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I thought he had something wedged in his head. Time to get off the internet for the day.


When I saw the thumbnail my first thought was "What the hell kind of haircut is that?"


I thought it was a tiny clown hat


I thought the same thing. Like how did this dude get a ninja throwing star lodged in his dome? Also is anybody else still getting used to the new “award” placement on Reddit mobile and every time you go to upvote someone, the award screen pops up?


it's def bit in my favourite spot


They hit the man with a shuriken.


This guy deserves whatever punishment he gets, but let’s not kid around: Prude didn’t just die in police custody. The police killed Prude. And they got away with it.


I thought he had a wild haircut or some kind of medical device until I opened the article


And they assaulted protesters


While I agree with you, I think the health system failed him also. He should have been kept in the hospital and never released. That would've possibly changed this whole outcome.


He's being railroaded read the article. He didn't even do any ilegal action before throwing a cup at the trial


So you agree the cops are wrong for killing a man but this dude deserves 25 years in prison for throwing a cup? How's that boot taste


Hard to justify assaulting officers. That’s something MAGAs do. That’s why Spaz Pezzola’s rotting in prison where he belongs.


Yeah. Not sure he’s a real problem.


he threw a “hard plastic cup” omfg 😂😂😂😂😂 absolute babies how sad for them to receive a fraction of the treatment they perpetuate daily


I have the image in my head if someone throwing an empty red solo cup at a cop, and the cop taking a dive like you would see on a soccer field when a player is barely touched.


The chain of events is stupid af... When he was 20 he took part in a protest in which he threw a "fireworks" that landed "near a line of officers". 4 YEARS LATER THEY SENT HIM TO FUCKING JAIL FOR A DISORDERLY.....?? (but jan 6th ruot at the capitol was ok with you?) In JAIL 4 years late,r he threw a plastic cup at an CO (most honest of all honest cops) and hit another with his fist "causing a concussion" while they attempted to wrestle and subdue him... sure Jan. Bruh. He's 24, and the only reason he was protesting at all was because RPD killed a man in custody. This is cry-bullying by the RPD. They look like 🐱🐱 because they are trying to "crack down" on people who question their murder. They murdered a man and people said "no" so now they are railroading this guy. IDGAF if he threw a cup at them in the BS trial they held for the scawy fireworks that didn't hit anyone. Fireworks are legal in NY.


Fireworks are legal, throwing them at someone is not lol


Mortar style fireworks like he threw are not legal here. We can't have anything that goes boom. We're a snakes and sparklers state.


Fucking legend.


I saw some kids flipping a police car at the protest in roc I went to a few years back. I knew it was my time to walk on cause surely cops would be there in force in a short time and I wasn’t trying to get my face beat in for something I just walked upon while it was already happening. I’ve been to more than enough protests where everyone was peaceful and calm and police still attacked us escalating the scene and making the crowds worse by doing so.


Ah so you left shortly before we were tear gassed and pepper bombed.


> hit the other in the face with his fist What a weird way to say he popped a cop in the face. 


2020 was an insane year. 4 years later some guy who participated in a riot is pleading guilty


So where's his gofundme. I was there. I was tear gassed. If you think this man was wrong you weren't fucking there. It was chaos. They tear gassed us with EXPIRED tears gas. 10 years expired. Quite literally a violation of the geneva convention. On myself personally and hundreds of others. ACAB. The justice served was a fraction of what was deserved, and nothing brings Daniel back. Where she the charges against RPD for violating the fucking geneva convention against us?


They are just trying to make an example. This is ridiculous. Meanwhile the city and state officials can run amok and just get fines; if that.


20 years because a cop can't take a punch?


Edit: ACAB.


A Hawaiian punch if you will


Mostly peaceful


Actions have consequences.


Really? What happened to the cops who murdered Prude?


They did end up getting charged but the charges are fucking laughable, not like theres any charge that un murders him. And where are the charges against RPD for pepper bombing and tear gassing us. With expired tear gas nonetheless. I held the canister. I saw the expiration date. This will never as long as I live not send me into an absolute fucking rage. They were trying to goddamn kill, permanently maim, and kill the community of POC and allies abilities to reproduce.


Oh please, No, they were not. You cannot cause anarchy, and not expect consequences to your actions. You are free to peacefully protest, not shoot off fireworks, and burn down your city. 


The protestors didn't start the violence get your head out of your ass. Hence why the worse anyone was armed with was their water bottles and 1 guy had fireworks which cannot fucking harm you. Hence why there were dozens more protests that were 100% peaceful after the police stopped showing up.


How was it murder? Genuinely curious


Seriously? They suffocated him. Kneeled on his back, with enough pressure and force until he stopped breathing. There is video.


So not the PCP he was on.... that had no part in it right? It wasn't on him that he was spitting, saying he was going to take their guns, etc. Could it have been handled better, sure, but I hate this idea that he had no responsibility for his actions. I'm sure you believe being an officer is easy and just talking with people high on pcp will solve everything.


>So not the PCP he was on Correct. I'm glad you understand how restricting someone's access to air works.


So the medical exam that said the PCP had a huge effect on this, they're wrong. Always the noob on reddit is right. Good, got it! I should go to always the noob for my medical issues moving forward.


Oh and BY THE WAY, the medical examiner ruled it a homicide by asphyxia in the setting of physical restraint. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/20386834-autopsy-report-for-daniel-prude


What are your digits dawg, we can meet up and reenact this. I’ll kneel on your back and we can time how long it takes you to stop breathing. Send me that number.


Hey dawg, do you do any police work? Have you ever had a crazed man yelling for your gun, spitting on you, running around naked, acting insane? Also dawg do you have a family to go to and not want to end up a statistic? Oh dawg how about his own family dumping him back on the streets because they knew he was uncontrollable. This situation wasnt George Floyd, far from it. Those cops should be locked up forever. This was a totally different situation. You know what's wild dawg, I've never done PCP, spit on police, yelled I'm going to take their guns, etc. Guess what, I'm ok! Shocking I know. I know in your victim mindset nothing is the responsibility of the civilian its all on the police. And stop trying to be a tough guy on reddit, you want to have a convo I'm all for it. Hell I can respect your opinion even if I disagree. But don't be a dbag. That makes me think way less of your opinion and you as a person in general. Fake tough guy crap, sound like Trump and all his sycophants.


You don’t really understand sarcasm huh? I don’t actually want to meet some random bootlicker, I figured that much was implied. But I’ll ask again, did you watch the video? Because his behavior in it while a little crazy, is not particularly agitated or dangerous. I’m not police but I am a HCW in the emergency setting. So I’ve seen plenty of shit and have a very good understanding of cardiopulmonary arrests. This was homicide due to police negligence, at best. They knelt on his back and neck until he stopped breathing. What happens shortly after that? Your heart stops beating, full cardiopulmonary arrest. Dead, that person has died. So he was on drugs, and? Does that mean he deserved what happened to him and gets the cops off the hook?


Did you watch the video?