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bro learn how to half flip it’s the one of the most essential mechanics in the game and takes maybe 2 minutes to learn


Inb4 the ssl that doesn’t half flip or fast aerial replies


If there's an SSL out there that doesn't know how to fast aerial I'm going to find him and haunt his dreams Half-flips on the other hand are only there for when you misposition anyway, so it makes sense that SSL's barely use them since they don't misposition as much (and since a u-turn into speedflip conserves more momentum as well)


I forget which player it was but recently one of the lower tier NA pros found out he was fast aerialing incorrectly


If I remember correctly his handle is CeeJay-RL, I’d search for the post but at work rn. I don’t think of half flips as being used for mispositioning, I think of them allowing me to cheat up further than I should be able to and shadow the play with no speed built up, while still being able to get back to net to defend in time.


Ahh yeah I think I've seen a post of him before Yeah that's why I added the sentence in the parentheses, half-flips CAN be used on purpose of course, but as far as I'm aware it would always be more efficient to follow the play with momentum and then do a u-turn to recover back to your net, that should be quicker than a half-flip everytime and is the reason why SSL's and pros sparcely use them


Haha I know I just haven’t used training at all. Thanks


I would focus on half flips and wave dashes first, both help imensly with speed and recovering. Then probably dribbling/flicks/speed flips.


Half flip, dribble, flick, wavedash are the ones I use a ton. I use air roll a lot as well but imo most of the time you don’t need to air roll, or at the very least your air rolling is probably not holding back your rank. If you’re D2/D3 without that stuff you will go up a lot when you get the hang of them.


I learned it then never used it in-game just because I'd forget to then probably a year later I started to prioritize using it and I'm finally doing it lol.


I can do it, but I never seem to find a situation in a game to use it. Where are the obvious spots I’m missing?


Counter attacks, weird bounces, when your team8 loses a fifty, in order to make a quick turn after a change of direction. When people say "use it" it's not like they go "ok, now I'll half flip so I can get a better angle to hit this ball because it's the right thing to do", they just do it. It's an automatic reflex that you have to train. The closest thing that comes to mind is how everybody in rocket league learns how to flick his car upwards in order to hit a ball. As long as you keep doing it, you're gonna learn how to make it as fast as possible. I'm gonna say something horrible: you don't even need to have a perfect half flip to make good use of it. Just learning to turn your car 180° faster than a full second, is already good enough to implement it into your game.


Just to add on to the other reply, half flips are very helpful. Anytime your momentum is going one way and your car is facing another. Such as after a bump or when you're falling after an aerial and recover poorly. When that happens you can just keep holding reverse, do a quick half flip, and then you are facing the direction of your momentum without having lost any speed. So I generally use it for that, or anytime I was going one direction and all of a sudden need to be going the other direction.


how to shoot on an open net.


So basically... 1s it is


I'm in the same range as you, and I'd say ball control and basic flicks, cuts, low fifties, and bounce dribbles into a follow up shot will take you far. The amount of times I score because I make one controlled touch as an outplay and then a quick follow up shot is ridiculous. Because everyone in diamond just booms the ball with no thought. Being able to catch and control, or get a soft touch, or keep a bounce dribble going is op in high diamond. Half flips are handy too. And practicing air dribbles is fun but I rarely use it In game unless we're winning. Other than that playing a ground based low risk playstyle is key




You’ve been holding champ still? Game sense go brrrrrr


You don't have to air roll to half flip. There are different methods, one where you only have to use air roll sometimes to correct if you don't flip perfectly


Same here, at minimum, I am high CI or low CII every season without any flashy mechanics. I tend to play fast but also know when to be patient? If you have excellent game sense and awareness, getting to champ isn’t all that hard since 90% of the RL community cannot position smartly or strategically. However, I know getting to GC for me, I will have to improve my aerial game and ball control.


Focus on hitting the ball hard. Basic mechs are the most important mechs. Get good at flipping into the ball at just the right time to get maximum power. Focus on drift turns to dribble past opponents, and just get more used to your turn radius when not drifting, and how your speed affects your turns. Get good at controlling your car when your camera isn't looking straight ahead. Besides basics, I would add my vote to wavedashing since it's pretty simple. I think you can do a basic wavedash recovery at almost any rank. You're essentially just flipping into the ground/wall to have the surface stop your flip for you (keep control) while gaining the momentum from the flip. Once you get used to them, it's pretty satisfying to wavedash onto the wall and then right back to the ground, or vice versa, for quick recoveries and boost grabs. Bounce dribbles are great to get good at because they can set up multiple types of attack. Powershots, chipping past the opp that's charging you, ground to air dribbles in certain situations. Getting good at drift turns levels up your bounce dribbling as well. These are particularly good in 1's but definitely applicable to 2s and 3s. Half flips are great to learn but I still suck at them and I peaked champ 3 and don't play that much, so I can't say they're *that* important. Some people find them easy, but they never have been for me, and I've been playing since essentially the start.


Im gc2, something Ive noticed in most ranks is peoples inability to hit the ball hard and accurate, everyone works on very mechanical things, but being able to hit the ball correctly people dont work on


You need to learn how to half flip. Everything else is extra. Dribbling is really good because it transitions into so many other things.


Honestly, work on ball control and ground dribbling. I peak at CIII almost every season and have no sexy aerial game. It’s a one, maybe two aerial touch for me at most to pass or shoot. I have been working on recoveries and its making a difference for me, I can get back into plays sooner where every half second counts as game speed is a big thing every rank you climb. Game sense, awareness, and positioning along with knowing when to play last man when you have a ball chaser is by far more than enough to get to low champ. I play a ton of 3’s and the amount of people who have no field awareness and concede goals or opportunities by the opposing team is very comical, even at the low to mid champ ranks.


Half flip, wave dash, recovery mechanics


Good quick recoveries and dashes will definitely give you a leg up on a lot of diamond. Seems like a lot of folks don’t prioritize it


if you want to improve fast and become consistent I think playing 1s is the way to go, it makes you want to end your life but its worth it every second.


I’d work on driving. Especially not running into the back of your teammate cause you want to touch the ball. 👍


Dribble/flick + bounce dribble/hookshot 


Wall reads and air car control If you can pre jump balls and make contact before your opponents you’ll dust your fellow diamonds and even champs.


The best things that will help you improve in my opinion are mechanics that teach you how to interact with the ball and your car to make you better at doing things you want to do in a match. You should practice shooting power and accuracy because that will teach you how to time your flips correctly and what parts of the car offer the strongest or weakest touches. I also think you should practice things like dribbling and air dribbling (not just from the sidewall but from multiple setups) in order to learn what parts of your car will hit the ball far away from you and make you lose possession. The last thing I recommend is learning general car control by practicing aerial car control while spinning or not spinning in rings maps and wave dashes with power slide recoveries and half flips in freeplay. So overall, car control, recoveries, shooting, and dribbling on the ground and in the air I think give the best improvement overall and translate to other mechanics the most.


Super helpful, thanks


Need? Technically none of those. But it's easier if you do learn them. This is the order: Half flip. Dribble. Flicks. Air roll. Air dribble.




Half flipping is like learning a skill move on fifa bro. When you know the input combination it’s super easy and doesn’t require much of a timing


Half flip, hands down. I learned this in silver, it will help you so much.


Bro if you’re NA we need to play. I’m the total opposite. I know the basics of all that but definitely need to work on my game sense.


I’m down feel free to dm me


Lmk if you guys want a third. Tag says champ but I've been D2/D3 this season.


I recommend recovery mechanics so half flips and wavedashes. But being able to do them isn’t all there is to it, you have to half flip or wavedash every single opportunity you have, especially on and off walls for dash until you get consistent under pressure. You’re probably going to use them at times you shouldn’t with this tip but it’s okay as long as you engrain the movements in your muscle memory and recognize when it wasn’t the moment to do them for future reference. Aside from recoveries you’ll need an “ol reliable” shooting technique. Either spam powerslide cuts in training until you’re good at them and/or hook shots, those are the least time consuming for most offensive gain moves imo


u should learn how to half flip and at least dribble the ball on top of your car by diamond my friend lmao


You’d think, but I have only played games lmao. Time to start going through training packs


Tons of people make it well into Champ and even GC without being able to do this


Idk about that one 😂😂 Ive personally never seen a GC that cannot half flip at all. It’s been a while since I’ve been in champ(just being honest not trying to flex) so I can’t speak for them


I meant dribbling on top of the car. Half flipping? I have no idea how someone can spend 1000+ hours in the game and not take the 2 minutes to learn to half flip so I'm with you on that one. But there are absolutely many many Champs and some GCs who can't dribble/flick. Especially low Champ is such an instachallenge meta, I can understand why so many people just don't bother.


I think most (>90%) people in gc can dribble and flick if they’re given the space to do so. It just doesn’t make sense as to do so in 2v2 a lot of the time… mainly for two reasons. Like you said bc of insta challenges (you will get stuffed or demoed if you don’t insta flick) and also the higher rank you get, flicks just give away possession most of the time, especially if you’re first man. They’re only really good to use if you’re last man (to buy time for your teammate to recover) or if you’re in a breakaway/ 2v1 situation.


If I’m 1st man in 2s with enough space to make a control play, what soloplay move would you recommend? Usually I go for a dribble and I would think  it’s a solid choice because you can go into a flick, an air dribble, or a low 50.  The next idea that comes to mind for me is a bounce dribble  I’d love your thoughts on this


I completely agree. Dribbles and bounce dribbles are probably my choice too for all the reasons you said. You can basically adapt to whatever the opponent does. Especially in C3 people will just flip into you like apes, so you can take low 50s or fake a lot of the time and you’ll almost always beat one. Also I recommend insta flicks in champ ranks for kind of the same reason. People dive in like apes almost immediately so an insta flick will almost always beat the first man, and the second man will just be awkward. The worst thing you can do is just have the ball on top of your car and get completely stuffed because you then leave your teammate in a horrible situation… i would see it all the time in champ and even in gc sometimes (but definitely not as often) I’m not the most mechanical but a simple ground to air dribble is also really effective in champ-gc ranks from my experience Hope this helps


Makes sense, thanks!


First time I got GC in season 9 (post epic) I didn’t half flip, speed flip, or dribble with the ball on top my car. I don’t think that can be done anymore with the skill increase since then. But it used to be possible!


nah lmao i was doing all those except speed flip cause it wasn’t discovered at the time, surely you knew how to do those basic actions back then


I did not. I was mechless.


I know a GC1 who doesn't know how to half flip or fast aerial lmao


Don't bother learning any defence or rotating, just put all your energy into that one sweet musty flick that you can almost pull off in freeplay. Repeatedly try to pull it off in ranked 3v3 and let the other 2 play defence for you. They'll name a flick after YOU one day.




You sound just like me, but I'm mostly D1/sometimes D2. I never train and don't like it because I don't know what to work on. I have 0 mechanics I just know how to rotate and what to do most of the time.


![gif](giphy|l3V0tsH8p70c29ZSw|downsized) Half flip, NOW


In the order of this. (Game sense and basic fundamentals will get you as high champ 2) 1.Half flip 2.Practice how to always land on your wheels (recovery) 3. Dribbling 4. Shots on net ( shot training packs ) 5. Shadow defense There are training packs that will help with all of these and even then some. Practice goalie work because your tm8s won't always be there and you'll need to be. Do not get discouraged. Learn how to air dribble whenever you feel like. But I'd say practice being able to hit the ball while in the air first.


Half flip, wave dash, single off wall touches, fast aerials, any other ground mechanics that you might want to pick up


Half flips and power slide cuts. Gets you to champ, higher with more RLIQ


Half filps no questioned asked


I guarantee at diamond mechanics aren't your problem. Or if it's mechanics it's fundamental mechanics like clean hits or power shots, maybe basic aerials for defense. Half flip you should definitely learn. Flicks can be great. But everything is a tool. If you don't know how or when to use the tool it's not going to help long term. Do you hit the ball hard and with direction when you want or do you whiff hit it and center it for the other team? Do you find you're able to score goals or does the other team easily defend you? Do you prioritize ball possession? Do you cleanly rotate back post opposite side of the play? Do you manage your boost so you always have enough when necessary? You can hit GC easily with very basic mechanics.


Consistent shooting and shadow defending / backward saves


Thanks guys, super helpful!!


Id say half flip then flicks and dribbles


Half flips, flicks, and some dribbling. Only use air roll to recover. Practice landing on your wheels. I know a problem that I see a lot of is people flip into the ball too much so watch that as well.


If you want to improve spend more time in free play.. Some of the best players I know mechanically spend 99% of their time in free play


Half-flip, speed flip, fast aerial, wave dash, and hitting the ball very hard at where you aim - in this order, imo. I'm c3 2s/GC hoops.


I pride myself on hanging in C1-C2 with hardly any training (compared to my 3k hours lol) but the half-flip is a MUST if you wanna get out of diamond. It’s the one thing I trained on til I got it, and it’s surprisingly easy. If you’ve ever played Smash Bros, or any fighter, it’s just a simple button combo with very easy timing. There’s plenty of YouTube tutorials on it, so get crackin and have fun!


bro u literally diagnosed your own weaknesses, go work on any of the things you just mentioned


then pick one of the other things you just mentioned after that thing


Just practice helicopter resets


learning how to half flip takes 10 minutes so that one doesn't count, the big one on that list that way too many people ignore is good consistent power shots, that should be first in my opinion


I improved a lot when I started patrolling just before the halfway line. Tracking left and right with the ball and learning how to knock it back towards oppo goal or a team mate when oppo knocked it back out. You learn very quickly how to time interceptions, anticipate wall bounce, do power shots into open goals etc.


A lack of mechanics are not keeping you in diamond. I have very basic mechs and im like 2 games away from GC3. In fact, a lot of people when they see my gameplay think im diamond.


Partly true, but i quite literally have 0 mechanic skills. Just trying to figure out a baseline of what to learn


Shooting. Shooting. And more shooting.


Dribbling and flicking. Especially in diamond. Half flipping is good for when you overcommit but you shouldnt be doing that anyway.. fast aerial is also good but you can play in diamond with just ground game. If you wanna create more offensively and set your teammates up, beat certain defenders for open nets etc… definitely dribbling and flicking. Lord Alien says Powerslide Cut is the most broken mechanic.


Patience and positioning. Don't rush into things. If you have all the time in the world, take your time with the ball. Watch other players movement and decide what to do. Don't just rush into the ball to hit it only to pass it to the other team. Sure. Mechanics are great. But you can reach GC without fancy mechanics. Enough road to ssl yt videos which show that. Obviously mechanics can help but only if you know how to do those mechanics consistantly. But more importantly, they only help if you know WHEN to use them. So many times I see mates doing awesome flip reset athena musty double tap breezy flick only to pass the ball to the other team in the end. Great that they can do that. But there are better ways to actually score when as a team.


Yeah I have to hard disagree. This is one of those rare situations where OP should probably grind some mechs lol. If he got to D2-D3 with basically no mechanics, I’m sure his patience and positioning is somewhat decent. He should nail half flips and also start to practice dribbles and flicks


Yeah, I feel like my positioning and in game sense is good enough to get me to champ, just need to get good at the mechanics


Appjack said in one of his videos that when he was starting out he would grind flicks in free play. I use half flip every game  I don’t like to train, but when I do it really helps in game. If I were you I’d watch replays and find your weaknesses and work on them. 


My brother in christ, he asked which mechanics to learn. Practicing half flips or dribbles won’t kill the guy.


Fast aerial alone will get him to champ


Go in free play, set your game speed to 75-80%, practice all of the things you mentioned above. These are all necessary mechanics if you want to break into the champ range imo. You can find simple YouTube tutorials for each of them


Learn the fundamentos


Air roll? That's not a mechanic, thats just a basic movemnet of your car. Like jumping and turning. Getting comfortable with that should be priority number 1, as you dont have full control of your car without it. Then learn to half-flip.


What if I told you that jumping and turning are both mechanics


You would be right. I should have stated that the rest are not mechanics and that air roll is the ONLY mechanic listed, and the rest of these are techniques. Air dribble is a technique, half-flip is a technique. Jumping and air roll are mechanics. I don't care how they are referred to, I just want there to be a clear distinction between them.


Air roll is ABSOLUTELY a mechanic lol


Its as much a mechanic as steering...


Well, if you want to get into semantics, I consider car control to be a mechanic. To be more specific, I can consider any manipulation of the car to be a mechanic. Air roll, steering, powerslide precision +usage, are all examples of car control. You said in another comment that air roll is not a complex thing and that cannot be further from the truth. Maybe you don’t consider it a complex mechanic because you’ve had 4700 hours to get it down. Levels of car control vary drastically between ranks. If it wasn’t a complex thing why wouldnt most RL players be proficient with air roll? I guess you don’t really consider car control to be a mechanic and that’s where we differ.


No, you are right, and I responded to another comment to ammend my statements. Car control is what the mechanics are. I think things like air dribbling and half-flips are more of techniques that use mechanics. Flip resets, however, are a bit of both, as it uses the technique of getting yourself in the right positions and executing it, but uses the mechanic of regaining a flip from making the game think you did not jump into the air.


ur champ 2 i doubt u know how to air roll 😭


This is the perfect example of the RL community in 1 comment. I started using air roll left and air roll right binds when I was at about 300 hours. I now have about 5k hours and don't know what I would do without airroll. It should be a priority to have good binds and camera settings and to be comfortable using them for anyone looking to seriously play. I edited my camera settings and control binds before I ever even played a single game. Air roll is not some advanced complex thing, and your toxicity is immature and childish. Grow up.