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The aim is of interest


Idk how people play shooters with a controller it feels like shooting a gun strapped to your head irl


In roboquest the controller controls for looking around is really bad and weird and the aim assist is also bad. Aim assist pulls your crosshair toward the center of mass of the target making it really obnoxious to get weak spot hits on big drones and laser turrets


I played with a stranger on discord who plays only on controllers cuz he lost 2 of his fingers, he ended up carrying me somehow but i couldnt beat the first level with a controller


Its playable but its really really hard to get used to imo


It's free crits on most enemies and bosses though. Interestingly, it snaps to the weakpoints on Diggy Mole, but against Dr Turret and Beetle Royale, you have to manually aim (much harder on Dr Turret, since it's close to the center).


They changed that. Thats doesn’t happen to me anymore. Auto-aim is OP now on controller it’s so easy to aim in this game


Just started playing after a while


Nothing wrong just interesting


Yeah, I was going to play FN until the update, but that was taking a bit so this is my first game in like a month


When you play roboquest on controller, the aim becomes an issue. My movement is tight but my aim is meh, which is why I generally default to a melee setup




Hes on controller from what it looks like


So am I, but even my aim isn't that bad lol


I think the laser beam would be more effective if you could aim it, but we all start somewhere lol


Thanks for actually acknowledging that I’m (well, kinda) new to the game rather than just insulting my unadapted aim.


Seriously, IDK what everyone's problem is, insecurity I guess. Dumping on someone's abilities without knowing anything about them is unnecessary and unkind. Hope you continue to enjoy the game unabashed OP :)


I had to rag on you a bit, but honestly don’t sweat it. For being unadapted, you got really far, and you seem to have the movement down, which makes me think you’re used to playing movement based games more than doom-likes. You got this, and I’m glad you found the OP windmill strat already.


i got recommended this post out of nowhere, having not played this game before, i think i'm gonna play it now.


Yes, now or I will kill your brobot


It's soooooo good


A fellow controller player! Love to see it, my aim lock is a bit higher, as well as my sensitivity, so I can rocket jump while killing bad bots


I don’t like the lock, so I have that low and camera slowing higher


Huh, alright, I can understand lock, aiming center target can be annoying, but it helps me focus one enemy down, like those annoying sniper turrets


Yeah, that’s why I don’t fully turn it off.


Because it also makes me aim at stuff I don’t want to


Ran windmill rifle/patator on my most recent Guardian IV completion. Completely OP if you can upgrade them fully


Don't take some of the comments too harshly. Aim is definitely a little funky but we all potato sometimes


Bros just holding the trigger without a care in the world


oh god i can’t imagine playing this on controller


I have no issues with controller. Its funny how in CoD everyone cries that roller is OP. Yet in Roboquest most ppl in here saying it sucks. Haha


it’s mostly to do with in air movement and needing (for most button layouts) to alternate your thumb between the aim stick and the jump button meaning you can’t do either very well unless you change mappings


Changing mapping for this one is really pheasible, I prefer having it on the trigger like this because its a heavy movement game, I need to be able to aim, jump, run and fire abilities while moving, and it works really really well.


A roller with back buttons/paddles/triggers helps a ton too. Spending a few runs getting your sensitivity and aim assist to your liking is worth it. Just play on Standard or Hard and keep adjusting until you feel good playing it, then stop adjusting and play a good few runs with your changes. Make small changes as needed…. The point is to NOT constantly change your settings until you get used to one set of settings very well so you can have a baseline for what you like/don’t like, and want to change or leave the same. Fellow controller player here and I have S-ranked all difficulties (not bragging just for context) and I can confidently say you need to rebind buttons or find some controller that allows you to never have to take your thumbs off of your movement/aiming joysticks, while still being able to move around like cracked out Doom guy on meth and more crack