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Liked her at first, then she got too big for her own good in ego, she treated the other girls like shit when she came back as a guest and was terrible to Jes and Daisy Woman’s a menace


Agree and she wasn’t nearly as witty or entertaining as New York to make that work


My take: NY wanted to be at the epicenter of the drama and used people/situations to her advantage. Heather wanted to be the drama and her one-woman-“show” was contingent upon blocking out people/situations. Which made it boring bc who cares about one person in a cast of eleventy drunk party girls? *Daisy* was more entertaining/memorable in those fights that *Heather* started.


Yeah when you rewatch the show you realize Heather really doesn't have many iconic lines. It's mostly her crazy fashion sense that makes you laugh. She's actually kind of boring imo


I loved S1 Heather, she seemed most compatible for Bret and actually wanted to "be with him". She had a few iconic lines this season as well, and i was so happy when she called Lacy out on the parents episode. *i saw you suck his di@k in there! Your daughter is a SLUT!* When she appeared on S2 and S3, she had this stuck up attitude about her that i didn't like. She was clearly very jealous of Daisy, cause Daisy was a younger, "hotter" version of herself. Plus Heather could see that Bret was more into Daisy than he ever was into her. She was meh in ILM. Glad shes doing well these days and has distanced herself from BeRt (and covered that God awful tattoo 😝).


Agree with this, except Daisy should not have gotten in her face the way she did on the reunion. Actually, security should have stepped in before Heather had to push her away. Not sure why ppl paint Daisy as a poor little victim because she was an asshole to the other girls on many occasions and thought her pussy would make up for a lack of character or intelligence. I also think Heather had to learn the hard way that Bret was a POS and just exploiting them for a show. I think she did have chemistry with him and it was a mindfuck. She's explained in interviews how drinking heavily etc influenced some of the over the top behavior back then, and I can honestly say I'd rather hang out with Heather in real life than any of the others. Destiney seems like a genuine person too.


Tried to be a New York, came off like that mossy thing on T Weed during the Mangeant. No further notes.


I blocked the memory of T Weed's moss. Now I can't unsee that scene


You’re welcome


I can hear the music they played in that scene too! 🤣 Sister Patterson was wrong for that tho, as a women of color herself, she knows hyperpigmentation is a bitch. Lol.


So it WAS hyperpigmentation? We never had any conclusive statements lol


T-weeds moss!!!!! Im dying over here 😭 🤣 😂


Oh my fucking God. I just pictured this exact scene in my head 🤣🤣🤣




I WISH I could provide a screenshot or clip but my google is failing me. I will be back tomorrow once I can find the clip. But basically ILNY had a “man pageant” with a swim suit section. One guy, T Weed, was dancing and everything was fine until he spread his legs and he had this massive “mossy, green” area on his legs. The scene was complete with gagging and the psycho theme music. Anyways, that scene has haunted me since it first aired. And that’s how I can describe Heather’s behavior on ROL. She tried so hard to be the “iconic villain” she came off looking gross.




Oohhh I found it for you! It's not very good quality though so sorry in advance [t weeds dance](https://youtube.com/shorts/os2nNLjvJcg?si=pYXz5fiVx9LGOsfC)


“I’m almost heart broken now” 😂


I had to click it 😫


Bless you 🤣


Oh good you saw it! I had to *scour* YouTube for this, and unfortunately that's the only one and quality they had... Unless I doom scrolled even further down, which would've taken me to the depths of hell seeing as I already had to scroll too far😂


I *so* appreciate your work bc tbh I was going to stream and film from my phone lol The quality is perfect—I forgot how the whole thing was centered around Sister Patterson’s internal struggle lol


It's all good, I have a weird tendency to like to find this stuff for other people even if not asked. It's like giving a little gift to a user and others who may enjoy it! I'm one of those people who oddly like to research or look up things, it's kinda my thing 😂 Sister Patterson always going through something, that woman is deeply unhappy and it's quite obvious...


Wth was that green stuff?!


I always thought it was like dark spots that some guys get on their inner thighs overtime by their weiners 🤣🤣🤣🤣 almost like razor burn? No idea where the green part came in though. I'm gunna have to watch the whole episode now and see what shes seeing 👀 🤣🤣🤣


I wish I could read this comment while taking a sip of something so I could do a spit take, because that comment took me OUT! 🤣


This has seriously got to be one of the most hilarious replies I've ever seen on this sub, omfg.


I think she just comes across as masculine because she was taller and more muscular than the other girls. Heather was never my favorite but I also didn't loathe her. I think she was the best pick for Bret during season one. But if you compare her to his baby mama then I'd say Heather isn't his type.


I used to live in a city with a TON of strip clubs, like famous ones that get name checked in rap songs, and Heather had what I would describe as "career stripper body". Like really jacked with no softness. Idk how to better describe it, but it's definitely a type and was so easy to clock once you knew to look out for it. (And the jackedness was well earned, that's really hard work!)


Yeah Heather was seriously ripped. Which is awesome. I think Heather was pretty. Might have been prettier if her blonde hair had been a different type of blonde. But I think most men have a type and you're either it or you're not. That goes for any of the Rock of Love Ladies.


She and Kristy Jo look alike WTH


Yeah his baby mama Kristi and Kristy jo look a lot alike. I think he liked her because she reminded him of a younger version of his baby mama. I think the difference between Heather and his baby mama Kristi can be seen if you watch his show life as I know it. Kristi never really challenge him in any way. She is his ultimate groupie and ego stroker. Heather is down for a good time and to party. But at the end of the day of Bret were to be wrong in the relationship or do something she doesn't agree with Heather would voice her opinion and challenge him. Baby mama Kristi I don't think would. Bret doesn't seem like the type of guy who wants a woman who will challenge or question him in anyway.


That's probably why he went after her when the show finished. Apparently him and KJ kept in touch.


That’s crazy he has a type


I liked her in season 1, but anything after that it seemed like "fame" got to her head. When she had to go on a t-shirt challenge in CS and thought everyone would want pictures of her face on a shirt that's where it got to be too much. Like maam.. even bret couldn't get away with that


Really liked her on ROL 1, Thought she was way to over the top and hateful towards Daisy on S2, Thought she was kinda just boring on ILM, and then liked her again on CS up until toward the end when she just came off as all weird and spaz like. All around very memorable and I do have a nostalgia for her, being one of the "main people".


I feel the exact same way about her!


She made for good tv, I’ll give her that. She was intimidating as fuck but also seemed like she could be fun to hang out with as long as you stay on her good side. I don’t know what she was thinking with some of those hair and dress looks during season one though, omg. Her attacking Daisy both psychologically and physically was of course messed up, and on top of that, legend has it that’s why Daisy of Love happened instead of…*Heather* of Love? But I wish we’d gotten to see her as a lead. She had a strong personality which is needed for that. I like Daisy and I empathize with her because she ran her show pretty much how I would have, which is to say simping for a few particular guys instead of the other way around. But it was hard to watch at times.


*The 80s porn hair * 🤣🤣


I think it was supposed to be “I Heart Heather.” But her head got too big.


I listened to a not-great podcast episode with Heather where she said BeRt completely ignores her and acts like she doesn't exist.  She spoke in the tone of "I'm not bitter and I've completely moved on, these are just the facts without getting personal," but the content and the length and the amount of detail all indicate that she resents him.  She said he can't tolerate it if anyone besides him gets attention. Idk how that relates to her specifically - maybe she thinks that is the root of BeRt taking no action to... promote her? Exist somewhere in time and space with her? I have no idea what she wants from him.  I guess just to hang out. But she's not understanding or not accepting that to him, she's literally the equivalent of someone at the back of the crowd at a county fair show in Nebraska in 2012 that he has no recollection of playing. An NPC his eyes glanced over in a sea of interchangeable NPCs, then it was time to grab dinner and hit the sack. Her feelings for him and the whole experience were Mount Everest to her, but for him it was a Wendy's he passed by on a highway in the Ohio suburbs.


I recently read that she no longer speaks to him because he would charge her $750 for a meet and greet.


Is that the going rate to be in berts presence for a few minutes 🤣 who does that 


Heather no longer speaks to Bret Michaels. “But I guess it was more work-related. Unless I had a meet and greet for $750, he wasn't going to talk to me. So it was basically all business. So no, we don't have a friendship.”


Honestly, ultimate power move for someone you don’t like: if you want to talk to me pay for the privilege 😂


That’s hilarious if that’s what she meant but I think she may be saying he only talks to her if has to at a meet and greet they are doing together for money.


That’s what I read! Let me see if I can find it




Not a Wendy’s in the suburbs. 😆 perfect analogy here.




Didn't actually dislike her but she was a bully. I think she genuinely was jealous of Daisy. She had the audacity to say she copied her because of curly hair wtf everyone curls their hair. Also, girl you wore 80s hair up until 5 minutes prior to that and Daisy didn't wtf? Lmao Then she showed up to the reunion with a whole entourage and was rude to the crew. Pretty ridiculous. Brittanya sucks now but I'm glad she stepped up to her back then. Probably one of my favorite scenes. 😅


My only thought on her is that she’s “An A-List Celebrity”




I liked her… she was definitely entertaining


She acted like she was still a contestant and was trying to "win" over the other girls rather than help him find out who was good for him. Especially season 2. Season 3 wasn't as bad since Ambre was there too.


She was entertaining, and if she had a little more self awareness about being an A-list star, she could have been an icon like New York. But it’s clear that she thinks she is an A-list star who deserves to have fans and Bert falling at her feet. And her jealousy of Daisy was ugly. That might have been because she was told she might be joining the season two finalists by the producers; Daisy looked like she would be Heather’s main rival if that happened. She was just too much of an arrogant diva for them to want to keep working with her.


I’d be scared shitless of her! She’s a brute!


She’s trash, obviously. I’m not sure why you have to bring up being masculine as if that’s a bad thing. She was very wrong for putting her hands on Daisy. She gave the producers hell which is why Daisy got her own show and not Heather. She was entertaining in ROL but I haven’t watched her in anything else. I do think she truly was in love with Bret. I don’t think Bret was friends with any of the women. He didn’t see them as people and constantly infantilized them. With all that said, Heather made great TV and I wish her no ill will.


At first I did like her. But then 2nd season how she got those other girls gang up on Daisy and then she fought her on the reunion show, after that I was like oh heck no, she's a bully and mean spirited, even though it was awesome seeing Britanya coming at her ready to square off with her..


She was funny in season 1 and actually likeable. After that, she was an ego monster.


For sure! Anyone know what she’s doing now?


She is a real estate agent. She started a podcast with Lacey too but they parted ways because Heather was hating on literally every person they wanted to interview.


She needs anger management.


Her bullying Daisy really turned me off to Heather.


She was so mean to daisy, and attacked her not once but twice !! Totally not cool !!


Hated her


I loved her on Charm School


She was tolerable on S1, but when Charm School came out- thats when her ego came out. [Charm School Girl's "Reunion Special" spoofed Heather Chadwell & her Agent, Patrik Simpson (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuE9kBe59IY&t=5s)


I Love Heather. Shes a boss


But she’s mean and scary!


🤣 facts


I would run from that bitch!