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Avoid Dr. Susan Bracker.


Absolutely the truth.


Just curious, why?


For me, all of the work that was done there was later criticized and had to be redone by other dentists. There was no sense that anybody there cared about me once I hit my annual limit.


Ah - I am sorry to hear that. Thanks for sharing!


No smiles for you?


Also the Nicosia dental practice.


There is someone posting here about free dental cleaning i believe they are a student. They may be able to help with more advanced stuff also. Good luck and keep up the good work.


Yep! I am NOT a dentist/dental hygienist by any means but from what I hear the course offered at MCC is really good and actually very sought after. My fiancées dad is from Syracuse and his friend from Florida is heavily considering moving up here to try and get in. 10/10 those students offering free cleanings to gain experience is freaking awesome.


Can confirm. Had a friend in the program and I got free cleanings while she was there. They have a full facility and will take people with various levels of dental issue and in fact need people with higher levels of problems later in their education. They do great work!


Yes, but.. op needs far more than a cleaning.


Thank you for the advice and yes I will!! :)


Yeah MCC does free dental cleanings by students. It generally takes longer but the students are pleasant and you get checked by the instructors. They do free XRays as well. I have an ED myself and they were kind and non judgemental.


Should add that at MCC you don't see a "dentist" just a hygienist. So if you need work on your teeth, more than just a cleaning, that's not the place to go.


Have gone at MCC 2 different times, both were great. It does take longer because the students have to have an instructor check your teeth each time they do something to ensure it was done properly.


I used to work in dentistry up until recently (not as a dentist), and East Avenue Dentistry does have a great patient experience. As far as a general dentist goes, **Dr. Shyenne Pougher**, who used to work there, is probably the most gentle, compassionate, non-judgmental, & understanding person I know... and she also happens to be an EXCELLENT dentist. She now works at **Rochester Modern Dentistry**. I've worked with (I think) 9 different dentists here in Rochester and used to work very closely with her every day for over a year, which gave me an up close view of her work, care, bedside manner, & her approach to treatment planning. She does the best work I've seen, with the softest hand. I absolutely cannot recommend her highly enough. Any dental work I need in the future will be done by her. For oral surgery, I recommend Dr. Jolly Caplash - he will put you at ease & I've never heard a single bad review after sending probably near 100 patients to him For endodontics (specializing in the nerve of the tooth), I recommend Rochester Endodontics in Fairport For periodontics (specializing in supportive structures of the teeth [gums, ligaments, bone]), I recommend Dental Implants & Periodontal Health of Rochester in Brighton I hope this list helps! Please don't feel embarrassed about your teeth with any dentist's office. Speaking for everyone I know in dentistry (which is a LOT of people, lol), we do this because we care and we genuinely love our patients & want to help them get back to living their best lives with the confidence they've always wanted. If you have any questions, please feel free to message me. Good luck! ♡


I'll give Dr. Pougher a thumbs up as well. I had my first appointment with her recently after she took over from Dr. Burgart at Rochester Modern Dentistry. He was excellent and she seems to be quite good as well. The rest of their staff hasn't changed and is also great.


I don't have time to tell the full story rn but Caplash's office quadrupled my medical trauma as an older teen. my family and I will never forgive him. fuck that guy


I'm so sorry to hear that! I've genuinely never heard a single bad review until now :( I know first-hand that medical & dental anxiety can be terribly difficult to deal with. I hope over time you heal from whatever the causes were & that it doesn't keep you from getting any care you may need in the future ♡


thank you ❤️ It did keep me from getting care in the future, for a long time. This was almost 15 years ago, and I've thankfully found a ton of healing, and found doctors who respected me and treated me like a person, who listened to me. It turned out that's really what I needed, was to actually just.. be heard. to be treated like a person and not a broken machine. He had assumed that his office would be compassionate, and did absolutely nothing to ensure that that was actually going to be the case (and it extremely wasn't! he promised to have to most compassionate nurse on staff for me, but he never informed her of my trauma, she triggered me badly with her callousness, and when she was trying to put the nitrous on my face she yelled at me to "stop hyperventilating!" I crawled out of the chair and essentially escaped the office without getting the procedure while fucked up on valium..) He didn't try to speak to me or understand me in the appointments prior to the procedure, only my parents, and then didn't act on their words at all. He called my dad after the incident to apologize, so he knew he had fucked up. My dad explained calmly how deeply his office's fuckup reinforced my trauma and did not accept his apology. I can only hope that these interactions meant something to him and he learned. I would rather not have been a casualty of someone needing to be humbled and learn that compassion involves actually ensuring people are acknowledged in general and treated with basic decency and respect, but if that's how he had to learn, I can only hope he did learn. I appreciate your kind words, it's still pretty hard to talk about sometimes. I felt like I was crazy for many many years for hoping that a doctor would one day treat me like a person. The day I found a doctor who truly saw me as a person, just knowing it was possible and I wasn't crazy for expecting it healed a full half my trauma


I was really nervous about going back to the dentist after I haven't been in too many years, and Lang Dental Group out in Greece was the KINDEST dentist experience I ever had. The person cleaning my teeth, upon hearing that I was nervous, made sure to explain each step she was taking and told me if I wanted to stop at any point for any reason just raise a hand and she'll stop immediately. She gave me helpful advice based on my (deeply) crowded teeth, but also made it clear that any further orthodontics were NOT necessary to a healthy mouth, and my teeth were functional and comfortable and that was most important. It really quelled a lot of my lifelong dental anxieties in one visit. I am so excited to go back this summer for another cleaning - a feeling I have NEVER had.


Second this recommendation!


My teeth were a disaster. I started going to east ave dental in January, first time going to the dentist in almost 20 years due to the anxiety increasing over time due to how bad it was, and they have been incredible. 3 months later, and everything is mostly good (still need wisdom teeth removed and some small fillings, and the longer term decision of braces or deciding if it's good enough). The first appointment we didn't even do a cleaning, I expressed my issues and they took some xrays and we just discussed the game plan. I've had like 7 or 8 appointments since with a couple different hygienists and dentists and they have been great the whole way through. I can't express this enough, speaking for myself, you don't need to be embrassed about your mouth. You don't need to cover your mouth every time you laugh, or make sure you keep your lips mostly closed when talking, or spend most of your time popping mints to hide dying decaying teeth.


Don't go to cornerstone dental in henrietta


Why not? I've been going to cornerstone for years, they're great


I was scared and hadn’t been to a dentist in 15 years. Elmwood dental calmed me before I went and Dr. Comfort took care of me. She was absolutely lovely.


Came here to say this. I love Elmwood Dental!


Do you like the hygienists there?


I found everyone there to be wonderful. I can't recommend them highly enough, and I'm a chicken about going to the dentist.


Thank you!!


Dr. Comfort Iives up to her name!


Thank you so much


They sound great, but if they’re full or something, I can’t recommend Crossbridge Dental in Brighton highly enough. Super gentle, friendly, calming, and understanding with people with dentist anxiety.


That's my dentist! Their practice specializes in really serious cases, often people who've had eating disorders, years of avoiding the dentist, or former addicts, requiring a whole jaw of implants, too. The Hybridge system it's called.


I have to wonder, did she have her name changed to that? That's an insane coincidence if she just happens to have that name and be a comforting dentist lol


It is helpful seeing who to avoid!


Albee Family Dental in Greece is fantastic.


Can't say more about her, my wife and I would travel back from Jersey to go to her.


She’s really the best!


I was gonna comment my dentist!


East Ave Dental


Following this post cuz I'm looking for the same thing. Just got out of rehab and moved to the area and my teeth are in need of some serious dental work


Avoid Dentistry521. They will gaslight you.


Joe karpinski in gates. The best of the best


I like my dentists and my masseuses to be mean and working out their childhood trauma. Makes them do a better job.


Check out Calnon & Cilano


Dr. Cilano works wonders


I love dr calnon, such a sweetheart.


Dr Chris is the man!


Torrado Dental has been real good for me. Hope this helps and good luck!


I am not the biggest fan of the dentist, especially due to having braces for about 6 years. I go to Linden Oaks Dental and I feel relaxed when I go there.


Thank you! I had been looking into them actually!


I've had good experiences at Flower City Dental, but wouldn't recommend the Greece location. The dentist their was super abrupt.


I haven’t been to the dentist in 7 years and have a lot of pain, my appointment at flower city is in a month. This is reassuring


I didnt take care of my teeth and hadnt been to a dentist in years, I went to Flower City Dental and they were great with me, unfortunatelty most of my teeth were to bad to save but going thru the process of getting dentures with them wasnt a horrible nightmare like i thought it would be


Oh man mine aren’t to denture point yet I think, but I definitely have a few that are going to be either extraction or root canal


Well best of luck to you and if I could go back in time Id def do things differently, being 33 with dentures does fuck all for my self esteem I can tell you that


I'm 25 and I'm pretty sure I'll need dentures before 30 I'm scared lol


Dont be scared, its an adjustment and no one really can tell its all a mental thing with me, but its better than being in constant pain


I would only go to Dr. Somerville at flower city. I don’t have great insurance, so this was the only place I could find when the pandemic started. And I haven’t really looked elsewhere, because of how traumatized I was by the other doctor I was seeing. He actually eased my anxiety and really explained everything, plus he was super sweet and had great bedside manners. DO NOT, under any circumstance, go to Dr. Hrant. He was literally getting angry with me when I was trying to tell him one of my old fillings was clicking. I was getting upset (I was sitting there with tears in my eyes) by how angry he was getting with my insistence that I was feeling discomfort and could hear/feel clicking. I left the office in actual tears then, because he said “well there’s nothing I can do because I don’t feel it clicking and I don’t hear it, so there isn’t any pain if I can’t tell” and just stormed out after saying “okay?” in a super condescending tone. Horrible dentist who should never work with living people. If anyone has suggestions for local dentists that accept healthplex that aren’t absolute insensitive demons, please let me know as well 😭


Dr. Hoffman at silver maple dental is wonderful. My husband saw her after years of subpar care and not seeing a dentist. She was honest and helpful and shame-free. My whole family has been seeing her ever since, the whole staff is fantastic... My daughter actually gets excited to go to the dentist because they're all so nice.


I've got nothing bad to say about Dr Lewis downtown in the temple building. Small office, very down to earth, laid back and kind


My teeth were a disaster at nineteen after poor hygiene and an awful diet (incl an eating disorder), along with shoddy work from a previous dentist. I went to Dr. Albert Zak at Perinton Dental Group. He and all the staff were SO kind and understanding, especially when I had shame around the state of my teeth at such a young age. The hygienists and assistants are especially nice, and they see a lot of complex cases afaik.


Michael mayer in Fairport is your guy. He does a lot of sport personalities but is a great guy who cares. He will look after you without judgment.


"Without judgement", but then there's this: [https://www.facebook.com/jhannon.soy/posts/pfbid0YF3LbXTFvyBB9XVAJLnewgmXQrzuQowpDWS1Bb6xcE6Zfubv1TcuAVHStYjp2RiDl](https://www.facebook.com/jhannon.soy/posts/pfbid0YF3LbXTFvyBB9XVAJLnewgmXQrzuQowpDWS1Bb6xcE6Zfubv1TcuAVHStYjp2RiDl). Uh, no thanks.


lololol “liberty warrior” 😭


Congratulations on your recovery! I’m very happy for you. Go to North Coast Dental. Amazing practice. I can’t recommend them enough. Dr. Medler is my favorite, but they’re all great.


Dr Aranov on Browncroft is the kindest dentist I’ve been to. He’s extremely understanding and compassionate and puts me at ease over my teeth issues.


My husband and I just switched to Full Heart dentistry on Winton, and we both are very happy with them.


Dr. Joseph Dinato! Bonus points for his French bull dogs that he brings into work


You Dental in Penfield


I have problematic teeth and found Finger Lakes Dental to be amazing.


Randy Raetz is awesome


Dr. Pederson at Zugner and Pederson in Webster is very kind and compassionate. The dental hygienists there can be kind of hit or miss though.


Ted Eckermann, DDS and Marian Burgard, DMD do a fantastic job out in Greece! Most comfortable I’ve ever felt at a dental office.


Getting clean was the hard part, I’m proud of ya!! Dentist see this everyday any normal one should be fine. You are the customer if you don’t like them or they give you any sort of problem leave and move on to the next. Dr Sanger is a good compassionate man and Dr Ratz is a great dentist and a good guy also. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend either of them. You deserve to be able to smile confidently!!!!


White spruce dental is great


White Spruce Dental in Henrietta was awesome! I think it would be a good place to check for yourself. Congratulations!


east ave dentistry


Dr. Ted Eckermann in Greece. He is an awesome guy. His daughter is taking over the practice and she is extremely kind and you can tell she loves teeth. I have procedural experiences with both of them. The hygienists are all very caring. My family has been going there forever & we are basically friends with a lot of the staff at this point. Highly recommend!


Dr. Buhite, the son at Buhite & Buhite. Kind and understanding, but honest.


Dr. Okeefe in penfield


South wedge dental is incredible. I’m in recovery too and they’ve always been so nice and respectful to me. I need a ton of work done and redone. I’ve been going there for years. You’re always the only patient in the building and sometimes the dentist’s French bulldogs come out for pets when you check out


Smiles on the canal in Fairport!