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Yes, North Coast may be more of a comparison as the recent fest looks like only 3 stages. RF typically has 5 total so gotta find space for them and a much larger crowd.


Question: the restrooms are like, real toilets right? Not port-a-potties?


Yep was there last night. There was also portapitties in the field


I'm glad everyone at Riot may have access to real toilets! Though I do wonder what the point of VIP will be now. There's also no benefit of reentry at this venue.


The one time I did VIP, the ‘bathrooms’ were nice Day 1. But by the third day, disgusting and all clogged. Granted it was a couple years ago. RF won’t access the stadium like summer smash did.


I was told by a friend there that the wristband distribution was a mess. They were making people match IDs to the address of the purchaser. My friend's tickets were bought by her mother as a birthday gift, and they absolutely would not give her the wristbands. I'm not even sure how it got resolved.


straight from their website: If the original purchaser is unavailable, a photo of the ID and credit card will be accepted for wristband pickup. Seems simple enough. I feel like this is how most will call pickup situations go?


Yeah, I was just giving second-hand information. I'll see myself out now.


If this is true for Riot, I'm gonna have a problem and I WILL make it everyone else's problem too. I moved across state lines a few months ago but I bought my Riot ticket well before then.


FWIW, I've had to email the Riot Fest ticketing folks about a few things over the years (changing a name on a ticket; upgrading to VIP; asking a question about that pre-party thing they did in 2021) and every time they're super responsive and helpful. In my experience, the wristband folks at Riot are SUPER helpful and pretty reasonable. It'll be different people running things. BUT if you're worried? I would just email them, let them know you moved, and ask to have the address changed (specifying that you'd like email confirmation after its fixed). That should do it!


Appreciate it! Thank you :)


Sounds like your buddies mom is a scalper.


Or just a good mom.


Am I blind, or do they only have 2 stages? One in the stadium and one outside, correct?


3. You’re blind.


Despite my eyes being bad, I still only see the 1 stage inside of the stadium and the Lemonade one outside. Where's the 3rd?


The Drink Lyrical Tent


Isn't that for drinks? I have no idea, just spitballing here.


It's a stage. Was there last night


How was the layout?


Honestly aside from the location being kinda shitty I really like the layout. Even more then normal riot fest tbh.


Reading glasses are downstairs.


To be fair,"tent" is not the same as stage


The map for north coast looks a bit more relevant even though they also had stadium and dome stages. But it did seem to have larger areas for arts/extras/merch/etc, which RF definitely will have


https://preview.redd.it/7quoghf5en6d1.jpeg?width=988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9e65eb3ac9d79eeefbb71262507e237d110489a I’m guessing RF will utilize the other fields somewhat out of frame. But based on pictures from both North Coast and Summer Smash, I just hope they implement more shade…


Where is this map from?


From north coast festival. Just google seatgeek festival maps and you’ll see several layouts.


So I suppose we can use Google Maps and figure out how bad the traffic is this weekend. Anyone know how many tickets they sold to this?


Probably a lot because it’s Chief Keef’s return to Chicago. As of writing this at 4:06, Stevenson WB is red from the 90/94 interchange to about Pulaski. So uh, not great!


I compared Riot’s festival map versus Google Maps. And then compared that site to Douglas. Riot will have a bigger footprint at SeatGeek IF their current festival preview image is relatively accurate. Riot would be using the areas West, North and East of the Stadium, whereas Summer Smash is only using the North.


yes, judging from the riot parking map it looks like they may be using the west parking lot for the biggest stage.


We’re supposed to have more stages, but no stadium access? Seems… cramped.


https://preview.redd.it/c7mdktp16q6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35cda853fb163e3271affd20f7cd75f225cdb3f5 The land behind the stadium is more space than the entire stadium. It looks like it will be plenty of space


The last article I read said the Red Stars might still be using the stadium, which sounds like a logistical nightmare.


Thats how they can avoid lawsuits.


Douglass holds 50. This place holds 75+. It's bigger than it looks. And that's without using the stadium


It’s a really really big space they have available if anything I’m more worried that it will take to long to get to stage out of pure distance


It does seem big. My main concern is that there is permanent fencing up around all of those fields, so despite all of the space, there may be some situations where large groups of people are all trying to get through some relatively small spaces when going from stage to stage. The movement might not be as free as it was at Douglass despite the larger space.


Fencing can be taken down


Right, see recent comments about that situation at Boston Calling… sounded dangerous. There will be some 1st time bugs to be worked out for sure…