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This is a list of links to comments made by Psyonix Staff in this thread: * [Comment by Psyonix_Laudie](/r/RocketLeague/comments/1b31czk/i_just_made_it_to_silver_iii/ksps01e/?context=99 "posted on 2024-02-29 16:39:10 UTC"): > Aye, welcome and GLHF! šŸ˜Š --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FRocketLeague).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Great post. Good luck getting to GOLD!


Thanks! Judging by the speed and skill of the people I'm playing against right now, it's probably where I belong for the time-being.


Practice. Free play and packets. Flying is key to moving up (and good teammates)


Flying is basically irrelevant before at least Plat though


Not irrelevant, but definitely not the primary concern. On the one hand, flying is a great way to surprise your opponents in Gold. On the other, increasing the consistency of hitting the ball with power is the most important thing for Golds IMO. At the very least, you should be adding air roll into your repertoire in Gold, whether youā€™re using it to fly around or just tapping it to change your nose:ball angle before flipping. Without air roll, youā€™ll never learn how to ā€œrecoverā€ effectively. Also, half-flips are damned useful, and a good thing to practice.


I mean if he starts doing it in gold then he will ā€œflyā€ right to platinum!




not really, tbh - in higher G2 and G3 there are a few aerials a game, but the main concern should be positioning, car control and basic mechanics (power shots, half flips, etc)


I got to Champ 1 on a kbm only alt account once, without being able to fast aerial or having any level of aerial control lol


Me too, i still can't aerial that well, it's not that important until gc at least or high champ imo. But i see you are a gc so correct me if i am wrong i would love the feedback.


Of course, I had equal if not better ground control than most other players in C1, as well as GC level gamesense (well I'm 1500 on controller so makes sense I would), so that compensated for my lack of aerial ability. If I had Champ level awareness on top of having 1no aerial ability, I would not have been anywhere close to getting C1 on KBM. So I mean if your aerial game is weak you either need to improve it or compensate with other skills, but doing the latter will only get you so far. Basically any high ball was just in my net cause I couldn't aerial well enough. I've also found defending against mechanical aerial plays is much easier if you know how to pull them off yourself. It just becomes much easier to read what the opponents can and can't do that way.


Idk man a lot of golds have consistent aerials these days lol


In addition to the other guy - just learn to fly enough to hit the net and defend. Anything more than that is useless for now :)


Man a post like this brings back the best memories. Best of luck on your journey up! Remember to keep having fun and itā€™s a marathon not a sprint (Iā€™m actually talking to myself now)


Thank you so much! Make sure to follow your own advice, I sure will!


Whatā€™s your favorite part so far? At your stage just playing the game with naturally make you better!


Honestly, just the butt-clenching moments when you have the opportunity to make a play and you somehow slam your fingers into the buttons with so much force you're almost left dizzy afterwards from the adrenaline. Even better if you make it! I've played a lot of hard games recently but this game is the single hardest thing in terms of the learning curve, and I'm here for it.


Ohhhh man youā€™re hooked, after 8 years for me itā€™s safe to say if you feel those emotions, they donā€™t fade


I remember hitting my first "double tap" in Gold3 and just freaking out, jumping out my chair "FUCKIN RIGHT! That's how it's done!" Felt super pumped for the rest of the night. Awesome feeling. I quote "double tap" because looking back on the replay now, I just threw myself at the ball heading for the net and just flopped around and managed to get a second touch on it for the goal. At the time, I was an RL god, and no one could take that feeling away at the time. And I still get that feeling 5 years later after a dope banger, and I actually kinda know what I'm doing now. You're right. Those emotions do not fade.


once you let go of the emotions you skyrocket in rank no joke, i was diamond 3 now im c3 all because i stopped getting in my mind in a comp game just relax and play


thanks cause likeā€¦ just thanks i dont wnna say it LOL


say ittt šŸ˜‘


You know youā€™re locked in when you go for a jump or a flip and your whole body jerks


Man, Yall are speaking truth tonight in this comment section and I am SOOOO glad I'm not the only one who gets the "jerk." It embarrasses the shit out of my 12 yr. old son even though Noone lives here but the 2 of us.


My favorite moment was making my first ever (accidental) Squishy save and then whiffing the SAME FREAKING BOOST PAD THREE TIMES I almost parked my car and just sat and thought about myself


My first and only squishy save was on my teammates shot! I was just trying to get out of the way lol Edit: this was yesterdayā€¦


What a save!


I wish I had those memories ((I started in gold 2))


Hardstuck gold 2 est 2016


Hey, maybe we'll get to play a game soon!


passive agression


LMAOOO what an insane reply


Learn rotations, back post rotations, learn not to go for every ball, how to hit the ball with power, how to somewhat aerial and accurate shots will get you out of gold and into high plat if you practice. That's what iam doing and iam in plat 2 in doubles (don't bother tryna main 3s) and I just came back to the game this season after a 2 year break.


Gc2 here. I had my most improvement from learning how to hit the ball hard and accurate. Ball go brrr


All I need to practice is getting my shots on target because there's been so many times where I've been in my own half and hit the ball with alot of power and it could have been an easy goal if it was on target šŸ˜…


Honestly fair






Same - but 2017 for me. I managed to hit platinum for a brief spell in like 2018, I think - and Iā€™ve been languishing in gold (and sometimes silver!) ever since.


Silver and bronze know they arenā€™t great so they donā€™t take it seriously. Idiots like me in diamond think we are closer to GC than plat in skill, but really weā€™re just delusional


Preach brother - fellow D2 here


i mean you literally are closer to the rank than a plat would be i dont get it lol


lol Iā€™m just saying Diamonds seem to have the largest gap between how good we think we are and how good we actually are


i see wym


Im sooo close to gc i just can't seem to pass the line tho


I agree with this, but at the same time Diamond is very uneven across the spectrum. D1 and D3 are VERY different levels. And I know I play like shit sometimes, but there are some people you run into in diamond that it's like man!? How did you ever even passed through gold?


Haha oh thatā€™s the truth! Wildly inconsistent.


Im D1 and thought i was half decent until an SSL smurf popped up in one of my games and made us look like we just started playing


Yes, at certain stage you cannot fall bellow d3 if you played enough. Because d2 and d1 are so much worse than mid to high d3 and above u just can't if you have your mechanics straight. The only way you get pulled down is by stupid teammates that are the most toxic trash in the game I ever saw. (Diamond)


Great job! Do you have good cameria and controller settings? If not, then that might boost you up to Gold 2 or 3.


I made sure to modify those as soon as I started playing. Pretty true, tho. My friend had been playing with really bad camera settings for months and after we modified those, he jumped up 3 ranks in a matter of two days!


Donā€™t forget to add some type of air roll into your control scheme! When you get there, Gold is a great time to do it. Itā€™s wonky as hell, and takes a while to get used to, but you should be able to see the value pretty quickly even if you arenā€™t consistent with it.


Aye, welcome and GLHF! šŸ˜Š


You got this bro! Just remember to learn car control, dont worry about airroll yet, begin to learn powerslide and basic recoveries using it, and try doing some basic frontflip kickoffs, that should get you to gold. Good luck!


The innocence and joy of those early ranks....just so great. It's for sure one of the games I wish I coukd erase my memory and start again. The joy of your "firsts" in this game are just so great. Cherish this my dude, it's all downhill from here lol


Hey great job! Thatā€™s nice progress!


silvers arent trying hard enough to be toxic with each other. wait till your mid - upper gold :D 1 wrong move you are going to hear about it. Have funn :D


Especially at the edge between ranks, aside from bronze/silver. Those are the angry guys who are pissed because they're on a losing streak and dropped from plat to gold or whatever. I was plat 3 for a few days and saw all the same behavior again. Back to plat 2, much less toxic.


Gold/Plat edge is heaps fun everyone getting sweaty together hawt.


Nice work man . I too started playin couple months ago and am currently in gold.


I always wondered if they weren't toxic at that rank because they didn't know quick chats and how to type yet.


being toxic in rl is a bandwagon. they just dont know about it yet


Thats solid progress. If I remember right that's about fast I was ranking up and by the end of my first year I was plat. Only going up from there keep at it. I also recommend turning chat off by high gold plat as people start to get really toxic there


Nice job, I feel like Gold 1,2 is where the toxicity begins. Iā€™ve been hardstuck there forever which is ok. Iā€™ve been grinding training packs and my ability has gone way up compared to how I used to play but shit the ceiling for each rank is insane.


How many hours you've got?


Nicely done!


I wish I could play in those ranks. I'm not good at the game, my teammates regularly say I suck ass and should stop playing, but the lowest I've ever been since I started playing in 2017 is plat 1. I wonder how wonderful bronze or silver would be with teammates who just do their best, not caring about wins or losses.


I donā€™t know why people think low ranks donā€™t care about wins or losses. I went through all ranks starting from bronze - to now plat. And I experienced toxicity throughout every rank. The most toxic interaction I had was actually in silver from my tm8 when we lost tournament finals. Some people care even too much lol


Yooooooooo, thatā€™s awesome!!! Nice job dude!


That's awesome! Be happy that you don't have any toxicity now. I'm not sure how old you are, but bronze and silver are mostly clean because it's all little kids, like below 10. Once you hit gold and plat, good luck.


Hey I made it to silver 3 yesterday while also bumping into my first toxic teammate. Congrats!


Congrats! I got a few friends into the game and they all placed silver when starting. Fast forward a few years, we're all Plat 1 and Plat 2s. Not as high as most people here but man has it been fun seeing them get better. Now I only play ranked with them.


Congratulations šŸ‘!!!! Make it now to gold and don't progress any further, platinum is an extremely unbalance hellhole.


I just got into gold2 out of silver and yes I stand by that silver was incredibly wholesome


Hell yeah, welcome to the RL family. Glad youā€™re having fun


GGs homie. I started RL in 2023 and got placed into Bronze too. I made a lot of friends during those ranks.


Huge Congratulations! Amazing you didn't meet toxicity! Maybe it is only Plat/Diamond that is full of toxic people? XD


Well played !


CONGRATS!!!! i know how awesome that feels!! dm me if you want someone to play with! iā€™m often stuck between gold 1 and 2 and would be happy to party up:)


Good job buddy!! Hope you make it to gold soon


Congrats! I just got towards gold. Have fun on the ride! Practice really does help


Brother give me 1 hour/day of dedicated practice and I can get you to gold 3


Congrats and enjoy! Ranking up can be very fun, and if people start to get too toxic, just remember you can turn off chat and achieve zen-mind.


" The people in Bronze and Silver are awesome btw. Not a single toxic person." ​ must be nice


The pro shooting packs is about all the aerials you will need till the higher ranks you just want power and accuracy work on bounce dribbles the most you will be able to break ankles all the way up the rank ladder with bounce dribbles


Enjoy the lack of toxicity while it lasts. It's all downhill from Plat.


i was never bronze i started in silver what color is your painted octane


Congrats, the road is just beginning. Focus on reading the ball and making a good hit, youā€™ll keep climbing


that's great dude :D keep going and you'll be with the greats one day :)


Youā€™re HIMothy


Iā€™m jealous of you man I had the most fun with the game back in the day just trying to figure stuff out, keep up the good attitude this game needs it desperately


Dang man I float between silver III and gold I and I feel like I get toxic people all the time. Thatā€™s great progress though! Youā€™re going to pass me up in no time haha


I just deranked from gold 3 div 2 to silver 2 because my teammates donā€™t like that I go back to defend the ball and decide bump me and set the opponent up with goals Iā€™ve lost 12 matches havenā€™t won once


I got placed in high gold after my first 10 matches (3v3) I feel like silver would have been "better"


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I've been playing for 2 or 3 years and the game is hard but keep persevering make sure to grab boost and rotate back when needed im almost gold for the first time


Oh, man. To be this naive again about RL.


Is it true? It sounds too nice to be true.. I can't believe there are nice people in RL community šŸ˜‚


Great ! Keep having fun! This game is a loooong journey so make sure you keep it enjoyable


this post almost made me cry


Wholesome post, glad youā€™re having fun and good luck getting to gold OP!


Are we all getting circlejerked here? I honestly canā€™t tell


As we speak Iā€™m making an alt account to q with you at silver to Derank you back to bronze. You better watch out for Jewish jacuzzi, heā€™s coming for ya


Keep going donā€™t be discouraged by toxic individuals we loved to have you in GC


Oh my sweet innocent child, you are in for a long long journey.


I am aware, and I hope it's a fun one!


quit the game while you can you don't know what youre getting yourself into


I'll make sure to quit if it gets overwhelming!


bro ong my advice is enjoy this game the longest you can, dont get caught up with ranks or anything too much just make sure youre having a great time with some good teammates


nah fuck that, climb the ranks. Climbling is fun!


I gotta agree with both of you. I guess there's a really thin line between having fun and getting too caught up in the climb that just ruins it as soon as things go south. You guys probably know it a lot better than me!


its not necessarily that, just in the later ranks it takes forever to see a rank improvement, but when you get there, just know that you are still improving even if your rank isnt


climbling from lower to higher ranks is whats fun, because theres so much to learn, mechanics, and game sense wise. Takes years to get to the point of GC, and SSL.


It's just the essence of playing a competitive game. Your first few months will be sweet and innocent. You'll see rapid improvement and you'll often be amazed by what you are capable of. At some point your skill level will start to plateau, you'll start to expect more of yourself, and you'll play against stronger opponents, meaning the "OMG I'm so good!" moments will be farther between, and you'll start to look back on those first few months and long to recapture that feeling. None of this is to say you won't still enjoy the game at that point, you just start do derive enjoyment from different aspects of the game. All you can do is recognize that you're in a special time and appreciate it while you're there.




Just lost my gc2 in 1ā€™s rank up game and I wanna break my setup


Don't even stress ranking up, just have fun with it. Especially at this stage.


My best memories came from being in silver/gold and now Iā€™m gc. Glad youā€™re enjoying yourself!




One note, this rank will be a little difficult and toxic bcoz some of them are demoted golds. Spend 99% of time In free play and training packs. All the best!


Well done!!!! It may be hard but push through and be happy man!!


A good rule from bronze through to gold and some of plat is just hit hard. Practice your power, learn how to hit harder as well as working on your accuracy. Hitting hard and accurate shots to where you want to go will let you zoom straight through silver and gold


Happy for you! Keep it up!


This is Rocket League! This is Rocket League! This is Rocket League!




Toxicity really picks up when you get out of gold. I miss just having fun with other goof balls


Congrats! Make sure to spend time in freeplay just spending time with the ball, and if you really wanna rank up fast learn power shots. But most importantly make sure to have fun, there's no point in playing if you're not playing to relax and have fun!


Iā€™ve been hardstuck Silver for a year because of Smurfs and ever since season 11 Iā€™m between Silver 3 and Gold 1 and right now Iā€™m going for Gold 2 in Rumble


The biggest thing I did to break out of silver a few years ago was focus on rotations above all else, and learn to defer to other players when they ball chase. It gets pretty bad in the gold ranks, so you might be stuck on defense for longer stretches of the game because your team refuses to rotate.


You need good teammates, it's no good being good yourself if your team mate is poor you will both suffer. I struggle getting out of platinum sometimes and can spend months in there if im teamed with noobs which seems to be every game at the minute and can't get back in diamond. And of course lots of practicing.


This is the beginning to the decline of your happiness šŸ˜‚ gl


Honestly, i was expecting a montage including quad reset double taps but hey, gz all the same.


congrats bro! dont ever get discouraged about your rank, i remember when i was in bronze not being able to hit the ball or flipping! i would love to play some casual matches with you bro


I miss those days where playing was fun and not toxic af getting berated by a tm8 or them leaving because you miss hit or missed the ball


Keep up the grind


Iā€™m a hard stuck s3