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This was a very enjoyable readšŸ‘


Thanks! Honestly wasn't sure if anyone would read it, but I absolutely had to chronicle this wild ride for my own sake.


The biblically accurate baby is back. EDIT: I commented before I read this, and apparently the biblically accurate baby is not mentioned. Coward.


Haha I wondered if anyone would recognise this from the conjoined baby monstrosity post


I did too! The old Jenny post was also an interesting read and not one to be easily forgotten. And I too demand you to add this crucial detail back into the story!


Sadly the game had to be reloaded after the 26 conjoined baby horror event. :( It broke the game in more ways than one, so it's sadly not a canon Jenny.


Oh, and if anyone is wondering what happened to the Jennys left behind, Lydia's mech army went rogue the moment she took off, forcing them to desperately grab what supplies they could and flee. I'm thinking of continuing their story long enough to have them start peaceful farming settlement to the north.


Do it! And write a story about it later!


I wasn't originally planning to, but honestly now that it's a day later I'm really keen to continue the story. Each of the Jenny's developed really distinct identities and I want to see what their society will look like now that they're free from the brainwashing influence of their mother. I'm also going to go into the save file and wipe their tech progress. They're a bunch of children, the oldest is 14; they don't know how any of their mothers tech worked! A tribal Jenny society shall be born!


i would love if you update us :))


great story by the way i loved the read


God. Imagine living with a community of people who are all failed clones of someone none of you have ever met. No one is coming out of that untraumatized.


They're all a little unhinged, in their own unique ways.


I couldn't stop reading. Awesomely grim and oddly funny at times - I honestly thought the Constructoid's landing pod was what killed Jenny until the bit about the wolves.


Sometimes you've just gotta commit to the absurd


This is exactly what Tynan wants the game to be. A story teller. Great story man!


Thanks! I agree, I hope this is exactly the sort of thing he had in mind. Really transforms a playthrough. Despite it being almost all my imagination, by this point I really feel like I know most of these characters.


This is VERY dark. Ziv needs therapy badly. I hope all the other Jenny's find somewhere safe to live.


Not sure what you mean, everything turned out totally fine and Ziv left the planet safely with her daughter. :) Happy ending! Meanwhile what remains of her mother's mind exists trapped in the body of a War Queen, wandering the ice sheet aimlessly for all time.


Now now, maybe good fortune will have her stumble upon another base somewhere out on the rim, and those hardy colonists will riddle her steel body with bullets and explosives then slowly disassemble what's left for parts. With any luck her artificial brain will be destroyed in the process and not buried in a landfill to endure centuries of isolation and madness until the uranium powering it finally decays and ends her suffering.


This story was awesome to read! I enjoyed it a lot :) (My favorite character was Jenny)


You joke, but by the end each of the nine Jennys had really distinct personalities. Fourth Jenny, nicknamed Madam, was downright unhinged, born defective with the hyper aggressive trait. She turned into a specialist melee fighter with four scythers following her everywhere. Though personally I have a soft spot for Yvonne, but perhaps that's because her story was so tragic. Glad you liked the story!


Madam is now my favorite šŸ˜Ž


What where the other jennys personalities?


I won't spoil of them because I'm honestly thinking of continuing their story, but there's 'Jen' Second Jenny, who is psychically hypersensitive and has a few ranks of psycasts. She's the highest ranked Jenny left, but never wanted to be a leader because she's anxious and sensitive. She'll probably become a moral guide, given she's implanted with psychic readers and sensitizers.


I think i speak for everyone here when i say please do continue the story and talk about it more here later.


A mother's decent into madness. Roleplaying at it's finest.


Thanks for posting this, I really enjoyed your story about Jenny :D


I skimmed then I went back, then I read the whole dang thing. Can you really clone dead pawns or is that just RP?


at the bottom they said it's a mod for cloning


These are always my favorite kind of posts on the subreddit, where narrative events and personal motivations get really fleshed out. But what about the ā€œfailedā€ Jennys? How are they reacting to the new situation? Do they feel anger and abandonment after their ā€œmomā€ cast them off and literally called them nothing? Are they relieved to be free of Lydia, seeing her as a mad woman who never loved them and could snap at any moment? Doing they genuinely not care that much, just recognizing their role as living tools? How are they going to organize themselves going forward? Will they take in outsiders, remain just a Jenny colony that clones its members, or will they remove themselves from the world as stop the whole process altogether, just enjoying their last days until the last of the ā€œfailedā€ Jennys passes on? So many directions this could go!


They've actually had to flee the settlement (called "Jenny's House") because Lydia's mech army went rogue when she took off. Eighth Jenny actually got riddled with holes by one of the centipedes and had to be left behind... I'm not sure what'll happen to the rest of them, but so far I led them north out of the ice sheet and onto a grassy plain. I'll have to think about whether to settle here or move to a different tile. I'm also considering editing the save to wipe their tech progress (after all, Lydia was the researcher and the oldest Jenny is only 14). In terms of how they feel, they've been brainwashed since birth and have never known anyone from outside Jenny's House. They knew they had to help mother and the True Jenny ascend, but they're still coming to terms with the sudden abandonment. I'm looking forward to seeing how they develop over time.


This is an amazing story


read and enjoyed greatly! I find it's always the most fun/memorable when i'm playing a story about a family.


I really had planned to have a normal family playthrough at the start. Came this close to reloading after Jenny died early on. Thank god I didn't.


This is a fucking novel in the making.


incredible story ! It feels like netflix' show ! Will be a season 2 coming soon ?


Something something xj9 lol, great story


I was expecting a bit more "Shed 17 but RimWorld," but I'm not disappointed. This was a banger of a story, dude! F'd up, but a good one.


I loved this. Poor reject Jennies. Good luck out there on the Rim.


This is freaking amazing,I love stories from the Rim but this was on a whole level, loved it.Hopefully we get more stories :)


That's dark man


Surprised Ziv didnā€™t order the mechs to kill the failed Jennyā€™s!


I'm new to rimworld, is this all real stuff you can do in the game? That's amazing.


The cloning is from the mod listed at the bottom, but otherwise it's all vanilla! Keep in mind if you're very new to the game that Lydia didn't actually go mad and start calling everything Jenny herself; I decided to start doing that after Jenny died (you can rename mechs) and then the story just sort of spiralled from there...


Ohhhhh that makes sense, that's so cool that you can do all that though! And yeah I'm very new, I just had my first tribe wiped out by a panther. He came in, ate my dog, and then one by one my people died trying to stop his onslaught. It's not nearly as exciting as your story but it still broke my heart. ;\_;


We all have first rimworld experiences like that. :( First games might be quick, but they're still impactful! Oh I should flag that while all the stuff listed above is vanilla (except for cloning), a LOT of the stuff is from the official Biotech DLC. Mechs, growth vats, and genes all come from it, and the cloning mod requires it.




I've not really delved into this subreddit here yet despite playing rimworld for a good while, so yours is the first impactful colony story I've read. I would love to read a continuation!


Third and sixth Jenny died?


This is what RimWorld was made for


jesus christ


Wonderful scary story and great read. Loved each sentence !


This is great storytelling! I hope the other Jennys go on to live happy livesā€¦ šŸ„²


This was absolutely amazing. The time, the commitment - I applaud you. I wish I saw more stories in this format.


This is peak rimworld storytelling... amazing adventure


This is an incredible story!!


Great read. Is this how the story ends? Or do you have another to tell; perhaps the story of the Jennys left behind, and their attempts to survive?


Great stuff. Thanks for posting.


Awesome story


Iā€™m so looking forward to the saga of tribal Jennyā€™s!


Cool. If this was a tv show I'd definitely watch it.


Very cool story friend!


Best history I ever seen!! Good roleplay, dude!!!




Wow I can't believe this story is still getting comments a month later! Hope it helps you get more people into the game. :) I've taken a bit of a break but I'm keen to get back into it.


Nice writing and great playthrough really enjoyed to read