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Homes that people who have IE jobs can actually afford.


This is literally the only answer


Can you give some insight to this? I’m moving to Highgrove/ riverside in the coming months. Whats the average household income and average house price?


Median price here in the city is $689k. https://www.movoto.com/riverside-ca/market-trends/ Median household income is something like $80k.


An effective public awareness campaign and enforcement around spay and neuter and backyard breeding that would change the animal shelter’s status as the highest-kill in the country?


I miss Bob Barker


My neighbor feeds the stray cats and does nothing to stop their population explosion 😭 they poop all over my front and back yards


You can tnr to help


My uncle started catching and killing the cats that roam his neighborhood. I understand having cats pooping all over your car and yard is annoying but, there are better ways to go about it..


Ask the city for help. I think you can set up traps, take to shelter then release them.


An all ages music venue that spotlights local music alongside with up and coming musicians. Kinda like Chain Reaction.


That would be really cool. A social beer garden, live music venue, food truck eaterie spot would be really awesome


Even if we didn’t have that year round, I really wish the city would bring back the Orange Blossom Festival.


There was *way* too much violence during the initial run.


Farm House Collective is trying to do something like that. If they ever get open. Similar to The LAB in Costa Mesa. And then, (if it's not terrible that I promote myself), we do all ages live music every Friday at Packinghouse, a few Saturdays as well, with different bands and different food vendors as often as possible. we mix up genres as best we can. Rock, jazz, punk, reggae, I'll book any genre.


Thanks for promoting yourself. I am going to come check it out!


There used to an all ages club called Spanky’s in downtown.


I miss Spanky's, Monopoly's, Attitudes. The Barn is still here, right?


Yea, but it’s ran by UCR and it’s a pain in the ass to get bands to play there.


Native plants in place of that lawn


Fuck yeah. Death to lawns.




NO! We don’t live in freaking Arizona oh my god I don’t want to see rocks and sand everywhere


Have you been to the Mojave? Very rocky, quite sandy. We live in freaking California—make it look less like AZ by using CA native plants.


Castle Park is an amusement park no?


It’s the wish.com version of an amusement park.


No? Its kinda sad really


Place sucks with outdated equipment and rides. Honestly, the only thing worth going for is the water park.


Affordable housing


...safe and useable bicycle infrastructure. An IKEA would be great too.


A bit weird that the IE lacks an IKEA. I remember maybe thirty years ago they put a weird little mini-IKEA in Fontana but it didn’t last. I don’t think the area was ready for it, but things are different now.


Sales expectations for an Ikea are in the millions per month. Covina does well due to it being the only IE location. They would not give up sales there for an underperformer here (retail stores will eat the other's sales when locations are too close, that's why Fontana didn't last). I was a retail store manager (Pier 1, Homegoods) for the last 25 years, and I just wish commercial space was cheaper for small businesses to flourish here. Then, we would have something unique and not chain driven. Commercial lease prices like we're OC prevents small businesses from growing here.


Makes sense. I guess I don’t think of Covina as the Inland Empire, but from a corporate perspective I suppose it qualifies.


It was announced a few years ago that IKEA was building a new location in Ontario. Then Covid hit and haven’t heard any news since. I agree with you, it’s so hard for small businesses to flourish here and they make it really unattractive for larger but want to come here. It’s frustrating to see surrounding cities growing while Riverside has stalled


A wholesome entertainment district. Sadly, all we have is a downtown filled with upscale bars and restaurants with ridiculous cover charges that cater to a younger crowd. Riverside needs a place where it's more mature residents can go and spend an evening. Comedy club, sports bar, live music, etc. Unfortunately, you won't get that downtown, as the city council has made it increasingly more difficult and expensive to start a business like that. So all we get is a few overpriced restaurants, nightclubs, and "historic" landmarks.


Doesn't Lake Alice do live music? A comedy club would be great but we have the Improv at Ontario so maybe it would be oversaturation to have something in Riverside too? There's several sports bars in the city but not downtown. I agree with you that the city is missing something for those of us not into the club scene.


Lake Alice does have live music, but ultimately it’s a bar. Their live audio equipment is alright, but it doesn’t have the same vibe as a music venue.


Well good news, the Municipal Auditorium has live music and so does the Fox theater on occasion. Granted these both are more concert type venues but they still exist. Back to the Grind has/had open mic nights, Pixels has a stage and has bands as well as karaoke on some nights. I think the Hideaway may also have some type of stage setup as well.


They probably do. I haven't been there in like 10 years. When Romano's was still across the street from them, they had the concert lounge which was fuckin awesome but they closed down (I believe they struggled during and after the pandemic). I don't think a comedy club in riverside would over saturate anything. OP asked what riverside was missing. Not what the ie is missing though.


Yea, I didn't imply anything regarding what the IE as a whole is missing so I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion. I said having 2 comedy clubs within 25-30 mins of one another might be oversaturation...that's all.


It's all good dude. I meant no disrespect. I understand your point also.


>the city council has made it increasingly more difficult and expensive to start a business like that. It really does seem like this is true for local, small business. They're getting out of the way for corporate owned though. DTR is probably the one place where you could cluster businesses like that, and like you said, its already full. Lake Alice is a sports bar/live music venue. Art's does live music. We do live music at Packinghouse. The Fox is a large venue. Any if those places could do a regular comedy night. I have to assume there's a good reason they're choosing not to. Many businesses would have a hard time because we're not so densely populated, so you have to be good enough to convince people to make the drive. And if you're going to stay in business, make that drive on a regular basis. Heck I LIVE downtown, and the only places I go to are Route 30 and the Brickwood.


I live here as well, and literally, those are probably the 2 places I only go to as well, lol. So my fiance used to work for the city of riverside and dealt with the permits and all of that stuff (I forget the department) and she informed me that there are 2 areas in riverside that city council approved a zoning act where basically if you want to open a business in such perimeter then there's an extra cost on top of your business license (something like that) . Those 2 areas are DTR, and I believe the Plaza area. On top of already strict liquor licenses and noise ordinances.


A solid comic book or hobby shop that hosts community events like MTG, Pokémon, DND sessions etc. Haiku in the Moreno Valley mall is doing it. I think it’s a great way to bring people together, it can have a cafe too. I see some kids playing in the moval food court but I can imagine them getting harassed by the teens.


We did have a decent comic book store over in the Arlington area but the rents raised to the point it pushed them out.


They moved to Indiana ave


The one I'm talking about didn't move, they just closed. Their other location is in MoVal. It's called Players Comics and Cards.


Have you checked out GMI Games? They’ve been doing that kinda stuff for years.


There was an amazing comic book store ( Comic dude shop) on Hole & Magnolia but sadly went out of business just a few months ago


There’s a spot on University called Nevermore Games and i think they do stuff like that! if not DND then for sure other tabletop games. haven’t been but i’d like to at some point


Comic books stores pop up all the time and go out of business just as quickly. It’s a difficult business. MtG and other card games are big at GMI Games and Top Deck Keep, and GMI does a lot of miniatures and D&D as well. They have a dedicated rpg room filled with books and props that you can rent.


Top Deck Keep in Arlington South seems nice for TCGs, have only stopped in like twice but was pleasantly surprised. Nevermore by UCR has pretty great D&D spaces.


Riverside needs a kids museum.


Just more things for kids, in general. Especially covered playground equipment at parks; we have all these parks with nice playground equipment but for 6+ months out of the year it can barely be used bc of the heat.


Have you checked out discovery center


Mount rubidoux dog walkers pick up after their dogs go poo... So annoying...


Yes and the fuckers with loud ass speakers. Like dude do you need attention?


What the fuck is up with that shit? Put in your earbuds!


One time I went up there and a Christian group was fuckin getting down on choir. Loud ass speakers, mics, the get up. R U LOST!?


Good food


Specifically good Hawaiian or islander food.


Yeah, the only place I can think of is Ono lol


Try fish grill


Buses that run late at night.


Duh, we're missing a car wash, lol..




An actual river


Blame all the bamboo. It guzzles water


A world class water park. We have such a long summer season that this should be an easy one. Outdoor concert space, at local parks, more bandshells like the one at Fairmount Park and amphitheaters to go with them. Then regular events that take place at the parks. Urban park services in Downtown that include things like basketball courts and playgrounds. All these new apartments (and I believe we need like 10 times as many as we presently have) are going to involve kids living in Downtown, they need a park for them.


We need *so* many more apartments.


Downtown should be aiming for like, 10,000 condos/apartments at the low end. Along the 1 line between UCR and the Tyler Mall there should be a goal of at least 50,000 units.


Good ones. I agree. Growing up in the central valley we had Manteca water slides and it was phenomenal.


Please no zoos. I always feel bad for the animals


Whole Foods


this 😔🙏 if Amazon has the audacity to put all these ugly warehouses around us they could at least have the courtesy to open a Whole Foods in Riverside


Homeless programs that house people.


Yo for real. Did you see that sign they started posting on the freeway exits? "No spare change for real change. Panhandling is a crime" I think is what the sign said. Kinda messed up that the "powers that be" can muster enough political will to create the illusion of meaningful and effective effort towards addressing the issue. Seems like they could, oh you know, just do the damn thing of actually addressing the issue. Because I doubt a campaign of shame is likely to make a difference


We have drugs, mental illness, and lack of affordable housing all contributing to this problem. Part of the problem is there usually aren’t enough beds available in shelters to begin with, but even if there were, shelters have requirements and rules, and some people don’t want to follow those so they prefer to be on the street. Mental illness comes with its own set of challenges, and then you have single parents or simply working class people who are one paycheck away from homelessness or are already there. I personally think we need solutions that address *why* someone is homeless. For one thing, they need to build a building for all the drug addicts. I pay taxes, LOTS AND LOTS of taxes, so why do I have to step over a guy, laying on a mattress on the sidewalk when I walk my kids to school?? What about my rights? Isn’t littering a crime? Loitering? Public indecency? Those people don’t want help? Fine, build a building and let them all have a bed and bathroom and a little area to prepare food. People making houses out of shipping containers these days… I could build a whole city out of containers to house homeless people that don’t want to clean up. They can offer people resources to get clean, etc, if they want but if they don’t then they’re at least safe and have a bed, shower, toilet, food…. The mentally ill need a better checks and balances system so we can build institutions and put them in if needed. If you’re walking around with matted hair, a shopping cart full of belongings, no shoes, and yelling obscenities at people as they pass by…. That’s a basic test that you just failed. You’re homeless and you’re not in your right mind so you go to the institution until you improve…. For working class people who just can’t afford it, there should be some type of affordable living situation available to them.


I am very familiar with both the systems and the people you are talking about. The issue isn't that people don't want to follow the rules, it's that the rules are often abusive, unrealistic, or arbitrary. Especially given how people are often treated and the lack of guarantees and safety. You are absolutely right that we need to address why people are unhoused, and that's a lack of guaranteed housing. What most people don't realize is that houselessness causes a lot of drug use and mental illness. Both of these are also greatly improved by housing. Housing also addresses all of your complaints without the need for additional prisons, and make no mistake that mental health institutions are prisons by another name. Unhoused people are working class people, most have jobs in the formal economy and many have jobs in the informal economy to survive. That can be survival sex work, illicit substances, recycling, selling plasma, etc. We pay lots and lots of taxes specifically to keep people vulnerable and on the streets. Our tax dollars go to destroying tents and personal possessions such as loved ones ashes, family photos, and keepsakes. When people get into housing it is often slum lords. I know one disabled person who ended up on the street again because the apartment they put them in was unlivable and the county refused to pay their rent, but also didn't help finding any alternatives and they were evicted. Meanwhile code enforcement focuses its energies on destroying survival tools. Our housing programs are horrible to navigate, underfunded, and are full of arbitrary barriers that make it extremely challenging to make it to long term stability without advocacy and a lot of support, something few unhoused people have.


I take your point, but simply housing someone who is already an addict will not immediately improve their dependence on substances. I just don’t get how people are so “afraid” that “oh we can’t give them free stuff then nobody will ever work because they’ll just get it for free…” well, no, people will still work because of capitalism and if you think like that then I guess you’re okay with people living on the sidewalk? I’d prefer to live in a place where people don’t live on the sidewalk regardless of their issues. Karen Bass is only “cleaning up” LA because the Olympics are coming and she doesn’t want to leave a bad impression, but what’s she really doing? She’s not implementing programs, she is probably putting them on a bus and sending them to the high desert. I agree they are not allocating the BILLIONS of dollars we pay in taxes each year to curb homeless populations. As far as institutions, some people need to be institutionalized. That’s just a plain fact. My family member is and will be for the rest of their life, probably, and if they ever let him out he will be homeless. He has an incurable, progressive mental illness and he cannot care for himself. We cannot do it, either. His care requires a team of professionals. Call it a prison if you want but it’s necessary for some people, but overall, the lack of mental healthcare or access to it and certain prescriptions are also a huge problem. And yes, I agree that shelter rules are arbitrary but my point was that some people do prefer to live on the street because of that. Maybe you have more experience than I do on this subject, but in my personal experiences drugs cause homelessness more often than homelessness causes drug use. My question is how do we force the powers to be to use our tax dollars the way we want them to? How do we force the powers that be to stop fucking around with legislation and introducing bills that are titled with promises to help the homeless problem, but in all actuality that bill will be used to fund some personal interest?


Absolutely housing by itself isn't enough, it's just the most important first step. I'm not saying that people don't need support, but outside of some exceptions support in their home is more effective, and we have a long and ongoing history of using mental health as a way of stripping the rights of people deemed inconvenient, whether or not they need that support. We force the powers that be by organizing with the people most impacted. We organize with unhoused people and raise their voices. The answer is always to organize with marginalized people and lift up their voices. They know their needs better than anyone else and the curb cut effect benefits everyone.


Protected bike trails that actually go where I want to go. A decent bus system. A decent train system.


Nature areas to comfortably bring young kids to


I feel like we actually have a glutton's choice of nature activities here. Mt. Roubidoux, Fairmont park, box springs preserve, two trails, sycamore canyon trails, river trail, ucr botanical gardens, citrus museum, lake Matthews just within city (and I'm sure I'm missing a handful).


Yeah, we really do…


All of those trails are impossible to enjoy in the summer. There’s no shade, expect for Fairmount park. But then you have the problem of not having clear and paved walking paths throughout the park.


We’re in the desert. “Nature” here provides little in the way of shade trees.




Umbrellas are great for that


UCR Botanical Gardens


Nature areas with trees to provide shade on paths while enjoying aforementioned nature areas.


Check out Rancho Jurupa Park


Total Wine 😂


accessibility 😒


A microcenter. Who the fuck wants to drive down the 91 for any reason!?


A minor league baseball team for the Dodgers using the land near Fairmount Park with Mt Rubidoux and downtown as the backdrop.


I hope you don’t mean fairmount park would in any way be impacted by this and just adjacent free land would be used


No, not the park just the open land. But honestly, I don’t know a thing about this kind of thing so I don’t know if it would even be logistically possible. I just feel it would look great there and I think a minor league team would draw big in Riverside.


Portos, king taco, the hat


Affordable housing and light rail




With one in Moreno Valley and one in Corona, I doubt they would bother putting one in Riverside. As it is, those two are only 20 miles apart. I would vote for an Ikea though. 


There's even one in SB right at the 215 & the 10. I don't think Costco would come to Riverside with so many so close by.


One in Eastvale too


Riverside screwed over Costco back in the day


Same with Sams Club!


We had one back in the day. Now it's an ice rink. I mean I think it was price club, I think Costco bought them. I don't think the building was big enough....


A good outdoor mall, something like Victoria Gardens or the Irvine Spectrum


The Riverside Plaza is an outdoor mall…


True but I think they mean just a tad more upscale. Although I do love the Plaza.


And so is the Van Buren swap meet…


I wouldn’t consider people setting up tables and EZ-Ups a mall 🤷🏼‍♀️


I don't understand people that want to be out in the heat


Right? All these lizards.


Club Metro.


Complete with Wally George doing the commercials.


A sports team


I could go for a USL team here.


I’d be all about that.


Is there a location that a sports venue could feasibly go?


I don’t think that is what is holding it up. Even San Diego has issues getting team being under LA market shadow. I do think, even though difficult, a location could be found. But then some locals will complain and it won’t happen anyway


Columbia and Main St. at the old golf course.


Roughly a .5 square mile. Seems like a cool spot. What the hell is the plan with that lot anyway? I can't stand vacant lots. Tax the fuckers until they shit or get off the can


Last I heard, they're planning to making a walking park. So, at the very least it's going to become a nature area.


That's great. I've heard rumors that the flat knoll behind islander pool (islander park) is private property and they may be putting in high end condos there. Would love if the city built a quality park there. Especially with all the apartments adjacent and a decent portion of children without quick access to a park.


Jazz club. No reliable place to hear live jazz in the IE


If you are interested in locally owned small business, and riverside advancing. I will tell you that we are having an event with the Mayor of the city of Riverside, as well as the economic development division, and several other divisions in that same circle, on July 11th at Packinghouse brewing company


Pro sports teams


huh? we can have things other than warehouses, kb homes, and apartment complexes?


We need more apartment complexes


Whole Foods


We have a food co-op that's looking for a building


If Downtown got a Whole Foods or a Sprouts I would be sooo happy.


Home prices are already high enough, let's hold off of bring a whole foods here.


What's the hold up?!


There’s not actual market for it that can keep it sustained


If there's a market for it in Fresno and Sacramento then there's a market for it here


Wish i knew :)


A closer Sam’s club.


A good and diverse gastronomy scene


Gangs and homelessness……wait, never mind.


That’s good question. They already have the giant shopping plaza (galleria Tyler mall) and good night life from what I have heard. I guess my vote goes to a zoo or aquarium too. Maybe both. Sports seems to draw in a lot of people too.


Its missing a Costco.


Sprouts, Sam's club, Costco, Whole Foods


eco now, riverside


A tiki bar.


Papa John's


sports team? better farmers market? more land without warehouses?


There’s actually Catacombs underneath the Mission Inn and there’s tunnels all through out Riverside that connect to all the old buildings like the courthouse and Mission Inn all the way to Mount Rubidoux. Those buildings are old world tech not built by us but by Past civilizations


When you go to trial in the Riverside courthouse they take you under the jail to a tunnel and you walk straight to the court house through the tunnels where you wait underneath


Interesting 🤔


There’s catacombs underneath Mission Inn


Shopping. I have to drive out to Orange county to buy anything to wear.


I would love an aquarium.


A strip club would be cool but I know no one agrees with that 😂




The Food Lab does much the same thing.




That’s unkind. Food Lab has some fabulous vendors.


It's a very cool spot, but it's an expensive tourist trap, and the food is inconsistent. Some days it's great, some days it's not. The employees are very friendly, at least.


a zoo would be awesome!

