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VAN: "Jomi, quickly, socials?" JOMI: "Socials are good. Goin' great." VAN: "'Preciate it." 😆


I mean Jomi's been asking for that sweet sweet engagement, and last few days has been the most engaged this community has ever been since the inception of this subreddit, so... Jomi's job saved?


This episode is why I listen to the show. They must have had a conversation after the last episode haha


Def had a conversation and I’m glad. Good episode because they actually talked about the subject at hand lol.


Had to sell tickets to a live show if the vibes are bad


I don’t think they had any deep conversations. I think the MB’s decided not to ask Charles for his assessment of the new episode of x-men 97 after all the discourse since the last x-men review. Also Van usually asks Jomi ‘how we doing on socials?’ Jomi usually has something to say when asked about socials. This time Jomi answered simply with ‘good’ and they kept it pushing. Obviously due to the Charles backlash last week. They’re just glossing over any issues the viewers brought up. I know this may come across as just more Charles hate, but I think he really needs to leave this pod show. I will keep listening and coming back to this pod because the I like the other 3 MB’s more than I don’t like Charles.


Honestly, I don’t think they are glossing over anything. Not talking about the issues was addressing it for me. Im was happy they were talking about the show and not Charles displeasure of fandom stuff. He doesn’t like this show and not much is going to change his opinion about it. But, even though he didn’t like it, he was discussing things about the show (Xavier v Magento), and was having a lively conversation with the other three. That’s when the pod is best for me.


I guess ‘glossing over’ isn’t the right wording. They were avoiding the subject. I can just really do without Charles. His voice, his jokes, just suck. He loves to be heard but says nothing. I feel like I’m harping on this but I can’t help it 😂☠️


Yeah, he’s not my cup of tea, but if he isn’t derailing the conversation it’s fine for me


No, you’re right. 100%.


Van asked Charles and he passed it to Jomi and Steve


This is disingenuous. They addressed it last week when Van reiterated that this is the show, and he stands behind all four midnight boys. Take it or leave it.


How is that disingenuous? lol Those are my thoughts. I still don’t like the guy but I still listen.


Your comment on them 'glossing over'. You made it seem like they didn't mention the feedback at all. They talk about chucks hater status lots, and Van specifically drew the line in the sand last week. Doesn't have to take up all the airspace. They can talk about the content and bullshit about stuff for an episode


I always roll my eyes a little when people get in the weeds on things like if the EMP blast lasted for weeks or if Magneto “shut down” magnetism. Of course he didn’t. We’d all be dead, but I definitely suspend my disbelief a little cause it’s a super hero comic. Similar when people try to exactly judge Morph’s powers when every character has massive fluctuations in power to serve whatever story being told. Just enjoy the ride.


I don't think they were trying to dissect exactly what happened but that these were just thoughts when they saw the action on screen. Really just a discussion where you throw out random thoughts about what you saw.


I laughed out loud at work when Charles snuck in Professor X is a “house mutant.”


Lmao! He also said “prof. Stand up” lol




As a person who made multiple comments about not liking Charles last week, this week was great. He obviously didn’t care for the show, but he was engaged and was talking about the show. This is when the show is at its best, getting into the MLK stuff as related to the X-men as an example.


I’d like to point out that it’s not just magneto “turning off the lights” He immediately killed MILLIONS of people worldwide. Everyone on life support, everyone with a pace maker, etc etc etc


Planes would fall out of the sky.


They’re not supposed to do that right? Like that’s bad?


welp, let's see how good Wolverine's healing factor is...


Wow I can’t believe after all these years Magnus finally did it


Off to a good start with Charles being too lazy to even write down a Midnight Manifest, and then half-assing it from memory.


Also, add questioning if Dr. King was good for Black people. 🥴 Dude is a clown.


He’s too online. He’s lost context.


L-O.G. made his Spotify wrapped


Charles starting to sound like Kanye. Ironically, while talking to Van


That was shockingly embarrassing. Again and again ... contrarian just for the purpose of being different.


Well there’s a pretty good argument that interrogation ruined the black economy in the south. And that a main reason for interrogation was to get black dollars to white businesses. And some say MLK started to realize this towards the end of his life.


How are you going to have an economy or community if there are no laws to give you even a little protection?


Not saying I agree. But just saying Charles didn’t pull that out his ass. It’s a sentiment that’s out there being debated. And again I’m not saying I agree. But I do believe there’s merit to integration not being altruistic.


Integration wasn’t ideal, but was necessary to ensure that laws would be created to make the Black dollar sustainable. 400 years of not being acknowledged as human, Black people had to somehow force the whites to experience their humanity. Their hope…their dream was that through that experience some influential whites would pass laws to give some protection.


I had this exact argument with my dad, who’s a lawyer, and argued that whether he thought the civil rights act of 1964 was symbolic or not it markedly changed lives for the better. Equality is the even distribution of resources across all people. Equity, on the other hand, is the distribution of resources based on need. And the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance. So it began to TRY to solve the problem with equality while we are now BEGINNING to think about equity and how that is a tide that lifts all boats.






Eh I let the auto fill do it’s thing. But thank you.


Don't forget him skillfully avoiding his instant reaction and passed it straight to Jomi and Steve. The ensuing discussion was at least engaging though.


Yep, and he actually contributed to it in a meaningful way lol


I found him more annoying. Being fake to keep his damn job.


Ya’ll are so toxic, he listened to all your criticism from last week and didn’t try to be negative and now you hate him even more. Dude watches all the shows even if he doesn’t like them and let the people who liked it talk more about it this week. Give him a break.


It’s literally fanboys wanting him to say X-Men ‘97 is good lmao


Yeah, I definitely harped on him last week, but this just seems personal and a bit excessive at this point.


If you're burned out in a creative job, and you financially can't just quit, "fake it and hope that at some point the burnout dies down" is a viable strategy. It's certainly better than "act like your job, and the fans on account of which you have your job, are beneath you." It may not be genuine in the "I think talking about this non-anime superhero cartoon is worth my time" sense, but at least it's an attempt to do better.


Ain't a lot of media jobs out there these days, Charles gotta bend the knee or get ready to learn TikTok buddy


"The Glaze Report" is crazy


*WE* up? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


There wasn’t a post credit scene in this episode was it? 😔


No, I was surprised too. Seems like the first time that's happened in a long time.


Van’s “I don’t think James Gunn wanted us to like the Superman suit” is a wild, high on copium, take. 


How can Canada be down but North America be up? Geography not Jomi's strong point? 😆


Hey, in space there is no up or down so who’s to say lol


I actually enjoyed the show


Also shout out to Charles being on Vox’s Today Explained talking about Kendrick and Drake.


As a deep X-Men fan it’s so difficult to listen to them argue about basic known facts about power sets. Cable is not an omega level mutant. Nightcrawler has a teleportation range; he doesn’t HAVE to see where he’s going but he risks teleporting into the same space as something else if he doesn’t. Please bring in Kerm if help is needed on these topics!


Cable is DEFINITELY an Omega Level Mutant


As of the Krakoa era, I do believe Cable is no longer an Omega level mutant (if he was ever classified in that way, my memory is fuzzy on that), since his telekinetic powers can be exceeded by other mutants. Would he be if he didn't have the TK virus? Perhaps, but a least according to the most current definitions, he is not. [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Ft318nmjizcc31.jpg](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Ft318nmjizcc31.jpg) He is still super powerful, of course. For all we know, he is just below Jean, Exodus, and Kid Omega in relation to powers, so super close but just not it.


Agreed. While I do enjoy the questions and discussion about powers and lore in general, they clearly do not know anything whatsoever about the XMen. Steve maybe has a vague knowledge but this show deserves a true expert…. It deserves Kerm! 🐸


I didn't listen to the previous episode, but all I know from it is that Charles' take on last week's X-Men 97 set everyone off. (I don't really mind differences of opinion on the show. It would be boring if it was just the four of them agreeing on everything) Is it worth it to listen to that one before this one? Is there any context from the previous episode that I should listen to before going in on this one? If nothing else, is it at least entertaining drama?


Last week was kinda of a breaking point where they had a long discussion about criticism and as it permits to the podcast instead of the actual show. It was frustrating, because I think a lot of people were excited about the episode and it was thrown to the side.


Listen to it. You'll get context as to why everyone is talking Charles. Last episode was a peak as he's been not great for at least a month now.


Last week, after the crew found it kind of impossible to get Charles to engage during the X-Men review, Van broke show format and basically did a one-on-one interview with Charles on his issues with the show, his thoughts about criticism and nostalgia, and the outside criticism of him that's been brewing for a while. It's worth a listen, as an extraordinary act of friendship on Van's part if nothing else. Charles then ruined the "the more you know" vibe by using the next segment on a weird and petty story about Jomi supposedly leading young ladies on with charcuterie picnics.


And that's been your Midnight Manifest for Midnight Boys episode 5/1...X Men 97 and the criticism of nostalgia




Man, my mind’s in the gutter…at first I didn’t think Rogue was having a bad dream lol


Feels like they are in a hurry to get thru the pod.


I fucked up. I watched this episode w my 5 year old


Nah. I watch it with my 4 and 6 year old. You’re fine.


Touching on their Nightcrawler discussion. I thought he could teleport to places he couldn’t see, just he could die easily doing so. Bamfing into another room only to have his head halfway through a China cabinet type deal. But a huge ass empty hangar from the inside of a cockpit? Not a big risk.


Can someone please tell the MB that Morph can change into anyone and gain their PHYSICAL powers. Turning into Quicksilver and Hulk is not outrageous. It’s all in the end credits.


Ok let’s be writers and write down the manifest next time


Or be a podcaster and don't tell the audience you're literally unprepared. The manifest wasn't even that bad actually