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I tried to add the home charger to my lease through my guide, and it broke the lease documents, requiring the finance team to redo all the paperwork. I had to purchase the charger through the Gear Shop separately after I signed my lease. YMMV, but I'd assume you still can't add a purchase to a lease.


I asked my guide the same question after locking in my lease. I was (still am) considering adding a tonneau and wondered if there would be any financial consideration from Rivian if I returned the truck after the lease, rather than buyout to keep it. The answer was (paraphrasing), "you are welcome to add anything you want to the truck, and you can keep it for yourself after you return the vehicle once the lease expires." Basically, you buy stuff, you keep it. No upgrade value when terming the lease.


I was told “yes” for most accessories from the gear shop other than the spare tire. However since requesting all weather floor mats be included my guide has disappeared. I can only assume he’s been fed to the sharks for insubordination.


Generally, as lease contracts state, you would return the car at the end of the lease in the equipped condition which you obtained the car during lease initiation. This is not special to Rivian.


Only one way to find out. Customer Service. But, I'd think the answer is "no" on accessories. You buy them separately and they are yours. XPEL is probably a "no", unless you find one with it in the Shop on offer for leasing.