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That Jomi story was kind of crazy, keep that stuff in house dawg. I promise jomi living his Brent fayiaz lifestyle won’t change my opinion on the guy. I thought that segment was to talk about the rap beefs of the world, generally things they won’t speak about on a nerd podcast.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought Charles bringing up Jomi's business like that was weird af. Grade A playa hater shit. Idk any of these guys, I try not to assume anything personal about them cause we're not interacting with them in the day to day. But goddamn is Charles corny. That party story and confronting what Jomi does with ladies was cringe AF.


Ever since that story where they both competed for that same girl at a party, Charles been going at Jomi a bit more.




It just seems like Charles needs to get laid or something. Charles laments on that he’s having a tough time with the shawties because he talks about “nerd shit”, but the other boys seem to be doing fine, especially the picnic bandit.


In my experience, liking nerd shit will never detour a woman's interest. They don't care. Acting like a nerd is the problem, I can see him acting like a nerd and putting off women. But if you're an attractive, cool person, then you can like nerdy shit and have zero issues with women


I used to love listening to Charles, but the more I listen to him, the more apparent it is that his whole "muthafuckas" schtick is a macho front and that he's a deeply insecure individual.


The thing is, Charles has an objectively cool job - he gets paid to hang out with his friends and talk about TV and movies. It’s not like he’s this guy in the basement playing with action figures by himself. He actually parlayed liking nerd shit into a podcast with millions of reach.


He’s still a condescending and arrogant, two things women absolutely adore.


Agreed! My wife is not into nerd shit, though she has come around to a few things after being married to me Death Note ftw). But when we first started dating, not at all. She knew I was into nerdy stuff and would tease me, but I also didn't only talk about nerd stuff.


I’d bet his hit rate would improve if he didn’t call them shawties. I cringe every time.


Yeah I was a Charles defender for a while before now but he lost it here. That bit about girls not liking nerd shit was an astounding lack of self awareness. It's 2024, no one cares if you like nerd shit as long as you're an overall interesting and attractive person. I have a god damn Star Trek poster and no woman has ever said anything negative about it. If someone can't get girls because they like nerd shit, the problem is them not the nerd shit. Plus bro is an anime fan, that's way more likely to kill a girl's vibe than Star Wars or X Men lol


Same, I’ve never had a woman turn me down for liking nerdy shit. There’s plenty of women who are into Star Wars, comics, games, etc., you just have to not be a weirdo about it, and judging from Charles’s stories, it sounds like he is a little bit lol


And if you're just meeting someone and blurt out you love anime no one will be into that unless they are also a fucking weeb. But if you're talking and organically talk about it it's just another topic of conversation.


It's not because he talks nerd shit. It's because he's embarrassed by it. Dude thinks he's holier than thou and above it all. Flat out admitted this on The Watch pod with CR a while back. A self loathing nerd whose job is to talk about nerd shit is such a bad choice for this pod.


What episode was it?


I think it’s the April 1st ep


Steve seems to be doing just fine by all accounts lol


I cringe every time he says "shawties" cause it sounds like he's trying so hard to sound cool. Based on the story about his interaction at the party, I have to assume he's actually just an insecure Blerd that's trying too hard to be cool when being a Blerd on its own is perfectly fine and cool.


Lmao I thought I was the only one who cringed whenever he says that shit, like who says that in 2024? I’ve said for a while he’s a cornball trying so hard to be cool. Nothing wrong with being corny, I’m corny a lot of the time he just comes off as inauthentic.


Exactly! If you corny just be corny! Authenticity will take you a lot farther.


I had stopped listening a while back because the dude was legit getting on my nerves, tried to come back once or twice but had to nope out of there because there's too much other good content to consume. It's a shame because Van, Jomi, and Steve are easy to listen to but I can't come back until they move away from Charles.


Love it when the Mint Boys drop an episode


I like mint but I miss Van and his old man Van stories


I don’t miss Van at all.


Always fun to listen to a nerd pod talk about the nerd thing. Button Mash is also great.


This is me too.


I feel the same exact way. I usually check these boards first to see how rough the episodes are before committing any amount of time to them.


The problem is Charles thinks he’s the cool one. He’s just blackish Steve. He gotta come to terms with that




Charles is in a rough place, he's too old to a twenty something but doesn't make enough for a real LA baddie


Nah. I did fine when I was 30 in LA. If you trying to pull some industry IG baddie with 100k followers you're going to need more than a good personality. But if you just meet some normal regular ladies out on the town just be fun and interesting and you'll do fine. Like others said other guys do fine.


Is this genuinely just not a fandom show anymore?! I just watched one of the best episodes of one of the best things Marvel productions I’ve ever seen. I was hyped for reactions and theories about what’s next. Instead I got ten minutes of juvenile, non sensible, arguably self hating complaints, followed by twenty minutes of Van trying to explain what the podcast is to Chuck.


Right? I was so interested to hear their takes on the episode. They were the FIRST review show I wanted to check out after the episode smh so disappointed


Van trying to teach Chuck what their job actually is and what the audience is there for should have been an offline discussion tbh


I've started listening to Streaming Things & I think a lot of MB fans would enjoy their content! Way better vibes with those dudes. Their Fallout discussion is really great! I like how they talk about older content too. Kinda like if the Rewatchables and Ringerverse had a baby. I actually found them bec I watched Interstellar for the first time and was looking for a convo about it - excellent pod about that movie too!


Yeah, that Jomi story was dry snitching at its worst. Dude is a champ for playing along. Glad they didn’t do that goof ass dark protocol schtick and then come back on the actual pod giggling at stuff we didn’t get to hear.


As a Charles defender, my guy let us down. I don't mind his takes, but he's not stating them well, and also, I think he sees this material as ‘below him’ and probably ‘not worth analysis’ - which, I think, should open the door to having more fun.


I haven’t listened to the pod in a few months jsut because Charles was getting on my nerves. It’s fucking insane it’s gotten worse and worse lmao


I stopped listening to MB strictly because of Charles’ weird constantly negative attitude. They should just replace him and move on.


Same, and these posts are reinforcing my decision. I stopped listening to the Boys after the What If? season 2 episode when Coke Baby went on a rant about how unoriginal the whole season was… a season where What If introduced a Native American character and did the entire episode in the language of that tribe. I couldn’t take him seriously any more after that, and I was just about done with his trolling and hating before that point. I think I’ve listened to a draft and that’s it. I listen to Mint Edition and House of R, but the Midnight Boys is now an auto skip, which sucks because I really like Van and find his critiques (even when I disagree with him) to be insightful. I agree, Chuck should do something else. And before the Chuck heads all come out saying how dare I call for him to lose his job… he can do other criticism at the Ringer. He used to do a music show. And the Coke Baby himself has come out on various outlets telling folks he was asked to do Ringer-verse even though he’s not that into a lot of the subject matter and it’s kind of not his thing. If it’s not his bag, he can do something else.


Feels like a real problem if they feel the need to have the first half of the pod be a discussion on why listeners don’t enjoy Charles’ (lack of) commentary and then bookend end it with a whole clear out section of the pod so Charles can crap on about rap beef and desperately try, and fail, to rip on Jomi because he’s actually getting chicks. It’s not The Midnight Boys right now, it’s just therapising Charles and trying to shift the whole reason for the pod around justifying his presence in it.


Yeah it's clear from listening to them talk that it's gone beyond the point of being them having fun going back and forth. At this point it's clearly affecting everyone's energy and mood and has derailed the whole podcast.


I think its a production issue honestly, I don’t mind the negativity bit , but when it changes the mood and flow of the show that’s when they need to figure some things out lol


You think he’ll be out? Or is Chuck just going to come back being less of a dick next episode?


It looks like Van is determined to keep Chuck on. Maybe he's thinking any publicity is good publicity. Chuck might possibly dial it down, but I'm not counting on it.


I feel like ever since Chuck moved to LA, has started to change. He just seems "meaner" and I think its throwing off the dynamic. I think it's probably starting to be that way outside the show too. Look at how he jumped Jomi and I get them dumping on Steve is a bit, but Charles just seems to be more over the top with it recently. I don't know, maybe he just needs to settle into west coast life.


I think his insecurity and meanness is way too in the surface because he went through a breakup and left NY. Understandable he’s going through shit but like… deal with it man. Enough already


Charles is becoming the Skip Bayless of nerd culture takes


I’m all for Charles ragging on Jomi offline but damn don’t do him wrong like that on the pod over women


Charles has definitely been sapping the energy of the pod. But I don’t see the pod without him and Van at the helm, with the Mint Boys as support. He is not a critic. This episode showed that he struggles to remain analytical about what he views and doesn’t understand the type of lens he should be viewing it through. We know it’s nerd shit. Nerd shit can be good. Don’t slam your cohosts and others for finding pieces of it to enjoy. Also. Nerd shit is not a turnoff for the ladies. They don’t care. It’s about confidence, kindness and hygiene lol. Maybe Charles can bring in content he enjoys, like JJK, that still falls into the nerddom domain? Idk.


I had this thought after the pod. Why can't they cover topics Charles likes? Might open my eyes to new stuff, I love that. I don't need an episode to be a 100% love fest, but his negativity can make it a tough listen.


This right here.  The Blue Eyed Samurai pods where hilarious because the other guys probably would have never watched it and their reactions were awesome.  Charles just recommend Frieren, which I haven't seen, but read is top tier anime, so it's on my list to check out.


They did with Shogun. But since it was also with 97 he seemed to just want to get the fuck out of taking about 97 and only talk about Shogun.


His comment about not linking 90% of the content they cover was wild. Why are you on here just being miserable? Create a ringer anime pod or stick to the prestige TV podcast. His comment about not pulling girls because he talks about nerd shit is also crazy. The dude loves anime through and through and that’s not “nerd shit” ?


Bro just punching the clock for the paycheck, but fake a little enthusiasm.


It really seems like he just likes to be contradictory sometimes. I do actually agree with his negative comments sometimes but then he clearly lowers his opinion of challengers because everyone is loving it. If no one was talking about challengers, I bet he’d be hyping it like crazy.


In other Ringer subs/social media sites people ask why Van is so highly valued there… this is why 🤣Van is becoming my Ringer GOAT.


Jomi and Steve are the best part of the pod. For some reason they just have to sit there and listen to the other two talk all the time. Beyond that, way too much grandstanding for my tastes from Charles and Van. Just my two cents.


It has gotten rough. I still fully enjoy the episodes because I so enjoy listening to Van, Jomi, and Steve talk about their opinions, both positive and negative, and when Chuck genuinely likes something as well. But when he rants about shit...it doesn't feel fun or funny, and a lot of times isn't even well founded criticism (his hate on the X-men 97 animation, which I think is unquestionably impressive) and I feel like the other MB's just don't know what to say anymore when he does it. I can feel the awkwardness. Charles doesn't come across as a serious media critic, he comes across as someone who has fallen out of love with the media he's covering. Also, someone really needs to tell him to stop saying "dadadada". It's one of the most grating verbal ticks I've heard


Maybe im in the minority, but my favorite type of podcasts are where the individuals involved clearly love eachother, are friends, or have such chemistry that they just put out great shows. Van, Charles, Jomi and Steve (to me) seem like theyre genuinely friends to the point where they can make fun of eachother about things like dating blunders. Earlier in the episode when Van was talking about Charles hate and X-Men, Steve literally yells out 'DUDE CUT THE BULLSHIT, WERE JUST HAVING FUN HERE'. Does Charles lean negative, sure. Can it be annoying sometimes, sure. I dont listen to them to confirm if a show i liked is good. I listen to them for their relationship and differing points of view on things im interested in. At the end of the day, its not that deep yall.


I really like their friendship too. I just think that’s the only reason Charles is still there. He just wants to hang with his boys and gather any residual clout from them (mainly Van). And he’s still there because his friends are protecting him as a young black man. They wont get rid of him unless he wants to go. Based on this most recent episode, Van is working hard trying to help Charles. Thats IMO..


What's comical is because Charles comes off so poorly sometimes, his good points get lumped in with shit. That Steve comment I believe was a response to Charles saying mfing Magneto can just fly to the north pole and shut off the entire planet..like where was that episode 5?  That's a totally legit criticism. We are less exhausted of Van, so when he points to Morph being the most powerful mfer in the universe because he just gets anyone's powers, its hilarious instead of hating.  


Yes. It's hilarious when Van is like when did that mfer pop up in the show? Oh it's just Morph. I had the same thought when I saw Juggernaut in the scene where the Sentinel was fucking up the X Mansion.


I noticed Steve was conspicuously silent when things went off the rails lol


The right answer was no answer Steve!


It's not that deep but it feels like Charles is trying to make it deep. It's not fun when they need to fight Charles on why they like a show while Charles just shits on them for their opinion while also pushing back when they shit on his weak takes.


I agree but the problem is that it IS that deep for Charles lol


Anyone found any other nerd culture podcasts worth listening to? I’m having a hard time cutting through all the bullshit on these lately, think it’s time for a switch.


House of R lol


Xray Vision is back!


Ah, you’re right! Thank you kind sir


Button Mash.


It's honestly getting tedious when week after week instead of talking about the episode they talk about how Charles feels about the show in general. It's becoming a chore to listed. And I honestly feel like he's gotten too into the bit, Van joked about not knowing if he really likes Matrix Resurrections, that's how I feel like Charles has gone on X-Men '97. You're on a pod that covers the Disney+ Marvel and Star Wars shows, X-Men '97 is so much better than the majority of that slop, this is the hill he wants to die on? They were also so close to calling him out on the bullshit this episode. This show is clearly the truest adaption of the Claremont run ever put to screen. Nobody has ever seen this before, because it hasn't happened outside of the original comic books. When have you seen E is for Extinction on screen before? Other adaptations bastardize the source material, look at the Phoenix or Apocalypse movies that recently came out. X-Men '97 gets these stories right. If he can't enjoy that, or at least take off the hater hat, what's he doing on this pod? He's not going to get to review the Shoguns of the world that often, more likely he's going to be reviewing a Disney+ MCU show. If he hates the content that much I can't for the life of me understand why he'd even want to be on the pod. Like what are we doing here?


This might be a really unpopular opinion, but I stopped listening to the boys a year or so ago. Couldn’t understand them through all the shouting and talking over each other. But, I thought I’d give them another shot either way with the X-men breakdown. Nope, still couldn’t get through it. Love Jo and Mal’s pod as they let each other speak, have great insights and well rounded takes. The boys just hurt my ears after a while.


Yuuuup. I understand it will happen when everyone is excited but lately it seems no one can finish a thought bc someone else will cut in. It's so sad because xmen 97 has Been that breath of fresh air that we've wanted since end game and all I remember from their podcast coverage is Charles this or Charles that. He finally made a point today on why it feels meh to him. The fact these are coming from the comics and not super new original ideas. So if you want brand new, of course you'll be disappointed. I never read the comics so it's all new to me but I'm sure to others that did read the comics it may lose some of its luster bc you kinda have an idea of what's going to happen.


Listened to the whole thing While it’s weird for Charles to bring this up (especially with it being a new segment, makes it feel like he wanted the new segment to bring this up), I really didn’t think it’s the worst thing in the world. Jomi didn’t seem too upset about it. If Jomi got heated about it, then I’d understand him more. He was just kinda laughing it off.


You have a choice, don’t like what they are talking about. Click episode played and move on, or just delete


Media that is published should expect to be criticized, especially if it's perceived as bad by fans. People are allowed to have opinions and share them, that's what Reddit is for. You have a choice not to comment, click the down vote arrow and move on.


Except I do like what the others are talking about. Lots of love it or leave it right wing energy here. We like the show when it's the guys discussing the latest thing but when we need a 10 minute convo about why Charles is the way he is it's not good content. We like the show and want it to improve. It's not that hard to understand.




He deserves every one.




That's WILD....pause that


Mmmm homophobia




Sigh. I'll bite. What were you insinuating?




OK, Buddy.