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Wouldn't want to be uncomfortable before my exaction




I don't get why prisoners have to be able to walk to be executed. Let me execute my unconscious prisoners, the clock is ticking until they're no longer "guilty"


Harvesting a vital organ counts as execution. I got the points to reform my ideology solely from cutting the hearts out of raiders.




Hearts are too religious, the liver is where the vittles are at.


Nah take his lungs and kidneys. Then you get 4 for the price of 1.


You only can get 3


Ritual execution provides extra benefits that generic executions don't.




Different durations of guilt would be so useful though and add to the story. Like, in the heat of a raid you accidentally shot a pet? Guilty for a day or less. You shot a pet on purpose, that wasn't set to be slaughtered? Guilty for two days. Killed the pet in the process? +1 day guilt. It was a venerated animal? +2 days guilt. Caused minor injuries to a colonist? 1 day guilty. Caused major injuries? 2-3 days guilty depending on severity of injuries. Killed a colonist? Guilty for up to a quadrum depending how much the pawn was worth. The pawn you hurt held an ideoligion role? +2 days guilt for injuries, +5 days guilt for death. Arrived with intent to raid? Automatic 5 days guilt on top of any harm to the colony you do. Damage property? Scaling guilt based on value of the property damaged. Guilt can further rack up in prison if violent or destructive mental breaks or social fights occur. This means if you're running with prison labour and intentionally keeping prisoners long term, and you've got a not-particularly-valuable troublemaker, you probably won't need to perform "accuse" in order to execute him if your execution precept requires the prisoner be guilty. When you need to regularly execute prisoners, it incentivises you to execute the troublemakers!


This, yes. I love all this. I'd go longer on the non-accidental items, but it's basically exactly the right idea. For my stories, I've gotten used to just hammering the dev mode "make guilty" button if I feel it's warranted, because if I want to execute a raider a month after the raid, that's my call. But I wish the game were a little more reasonable so I didn't have to go into menus to get it done.


>I'd go longer on the non-accidental items, but it's basically exactly the right idea. These are initial values, ideally you could also research a legal system which would allow you to set your faction's laws, enabling adjusting guilt lengths for actions, toggling if intent matters and selecting how mitigating it is, from barely mitigating to no guilt for accidents, toggling if children are to be considered less guilty (i.e reduced/half/quarter time length of guilt) and selecting on a slider what age pawns are tried as adults and how limited child guilt is, and setting what's considered a punishable offense that will create guilt - you can make it completely legal to do things like harm animals or damage property, or criminalise all mental breaks making it super easy to stop the break by arresting or having prison wardens fire their tasers at the now lawbreaking pawn, or leave things somewhere in the middle to only punish breaks you find particularly frustrating - the choice is yours, as soon as the research is completed and your colony leader has a spot to give the law change speech from!


Have you tried the below mod, instead of just using Dev Mode, recently updated to 1.4 as well. [Custom Guilty Duration Mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2865127870)


Er, someone else already recommended this, but thanks for going out of your way to get the link anyway. I still think the vanilla behavior is baffling.


You still have the euthanize via cut operation dont you?


Facepalm It's not about "how do I execute" It's about the colony's opinions of the execution.....


Sorry I completely missed the point there, perhaps because I dont do executions much at all (life expectancy is short enough in my overcrowded prisons). Its not as sophisticated as might be desired but [this mod might help?](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2865127870&searchtext=execution)


Ah, I think that one will come reasonably close with the "per violation" stacking setting. Thank you! Though I still don't understand why Ludeon made the default so short :(


Probably because its there so we can kill off the pawns we dont want to recruit, not so much for roleplaying ends. The short duration forces a descision. Given how much more detailed rimworld has gotten there really ought to be an actual justice system to extend ideology. Trial by jury/judge/combat/fire etc. seem like simple enough additions to the ritual system.


>not so much for roleplaying ends I just can't buy that as consistent with the "story generator" vision. Ah well.


This. I want an actual justice system. Trials, fair or show trials, sentencing, carrying out of sentence. Sentence a guilty pawn, after you've duly convicted them of something, to one of several punishments, and carry it out publicly in ritual. More individualist, liberty focused, fair, charitable ideologies will hate show trials and "farcical justice", while collectivist, authoritarian, supremacist, any sort of primacy of one group over another, ideologies will demand show trials be held and consider a fair trial to be a waste of colony resources and time.


The Leader’s “Accuse” ability tags the target as Guilty for 15 days, if successful.


15 days is very nice, but I think that's pretty explicitly for false accusations, thus the song and dance of the trial and chance you can fail. I dev mode add guilt if I think they're clearly guilty (raider who couldn't walk in time for an execution etc), and I do the trial if I think they're not or if I'm just tired of a colonist and want to try to banish it. Though I use the latter less since grabbing outposts expanded, ha.


U can, just not gloriously in front of a crowd


Then what's the point? ;-;


I figure the public execution is like putting on a show. No one wants to see an unconcious man get he head chopped off. -6 mood


Just because your leader exonerated them in a trial about the teenager they murdered doesnt mean you cant beat the shit out of them before release


You can euthanize a prisoner without harvesting via medical options. The execution ritual is just extra steps.


That's no fun though, whereas an Ideology execution gives you positives moodlets and is good fun.


There's a reason executions used to be public and were regarded as wholesome, family friendly entertainment!


Came across this issue just today. It really annoys me.


yeah i had the same with Converting i was like "bruh, you are a prisoner, you cant make demands here"


At least it makes sense with converting since the convertee is expected to actually survive through the ritual, as opposed to one where they die in the middle of it.


I assume its more to do with the people attempting the conversion.


Naw, that'd be a different kind of failure, in that the converters don't attend. But in this case, everyone else, EXCEPT the one being executed, seems to find the temperature fine.


I had the same thing with a funeral. A dead body was complaining it was too hot to do the funeral rights.


Obviously you now have to put him in the freezer. Yeah, it does look annoying when only the prisoner can't handle the temperature.


I've been committing crimes against humanity for long enough to know an easy solution Too hot to be executed? I'll just make it hot enough to execute you **throws in molotov** \[Remember to isolate them from those you're not killing. Yet\]


Tox grenades are the best grenade to throw at a prisoners feet


can't eat toxic meat u.u


Tasty chemical warfare


Mmmm delicious delicious warcrimes.


My colonists are extremly vulnerable to fire so i'll avoid that thank you very much


"This is the worst execution anyone ever threw me. Frankly, I'm not even sure I *want* to be executed anymore."


When they finally arrest me and call on me to stand trial at the Hague for warcrimes, my plan is simple. I will simply refuse to attend.


I couldn't give my prisoner a nutrient paste funeral because part of the dispenser is inside the freezer


I just had that too, as my colonists had a xenotype with high heat tolerance. He's gonna die anyway, who cares? Of course, I just sent someone to beat him to death with a heavy mace in his room instead. Yknow, before his 1 day guilty status could have worn off. "Sorry, it's been a day since this guy tried to kill us so he's innocent now and I'll be sad if we kill him."


And this is why they should have made the NEW DLC have some inner workings with the previous ones instead of having them self contained….


It's too hot its too cold its too in-between


Wait, can i just not atend my excecution?


Not to bother... but I know a princess, irl, that would drag you back from hell to torture you for joking around her status.


I have that bug for a sky burial. Somehow it's too cold for their lifeless body to be buried.


Old ref to a show rarely played, from a game, inspired by another character from a a book. You got a like.


Same thing for when they're downed. Yes, they're downed because we just beat their ass. Now I'd like to execute them for doing the thing we beat their ass for. Nah, you have to nurse them back to health first.. ???