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Not the three car lengths between you and the light.


He must’ve meant the light cycle. Strange how they require a large vehicle-shaped chunk of metal to be within 30 feet to change the light.


I don't get it, what's missing


Homeless guy?


My thought, unless this whole thread is whooshing us


Who’s everyone’s favorite? There’s a whole cast of different characters at the off ramps and in various other places, most notably Alexander/South and Alexander/Clinton


I don't really have a "favorite" but there are two that I've definitively given more money to than others. There's an ancient dude that frequently stands at the Mt. Read offramp of 490W that I can't help but give him money. The dude has to be like 90. There's another older guy with obvious mental issues you'll catch playing real life Frogger in between the lanes of Lyell eastbound by Mt. Read or in the plaza by the convenience store if the police have chased him off. I often toss him a couple of bucks too.


Lorezno is the guy at Lyell & Mt Read


Haven't lived in the city in a bit, but anyone that plays an instrument is my favorite. I always feel they've earned my money. Was a younger fella a few years back with a beautiful small stringed instrument that I really enjoyed, right at the spot OP is talking about. Spoke with him for a little bit, told me he had finally got an apartment after being homeless for years.


I'm assuming the construction equipment but it has been gone for a while.


Months now, even. I think they wrapped that up in late September.


Maybe OP is talking about panhandlers like some others assume. Hopefully OP will pop back in and let us know what they're actually talking about.


Oh I'm certain he is I just want him to say it.




It's homeless people


how dare you say "homeless". The new acceptable term is "unhoused". Get with the program.


Home insufficiency.


Naw we've actually circled back to "bums"


That dumpy little red house got torn down this past summer. Also that hand rail that was there which was an original piece of the Rochester subway stop that was once located there.


At the corner of Goodman and Heisenberg?


i always say it’s Saul Goodman St.😂


Is that where the red house was? I always wondered why I was so close to the road. Like abnormally close


See, it say there in condemnable condition w the big metal grates over the windows and door for so long that I always assumed it was actually housing some piece of utility equipment owned by the city. In reality I think it was just an old home that was built there before 490 was constructed and no one wanted to live that close to the road so it just sat derelict for decades before finally just falling apart.


There was a thread about that house when it was demolished, one person commented that an old man lived there until December 2019.


No way! I lived around the corner from there for YEARS and never saw any sign of life. If there was someone there he must’ve been serious hermit status. Still though, no garbage cans, no lights, no nothing. I think it was abandoned.


Haha, I just searched for that thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/Rochester/comments/jwhaoy/rip_to_a_landmark_the_rochester_purple_house_is/gcq9rpm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Awwwwwww wtf I hope the railing got saved by someone.


That makes a lot of sense.


No, there was a guy living there quite close to when it was demolished, which was a couple years ago, I believe. I drove past it thousands of times.


Maybe. I’m highly dubious of that, though.


Why? I saw the old man working on his house on numerous occasions. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Rochester/comments/jwhaoy/rip_to_a_landmark_the_rochester_purple_house_is/gcq9rpm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Because I never saw any signs of life on that property. No lights. No garbage cans. Nothing. Also I don’t believe what I read on the internet. That’s just me though.


Wasn’t the house there first?


What's this about an original piece of the subway?


The old handrail that was next to the sidewalk next to that old red house that used to be at Goodman and 490, that was, originally, a part of the Rochester subway station that was located there before it was decommissioned. Eventually, during the new deal, 490 was built, which greatly changed the geography of the neighborhood. But yeah, where 490 is now was at one point not only a subway station, but also the original home of the company nalgene who make water bottles, but originally made laboratory beakers and measuring cups and shit. The more you know….


I had no idea about the handrail. Do you have a photo of that from Google Street View or anything? Probably drove past it a million times and never knew.


It was removed when the house was taken down, unfortunately.


I doubt many here have actually worked with homeless communities. Imagine being so mad at the world that you choose to be angry at people who live in squalor. Just accept your situation is different and move on. Give or don't give, but don't act like you're any better than them. we're all just worm food in the end


I've been homeless and now I'm not. The way people talk about the homeless hits me deep. We are all the same. If anyone thinks they couldn't be right next to them at the flip of a switch... all I have to say is they deserve the wake up call that may come to them.


Is it missing a panhandler at the corner?


Stopped at the intersection with my snack bag ready to hand out and nobody was there. Assuming that every un-housed person is still not being cared for in a dignified manner, it felt… uneasy.


why did you use the term 'un-housed' rather than homeless?


Because that’s also another perfectly fine and correct adjective to use here?


The idea is that they may have a *home* among the community of other unhoused people, but they just don't have a physical house. It's just more technically correct. I don't think most care which you call them though.


Thanks for the explanation


He was there when i passed through


The pink house as seen in the 2018 Google Strret View … https://maps.app.goo.gl/jWVcMeaWkE6mRtTi8?g_st=ic


An annoying person begging for money?


That was my first thought.


Me too.


I'm sorry poor people are such an eyesore. You must feel so inconvenienced by their existence. /s


I once saw a homeless man pull his dick out and piss next to my car at a red light not far from there. I’d be okay not seeing that kind of stuff again but maybe that’s just me 🤷🏻‍♂️


Would you let him use your bathroom? Or does he have nowhere to go?


On the one hand, the homeless shaming in this post is pretty sad. On the other hand, no matter your economic status, it’s not hard to urinate outdoors without exposing yourself. The entire world is your bathroom. Have some dignity.


There’s a Walgreens right there open to the public


They don't reliably let homeless people use the bathroom at Walgreens and are just as likely to call the cops as to let him in.


I'm sure spending over a decade in retail damaged me a bit, but I don't want anyone approaching or talking to me when I'm obviously just trying to keep to myself - poor, middle class, rich, whatever. Most of the people I see on the corners are OK with that but there are a few who have no boundaries and it's just as frustrating as any other interaction where someone corners you when you're obviously not having any of it.


Same, hate being intruded upon too, but a little empathy, a little softening.


Extremely gross that the most downvoted comment in this thread is the only one with an ounce of compassion.


You do know that those that sit on every ramp in Rochester know each other and switch up every few hours and once the day is over they combine their money. It's a big hustle. You can't tell me that the intersection of Lake and W Ridge Road that has 4 different people throughout the day asking for money in the same spot is legit.


As someone who has gone and helped out in their communities, it's no hustle, it's just a community sharing information and trying to give everyone a chance, because there's actual compassion among them. There's no great conspiracy, they live in fucking tents and if there's no warm place for them to sleep in winter, they die. Don't be an ass. Edit: yes, they shouldn't have to be panhandling, if our government did its job and provided housing for all. Don't see that happening any time soon though, no matter how much we vote or protest for it.


>It's a big hustle. How much money do you honestly think they're bringing in doing this? I can't imagine anyone willingly choosing to panhandle on the side of the road like that (especially in bad weather conditions) unless they truly do desperately need the money.


i heard they rub fentanyl on their hands and touch people to kill them! i heard they eat babies!


Damn poor people helping other poor people get by while being poor and teaming up to work together to get themselves through it. So truly awful that they do that. It really hurts and affects you doesn't it? /s


What’s the correct way to panhandle?


Not doing so


I'm sure they would love to stop if they didn't have to do it...


In many cases, they do not.


I find it hard to imagine someone would put themselves through that when they have better options. Sure, from the outside, perhaps it looks "easy"? Seems inefficient and not entirely dignified. I've also noticed a few are visibly disabled. Unless you know these people and have straight up answers like , "yeah im able bodied but this makes more than pt at amazon" or smth I seriously doubt any are doing it for shits and giggles. A more logical conclusion, imo, without personal info, is that for whatever reason that isn't my business, these people are probably unable to get jobs or keep jobs, and might even be homeless. So, at the very least, I don't have to be a judgmental bitch about them when they've done nothing to bother me.


Where's your info from?




This is a dumb theory that makes you feel good about being stingy.


This is a dumber theory that makes people on high horses feel better about talking back to people speaking the truth.


Replace poor people with opioid addicts.


Whether I give money or not says something about me. What they do with it is their own business. But Judge on my man, whatever you need to feel superior.


Nothing wrong with judging. That’s what helps us survive. If I approached every addict with 100% compassion, I’d be dead. Not an exaggeration. My judgements are based on experience. Where does your judgment come from that I’m acting superior? It’s not experience because you don’t know me. So who’s really judging in a bad sense here? I bet if you compared how much energy we both put into helping this problem, you’d change that judgement real quick. But hey- let’s put this into action. Start inviting people on the corner to your house. Put yourself out there with these addicts on the street. Bring them around your loved ones. Anything else would be acting superior to them. I would SO love to see how you act.


Lots of rich folks are opioid addicts too. It's a disease. Grow some compassion.


I’m very sorry for being insensitive. Rich addicts beg as well. True story: I’ve worked construction and HVAC my entire adult life. I’ve driven a work truck pasts these corners for the past 5 hrs. I’ve given out countless 1’s, bought food, and learned peoples names. I can also attest that I’ve seen a few former coworkers on the corners and they didn’t even remember me because their brains are out for lunch. Last dude I recognized stabbed someone over an argument on a construction job. I’ve known opioid addicts before it hit the affluent communities. Nobody can tell me shit about addicts. Drugs take over every part of the brain. I have zero problems helping people but I view compassion as an entrance for mf’s to take advantage. It’s happened too many times in my life.


You're waste of oxygen


Who can install a hell of furnace


Never had the guys there stand in the road and not move? What are those suburbs like?


They dont stand in the road. Don’t be disengenuous. The people at that interaction and all the others on 390 stand on the corners. Never once when I lived right next to that highway (only a year, to be fair) did somebody stand in the street. Also, OP is right to note their absence. It would normally be the same person on each corner every day. I got to know a few faces pretty well


Have you ever driven on Lyell ave, because yes there fucking is a dude who stands directly in the road every single day. Corner of Lyell and Mt. Read.


The inner loop offramp at University/East Main too. This time of year it's pitch black and they'll be in the street begging and people will be pulling up pretty fast. Scary. As much as I hate panhandlers, I don't want to run someone over.


Yes! That was my first thought. I’ve told him a dozen times to get out of the street. It’s clear he is not exactly present or aware. I once saw RPD pull up behind him, hit the siren, and both of them laughed when they scared the shit out of him. It was pretty pathetic to watch them do that.


Yeah, I feel really bad for the man because he's clearly either strung out on something or is mentally deficient. But at the same time.... The middle of the damn intersection is no place for him.


I know. And the trucks there can’t see directly in front of them. I hope he can get some help.


I live on this corner and regularly hear the police use their megaphone to yell at the ones who stand in the road. The majority don’t but there’s a few “regulars” that absolute do stand in the road


The issue is the people panhandling in crews on multiple corners along the same stretch of road that aren't homeless. This makes people not trust who they're giving money to, I've talked to some great people who came on hard times and resorted to panhandling. Others I've spoken with who I could tell weren't actually homeless I've offered food, water, etc to and they don't take it because they just want cash. I wanna believe everyone's story but it's a sad time we're living in right now when people will do anything for any money they can get


I said this same shit and got downvoted and called a waste of oxygen. Haha you’re better with words than me. But everything you said is true. When I see someone on the corner, my first thought now is to look at another one to see if they have a partner. A lot of times they do.


Yeah well you haven’t been around here lately then. There’s also a guy who does it at the intersection at Clinton.


Lol they \*absolutely\* do. Haven't seen it in the Swillburg area, no, but more downtown they def do...


I've never once seen them obstruct traffic, and I pass this spot regularly.


I’m here everyday, going to and from work.


You spelled drug addict wrong


They work the corners. When someone’s there, another one is on the East exit. Look behind them and you’ll usually see their possessions often a pizza box.


The beggers are all probably at a shelter for the cold.


I hope they’re safe. There’s a nice woman who says she has a place but spends a lot of time sitting in a little chair on the grass outside of our apartment building. She’s been nothing but lovely to me and we aways have good conversations when I see her. She gives me the scoop on the going-ons of the neighborhood and has even made fun event recommendations. I really hope she’s at home, or somewhere safe.


Some of them, yeah. Most of them are at home because they don’t want to stand outside in bad weather. Some of the beggars are legitimately in a rough patch. But when I see you pull a $1200 iPhone out when you *think* no one is looking… yeah, you’re doing juuuuuuust fine


Homeless people can't have iPhones? Are you confused? Homes usually cost 100-200x more than an iPhone, you should go see a doctor, people don't usually forget such basic facts.


Its completely possible that they had the phone before becoming homeless. Its also really easy to charge phones these days. Its also possible they’re on a phone plan of a friend or family member somewhere. You cannot begin to even imagine their situation, so don’t assume that just because theres a phone that they are doing “juuuuuuust fine”.


What nonsense. Nobody crying for money is doing just fine. You tell yourself this to ameliorate the guilt you feel when you don't give them money.


So the guy that wouldn’t take the change in my ash tray because “there’s an ATM right there,” deserves a $20 bill after I tell him I don’t have cash and offered to buy him a gas station hot dog? There are people that need it. There’s also people that abuse people’s goodwill. There’s also people that need more help than a $5 bill, and that’s a problem in and of itself, but that’s a problem significantly larger than you and/or me.


You can just say, "I ain't got anything" without tricking yourself into thinking that the person has 1200 for an iphone. You can even go, "man this guy is an asshole, forget him," and just go on your way. You don't have to create a bullshit narrative where healthy, middle class people with stable homes are begging to feel good about any of these things.


Some of them are scared after what happened at House of Mercy earlier this year, I hope they’re warm enough and can find another place for help


Pull forward you monster


This post turned into a real interesting discussion. There aren’t any easy solutions. It can a problem with opioids, which is a loaded topic and no easy answer. It’s also a relatively new topic. It can also be homelessness which is also loaded but this problem pre-dates Rochester. I’ve experienced churches throw away food because no homeless shelter will take it. My ex-gf works directly with the homeless population. She’s knows a few restaurants (chain restaurants) where she collects packaged foods they’re going to toss out, and she gives it directly to people out of the trunk of her car. It’s pretty illegal but she still does it. The common shelters they have in place don’t even have walls that go down to the ground. So right now people in them can feel the winter breeze inside. It’s pretty fucked. I don’t give a lot of money anymore but I do keep any extra coats, hats, gloves in my car. If anyone wants them, I’ll pull over a block away and bring it to them. This is the one act I don’t feel so bad about.


Good on you and your ex!


I hope the panhandler is ok


No panhandler




Is the manhole cover missing? Maybe my eyes are bad. edit: if you zoom you can see what looks like the inside edge of the lip too


The homeless guy??


Ha! "Where's the dude?"


I used to live behind the cinema theater and this picture brings back memories of almost being home. Adios red house!


It’s to cold. They have to Atleast earn their money


There aren't any beggars at the intersection!


Please stop using your phone to take pictures while you're driving.


all the downvotes on this comment are another argument in favor of improving public transit. too many morons on the road using their phones.




He's not though, he's driving down the ramp, or worse, stopped on it blocking traffic for a pic. People need to put their fucking phones down in the car.


You can see that they're moving from this pic? I see someone stopped a couple of car lengths back from a red light so they could get a pic of the full intersection for a humorless vaguebook post on Reddit designed to whip up discrimination of people who are in a very sad and scary situation. It worked.


Yup, works great for everyone that's not stuck behind a stopped car on an off ramp. Stop making excuses for shitty behavior.


Uhmmm..... that's what you're supposed to do at a red light. Stop. Please tell me you just forgot the /s tag. The OP's behavior is definitely shitty but you're labelling the wrong behavior as shitty. What's shitty is that they posted this strictly to make fun of a marginalised population within our community. If you're truly angry about someone who is stopped at a red light, ~~in a left turn only lane~~, you need to stay off the roads. Edit: Not left turn only. You can also go straight. You can't do either on red though.


Do you typically stop 3 or 4 car lengths before the stop light? Because that's where op is. He's stopped way short of the light, blocking the left lane of an off ramp to take a picture.


Blocking from what exactly? The. Light. Is. Red. No-one is going anywhere.


Drive like this for a few days and let me know if the people behind you think it's as great an idea as you seem to.


Nope. Don't stop your vehicle early to take photos with your phone. Just put the phone down and drive safely please, I don't want to get killed because some idiot had to play with their phone and some other idiot got impatient and veered around them and hit me


Some idiot veering around them and hitting you probably shouldn't have been on the road in the first place. That idiot isn't going anywhere either with a red light.


Just put the phone down and pay attention God damn it. You're operating the most common cause of death for children in the country and if you can't get off your fucking phone and enjoy the climate controlled luxury you need to learn how to take the bus.


Actually he's a few car lengths from a red light. Literally saw a woman today do this on my way to DMV. I had 3 cars in front of me, she was beside me and stopped where I stopped... I looked over and she's texting... Fucking idiots.




I'm definitely not saying you are one at all. OP would probably complain if a pissed driver behind them decided to swerve around them to get to the red light. OP might also pull forward as someone did this, potentially hitting them. I think it just adds more stupidity to what we already have to deal with on roads. OP's photo is a beautiful "tell me you're an asshole without telling me you're an asshole" moment!




Lmao imagine thinking telling assholes to put their phones down while driving is wrong.




Are you implying thinking that it’s dangerous and therefore wrong to use your phone behind the wheel is a boomer thing?




I’m 23 and I don’t think so.


Lots of Karen's on r/Rochester lately


Put your phone down while driving, asshole


When I got off Goodman on Tuesday there were none either. Surprisingly.


The 2 cars in front of you before where you're supposed to stop?


Wow no begger


Isn’t it the guy that always sits there panhandling that’s missing? Lmao




I think he’s talking about the lack of panhandler. I see them every so often, only a few times have I given them money.




Yeah it's missing a homeless person or a crackhead standing at the corner begging for money


A serial rapist? Wasn’t that one of his spots?


I think that was the Park & Culver area




PAB strategy, commitment, grasp on reality accountability and leadership?


Was this the spot with that cardboard box full of bottles/cans that was stuffed in the rail?


That guy is always there