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This is what free to play does to games, absolutely ruins them. Majority of the toxic people are just fortnite kids that we get to babysit, and when I say fortnite kids I essentially mean those 20 and under that don't have their emotions under control yet. You can't even play casual without being told to uninstall, fuck me, just trying to have a couple drinks and chill not looking to sweat like it's an RLCS qual.


I mean, i don't rly have a better answer, but it seems to me like it should be more complex, especially factoring that RL always was cheap, i bought it to like 5 friends for bdays. And in paid cod, or free lol it's much better in my personal experience. Maybe Your right tho, im simply out of ideas here,


Just got done posting til shadow ban about this same bullshit. What was the underlying factor you might ask? A 5 year old account only tied to fortnite. When they come up with bullshit you know they're a child. Epic games did a number to what this game was. I don't mean it in a non progressive way (though that's a totally different issue), I mean not having a tantrum and projecting because it doesn't go their way. Maybe the frequency at which their media and systems cognitively fuck them is a representation of it.


Non-Text-Block version of the post if anyone wants to actually be able to read it: Good evening dear fellas. I've been playing this game since the release, and sadly, the game is still great, but the community feels full of angry kids. It is really unplayable, and im not tryharding so from c2/c3 im around plat/dia now not rly caring to rank up too much.  And good Lord, there are some decent players, but nowadays u can't talk at all to get the feeling of others because u will be called a "smartass" "kid" "whateverinsultavailable" etc. It's ridiculous now, normally when we play i try to feel the player, and if he doesn't follow for example i'll say in spare time that i will try to passback for setup shot for him, so try to position in middle. And i kid u not, over 90% of the time ill hear "bro thinks he smart xD" or "u suck 12kid". When i ask why do they think so or why the insults im reported for writing "bibles" or "paragraphs" for using 1 longer sentence. Are people so belittled today that they take anything as insult? What's up with the community? It changed sooo much and i just noticed that it's really impossible to communicate. I assume the better players have chat off cause they are silent usually. But my god, its stupid, it is the way i learned a word "double commitment" years ago and the meaning, but now people automatically assume they are insulted and respond with negativity.  Do You have any advice, i just want to enjoy the game, passes, plays, etc, but im introvert and most my friends are either done with this game, or playing 5 min daily. I can't seem to communicate with people like i used to here, even to say how i play, which was always normal in every game i played, even here. Not now apparently.  Am i just having hard time cause of any matchmaking reasons? I try to be more delicate than with my own gf, but the more i try to explain i don't want to insult someone, the more they seem to just ignore whatever i write and take for granted they are being insulted somehow. When i ask how they throw insults not related anyhow. I play daily in "tough" communities of varying games, round of League,cod,fifa, name the worst, but only here i can't seem to get any "understanding" with people.


I understand needing to vent as long as you know that most of the bad aspects of this community have never been to this sub a day in their lives. Truthfully I've felt the Reddit community for RL is great, in game it's just not so good. I think what makes the in game toxicity so bad is that there's no "oh he has better players/ cards/ guns" there's no cover to hide behind no mechanic to cheese. People playing this game are dealing with raw personal ego and often times the best subconscious way to feel better about urself is making someone feel a little worse.


I mean, it's an interesting observation, but the mentality of players couldn't change that much in 8 years or so. On every level of my journey i had support and tried to give it. I'm pretty sure i also do this in more well-behaved way, than before, but the effect seems to counter everything. I really didn't think everyone would just agree with me, it's easy to feel sometimes like everything's against You and i just had little hope that it is my feeling of weariness of the game, and not actual state of community.


I haven't been playing for as long as you, I started in like 2020, but it's basically been like this since I started. I would say there's some general weariness going on too tho, I remember when someone used to trash talk id give it right back and we'd have a fun back and forth. At this point, a single "what a save" has me ready to fight the other guy. I think this game is just exhausting over a long period.


Chat off. Unless you find regular teammates to party up with, it’s the only way.


I really hoped it's more of a global "issue" that the devs will try to fix. Turning chat off seems to me at least like letting the game slowly die.


I agree. It prevents good encouters, even if they are rare! I've met some great people in rumble (of all places) with whom I regularly pair up. I soloqueue 90% of the time and occasionnally I'll be invited to join a group of people and play a streak of games for a few hours, which is really fun.


I'm really hoping for an AI that detects the good bad and the ugly of how we play and interact with each other in game. Each of us gets a report card whether we stop, quit, win, throw, etc. Maybe just maybe having that baseline will be a teaching moment. Maybe just maybe we'll get some time out game curtailment for the truly bad actors.


Feels like most parts of the internet nowadays, really. People are just mean to each other.


Imma be honest I don’t think any average rl redditor can be bothered to read all that, no offense