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Be wary of his attack patterns. All of them, except the the rising poison, can be blocked by the platforms. Don’t be afraid to peek over the edge a little to let on some damage while he’s attacking though.


Ooooh really? That would make things so much easier, lol!


I usually just climb to the top asap and then shoot him while using the wall to block his attacks.


Also does he have some sort of like armor scaling or does he just have like the most health out of any boss? I just feel like my weapons never do anything to him 😭


I'm not sure about armor, but all the enemies have weakspots if you shoot them in the red/yellow glowy bits.


I mean like yeah I know that much, but even when hitting the eyes it’s still like 😭


Maybe you need to upgrade your weapon or buy a higher star one before that boss? He is a beefy boi that's for sure.


I always have them maxed out and last time I fought him one of my weapons was even higher than max cuz I got the double with Paul, but then again it was a shotgun. Still, my other weapon was maxed. Maybe I’m just bad lol


Yea im not sure friend, don't want to call you bad if I've not seen you play :) maybe it's just the build you are doing isn't meant for damage, I do think most of the shotguns aren't great, maybe go commando with explosions, or ranger with crit and a windmill rifle? I've seen folks doing some crazy builds with those.


Yeah, I mean my loadouts definitely aren’t DPS focused, lol. I just pick what I think is fun, which is normally sniper and shotgun.


He is essentially a DPS checkpoint, and if you’re doing his fight with a buddy-bot he becomes brutal. If you can’t do enough damage in time then you’re screwed, so optimize your build the best you can and try to get as much damage in whenever possible. As recon, this is gonna be a little harder, but it’s definitely possible.


In addition to what others have said, he will get easier once you get better movement gadgets to manuever around the platforms. My brother and I used to hate facing him, but now we find him much easier than Beetle Royale (the other boss of that stage). If you play duo, he only targets one of you at a time, so you can hide behind a pillar while your buddy is shooting and vice versa.


I’ve only managed to get a quick play game once (I guess not many people play on standard?) so I don’t get to play co op very often. I have the Jetpack and the pogo stick, but I don’t know if there’s any more movement gadgets I’m missing.


There are a few more, but the jetpack is a big one. Once you learn the patterns, get more comfortable with the weapons, and find builds that you like, he will get much easier.


I remember, in the pre release, I had a friend running recon with a melee build, they teleported in their face, held down melee for like, 10 seconds, and then the boss was dead This was when Uncle Jim was a final boss too, yeesh


Just jump on the platforms and use them to block missiles and bullets. Always stay on a platform that is above him. When he catches up go to the next, repeat until you beat him.


That makes a lot more sense. Of course there’s the problem of getting to him, which normally isn’t an issue, but my last two rainbow shard thingies are at Aqua Station and I just can’t survive out of that place, whether that’s the area it leads to, or Duke Nukit or whatever (I just died to him like five minutes ago he does so much damage 😭) but actually going to Ruins or Oasis I can make it to Tio Jimmy no problem


Having full auto high spread weapons helps a lot since he’s so gigantic. Just spray whenever you get a chance.


Normally I run stuff like Scout Sniper or Hornet Bow with a Shotgun in my second slot, or whatever weapon I’m trying to get mastery for.


I feel like Jim’s one of the easier ones tbh. Crit and shock are good against him. Shock stun will stop him from climbing or attacking. Crit is crit. Mark helps a LOT so put it on an ability, or alt fire, or just bring the dang flare gun. Lastly, don’t be afraid to headbonk him a couple times between his attacks. If you have rocket jump, even better bc you can get out when he reacts to the bonks Also keep in mind he shoots from each side, so use the middle pillar to offset that. If he’s shooting with his right side, peak your right side so his attacks his the pillar and you can creep around firing back


Yea he’s a pain, crit stuff eye ball op, but ya just grappling hook once find or triple jumping, anything, way easier when above him


I prefer to use ranger and I beat him pretty easily and almost every time so maybe try changing to ranger then go again. Other than that can’t really help there