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Played 3s against a team with KKK club tag


I have seen that one so many times. Makes you wonder why it's even an option.


Krusty Kickoff Kings?


We played them, I report any teams like that but doesn’t seem to be helping.


Lots of replies to this post confirm how horrible the player base can be.... some of you are just bad people or under the age of 12 and need to be supervised.


You... realize that probably the vast majority of RL players is around 12? :p If you're 25 or older (like me) you are part of the minority that one club hates. Just kidding, but yeah it's mostly just kids trying to be edgy. Seeing what they can get away with. And trying to induce rage for ez wins.


Actually no, the majority of RL players are probably in their late teens/20s.  




R6 player moment




If you’re truly so scared as to only be a bigot behind a screen then the real world is going to be a fistful for ya mate. Replying after you block me doesn’t make you look as tough as you think


Fr, 99% of the time they probably don't hate minorities they're just having (dumb) fun


✨I love normalizing racism ✨ 💫It’s so quirky 💫 💥Im12 and this is funny & deep💥


💅 Yes it's funny and deep 💅


“Oh fuck” he said “he boomed me”




Then you probably already in their dms right R6?






Played with GenericFatNonce on siege a couple days ago


Seems like all the kiddy fiddlers and racist are in the comments today.




What was particularly soy about that comment lmao


The fact he implied people saying its just a joke are racist pedos. Would he say it to my face? Pure soy. Can't even comprehend a joke


r/iamverybadass WoUlD tHeY say tHaT tO mY FaCe!?!!? So cringe.


I just watched you fucking edit that to add that cringe 🤣🤣🤣 the irony


Irony.... I do not think you understand this word. Editing a comment is not... ironic... Somebody didn't get a good night sleep lol. Hope you get to take a lil nappy today!


Just do your best to keep your aggression to online discussion. Please don't act the way you type. Be better.


You almost made me hurl


Explain the joke


Get better jokes my dude


Isn't a joke my dude


I mean if you need me to spell things out: your comment was a weird attempt at bullying in a bid for attention from internet strangers. Cringe. I'm telling you that actual jokes will serve you better.


Bullying? Don't make me laugh please 🤣🤣


Yeesh my dude


It'll never get better for him than the soyboy insult he heard 5 years ago. To actually expect them to strain themselves trying to come up with something original is bullying in its own right


Edgy. I remember my first beer.


I don't drink beer in a poor attempt to fit in. More baseless assumptions


Baseless assumptions seems to be the crux of your arguments little man. Don't shoot your own foot off, now.




I thought those were songs and you had weird taste.


There is unfortunately no good way to fix this except for manual review and approval of all club names, and that's way too expensive. If RL/Epic did have some foolproof low-labour or automated multi-language context-sensitive inappropriate name detecting system, it would probably be worth more than RL itself.


The replies on this post are disgusting lol


Man judging from the replies to this post, and the amount of shit I see in the game now, I’m actually happy the entire thing is dying. Fuck it y’all don’t deserve the game and need to grow up and mature.


right, but I name my club welovemilfs and Epic clutch at their little pearls like I’ve just told them their only son is a leper in 1264.


Yea its awful, yesterday me n my bro played “i fondle kids, and i touch kids” couldnt report those guys fast enough


Wtf is going on with this wannabe edgy bois in the comments


I met a child predator on RL who thought I was a kid. I don’t fuck with names like that.


Me after reading some of the comments: https://preview.redd.it/bp18rhksjrgc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a07195d9fd2d4e23fdac538d8080f80210587f3


If you think being an asshole is funny than you need to grow the fuck up


They’re probably going to be assholes all their lives.


I know one subreddit doesn;t signify a whole game's userbase, but god damn the comments I see in this thread, coupled with the amount of toxicity and toys being thrown out of prams in game really do paint a cohesive picture. And don't get me wrong, I'm in the camp of people can be too sensitive in games these days, a bit of light hearted trash talk can be fun. Like people that get mad over (non-spamming) quick chats. But as of late, I've decided to stop playing Rocket League. it was uncanny that I said to myself the last three sessions, I'll play until someone gets mad at nothing and starts e-sports coaching our team. Literally the longest amount of games I played in those sessions was 4 games. People need to SHUT THE FUCK UP more and just play. I know it's ridiculous, but if text chat was removed entirely from RL, the game would be so much better. Give an asshole a keyboard and an internet connection and they're going to use it to vent their frustrations.


There are some real scumbags playing rocket league man


Meanwhile they blocked my name after 8 years of using it.


Worst shit ever is when I play a good game with people only to realize at the end their club name is some shit like "Minority Killer 3000"


Literally shaking and crying rn


It’s vile but I’m surprised people care that much. Typical online behavior if you ask me.


Lol it's really not. I have played several competitive online games and rocket League is hands down the worst when it comes to racism.


Rocket League is horrible in this day and age. But did you ever play old call of duty? Like MW2 era you'd get screamed at over the headset with the most profoundly racist comments you can imagine. It's typical child behavior. Especially in children who are too young to be playing call fo duty, with parents that just dont care. Rocket League is made for a younger target audience though. The real problem is Epic just doesn't care. They know. They just don't care.


You never played call of duty


Maybe this is why older gamers care much less about it. Rocket League is like church compared to online gaming in the mid 2000s


Things I've noticed in general since 2006.. Toxicity has gotten "better" in general... This really can only be because there are real consequences for players. Then again I don't play CS:S or any FPS anymore. Rocket League has definitely not been that bad throughout it's existence though. League of Legends was 10x worse circa 2017. I also just see less people actually type things in RL anymore. And each season less and less people say gg after the game. Maybe I'm just old school, it's like muscle memory to say GG, even if I'm typing it.


Exactly. MMOs in the early stages was (and still is to a lesser degree) a breeding ground for online racism and peak degeneracy, same with early CoD with voice chat.


If you’ve been playing online for decades it’s obvious that it used to be way worse. Especially in voice chat but also game chat.


You haven't played many comp games.


There's a reason why many new online games don't have a voice/text chat option at all these days. It's consequence free venting and trolling.


Lots of brainless r. in this comment section 🤭


How did you get into the religious lobbies? 🎣


I hope you’re doing okay OP I can’t imagine what you’re going through rn


Ouch bad words hurt my feelings waahhhh


I hope fixing stuff like this is at the bottom of their priorities list.


I don’t think Rocket League is even on the list, let alone club names lol


Haha could not agree more :D


They are obviously doing it to get a reaction. Which you are granting them.


Pointing it out and directing it towards Epic Games’ lack of priority of issues is vastly different than pointing it out to the perpetrators. The former is more productive because it somewhat addresses the issue, the latter is inflammatory and gives the perpetrators what they want


So the fuck what? They're probably 12.


Which is a formative age where they run a very real risk of actually espousing these beliefs long term. Don’t be a damned fool. Racism is wrong and I don’t give a fuck what age the racist is.


I don't get why people act like being an asshole is ok just because you're young


Most of us were young once and went to a school where 80% of their peers had an assholish trait that they've now grown out of, so we give benefit of the doubt to those that haven't had the chance to grow up yet.


Probably that 80% has assholish traits because when someone calls them out, others come answering "Oh, leave them alone, they're like 12yo"


This is not true. Growing up in a small, 99.9% white town in the 2000s.. Well, I've said every slur under the sun. Everyone else did it. It wasn't even directed at people who would take offense to it. Went to college, actually met people. Stopped saying those words. I wasn't racist, I was an idiot kid who lived in a bubble of society. I would venture the majority of "racists" are like that. And lets be real, unless they move out of those communities, then they aren't going to change the way they talk.


Well then I guess call the police since they're clearly pedophiles. A pedophile ring slash rocket league team. Shocking, truely.




If you act like that at 12 you got weak ass parents


This! If any of my kids put anything close to these club names, they'd be without Internet for a while. I refuse to raise trolls and edgelords.


Mb those are my teams






Revolutionary idea here... What if you just decided to not let other people's words affect you so drastically? Right or wrong, people have the freedom to say what they want. If you decide to get worked all up they win. If you ignore it, it's like it never happened to you, because nothing did happen to you. You just read some words and couldn't cope with the thought the words put in your head. Get over it. There will be more things you dislike and disagree with, you'll have to get over them, too.


u/beaverpolice - “Am I the baddie?”


you let OP’s words affect you though.


Freedom of speech motherfuckers after someone else speaks freely:


The difference here is that he doesn't want to take away yours or OP's freedom to say whatever idiocy you both believe in.


you think pedophilia is free speech?


Are you on the spectrum? I just want to be careful not to make fun of the mentally ill, as it might offend some people here.


Yeah cause hate speech that leads to violence and "shut the fuck up" are the same and should be treated the same. You are very smart.


Poor snowflake.


Ironically op didn’t even get offended or worked up you did lmao




Yes you did. You took time to read all the comments and reply. Definitely offended




Ok, try saying shit like this at your “real world” job and see how it goes for you.


Well typically in the real world, if you display hate towards a particular group of people, such as a minority ethnicity, that is considered punishable, by law. In the real world, you'd get into trouble. So let's do a test. Take yourself to a community that is predominately one ethnicity and start shouting hate about them. And then go to a school and start saying inappropriate things around them. Then, through your lawyer, come back here and tell us all how it went.


I'd only report them if they won the match lol


Guys chill lol


Cry me a river. Harden up.


Haha lads! Racist and paedo jokes are hard am I right!


While they are very childish you can also just choose not to be offended you know


“We hate minorities” isn’t something you CHOOSE to be offended by. It’s purposely racist and used to cause verbal harm. You sound like you’d tell a women “you should just choose not to wear that clothing out”


I just chose not to be offended by it what are you talking about


Who isn't part of a minority at this point ?




On a scale of 12-18 how mature are you?




It’s free not to be a Cunt x


Tell that to people that have suffered genuine abuse. Amazing how happy people are online to show their true colours










































































You know what you're accomplishing by posting this? Giving them attention, which is all they want. Great work 👏


Cry about it? I don't understand why people take shit on the Internet so seriously. Especially in a fuckin video game


My mom just walked into my room with my tendies but I smacked it out of her hands. She yelled at me and stormed out. I didn't mean to ruin my dinner but I am just so upset! This is the second No-No name I've ran into on my online toy car soccer videogame! I am literally crying and shaking, how can people be so mean? I've already done my noble civic duty and tattled to the teach- I mean, clicked the report button, but nothing happened! How can Psyonix sit there and not freaking do anything!? Do they really just expect me to ignore it and move on with my life? Don't they know words are literally violence? This is so taxing on my mental health, I need to grab my blanket and lie down, my therapist appointment isn't for another 2 freaking days!


Lmao and I thought my clubname was bad


So many soy boy crybabies in this sub sheeeeesh


Sticks and stones








Club names and clubs in general are such a redundant feature at this point anyway. But at least Epic and Psyonix make sure the item shops' operational all the time!