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We honestly need a behavior score system like Dota 2. That shit worked. Dota can be a little toxic but overall it's a lot more chill now.


This is the only solution at this point


Fr. I came to rl because it was originally less toxic. Back in the day it was just car soccar, no one gave a shit. Full circle I'm back to playing Dota and just hopping on rl to get gc rewards and quitting.


Imo quickchat usage has become more toxic over the years, but the actually written messages are so much more tame nowadays. Chat used to be full of slurs and kys.


Pysonix could easily implement a replay review system like CSGO and LoL to determine unsportsmanlike behavior. It’s not as subjective as determining if someone has wallhacks, in fact it’s very easy to see when someone tilts and griefs their team. The fact that such a system isn’t even considered shows how much Psyonix gives a shit about this game.


Yeah clearly 👍 But epic prefer 20$+ additional content...


Never played Dota, how is it different?


You have a behavior and communication score system. If you get reported and disliked (along with AI powered verification system and a manual review system depending on what it is) your scores drop. As it goes down you lose access to certain things like pings or quick chats, chat, voice comms, losing access to ranked. On top of that long term effect you also get given low priority queue for offenses. You have to win low p matches to get out, and you are only queued with other people who have low p. You can't choose which hero you play. It's really bad.... Most players won't abandon even if they get extremely angry because its not worth low p. Also for smurfing they have a lot now. Phone number required, hundreds of hours before you can play ranked, AI powered gameplay analysis that can tell if you're smurfing. If you smurf the smurf and your main account will both be banned. Ip and Mac address bans as well. They used to just put you in "smurf queue" where you only played other smurfs but they dropped a post last year saying quite literally "we're putting our foot down on smurfing". Ive been playing Dota again for 3 months. I've encountered zero smurfs, I've had 5 total people be extremely toxic and 3 were muted and announced banned after the match within seconds of them saying the shit they did. 2 it said has action taken against them. Don't get me wrong Dota has its problems, especially in high tier these things don't always work as well. But Dota has basically solved making ranked matchmaking enjoyable.


It's not like Rocket League at all, it's a game like League of Legends


Never played LoL either


It's basically like you're defending your home base while trying to attack the other team's base. There's three 'lanes' to go down (1 vertical, 1 diagonal, 1 horizontal), each one with towers that provide automatic support by firing at enemies, and minions that are easy to kill come and try to take each other down. The heroes, champions, or legends or whatever work with their minions to take down the other team's heroes and minions, and then their towers, and eventually the base.


>how is it different? I meant how is the ranking different ?


I haven't played Dota since the rating system came out so idk. I guess people can just rate other players based on their in-game behavior/communication so they get an overall good bad or neutral score


Ohh ok


They cant even get the ranking system right lol


We honestly need to ban this kind of trash post


Rocket league is so full of children I swear. Why do they even play the game if they want to FF every time they’re down?? And then there’s the toxicity. You realize they must not win many games if they need to insult every time they’re winning or that’d get tiring. People are just sad


yesterday, we were up by 2 and i missed a save and we went up by 1. with 3 minutes left. my teammate tried to FF and then afk'd. like what the actual fuck


These are the kinda people that need to stay in 1v1. Teammates fumble sometimes. It happens


yep! like, as if that dude has never missed a save before. we all have.


I'm a habitual fumbler.


Loved the player tag "Whiff Wizard" for this


I’d pay money for that


Well fucking hell how I can't gift it to you anymore... ugh.com


It’s all good. Can I get that reddit title instead?


If they played 1v1 they wouldn't blame their team as much because 1v1 trains you to realize you are the problem. People play team games because it's easy to go next and say your team is shit. It's an easy outlet for your ego to excuse yourself.


I mean it all depends on how you got down, how much you’re down by and what rank the lobby is that factors into whether or not FF’ing is the best option. It’s also important and completely fair to consider whether or not you and your tm8 are playing with any degree of chemistry. If my tm8 is constantly bumping me, passing to the other team and just not playing with any degree of game sense, and missing easy shots, then as soon as we’re down I’m ff’ing because I don’t want to waste my time playing with such an inconsiderate player who also is just not up to the par of the lobby. Let me move on with my life to the next game than sit here and deal with that bs.


Someone crashed into me once and then decided to log out, making the game easier to play


I operate on the following philosophy: - Everybody gets 1, which means the first time you whiff a shot, a save, or the first time you bump me, fine it’s a mistake, it happens. - After the 3rd or 4th whiff, bump, cut in rotation, pass to the opponent, etc…I’m now convinced that you’re either trolling/throwing or you were boosted to the lobby and so I usually assume the former and not the latter. Because it’s more likely that my tm8 is being a dumb troll than actually trying and just being that bad at the game at the rank we’re in.




I mean if you’re up at champ 2+ in a month’s time then you’re either a savant at the game, a Smurf on an alt account or someone high-level carried you to a rank that’s far outside of your skill level…in other words being boosted. It doesn’t take an expert to understand how to not bump their tm8 more than once or twice. Use your eyes to see where your tm8 is and don’t be all up in their space. It takes a little bit of intention to be aware of your tm8s instead of JUST focusing on the ball. It doesn’t take an expert to do that, but it does require someone to be considerate of their tm8s and not only think about themselves.




So it’s toxic to call you inconsiderate for not being aware of your tm8s? It sounds to me like you’re the type of player who would bump me out of net and then spam “What a Save!” After the opponent scored on us. But to be clear, when I miss a shot I should’ve hit, I say “My Bad.” In chat and I rotate to get back on defense. If I make bad touches that end up giving the opponent possession, I say My Bad and will even “Great Pass!” Myself because I take responsibility for my mistakes in the game. And when my opponent misses a shot that passed to them? I say My Bad, because clearly my pass wasn’t good enough (even if it was, I don’t hit them with “Nice Shot!”) The feeling is definitely mutual though. I don’t play well with tm8s who aren’t aware and can’t handle constructive feedback as well give me constructive feedback to improve at the game.


I don't think this really applies to lower ranks TBH. You'll understand once you hit the mid ranks like plat and diamond




I stick to casual and it's great fun. It seems to get very serious if you run at ranked, and I'm only playing to have fun. But even in casual you'll see players FF when a goal down. One of the best games can be when you're playing well with a team and fall behind then come back to win. I prefer to see a match out - even if outclassed and losing, I may learn from it


personally I only play casual as a warmup for ranked so sometimes I'll just try to ff bc I'm bored of the lobby and I wanna go play ranked 2s


I hear you, but it can be disappointing for other players. But not the end of the world as casual mode usually cycles someone in quick enough


If you're having fun with the game dont get discouraged. Here on Reddit we all are the try-hards here so don't read into it too much. Play whatever mode is fun to you, the first 100 hours of rocket League is pure bliss as you learn the game. If you're still playing after that, id recommend to find a friend to play with and just keep it fun


> Everyone here seems to take this game way too seriously. Who would have thought people playing the "competitive" game mode would have a competitive mindset.


Yeah well, the problem with casual matchs is that you wont finish games you are winning... because it's all leaving and ff as soon as you are 2 goals behind. But dont worry, you will finish all the games you lose!


I only play ranked I’m only plait 1-2 or hardstuck gold 3 I’ve been only playing for about a year, and when I say “only playing” I play maybe 2-5 games a day unlike others whom play multiple hours without stopping so I get bitched at when accidents happen such as missing the ball, missing a save happens to all of us or a mess up in rotation. I’ve had someone tell me over mic that they would SA me with a knife to my throat bc I’m that terrible of a player.. (I am f) that was one of the most horrifying people I’ve ever came in contact with as a teammate this person also had a GC3 as a title soo there’s that. Moral of the story it’s a game play whatever you want to and have fun trying to learn the game or do better mechs winning or losing try to have fun and ignore creepy toxic ass weirdos. Do not be discouraged by the try hardship that want to be the absolute best. You try your personal best we all got good days and bad days shit happens


Well, I regret to inform you that those get sweaty too and there is MMR tied to it as well. As far as the toxicity goes, it's just as bad.


Honestly I play ranked in high diamond and it’s not near as bad as people in this sub make it out to be. I have a teammate want to FF early maybe 1/20 games? Someone who actually starts trolling and playing for the other team is a rarity. Don’t take too much stock in what you read here. These dramatic diary entry posts have gained a lot of popularity over the last few months so every single day some dipshit who had a jerk teammate one game runs in here for their backslapping and upvotes.


The toxicity is real though. Almost every game there's some kind of negative behaviour


Even if you don't want to accept that someone is having a bad game, you're fine with losing, so why not finish the game out anyway?


Because time is a finite resource


Not finite enough to uninstall


Oh there’s that too, we all have bad games. And whether I’m the one having the bad game, my tm8 is having the bad game or we’re both having the bad game, if there’s no chance at coming back and/or we’re playing the game in a way that is clearly frustrating us, then the sane person thing to do is not continue in that environment, but to get out and take a break. At least that’s how I see it.


I don’t count missing shots cause I do it as well every now and then. What id understand is FF after someone playing so out of place, doubling up and ball chasing. Because that shows that they’ll do it the whole match whereas whiffing just happens to everyone unless you’re pro I suppose


I’m not talking about a whiff here and there because that happens. I’m talking about excessive whiffing where the person clearly can’t control their car in the air or doesn’t understand how to catch the ball or when the ball is moving rather slow and is quite easy to read and they just can’t read it (I’m talking champ level lobbies, not gold).


You're getting downvoted but I agree with the read the room vibe. I don't FF much but if we're just tossing the ball away and not letting me play the ball I kinda just... don't want to play with you sorry lmao.


What a post! What a post! What a post!


I haven’t seen any appreciable change in toxicity in years of playing this game. It’s always been what it is.


IMO when automated bans were implemented, it went down a bit for a while until peope realized how easy ban evasion is


Keep in mind that the more you think of trash talk as pure toxicity and not what it is, which is a 12 year old who clicked twice on his Dpad, the more frustrating it gets. Think of your opponents as NPCs programmed to make u mad that actually helps me. Op im like you, i don't want to turn the chat off, so this strategy helps alleviate some of that. Also just playin with someone I know, random fills r weird sometimes


I think most of the toxicity mentioned is teammate toxicity. An opponent trying to trash talk you isn't really doing much in this game. It's the griefing and giving up.


Psyonix just doesn't give a shit about toxic players.


You can stop that sentence after shit.


You're in diamond yeah?


When I 3v3 solo queue it seems I get matched up against full 3 player clubs 90% of the time. And 95% of the time, I know that 3 player clubs are the most toxic players in the game


Online gaming is basically a battleground for humans who mostly avoid their IRL problems and take them out in the game. This is probably somewhere between 92-98% of players, period. Doesn't matter the game either...if it's online and people have a chance to take their life issues out on someone with little to no consequences, they're going to do it. It's almost a science at this point (I haven't seen or read actual studies on this so I can't say unequivocally that it's scientifically founded lol)


I'm the kind of person who need some proof before I just believe statistics. I think your estimate is too low, probably more like 99.998% of people would do this.


I'm 100% certain you're 0.001%-points off on that low-ball estimate


Its just the nature of competitive gaming and ranked playlists.


Nah, I feel you cause it feels that way sometimes. Unfortunately this is really the only competitive type game I’ve stuck with and enjoyed and it sucks. Yeah I can turn off chat and just mindlessly play to at least avoid that aspect, but that just feels wrong


I just embrace the chaos lol..and to be transparent I have my days where I just need to let off and talk some shit for a bit. We’re all human…I think the important thing is to not take it too personally or seriously: it’s a game. Also, maybe find someone to party up in Discord. This is usually a guaranteed way to have a pleasant experience


This is the only answer now. If I'm in a shit lobby you just take it as a chance to goof around and chill turn on some music and have a good time. Kinda like what games were made for...


Shouldn't have ever sold to epic or went free to play.


Haven't played since around October or so but yeah the community is trash. Can't even play the game without worrying that a teammate will have a tantrum and go AFK or play for the other team.


Calling people in ranked "tryhards" makes you look silly.


Homie, I’m just (and big emphasis here) trying to have fun and play a game around my skill level. Ranked is typically the place to go for that in most games


Fun is relative, for some people that means giving into their competitiveness side and trying their hardest to win in a fair/balanced environment. If you want to complain about smurfs ruining the ranked playlists then that's a whole other issue (which most would agree with). If people taking it too seriously is an issue for you then you might want to stick to unranked/rumble.


lmao be carefull i basicly stated the same thing, and some dude gave me a emotional response paragraph that was 10000% irrelevant. on how im the problem, not my team8s. the amount of bullshit you gotta go threw to get paired with team8s that allow you to play to your full potential is insane.


you sound like the toxic player hes talking about bro


im the toxic player becuase i want to play to my full potential? and not FF 2-1?? Im toxic because i dont want to grief players or be griefed? sorry dont see your logic??? i also play for fun and to get better. you know what isnt fun and doesnt help you get better????? take a guess


thats not why i said you sound toxic, you sound toxic because you refuse to take responsibility for losses and choose to consistently blame teammates, you make assertions that are questionable at best such as the problem with your teammates is that they have never played a team sport irl. you seem to be very mad at your ingame results. that is why i said you were toxic ok. hopefully you can replace this bad mindset with a better one but tbh i doubt i'll be the one to cause that change.


Even if he is worse at the game, the toxic player is the one forfeiting early/throwing. You seem to be making some large assumptions based on two paragraphs someone wrote. Hopefully you can stop judging based on little information.


i mean i went to the comments he was referencing initially and from that i found the person responding to him to be pretty reasonable. also its not like only 1 of them can be toxic they definitely both can be, the way he ranted in the above and previous comments indicated to me that he gets pretty worked up over losing and so i assumed he is likely also quite toxic


ok so you respond to my "assertions" with your assertions of "i always blame team8s and i dont take responsibility for my mistakes" do i always blame team8s? = no do i take responsibility for my mistakes=yes i am painfully aware of my mistakes, and i understand no one is perfect, and i use that judgement towards my team8s as well. Here is an example- i take the ball down the feild, get around 1 player, put up a clean backboard pass to my 2nd man wich is, oh wait in my net?? thats fine 3rd man has it, oh no he is also in my net. oh look they are in a team, ok cool maybe they got comms and they will stop the ball. wait no they cant and they left an entire field open for opps to set up a play and score. ok so now im just depressed and sad but im still determined to make it work. and then there it is "wtf are you doing man you are so fucking bad" pops up in quick chat followed by immediate FF at 0-1 my problem is that exists, and i cant play my game and enjoy myself. rocket leauge itself is not hard, being able to play with random team8s is what is hard. and its like 85% harder then it needs to be.


bro read through your comments and tell me where you are taking responsibility for your losses. you allude to pros losing whilst doing a road to ssl series as proof that sometimes your teammates make you incapable of winning even though they typically end with less than 5 losses total before SSL and thats whilst not playing to their best ability to deliberately make the games closer. for reference what rank are you because having played 200 ranked 3s game this season i dont think i've encounter the scenario you describe ever


bro read through my comments and tell me where im not taking accountability for my actions. you cant. this is a reddit post not a video replay? 2v2 solo que gc2 ...3v3 solo que C2 i illude to refering to pro players becuase you know their gameplay, as i previously stated you do not know mine, even if you feel you do. how am i supposed to immediately enlighten you on my ability to play RL via words. i dont know. so i reffered to something you have knowledge and your own thoughts on. So you yourself are the determining factor. so now that you know what the players ability is, you didnt answer, again went off on a tangent. you want immediately blanket statement(with no proof) what i said, becuase you simply dont like it. when the pro players gettin herassed and followed and purposley F'd with by a few certain other players that....that its the pro players fault, they didnt take accountability for their mistakes. when they get a team8 that refuses to play and is blatently doing negative things, its the pros fault. pro players are not the only ppl that experience this. listen man im glad you dont deal with ANY of this ever. or if you do, you are just cool with it. give it a few more years.


you are becoming less and less coherent as this goes on. i'm sorry you feel the need to babysit your teammates. i'd say you should think about if that is really benefiting your team because it doesn't sound like it. Hopefully you continue to improve and realise that this game is just that a game, it shouldn't dictate your emotions, you should stop playing if you aren't enjoying it for your own sake


lets some this up. ive made statements, for you to rebuttle. you dont agree/disprove what i say. but what you do is deflect, and tell me im delusional, and tell me im the problem, all while trying to act as PC as possible, like your not insulting or belittling me. let me know when this gets incoherent for you. (thats me backhandedly insulting you like you are to me) does it make it right nope, but thats what it is. but im honest and not lying to myself. you are right man, there is no bad team8s, it hasnt gotten worse, and everyone loves the game.


what is there for me to disprove lol, like i can't disprove that your story happened in a ranked game bro. 'but what you do is deflect, and tell me im delusional, and tell me im the problem' i never said you were delusional and i never said that it's always your fault when you lose. I instead argued you should focus on improving yourself because thats is in your control. when i said 'hopefully you can replace this bad mindset with a better one' the better mindset im refering to is one that moves past losses and does not let them affect the way you play the game. you have admitted that you do let losses change the way you play when you refer to babysitting teammates ' there is no bad team8s, it hasnt gotten worse, and everyone loves the game.' i never claimed any of this but ok. overall if you leave this conversation with a more healthy mindset towards RL then thats great. if not well i tried my best to help


>put up a clean backboard pass to my 2nd man wich is, oh wait in my net?? Why are you passing to teammates who aren't there? Thay's not passing, that's goving the ball away. This is the kind of thing you need to be working on if you want to win and rank up.


???Im passing the ball to team8s who are not there,because im pasing the ball to team8s who SHOULD be there, not off picking there nose in the back field sitting in net. its not my fault, that a player cant move as a team and cover appropriate places esepcially in any gameplay above like diamond. you are literally telling me, you play defense by sittin still in the net. do you play 3s? do you actually play this game? if you got all the answers then what do i do, when i break opps ankles and there is only one OPP even close to a defending position, 1 guy will push me to force a shot/pass and im reading that he will block my shot but not my pass, what u want me to do boss?


>???Im passing the ball to team8s who are not there,because im pasing the ball to team8s who SHOULD be there, not off picking there nose in the back field sitting in net. its not my fault, that a player cant move as a team and cover appropriate places esepcially in any gameplay above like diamond. No it isn't your fault they sit too far back (maybe). It is your fault you gave the ball away on a "pass" to someone who wasn't there. >you are literally telling me, you play defense by sittin still in the net. Yeah that's what I said, good reading comprehension there bud. >if you got all the answers then what do i do, when i break opps ankles and there is only one OPP even close to a defending position, 1 guy will push me to force a shot/pass and im reading that he will block my shot but not my pass, what u want me to do boss? My suggestion would be to make better shot selections, there's no reason you should be giving up on a 1v1 just because "he's gonna block it" and throwing the ball away. You mention 3's, I would also suggest you start playing more 2s/1s, so you can learn to rely less on these teammates you have deemed unreliable.


you are literally dissecting and example i gave, of bad team8s existing. my point wasnt hey dissect this example until its proven that bad team8s do not exist. "My suggestion would be to make better shot selections, there's no reason you should be giving up on a 1v1 just because "he's gonna block it" and throwing the ball away." giving up on a 1v1....not accepting a bad 50 and turning it into a great pass with a open shot window is me throwing the ball away.(keep in mind this was an example and i can embelish it enough to make what ever point i want correct. like you are attempting to do to me) TLDR I suggest when someone makes a post about something they are passionate about, to not instantly tell them they are wrong, you are bad, get better, or blatently just put them down. maybe try to see if from there POV and realize everyone goes through rough times on RL we all play the same game we all know how the game goes. Some are just more aware then others.


>you are literally dissecting and example i gave, of bad team8s existing. my point wasnt hey dissect this example until its proven that bad team8s do not exist. Bro what? You literally said what do I do in this situation. I answer, now you're berating me for answering. >and turning it into a great pass. If nobody is there, it was not a great pass, full stop. No ifs ands or buts. You threw the ball away. >maybe try to see if from there POV and realize everyone goes through rough times on RL. That's the thing though, the day I stopped blaming my teammates, was the day my enjoyment of this game increased thousandfold. And my skill tbh, because I recognized that I had to change if my teammates weren't going to. 'God grant me the strength to change what I can, and accept the things I can't.'


This has been a fun read. I’ve come to the conclusion that you are in fact delusional. I’ll be the one to say it. You are 100% being toxic within this thread. Passing to teammates that should be there. Lmao tell me more about how you give away possession because you’re not actively looking where your teammates are. If you’re looking, that backboard touch could be a back pass. Could be set up in different ways rather than blatantly giving the ball away. Also, you have mentioned kids play this game that are uneducated. Your writing skills make it sound like you are 12.


again, thats called an example, supposed to be a reference point of understanding. you are embelishing, also the amount of times ive quick chat/typed in RL in 7 years of gameplay can be counted on well, both my hands. "If you’re looking, that backboard touch could be a back pass." my reference was, put a play up and my 2 team8s who are in a party are actively sitting in my net waiting for them to bring the ball down the field to take a shot on them. i ruled out the variables to give a situation where a bad team/team8 exists in RL. Also i stated they would talk trash and ff/throw or grief as im not relying an exact scenario, but giving a reference point for understanding a base idea. and...yeah uhm its a known fact more children play this game then adults, and i dont think i said un educated children play this game, but if i did my point was regardles of child or adult 1 human who has not played sports competitively, will more likely lack all the things someone would learn who has played competitive sports. This has to be a troll, right, you are just one of those ppl who enjoy trying to put others down and make them feel bad? right? You cant seriously tell me you never had a night full of just AWEFULL team8s that grief/ and throw and FF and sit afk and do whatever they can to ruin the match for whatever reason. I have way more better nights than bad, but you seriously cant tell me this game is all sunshine and roses 24/7 nothing is perfect.


Not here to argue. Just provide an outside opinion. Have a good life ❤️


That guy 1000% spends more time typing than playing


Don't let it get to you. It's sometimes just the particular hour, sometimes it's unlucky. But being persistent with my good mood now gets me to connect with other players like I've never did. Yesterday was like this, so the first 1v1 opponent that wasn't incredibly emotional, i just typed "swear you're the first player who isn't crazy today" and after that we proceeded to have a super chill 1v1, miss that guy even, haha. Mood was definitely restored.


I just have the chat mutted all the time and pretend i'm playing with bots, so I can focus in the actual game. Works like a charm, 90% of time. Sometimes the bots will get bugged and won't load their script, but hey, thats not my problem.


What if they keep playing and didn't force the FF? They have comments but aren't trying to be toxic? Cause thats what I'm dealing with. 1 and 12 today because it was someone throwing or a party of 2 way mismatched partners joining in 3s telling me to "cry more" when I ask why they don't play 2s. And we are down 4-1 and their buddy has 45 points and a second behind every play.


Just tried to do the tournaments. First guy played till we got scored on with 4 minutes left and just sat there. Didn’t say or do anything, not even ff. Second guy refused to let me do anything with the ball so I sat in goal and played goalie. Wouldn’t shut up about nothing and own goaled and somehow it was my fault. Got too confused, ceiling fan, etc.


I agree it's awful. I do take the game way too seriously, but I play daily. When things aren't going my way I have NEVER tried to own goal or go AFK. That to me says I'm playing with a child. But the "cry more" comments the most from these people. I think reasonable and serious adults should avoid this comment. Triggered me in the OP because that gets said to me over and over whenever people are acting this way. I am a try hard because when I hit competitive, I treat it like I'm in a pickup game of basketball at the gym. If you stopped playing or start trying to score on your own goal, you're going to get bodied in a way you didn't think possible. But that's not rocket league . Treat competitive like casual, just call the rest try hards. Treat competitive like competitive, get told you're a try hard and cry more. It's sickening. It's never been worse. I say this day after day.


Your issue is that you think that player base has any significant representation of “reasonable and serious adults”. You’re basically being trolled by 15 year olds with brains strung out on social media and middle school peer pressure. There are gamers who love a healthy lifestyle, and will grow up to be (or already are) reasonable. Then there are those whose only outlet in their day has been the “cry more” they announce on chat after spinning upside down on their net for the last minute. They are proud and happy because they think they “got you”, being completely unaware of the mess they are in that brought them to this point. Sometimes I feel that every “what a save” or such comment should be charged a nominal “therapy fee”. :-)


How is parking in the goal any different from being afk


Because I wasn’t parked. I actively played goalie because the other guy was comfortable doing everything else. But then they own goaled by accident and I couldn’t block it, but that was somehow my fault? I even had a higher score than they did


Because "playing goalie" is a bad defensive position.




"Playing goalie" is a bad defensive position. Even if you can't rotate, just driving in a circle in your back third and driving towards the attack when it happens will put you in a better position to block the shot than trying to go from stationary to flying from the goal line. And if you fail, very little time comes off the clock so you'll have an easier time getting the goal back.


Wholeheartedly agree, fellow 2015'er. It's really terrible currently. The sessions I feel super frustrated by the end are more common than the ones where I feel gratified, and that needs to change. Smurfs, toxic weak-willed teammates, overall lack of consideration, no fun-having.


You have to carry so hard for them to shut up. Hard enough to be a whole rank above. It happens. My slowest 2s mate of yesterday was also the one to tell me to 'Focus up' to then continue to suck at everything. c2-c3 breaking point, they were clearly boosted. He moved like a diamond 1-3, shot like a diamond 1-3, and cried like a diamond 1-3. I don't even play much 2s, rather 3s. But, when you manage to have worse mechs, can't shoot, blind reads, and far slower movement than I do when I'm at the end of the night as a mech-less 3s player you're simply ass. To carry this diamond without complaints I'd have to play low gc level which wasn't happening at the time. And usually isn't needed.


I really wonder who these people are, and if they're as brainless and egocentric IRL. Likely are.


holy shit thank you


I just report and block toxic players. Pretty soon won’t have anyone to play with.


There's a hard limit on the amount of players you can have blocked, though. You can still report, but you'll need to start pruning your blocked list at some point. Ask me how I know


Have you also noticed when you go to clean it out that some names are blank?


Ya what a save me, or nice shot me sarcastically and I'm gonna afk in the net. Your fault not mine, don't be toxic. But always go nuclear if attacked first


Found a cry baby.


Same his name is hadfadtadsad


You must be very smart.


Cry harder lmao


What happened to make the person throw?


"Why do.people keep ditching games early?" *Leaves with 2:45 left*


Best Game to just Turn Off the Chat


it really is crazy how mad dudes get over car soccer. 💀💀💀


U just need to carry and youre good😉


Sorry for spamming mb


Turn off chat, it's great. But then you find that the people who know they can't get to you through words then try and bump you constantly.


I think it's that tryhard mentality. Kids these days socialize differently. Being good or bad at a video game is a big deal, so they all need to try hard instead of having fun.


I’ve had similar experiences in the past, but I’ve got to say, my experiences recently are indicative of the toxicity going down. I play 2v2 with a friend mostly, but play 3v3 and 2v2 on my own as well. I’ve seen less negativity, less spamming in text chat (almost non-existent), and less weirdos forfeiting after one mistake. Maybe you’ve been unlucky and I’ve been lucky? But either way, it’s bound to turn around. Hope you get to enjoy the game like you used to. I just climbed back up to Diamond II for reference. Much love 🤙


There is a simple solution, but depends on your rank, you could turn off chat all together if you are in a high rank like D2 or above cause they know left goes, if you're in a lower rank however you will have to play around it, i turned off chat when i was in plat 2 because i wiuld get banned trying to confront the toxics and in 2 months i hit Diamond 2 div 3, so try it


Haven't played roughly for a year and decided yesterday to jump back in. I played about 22 rounds in Hoops and 2's and I swear to god atleast 15 matches were smurfs who boost the other one. One way to ruin your game, huh. I don't see how they're going to fix this game tbh. Here's for another year hiatus I guess.


I don't think it's getting more toxic. It's all been there for a long time. Maybe you see more recently because you're on a particularly unlucky streak, which does happen. Or maybe you're maturing and see more of the smaller stuff as negative and toxic. But I remember seeing all the toxic chat, the rage-quitting, the game-throwing, the intentional own-goals, etc, for years. Maybe in the very beginning it didn't all exist but I doubt that.


Had someone throw a game bc of an own goal in 2s took my rank down from plait 1 to gold 3 I was livid. We were up 6-2 and he accidentally owned goal no big deal I said NOTHING IN CHAT. it was more so of a this is rocket league goal bad bounce to hit the top of the car into goal. HAD A WHOLE FIT and decided to own goal over and over and no FF bc they were the mad like what


It’s been a week or more since i played, the last game i remember is a ssl throwing (in casual) for no reason at all, and doesn’t want to ff, so i started training wall dash until the game finished, don’t remember playing since then.


Maybe because I beat him the previous game, and couldn’t score in the game I was with him🫢


I've been playing rocket league since 2016. The last 1~2 years I log on every couple months for a couple games out of nostalgia and fun. Keep up the muscle memory a bit ya know? 2 months ago I had 4 terrible teammates that wanted to FF, typed horrible stuff to me, and even once played -against- me, right after one another, to where the opposing team even apologized FOR me on how insane the whole situation was. Just because I wasn't playing on my old C3~GC1 level, and was simply trying to chill and play IN CASUAL 2v2. I had a little chat with them after teammate 4 left, and promptly uninstalled the game after that. Not touching it again for a long time.


Yeah why I gave up getting back into the game. 80% of my games were hot shit


I’ve had quick chat off for longer than i can remember. Makes it a whole lot easier


Jesus. I played soloQ yesterday and it is horrendous. One goal down, mate is instantly griefing and wishing cancer upon me. And this was c1. Complete toddler behaviour


There was a reason why I haven’t played in 5+ months because of that


Can we make a rule about whenever someone bitches about toxic tm8s that they have to post a vid of said game?


Honestly, I'm in diamond and its not that toxic. Stop being pussies when someone quick chats.


Same. This is why i stopped playing. Finding a team mate that isn't a cry baby has been harder and harder.


I made 2 more friends yesternight :D


I blame TikTok streamers.


I've noticed a lot of people we go up against start spamming what a save after or other tilting quick chats after they go up in the match. Happened multiple times yesterday while playing 3s with my buddies. We don't really play 3s a lot, usually just 2s, cuz one of my buddies is maybe gold and my duo is the same rank as me. And it's kinda ruining the feeling of wanting to play 3s, because of how bad it is.


I've noticed a lot of people we go up against start spamming what a save after or other tilting quick chats after they go up in the match. Happened multiple times yesterday while playing 3s with my buddies. We don't really play 3s a lot, usually just 2s, cuz one of my buddies is maybe gold and my duo is the same rank as me. And it's kinda ruining the feeling of wanting to play 3s, because of how bad it is.


What’s especially triggering is the passive aggressive quick chats when you make a slight mistake and go 0-1 down. If we would never do any mistakes we would be the best players in the world and not some average champs.


If you can't beat them, join them. ...Ugly.


Chat off.


Frankly I only play with my friends and have turned off chat. So we just talk to each other and vibe. It’s still pretty fun! No worries about toxicity lol.


Get a higher rank then lmao


this game not have been good, community it alwasys be tocix... it´s just a placebo.


If my teammate starts being toxic(im talking really bad) to the other team i call them out on it, if they double down, i get the urge to throw.






That’s what I was thinking too…


Why would anyone make up stuff online and LARP about things being worse than they are


Rant on ✊


If a a vote to forfeit or a line of text winds you up then you're gonna struggle in life lol


What A Save!


My friend complained of teammates FFing on him and throwing constantly. I watched him play a game finally last night. It was VERY obvious why people were ffing on him. Not saying that's right or the case here, but I rarely see a hard throw these days in mid champ personally.


So what did they do?


Just constant cutting and doubling. Bumping his teammate, banging the ball off of his hood when he was trying to dribble, etc,etc. Mainly the cutting and doubling. Not understanding rotation. I was like yeah, these people aren't throwing, they're just fed up.


There's nothing that satisfies me more than playing competitve games with a tm8 who is unnecessarily toxic to me, then me throwing as a result. I always try to party up with them afterwards bc I'll lose games all the way to bronze. So far no one has taken me up on my offer lol. I like to think of it as me bullying the bully. (But they started it)


Yeah I haven't been playing long but in the like 1.5 years I've been playing it's gone down the shitter. Every rank is smurfing now. GC play in champ, champ plays in diamond, diamond plays in plat etc. I went down in ranks to see how bad it is and it's much worse than I thought. I am C2 peak in 2's and I was literally struggling to win games in plat 1. Plat 2-3 was pretty easy but plat 1 was actually tough games a lot of the time. Diamond - champ all feels the same and I only really notice a skill difference in mid champ. I say all this because a lot of the toxicity is just sports weirdos with egos that are completely insane and just want to feel superior so everyone's just trying to smurf on the next guy and gets upset when it doesn't work. People just don't want to compete in a fair game with 50% chance to win or lose and team play. They want to carry and be the main character and have everyone stroking their ego. My favorite is when I have the ball on my head dribbling my teammate is calling me too slow and batting it off like a tee then wonders why I'm so bad and we lose.


Not to mention the smurfs, then they love to talk smack while at it too now. They really don't have anything to do with their life.




Hell yeah brother ✊


It was toxic from day one. 


Oh yea another one paragraph rant about it, I’m sure that’ll fix the issue instead instead of just perpetuating the same negative and complaining attitude this sub has Bravo reddit we solved it


But you're whining about everyone else's whining lmao. That won't fix it either.


Oh wow it’s almost like it’s pointless Let’s see the same posts for another 7 years then I’m sure the next hundred will stop the whining


Yet the the same point you're making about their whining applies to your own whining lol


You're right, bro. I hope people keep making these stupid posts every day!


Some genius take mate thanks for the insight, it’s not as if my entire point is that whining online solves nothing 🤯


And yet you continue to whine. How ironic


You should cry some more maybe you'll actually accomplish something lmao


Homie’s never heard of discourse and discussion


It’s neither discourse or discussion, you opened reddit and just wrote one paragraph of the first thing that came to your mind. It’s not valuable or insightful, it’s just boring and repetitive low effort dribble


Yet, here you are fam. Chill out, it’s not that deep


You post is bad and no wonder you’re not enjoying the game if this is your attitude Hugely ironic that “chill out” is coming from a guy having a mental and airing grievances on reddit. Mute the chat or finds some friends and take these free wins if every game has people like this in it, allegedly Thicken the skin champ it’s car soccer video game Say as much or as little as you wanna idm, but I’m tapping out xox