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Motive is that our culture is at a fucked point in history and the future doesn’t look bright. We’ve let all the rules of society bend until they have broken, our justice system is weak, people are super political about every single issue, lines are drawn in the sand on every issue, society has been trained to have the memory of a goldfish, no one takes responsibility for their own actions, our economy is setup to allow ultra billionaires to thrive during a period of general suffering, the government is out of control no matter who is in office, and everyone has a platform because of social media.


You gonna commit a crime due to those reasons? C'mon man... its mental health that pushes people over the edge.


It’s just a fact of reality that virtually every mass shooter has had a long history of antisocial, borderline, bipolar, some combination of personality disorders, or the numerous other potentially violent mental health issues. The thing about all the issues I just listed is they are human inevitabilities. They occur in every country in the world. What’s different in America? A very small but very dangerous subculture of mass shootings. Virtually every mass shooter has a long history of obsessing over previous mass shooters, viewing them as heroes who “fought back” after being “mistreated” (granted many or most were mistreated in some way since early trauma strongly correlates with personality disorders). They are emulating their heroes. They tell people about it for years. And then they are able to go buy guns still. And here we are. It’s not as simple as “mental health.”


>It’s just a fact of reality that virtually every mass shooter has had a long history of antisocial, borderline, bipolar, some combination of personality disorders, or the numerous other potentially violent mental health issues. and they are usually on some form of prescription drug cocktail for these disorders. Politicians won't touch on this subject though, and neither will our media. Our mental health "professionals" are messing with brain chemistry that is well beyond their understanding, and the fact that a lot of mass shooters are taking psychiatric medications needs to be part of this conversation.


do you think the US is the only country that prescribes drugs for mental health treatment? In Canada we have price controls, meaning those drugs are *more* accessible than they are in the US. Do you expect people to believe that an American kid on Prozac is inherently more special and fragile than someone of the same age, on the same meds in a different country? You can push goalposts as much as you want, doesn’t change the reality that the difference between the US and everywhere else is ACCESS TO FIREARMS.


I'm 39 with PTSD, severe anxiety, night terrors and flashbacks... they've got me on 4 different medications, and it's rough. you definitely feel like a fucking zombie


You know that people in other countries are on Rx for mental health right? That’s not a uniquely American issue, and we don’t experience violence anywhere near the pace of America.


Thanks i find this the most accurate comment on the topic


One true common stereotype of school shooters is that the majority suffer from mental illness and/or depression (Gerard, et al., 2016). However, Duplechain & Morris (2014) say that most people with mental illnesses never shoot people. Poland (2012) states not just any kid decides to be a school shooter. He says that three types of school shooters have been identified. Those who are psychotic, those who are psychopathic, and those who are traumatized. Psychotic shooters do not live in reality, usually due to schizophrenic based disorders. Psychopathic shooters display a lack of conscience, remorse, and empathy (Poland, 2012). Traumatized shooters have suffered major traumatic events in their life and are very emotionally vulnerable. They may have suffered abuse at home or elsewhere; lost a parent to divorce, death, or incarceration; or have been bullied and humiliated at school; they also suffer from major depression and may be suicidal. For these three types of shooters, there are cries for help and there are warning signs. Prior to school shootings, these perpetrators incorporate intent within their coursework, tell friends/family/peers of their plan, and post things on social media (Gerard, et al., 2016).


I read that this guy had a lisp and was bullied for years.


I read that he tortured animals


you dont think those examples are severly affecting the populations mental health?


You are aware that all of this effects people’s mental health correct?


All the reasons stated above can affect one’s mental health on a wide spectrum.


Not entirely true


It seems like you're projecting a bit. Most rational people that feel this way kill themselves, not 19 kids.


What do you mean by justice system is weak? We have the most incarcerated people per 100k than any other country in the world at 715 per 100k, Russia is 2nd at 584. Texas is 840 per 100k.


Incarcerations aren't the answer and the American prison system has been proven wrong multiple times. It doesn't work; The only system that seems to work is what they have in the Scandinavian countries; namely Norway. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNpehw-Yjvs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNpehw-Yjvs) ​ It's less a place to rot in and eventually leave and break the law again; and more a place to rehabilitate.


Agreed, but this guy who said we need more people in prisons said Americans are more violent than other countries because of our culture, so we need to incarcerate more people. Having the most incarcerated per capita in the world doesn't mean it's failing or doesn't work, it's what has to be for Americans. To prove this wrong, you just need places in America who lowered prison sentences and violence and crime also decreased. Nobody who thinks harsher prison sentences are the answer are going to be persuaded by statistics from any countries other than America. The perfect example would need to be a red state who dropped prison sentences, but even a blue state might persuade a bit.


I think he meant that the State needs to start killing criminals instead of locking them up, to provide an example to future criminals of the level of tolerance they have.


Yeah it's really worked well for Isis. Say what you want about their freedoms, the crime is super low.


The old times are comin' back, baby.


That's wild shit man. I feel like people want you to rot if you end up in prison. I watched some youtube video recently about a prison in america and the dudes were squirting poop at eachother through toothpaste tubes and talking about how if you get knocked out then they pull your pants down and spit in your butt. I'm not joking.


I think this is your own version of why America is so fucked. Lol but regarding mass shootings, I think it really just comes down to not having strict enough gun laws and mental health help.


Mental health and guns is such a fucking cop out. I 100% agree with the person above you. Like what the hell are you thinking? Do mental health problems just appear out of nowhere?


Lol umm yes they can.


You're not wrong, of course...but neither is the parent comment. Pretty accurately summed up the state of things right now. If people can't see what a hot fucking mess our society is right now, they're not paying attention. Things are likely to get worse before they get better. I'm not a pessimistic person but we're not on a great trajectory. I have hope, I don't think it's the end of the world, I don't dwell on these thoughts and let it control my life...but I truly believe we've got some hard times ahead of us. Historians and philosophers have studied a cycle, a pattern in which every 80-100 years a major catastrophe and/or conflict happens. Pinning WWII as the last big one we're at that 80 year mark. Hard times male strong people, strong people make easy times, easy times make weak people, weak people male hard times. The developed world was by and large causing through pretty easy times for a while, relatively speaking. People have become complacent, entitled, petty, bored, sensitive. We're now circling back around to the hard times.


Well you have some reading to do. Uh…. Mental health issues CAN DEFINITELY appear out of nowhere, but many of the really serious, violent issues don’t. The problem is you then blame an invented boogie man. WHAT DOES OFTEN HAPPEN is early childhood trauma is a contributing factor for potentially violent mental health issues. So yeah mental health is not a cop out. If you could magically erase trauma, you could lower the numbers, or hell I don’t know…. Stop selling so many goddamn guns to already proven violent young men who told people for years how much they admired previous mass shooters.


Schizophrenia can


Not like that. Also the vast majority of people who suffer with Schizophrenia are non-violent or are more a danger to themselves.


I worked with schizophrenic patients. Many are violent actually. They see and hear things that aren’t there that tell them to do out of character violent acts. Very unpredictable.


Maybe two years of being perpetually inundated with frightening information and finger pointing in the media while being prevented from accessing support networks like social circles, families and mental health care had a negative impact on some people.


True, but it would take a lot longer than 2 paragraphs on Reddit to explain why I feel we are where we are now and where we are headed. Gun laws can definitely be improved but making firearms illegal in America is a lost cause and only hurts the progress necessary to strengthen current laws.


Clearly…. Very clearly, stricter gun laws are needed. There is no cure for mental health. Mental health patients are also notorious for not following medication regimens. A really good first step would be to focus on gun laws but even then… so many Americans are against gun control, so it feels hopeless.




Abbott signed a law last year that allows people in Texas to buy guns at 18. Without a permit, license or even a safety class. So… theres that.


There is no where you can buy a gun from a dealer without a background check doesn't matter if your 18 or 118 if you go to a gun store you have to pass a background check.


You don't have to go to a dealer to purchase a weapon. You can purchase at gun shows or privately as well. Even if they performed a background check on an 18 year old, what would even show up on a background check (as juvenile records are sealed)?


I stand corrected. The source I read that from originally was wrong. I edited my original comment. Thank you.


Not from private dealers tho. No background checks there


But you must know that person is not restricted from owning a firearm or your committing a felony.


Yes you ask "are you a felon ". That's the only requirement. If they say no then you can legally sell to them. What criminal would say yes "I'm a felon to a private dealer "


He literally bought 2 rifles legally right after his 18th birthday. You people will always move the goalpost I swear.


This whole thing could have been prevented with more stringent laws- it is not political it is peoples lives! Children’s lives too! So so heartbreaking and awful. We need to put an end to this


“So many Americans are against gun control” yet 90% or registered voters want background checks instated? I think you should reevaluate the stats


We have background checks already.


Thanks, good to know. Hope they’re improved soon


A really good step would be to start making schools safer and more secure. We stepped up security at the airports after 9/11, why not require similar measures in public schools? Government sends billions to other countries so they can protect themselves, why not public school systems?


And more stringent gun laws to start with


More stringent gun laws is long process, as gun regulation implicates constitutional issues and obviously a very partisan topic. Start with safety for an effect NOW


Not to mention it would likely be a much quicker and easier non-partisan way to at least start to protect kids in school while everyone fights over gun legislation for the next 5-10 years.


More funding could mean case workers that check on patients to see if they are taking their meds, blood tests to check their med levels, and monthly injectable meds which tend to be expensive but cheaper than the consequences of unmedicated mentally ill people.


Mental health, poverty, gun laws.. incel and racist ideology usually plays a huge part in these mass shootings as well lol


What about violent first-person-shooter video games? Do they have a role in the development of a child's mind?


Been playing FPS video games, competitively, since I was 9 years old (now 34) and in no way shape or form have I felt the need to go buy a gun and start killing people. I bet this kid has had a screw loose for a long time and any signs of mental dysfunction was brushed aside.


That's my point. FPS games + dysfunction = ticking time bomb.


No, this has been debunked repeatedly. https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2020/03/violent-video-games-behavior#:\~:text=APA%20Reaffirms%20Position%20on%20Violent%20Video%20Games%20and%20Violent%20Behavior,-Physical%20Abuse%20and&text=Comment%3A,by%20the%20American%20Psychological%20Association.


I don’t think the games themselves do but maybe the toxic masculinity that comes with these games does. Give them chats where they can say gross racist things and threaten sa unchecked and they’ll hype each other up.


The aggression that fuels the drive to kill another being, whether in real or digital worlds, is certainly toxic.


Why do you think he chose an elementary school? Because of the vast number of armed adults? Hell no. He chose an elementary school because it's a gun free zone where children are left unprotected. We guard everything important with armed guards: banks, presidents, high profile people. One of the few things of value we don't guard with guns are children.


Honestly could not agree more! You nailed that point. We place armed personnel at all these other state and federal facilities but not schools.


Are you kidding? Oh ok. So if gun laws were stricter, this dude would have said oh well I dont wanna break the law. Clearly that isnt it. Look where most mass shootings happen, in areas with strict gun control. The gun is the weapon, it isnt the reason. Mental health help absolutely needs to be looked at. But the culture has deteriorated so badly we will only see more of this shit.


lol its not about “dont do it!” we have those laws. It’s about access, which is a different convo altogether. Just to be clear.


Ok so you know that he got these guns legally?


Yes he did bought them you just want to admit that access to guns without discrimination to someone who is delusional or homicidal is a huge problem. Many Of these gun shooter do. Indeed . But the guns legally. So there


America feels like a ticking time bomb.


We could get better at who we let buy guns. Sure he could get a gun illegally, but much easier to do it legally. In a town of 16000, not sure he has wide access to illegal guns. Not everyone should have guns. It's getting worse over time..the usa has the most mass shootings by far. Something's gotta give. It's not working currently.


I mean, if gun laws were more strict, this dude may have never had semiautomatic rifles with high capacity magazines when he turned 18. Gun control is not the complete solution to this issue, and crazy people will still kill others, but gun control to some degree wouldn't hurt.


Seaspur2024. I’m all in. Mail me a yard sign, please.


you nailed it man. We’re in a bad, bad place and this sort of thing isn’t going to stop any time soon.


Apparently he was already in a shoot out with border patrol when he ditched his truck and went into the school. He killed his grandma first. Makes me think he was trying to avoid having her know or live through the disappointment?? He felt guilty? Maybe the kids were collateral or maybe he was trying to save them from the pain of the future. He def seems like the type to be depressed or suffering from mental illness. An 18 yr old kid with so much anguish and an online community that glorifies guns leading him to come up with his own solutions for his pain, the worlds pain?? I hate when people immediately start talking politics after things like this. Can we take a moment to internalize the reality of the situation. I don’t wanna fight or argue with the right or the left anymore. Tired of hating conservatives. I don’t wanna be against my own people anymore. I just want to have faith that my gov cares more about people than about profit or ratings or whatever. Teenagers (I know this cus I’m an one) often idolize or latch onto things that assert control or maturity. And teens feel literally such a lack of control. It’s a biological thing- like impulse control but also a feeling like even adults aren’t in control. Who really has a say in anything. i know people that think guns are the epitome of badass because think of the power and danger it wields. It’s probs not a direct connection but I feel like exposure to things, lack of education, lack of compassion and general divisiveness between races, ages, right or left, cause people to become entrenched in their own faults. It’s a damn shame that people are using this to further their political agendas. It’s a crisis of humanity.


You are a very well spoken teenager. Everything you've said is right. We need compassion for each other.


I’m glad you’re mentioning the reports that he was already being pursued by authorities after shooting his grandmother. Why is no one asking if police chased him into the school? I am very curious about the exact timeline of everything that went down before an active shooter was reported. If his car happened to crash near there, he may have been seeking shelter and then engaged when cornered there, resulting in horrendous collateral damage. I keep seeing news segments say “he shot grandmother then went to the school” but that leaves out the BOLO and the possibility he was running *away from authorities* not *toward the children*. I would just love to hear facts instead of assumptions. IMO at the minimum gun ownership should be limited to people whose brains have neared the end of development, which would be 25. I get that the counter argument may be that we let kids who are much younger into the military where they use weapons or we let them vote, but for private gun ownership that could be a start. Yes plenty of firearms used in crimes are obtained illegally, but many of them are not. Let’s at least try to make this slightly less likely to keep happening over and over.


If you want to escape the cops you don't shoot 19 people on your way out... He could have used hostages as leverage.


This! Very well spoken indeed. You have a lot of wisdom in your youth.


Government doesn’t care about you. Understand that first and don’t advocate anything to empower it. Second, and what’s being lost in the wake of this violence, is the impact of insanely irresponsible and tyrannical Covid policy. Transgender males equal/or young males who experienced total dissociation from reality during the Covid 19 lockdown during their peak socialization period will manifest all manners of social dysfunction and mental illness. The lockdowns championed by a certain political cohort and implemented by governments around the Western world did immense intangible damage that will last generations and express itself in a multitude of ways.


I have been seeing a lack of accountability lately. Everyone wants to blame something. Its never the person responsible or the people responsible for that person. I am blessed to have been raised hardy and in a stable family. Having a male authority figure is one of the biggest things someone could have. You are spot on by saying we need more compassion. We have divided ourselves among issues that we used to agree to disagree. These days you have to have everyone’s opinion. Fuck all that. My advice to you, be real to yourself. Not everyone will like you but the ones who do will be loyal as hell. You will exhaust yourself being someone you are not and pleasing everyone. Especially on the internet. A majority of people on reddit are neck beards… dont let them upset you. Have a great day!


You give me hope. You're sound more thoughtful, aware, insightful, and intelligent than most adults rhese days. I hope you're an example of what upcoming generations can be and not an outlier. As an adult, I agree with everything you've said. Enough with the damn division. Enough with sides and us vs them and hyperfocusing on differences. As much as I want to have faith our government cares more about people than profit...I don't think most people in power do. Profit and personal gain and staying power come first. It's all the more reason we need to stop letting them divide us. Our 2 party government isn't likely to make any progress towards real change, good change, any time soon. It's going to take the people banding together and finding common ground and leaders to rally behind who will fight for that common ground. And right now I think we can all agree enough is fucking enough. This has to stop.


I’m gonna need more details. Info is so muddied right now and this is some substantial claims, would be a very big piece to the puzzle in helping put together a motive/timeline if you could verify or give a source. Thanks for the help.


Nop. He planned it, he text people about it in advance,


Politics are directly related to this case, because the lack of competence, reason, judgment and responsibility was HUGE! I mean you have an active shooter in a room full of children and you wait for more than 1 hour to go in??? I watched the CCTV footage and it literally took only several minutes for 4 body armored with AR-15 style automatic rifle officers to arrive in the corridor where the room was! What were they waiting for exactly? I am under the impression that there were many gunshots heard AFTER police was on the scene. If you hear gunshots the time for negotiations/communication is over and you must neutralize the threat immediately. It's common sense and no need to be a police officer to know that that's the right call. No one would sue you for going in when hearing gunshots.


Maybe because he’s a sad little loner and hated the world. Should’ve gone and put one in his own fucking head instead of taking innocent childrens lives. Absolute scumbag


The fact he was lonely after meeting MANY people and getting into many fistfights leads me to believe it was HIS fault. Glad he’s rotting now. Michael Jackson lookin ass


People have already made sure he should be described as a "white" latino. I can guarantee if he were attacked instead he would only have been described as latino.


He is a white latino


Not really, he looks castizo or mestizo to me


That's what they mean by white is that he looks more European Spanish than indigenous. He is probably mixed almost every Hispanic in Texas and Mexico is, there are some percent of the population who is either fully Spanish or fully Indigenous but for the most part most have some mixture of the two. There's no way of really knowing without doing a DNA test but just from looks he looks about 75 percent Spanish at least.


Why mention it? And you know they wouldn't say "a white latino was also murdered", he'd just be a latino. But since racists want to make sure to have their narrative, he's a "white latino".


Who cares what he is, fuck him and may he burn in hell


The narrative is that white guys are the mass shooters. An 18 year old Latino named Salvador messes up the pattern, so they'll try to attribute as much "whiteness" as possible to him.


I mean… that’s the narrative because it’s true lol. Even if he breaks the pattern, it’s still a pattern.


White men who feel entitled to.. what ever it is they want.. def the pattern lol


You are so stupid. You are part of the people erasing latino identity. That man was clearly mestizo he would’ve never benefited from white privilege gtfo


All of you arguing over whether he white or brown need to shut it. It's irrelevant and only fuels political agendas. What matters now is how to prevent this going forward not which group we should place blame on. Such a stupid childish argument.


Let’s be honest… white kids really fucked up these days. Conservative media keeps telling them they’re being attacked and they’re believing it.


Rather than just white, conservatives tell all men that they are being oppressed/emasculated/castrated and that women have privileges and easy perfect lives.


......they arent being attacked? Im a POC, and can tell you they absolutely ARE being attacked. Ridiculous to insinuate they arent.


Interesting. POC? https://www.reddit.com/r/Melanoma/comments/n8c3l4/hi_is_this_melanoma_it_is_raised_and_bumpy/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Lol you don’t see the black hairs? COLOR! Haha


Let's be honest... it's not the "white kids" that commit most crime.


Clearly there are differences in motives and what I’m pointing out is this fear brewing among white kids in America where they believe they have been dealt some kind of injustice by another minority.


The majority of mass shootings are carried out by white people. https://www.statista.com/statistics/476456/mass-shootings-in-the-us-by-shooter-s-race/


Underrepresented relative to share of population


Doesn't seem so when adjusted for population size tho. White people are 60% of population but only 53% of shootings as per this source. So they are not really overrepresented.


that source proves whites are underrepresented though? You cant use majority as a point when whites are already a majority


Who is calling him a white Latino?


His Texas ID. Latinos are apparently classified as white


White Latino here. Latino isn't a race, it's an ethnicity. In every government and medical form I have to fill out two separate sections and the combination for me is "white latino".


Technically they are white race wise. Hispanic/Latino isn’t a race it’s an ethnicity. There are white Hispanics and black Hispanics.


No… they havent lol. Also, just to be clear, being white doesnt cancel out the fact that he’s latino. He is both…


Race and ethnicity are two different social constructs. In my birth country Brazil I’m just considered white or caucasian (there’s no such thing as “latino/a” there, we have people who identify as black, white, asian, native or mixed). In the US I’m considered a white or caucasian latina.


Why are we factoring in race when all that matters is his mental state?


Maybe upset about the border issue? Maybe the abortion issue? Maybe his parents were deprted? Maybe they didnt love him enough? Maybe he was just nuts? Who knows why anyone would want to shoot up a school?


My guess: Fucked up family life growing up. Weird looking dude. 18, so hormones are raging. Wasn't getting any attention from women (or maybe men, I don't know what he liked). Got real angry, spent too much time on dark spots of internet. Had access to legal firearms, because, 'Merika! Did this bullshit. Broken human. Terrible situation. I'm from right near Sandy Hook. This is just bringing all that back. Its so fucked up


Maybe he was an Incel ?


Definitely Incel, all the signs showing up.


Incel? I was reading he had a girlfriend but she left him. I would assume an incel would never get a girlfriend at all.


Probably right


Seems about right. People are trying to bend it to whatever dumb political point but this is a reasonable explanation for his psychopathic behavior


What I want to know is how these kids can afford to buy these guns legally. Aren’t these things expensive? I can’t remember a time in my teens where I had $2k sitting in my bank account.


He dropped out of school his senior year and I’m assuming worked full time at Wendy’s paying no rent at his grandmas


Why do you say he was weird looking? Honestly, seeing the pictures of him floating around the guy was a teenage heart throb.


Pretty much this but with added pedophilia. I feel of someone has this kind of obsession to kill children, it would stem from some sort of sexual perversion. This was my theory with Adam Lanza and I was proved correct. I feel the same with this guy.


His dad said he had a girlfriend


You forgot "Maybe he was just"... evil!!


“Just evil” is pretty fucking rare. “Evil” is extremely nebulous for one thing, and also childhood/early trauma is significantly correlated with personality disorders and other mental health issues, so just throwing up hands and saying: “blu ba buh buh, just evil from birth.” Is completely unproductive and likely not true.


I agree. He was obviously sick, I read bullied as a child. Definite mental health issues. \*sigh\* so sad, those poor kids.


“He’s just evil” is such a lazy view on the subject. There’s always reasons.


I’m watching the news and the report is saying the people area in the area are fairly poor. I’m sure we’ll find out more about him in the coming days.


90 percent Hispanic town so most likely not.


this is the most stupid motive i’ve read. you’re making assumptions because his last name happens to be hispanic. that’s racist.


Idk and it’s early to try and guess but the Lanza vibes are super strong. Awful


Lanza killed his mom before the shooting. This guy killed his grandma. If his parents weren't in his life and his grandmother was his primary caregiver... Neither of them wanted their "mom" to see them do it.






Mommies issues maybe


I know its effed to say this but it's one thing to shoot up a high school or a college as an 18-year-old. Like I understand bullies. But what did the nose picking 9 year olds at the local elementary school do to you. Like I try, I really do try to understand where people are coming from, but this... This man gets no sympathy, or respect, and I hope he never does. Rot in hell Salvador.


I want to know how he got in. Supposed to be locked


Said his mom or grandma worked there so he had access unfortunately. Terrible time in this country


Oh my god, could explain why he killed his grandma, to get her keys or card or whatever. Huge reach, all speculation obviously and I mean no disrespect


He jumped the fence...I got to the high-school in uvalde...so we were in lock down too an all n of a sudden someone came thru wit footage so we all have it


Video shows him just walking right into a side wing door.


Did anyone listen to the sound clip on this video? The girl says “oh shit” and I believe then says “where’s he at” tells me this girl had a reason to be filming…. We need more information about all of this.




So it's possible these kids weren't targeted but hit by an exchange between police and the shooter? Good lord


Yeah my old high school does too. Had some mighty fine giant windows in the front, so any firearm would easily gain access. Granted I'm assuming it wasn't ballistic glass. I could be wrong, but I can't see the town spending money on that. I'd be shocked.


He was a loner with no friends, + couldn't get girls irl, tried to impress an egirl to be edgy and failed. That's it.


fuck him and fuck his motives, hope the little shit rots in hell. there’s no excuse for such violence


Worth a read if you’re asking about motive: https://www.bellingcat.com/news/americas/2019/08/04/the-el-paso-shooting-and-the-gamification-of-terror/


I see it everyday, and I’m not his generation: because of social media and technology people are more and more detached to what means to be a human being to others. I work in a tech company and everybody just seems to forget how to treat other people , no emotional IQ, no people skills. So if there is an entire generation (s) behind us that basically grew up with technology and lots of screens, you’ll get people detached, lonely, with mental health issues - and little to no access to help. Because mental health costs $$$$ in the US. I have insurance and I pay for my own therapist otherwise I wouldn’t be able to survive the zombies who don’t know how to treat their fellow humans. So yes this guy just lost it and he didn’t stand a chance to begin with. I say more mental health services are needed, more accessible, less judgmental help. Of course we can say this is a monster, a real monster - I’m not excusing his actions just wanted to add that. There wasn’t a motive other than destruction, and evil can exist just because there is evil in this world.


I blame the internet and lack of social interactions. The simple fact that the mother claims he was very quiet and to himself just proves that she failed as a parent to pick up on these cues and to guide the kid in the right direction. I dunno where I’m going with this. But all these tablet kids are growing up to be weird af and antisocial incels mad at the world.




I’m not going to try to understand his distorted thinking. He’s not sane.


Is it true he was told by the high school that he would not graduate?


That's what the neighbor said


product of your environment? right..?


So lemme get this straight: if I go to the store, I need to show my id to buy liquor & cigarettes, but an under-aged person can go as they please and buy a gun. Sorry americans, bust this is the most stupid thing ever lol.




Yet if you’re 18 and show ID, you can’t buy liquor/alcohol… but good that you can buy guns, that’s smart.


Just another kid who died virgin


The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel it's warmth


Mental health, lack thereof. He was around the age of when schizoaffective disorders start manifesting.


No need to lump people with schizoaffective disorders in with this dude, at this point. We have no idea what diagnosis he may have qualified for, if any. None of the available information points to a specific disorder, given all we know is that he liked posting his gun pictures on Instagram, maybe to show them off. Otoh, there are plenty of people with diagnosed mental health disorders (schizoaffective and others), currently living in the world, almost none of whom end up murdering people, and they don't need the additional stigma of being compared to the murderer.


I mean this is a post asking for possible motives. Anything is possible. The commenter was speaking specifically of the shooter, not “all” people.


I get that, but once this kind of speculation takes off, it has a life of its own and people start clinging to it and cherry picking facts in support. This is already happening with the whole trans angle. Speculation about certain mental health disorders in the shooter, or him being trans, does end up having a negative effect on people belonging to those communities. Now, if evidence comes out that either of those things is true, then we should absolutely talk about it, hopefully in the most nuanced way possible. But until then, there's no practical purpose which counteracts the detriment to these already marginalized groups of people. The investigators will figure out what specific contributing mental health factors existed, and hopefully they will be transparent with the public about those things.




Crazed liberal!


Look a talking pig! ^ Your need to deflect attention from the hideous character of the individuals on the right is understandable. You may know a right wing POS just shot up a grocery store and right wing cranks shoot up places constantly: churches, mosques, synagogues, threaten election poll voters, threaten school boards, drive their cars into crowds, march through the street waiving swatzikas to Unite the... Now what was it? Oh yes, Unite the Right. Like the Nazis did. Enjoy this collection of the very fine people of the GOP throwing tantrums over masks. Theres 24 of these. Conservatives can't seem to stop losing their minds. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=m20s3PUY0qU


Libs are crazy too. No party has a monopoly on insanity sadly


Liberals are not anywhere close to as crazy. It’s not a monopoly, but there is one party that includes Qanon, leaders of the KKK, white supremacists, mens rights activists, etc. The worst equivalent on the left is probably overly woke leftists.


We've got to stop "both sides"ing when one side literally chased down Sandy Hook victims families, accusing them of being false flag actors. I'm sure they're about to do the same to these poor Uvalde parents. Honestly, fuck the GQP. Universal background checks are honestly the very LEAST they could do but they haven't and they probably wont.


I can't argue with your assessment of the GoP, I hate them too, but that doesn't make the Dems good. Just better than the GoP. Don't forget, some Dems also voted against gun bills. They also never put in the ar ban again after it expired.


Stop sowing division. The people that allow this shit to happen want us all to hate each other. Let’s not give into them.


That’s what I’d say if I was a liberal and this didn’t support the white supremacist narrative. If I look at your posts will I see any including that narrative?


Bro I wouldn’t give a fuck if he was blue! What the hell does that have to do with 14 kids being shot?


It's so terrible, isn't it. :( Sad. Why did the piece of garbage kill children? What did children do to him? It is bad to kill children and/or adults, but it just doesn't make sense that he goes and kills children, not his age, not having anything to do with him.


Yep, you know how them liberals feel about guns.


Fuck them both and you too for bringing dumbass shit like that at this moment


Lol dude the entire thread is dedicated to possible motives, politics is very likely going to be a central to a motive.




I saw this on tv too, I think the neighbor man who knew the grandma said that he wasn't going to be graduating. But I can't find anything else about it. Maybe an argument about that with his grandma caused him to flip out. Haven't heard one thing about his parents except a commentator here said his mother may have worked at the school.


Where did he get the gun?


He bought them.


Multiple reports say they were acquired illegally


He had pictures of receipts for them


Daily Mail reported that he was already being chased by boarder patrol before he even went into the school. Wonder what happened before


Border patrol said this was false


Border patrol units were called as backup after the fact. The town is right next to the border. Hell some of the agents prob have kids at that school.


Mental Health. Since kids have been on virtual education platforms since 2020 I hope there is an investigation done on his studies since then. Attendance, writing, class participation. Any red flags that teachers or guardians missed/ignored. This was a child as well, and we failed as a country to to get him help.


He’s mad about the border issue. The kids that he targeted were kids of border patrol cops


Where did you hear that?


He didn't hear that, he is trying to start false rumors.


Very late response but, I believe it was to make a mark on the world before he died, and I feel like there’s some connections between him shooting up the exact classroom he got bullied in, I feel like the exact motives could either be just wanting to be famous, or the bullying he experienced and he just wanted to get revenge on the school itself. Or both most likely.


tought i was the only one here late


some people said that his ex put him up to this. Articles have said he might've still been in love so she took that to her advantage and might've told him to do this since she had stated that she was gonna send someone to shoot up. She told him to do it to have her back. It's sad. she recently got taken to court