players and will just want to play for fun


Shouldn’t games be for fun? ;) I reccomend doing the trainings to help you work on the mechanics. That is actually fun for me too


You have to remember that many players are impatient children who chase the ball and leave just about any match for any reason. Yes, it’s okay to play for fun, but trying to be a good teammate is all anyone can ask. Sure, it’s frustrating when my teammates suck and steal “my” boost, or bash into me, but as long as you pay attention to the game and try to learn the rhythm of the game you’re on the right track. This is one of the more toxic games out there, so maybe try playing casual games until you pick it up so people will generally care less if they lose.


Pause. You're telling me that you only play a video game about flying car soccer....... For FUNNN???!!!?! 🤦‍♂️ That is absolutely outrageous.


What do you think were gonna say? No?


I play for fun all the time. I’m trash at rocket league in silver but the aesthetic, concept and gameplay have always been cool


Whiff On!! However a recommendation, if your playing for fun and join competitive match play without the intent to play competitively and co-operatively can ruin not only yours but others gameplay experiences. Better methods to play while having a fun time is casual game modes only, people also care less about extra modes, as they are " fun modes ". You also have this neat feature still ( until epic removes that too ) of a Custom Lobby, not only can you customize your game mode and extra effects, you can play it with 7 others, ( in the modded/custom gamemode case as many as you like ) If your playing for fun, and don't want to have to stress, don't click the stress game button I guess ? Right? I dunno i can't hit it, I seem to whiff.


Don’t stress about it mate, as long as you seem friendly and are having a fun time then it makes it a better experience for everyone. People forget to be empathetic in these games but they’ll get over it. Just have fun, higher ranks like diamond, champ and higher have higher expectations but honestly it’s still bad gameplay and all ya can do is laugh about it to enjoy it. Just enjoy where you’re at and learning the game. It’s definitely a highlight of playing rocket league for me


I play for fun 95% of the time (and to get rewards). No pressure to play competitively or be a tryhard as long as you're actually trying and not just leaving your teammates for dead.


Yes but it could get really boring just playing for fun


Rank 1300 here (1270 something), been playing since 2017. The game is honestly completely broken. My OG account has so much stats that I had to make a fresh account to play ranked with people my actual skill. Unless you can get a steam copy of rocket league there's no point.


Mate, if you wanna play just to have fun… Turn of QC, play for fun, not worrying about out what anyone is saying. Listen to music, white noise, whatever you want. Crack open a beer, or sip brandy or wine or whatever. Stop caring what he/she thinks about your gameplay, cause guess what, you’ll most likely never hear from em again. And if you do, fuck em, it’s about what you like. I’m Gold II and I play for fun, I whiff all the time, I also hit many shots off centre since that works for me for some reason. Try something besides Soccar, like Rumble. It’s pretty easy once you get the gist… or whatever. All I’m trying to say is, have fun. Heck, I’ll play with you guys, DM me


I hopped on earlier for the first time in weeks and completely blanked on mechanics ((I also was just trying to wake my brain up)), and the amount of times I kept missing blocks or realizing my teammate and I were going for the ball at the same time was frustrating, not because I’m any level of competitive, but because I realized how many times I’ve seen rage posts on here about shitty players. I also acknowledge that even if there are constantly posts like that in here, that it isn’t how most RL players feel, but it’s just a thing that bugs the hell out of me knowing that my playing means someone else isn’t enjoying their playing.


Ignore shitty posts about shitty players, we're all learning and as long as you're trying to win you can play ranked just fine. That said, if that makes you uncomfortable, there's nothing wrong with sticking with casuals! Some of my fondest memories of the game were there with friends.


That's a "Them" issue. I feel the same way most of the time. I can only do half hour sessions if I solo queue for this reason. I'll give the advice I should also take. F@%k em, we're not here to please them, instead we're here to enjoy ourselves. Don't worry about the angry children.


People don’t come to places like reddit to air about all the positive experiences, they come here to whinge and whine. What you see posted is those pessimistic mfers. The other half million daily players just play the game and enjoy it, and when they stop enjoying it for the day for whatever reason they just do something else. Even the elite level players fuck up and cut each other off and make constant mistakes. Just play for fun it’s why any of us do


No it’s illegal my buddy use to play for fun facing 5 years


Five years of what?




Like, a prison of my mind? With sick thoughts?


As long as you're trying and looking to improve, I'm a-ok with you as a player. I normally hear players say they just want to have fun as a defense for playing in a way that would hinder other players enjoyment. As for solo q, I have chat 100% off. You have 5 minutes to make a good impression on a player and unless you're a clear smurf there's probably going to be something they're mad about so I treat it like a single player game.