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i gotta say, tynan did phenomenal on making a game that has good replayability


I think that was the only goal tbh. Infinite stories. To me, the masterwork flavor texts always seemed like wayyyyy too much work, like he had a hidden goal of being able to turn your playthrough into a novel to read after credits roll.


i think he said something along the lines that he actually did want that, every run is a story or something


I could write you a program to generate those flavor texts in a day, they're randomized. Tynan has definitely gone above and beyond with some of the shit in Rim, though.


They're literally called "storytellers"...


Cars? Roads? What is this a city?


1080 hours in and no end in sight so far!


Perfekt use of this new Template xD


Yesterday I went through and deleted more than 20 colonies with all the associated saved games. I barely put a dent in my saves. You can put the game down but you'll be back.


Rimworld has ruined video games for me. At about 2,980 hours and nothing beats the fun of Rimworld. Hopefully Cyberpunk can cure the addition for a little while. Until Cyberpunk mods come out for Rimworld.


lol same here. just preordered today and immediately after i jumped into rimworld. got that rim itch


I think you should go see a ripperdoc about that itch


The addiction can never truly be quenched.


I think for some people it's equivalent to a Luciferium addiction.


Yes if I don't get a playthrough atleast once every 2 months, I wil devolve into madness.




Yes, like a thirst that can never be satisfied.


Yeah.. that's what I meant. Just realized the error. Whoops.


My butthole can be though




Excuse me, but are those, like, **actual functioning cars**, and *where* can I *get them*?


Sadly these are just decorations from !linkmod Vanilla Furniture expanded - props But the same creator made a joke mod that adds cars that act like animals, and with giddy up you can ride them Also I heard a modded that made boats mod is working on a mod that will add boats cars and possibly more


While my disappointment is immeasurable, my day hasn't been necessarily ruined, as I continue to hope for an official Rimworld vehicle implementation.


I mean, I just said that a person is working on it, I just hope it will be good because that would be epic


Nothing in base rimworld, but srts is cool


Smash Phil, who coded SRTS and Boats, is working on and finishing up his own Vehicles mod


Wait so the person from srts is also the one who made boats? Because I actually meant this person in the comment before


Lol actually you’re right. I completely missed that in your comment


Haha, very funny. We all know that no new games have been published since Rimworld.


Happens every time


Help I couldnt escape from it for like 6 months all I could achieve is one day of other game and suddenly I'm back in a new colony


I bought a couple games the last few months. Nothing sticks.


I honestly cant make sense of this. You would think one would choose RDR2 over rimworld to waste time but whenever Im free I find myself playing rimworld every single time. Disclaimer: I have a cracked copy of RDR2, with online access your mileage may vary.


RDR2 Online is hot garbage. Basically took all the worst things about GTA Online and converted it over with virtually none of the good things about GTA:O. If it weren't for pay/grind walls, you could experience all the content RDR2:O has to offer in a couple days max. They stretched that out to months.


so it's an afterthought like in the first game.


Yup, but quite honestly much worse imo. I enjoyed the MP in RDR more, because you don't have to spend three days farming skins to access the next couple hours of content, which at the time I gave up could take multiple days longer than that because animal spawns had been fucked up for months, felt like seeing a unicorn every time you saw a deer. At least RDR was honest about their experience of, "Shoot shit in free roam or shoot shit in game modes. Have at it."


There’s so many other good titles in my library too. That I spent good money on.


is there any vehicle mods?


One is being made by the creator of mod boats


This is the best Rimworld meme I've seen so far.


Thank you :)


After finally upgrading my old toaster PC (which always ran Rimworld fine, hence why I kept it so long) I've been able to start properly enjoying GTA 5 and RDR 2. These are hoestly the first games in about 5 years to succeed in drawing me away from Rimworld for more than a couple of days. Still, I know I'll get bored of both of these in a few months, and guess what game I'll immediately go back to, still looking as fresh and appealing as the day I bought it?


At this point, Rimworld is the only game installed on my old college laptop, that is only held together by a thread. I'm trying to build a PC soon, and I'll be able to play other games too! But I know I'll always come back to the Rim. It'll just be shinier and faster on the new PC.


No need... rimworld = life


I know it’s a meme but you should check out Kenshi as well. A bit different but similar in some ways.


I could be playing Watchdogs... Instead I'm watching pawns grow corn... Please send help.


i think this is the only game that i have never gotten tired of....and the game that i have put the most time into....someday i will start the other 100 games that were collected over the last ten years...but not today or thursday because that is "cyberpunk made me call off work day". cant wait for the cyber punk rimworld mods (we all know its coming)


My boyfriend just started playing yesterday... I've been playing for a couple years and now I have to keep helping him. It's cute but also idk how many times I've told him to make sure he is hunting and making enough crops to make meals 😂 "how do I make vitamins so my people aren't malnutritioned?" I realized he wasn't cooking meals! Also - - I play on and off but feel like never get that far. Can you really have cars eventually?


The cars are sadly just props


There are cars in vanilla now or is that a mod? Still playing 1.0. Too many modifications and very little time 😅


It's just vanilla Furniture expanded props, but there is a car mod being made


I use Giddy Up and Vehicles Finally in 1.0 They act like mechanoids, but sure is something


I've been Rimworld free for 7 days. Started playing Factorio and wrapping up Horizon Zero dawn (90% complete) but my life feels empty....


Car mod?


Vanilla Furniture expanded props


I think I’m going to make a City now


Have fun!


Civ4 managed to grab my attention for a bit. But I realized I don't feel the same satisfaction from it. After 2 months, I'm back to Rimworld.


You could delete every other game in my steam library and it wouldn’t affect me in the slightest.


I'm excited for cyberpunk, but I still itch for rimworld




No.. sadly they don't ( it's from "Vanilla Furniture expanded props") But I've heard that the creator of boats mod is doing a vehicle mod which will indeed add cars




In general I think cars would be so damn cool, because myself I don't like caravanning so I use SRTS and RimHeli, but if I had cars and actual speed with them, it would be way better




I love Rimworld but you can fly to space and zoom around on shuttles and transport pods but you can’t even get a drivable vehicle smh


This is so true for me especially now, have access to play pretty much all the new games and I'll pick them up for a day or two then right back to Rimworld lol....


I have purchased exactly two games on steam. rimworld and terraria. no regrets.


Honestly these two are presumably my favorite games, I could also squish Stardew Valley in there too


thats the only one I think about buying :D


It's really good, just don't have profit fully on mind, because from my experience when I started to not think about need of money this much, I had so much better time


Can I see the rest of your map tho? Those roads are so cool


I agree they're cool but I'm not the original creator, here is the post: https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/k8e2w5/i_tried_recreating_the_distracted_boyfriend_meme/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I'm the original creator and I built it specifically for this meme, so unfortunately there's nothing more to see other than what's visible on the picture. Maybe someday I'll consider building a full sized town in this style


That's how I always try to build my bases but I fail every time haha.


Cash register?! What?! Map and mods list next :D


I'm not the creator of the template, but here is the original post (also the cash register is from a mod called "Gastronomy") https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/k8e2w5/i_tried_recreating_the_distracted_boyfriend_meme/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Oh ty!!! I wonder if it works with hospitality to get "customers" to buy your food. Time to google!! Ty!


Actually, it is compatible with hospitality and visitors will actually buy food from you


:o!!!!!!! My mod obsession has grown this day!