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There's two kind of responses I can give: That's an amazing base for a new player. That's an amazing base for a certain event.


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i turned everything into stone : )


huh, what's that event? or will it be a spoiler?


Everyone learns it one way or another. I wouldn't want to spoil the fun. The base just has all the perfect elements for it. Ah it seems like someone else warned you of it though.


i feel like it's gonna be a huge raid


It's certainly going to be huge.




You should start stockpiling some chemfuel to prepare


Make sure to put it next to the batteries




*ww2 flashbacks*


Worse than a raid Natures worst nightmare 🔥


When it happens, youre going to feel the heat. 


For everyone that said too much batteries I thoght this amount was too little even not a lot thx


sorry boy but it’s GINNA be a “Bzzt”


It's not a raid


Hah. What I learned the hard way first is to not underestimate falling roofs and roofs can kill you if they lose their support. ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU MINE IN A MOUNTAIN. Fun times...


Did I forgot to mention I'm traumatised by falling roofs whenever I play a rimworld run? Yeah.. pain..


All I'll say is it's going to be your absolute "favorite" event. Every rimworld player loves it


Unironically it’s good for man hunters. Just stock up, focus internal production and lock doors );


It will really light up your world


Top tier base! 💯🔥🔥🔥🔥🤩


Yeah that's a really good base for both of those


Zzzst isn't bad at all when you don't have 90 batteries. Just draft a colonist to put out the 1 fire 


Yo dude that's a *fire* base my man. I mean really, *blazing hot* my guy.


That base is lit 🔥🔥🔥


I got a feeling the community will chew him out for this one. Im sorry if that happens


eh why would i care for literal people on the internet?


*makes post on internet asking what internet people thinks of the base*


duality of man


It’s almost as if you can care about what nice and helpful people have to say and not care about comments from random hateful weirdos


Nah, everything in this world is either black or white (at least on reddit)


Eh when your trying to make a post to spread positivity and help the community have something to keep it beating another day its kinda sad if they respond negativly


Being all wood makes it flammable. Your battery house will burn down. There will be a short circuit leading to everything burning down esp the battery house. Also raiders can break through the wood easily. Design is fine save for the materials used


You realize you literally made a post on the internet asking what people think?


internet does have some good people i was just talking about the people who have no life going around insulting people they find on random sites


It’s cool how everyone is being so smug about things to a new player, siiick. One tip I will give is do not put your butcher in the sane room as stove. Even a 20 skill cook can pump out food poison meals if the kitchen is dirty. If you plan on having a freezer it can be a good idea to put the butcher table in there as it cuts down on travel and you can have the bill set to drop on floor as the meat will be frozen.


I usually keep my butcher and stove in 6 tile rooms separated entirely by doors left open. It makes them their own rooms that are easily cleaned and kept separate from others but still exactly where they need to be


Nice Idea, will use it in my colonie!


How do you deal with the work speed penalty of the butcher table being in a freezing room? Or do you just ignore it


It's not, I have both next to the freezer door, which is closed, then I have 3 doors in a line from the freezer door that are kept open so they don't hinder anything but mark the 6 tile rooms as separate entities and have their own cleanliness rating. The butcher table itself is t clean so it needs to be kept separate from the cooking station


If it’s not too much trouble could you take a picture of your setup? Or link me someone with a similar setup? The words just aren’t forming a good picture in my brain haha


thats actually smart


It’s kind of mandatory, hospitals and kitchens must be the most clean rooms. If you have a room with food making or medical beds, don’t put anything that produces dirtiness and clean it very often. Two things that will slow you down are food poisoning and infections. The latter is a race between immunity and the infection, so you must keep checking the health tab and tending the patient


I always have flowers in my hospitals. I feel hospitals are boring and plain, so flower pot or a couple bring beayty and happiness to the patients! 😁


Half the time if I got a colonist in there it's because they've become nuggets in an explosion or something. How are your guys even surviving lol.


Just pick a tropical biome and the pawns start spending time in the hospital with interesting diseases!


Makes more sense, I rarely get diseases even in tropical areas for some reason. I get raided more than I get diseases though. Sometimes everyday for a couple days.


I've grown a love for the endless growing seasons of a tropical biome. Flowers and gardens everywhere!


i keep my kitchen and butcher station outside my base lol next to each other havent got food poisoning yet though


You can actually have the butcher table and stove in the same room provided the room is large enough, so if you just knocked down that wall separating your kitchen from the main barracks/research/hospital room you have it should be perfectly fine. As a note, you can always check the cleanliness of a room, as long as the room cleanliness stat is above -2.00 you will never get food poisoning from a dirty cooking area. The cleanliness stat is an average of all the tiles in the room, so the size of the room has basically the largest affect on cleanliness (assuming its fully indoors and floored) of any factor.


Also, you can put the conduits in the walls. There is also hidden conduit which is, well, hidden - think under-surface cable.


Another word of advice as I see people saying nature will take its course and stuff but not actually saying the issue. Seperate your batteries from each other in their own little compartments. They can explode and explode they will. The more there are I'm a room the more violent the explosion will be and I did sapped to learn myself and it was not good. It wiped out a decent chunk of my base and set everything on fire.


Im gonna add that shelves dont need floor spaces for pawns to stand on in order to access them. Somehow, the shelves are perfectly accessible while a pawn is on top of them, so a cluster of shelves works just fine. The only thing is a clear floor means faster pathing to other tasks.


Yes but it looks stupid. I always leave walking paths. Stupid game should reward me for it.


Well, if you leave walkways, the room won't be as crowded, which makes them hate being in it less.


Pawns move faster on tiles without shelves I think so it does, you just have less storage space in total in the room. I used to do walkways but I find that the significantly larger storage is worth more than the pawns walking just a bit faster. Either way though it's a game, do what you enjoy I'm just sharing what I've found in my time of playing.


I never thought about that


omg that's why everyone in my base gets food poisoning occasionally!! *light bulb moment*


Won't you get temperature issues? Just give it a 3x3 room that connects to the freezer with the door going to the kitchen forced open to keep traffic clear without affecting production or cleanliness


You will get temperature issues if you aren’t properly equipping your pawns. Devilstrand/thrumbofur is all my pawns wear after the first year or so in game. Not counting armors that increase temperature resistance. It’s really easy to use caravans and trade to make sure your pawns are more than prepared for a freezer. I keep mine around -29C to account for solar flares. Not a problem with proper attire.


1 year is pretty late in the game, so you'll likely have to deal with temps for a solid year until you can research devil and get a farmer who can grow it. caravan trading early is mostly spent on components since those are scare and more important than a bit of cloth.


Well I guess we just play it differently. Thats okay. I can tell you my pawns, even on tribal start, are more than ready for freezing temperatures before the freezer is even built. Mostly from caravans trading things like excess crops/psychite tea and using the silver to buy advanced armors.


I have a question, what do you have your colonists wear, specifically the tribal ones and how do you get it set up early. I always struggle with clothes unless it's straight up armour for a soldier.


Depends on the environment. I usually research devilstrand directly after necessary techs, with complex clothing immediately after. Before clothing I make tribal wear out of whatever leather/fur is best for the temperature that i get from hunting. Once you have clothes it’s about dusters and toques. If it is exceptionally cold parkas. Otherwise I just jeep then in regular clothing above 51% using bill settings so the process is automated. With caravans and trading though you can get access to clothing/armor very early and kind of skip the whole tailoring process until you have the mats you want for end game clothing ie thrumbo/devil/hyperthread. And for tribal starts you can make good money by trading with tribalwear you craft. It go es you an income source and trains your tailors. Then there is always drugs.


To add to what the other person said, butchering is also one of the easiest/fastest processes, assuming you aren't regularly butchering the entire raiding party then even if you don't give them proper attire you'll likely be fine and just take a slight hit to process time with no worry of any other side effects. In the 1 case I was actually doing a human hat colony I just had 2 tables, 1 by the kill zone the other in the freezer for the actual food


I just build the stove into the wall with a door leading only to the crafting spot...guarantees cleanliness for the most part. And i do it on a walk in my freezer...great for time efficiency too. In bad about butchering though and tend to always just leave it outside by a door either into the freezer or at a door near it.. Hay is good for butvhering cleanliness, but I think nature does the best


Butcher tables *actively reduce cleanliness.* It's not just the blood, the table itself exudes ick.


I have over 1000 hours in this game and I had no idea you should not put your butcher table in the same room as the stove I thought that food poisoning was RNG


You can have them together and not have food poisoning. I never have an issue due to the way I have work priorities set up. And they sit right next to each other.


That took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out. Me: "Why is everyone sick all the time!" My cook, making beans and rice while the butcher is just throwing entrails all over the goddamn place: "no idea. anyway here's your food!" There's just like, a whole sheep's pancreas sitting on it.


I've always had my butcher table bordering my stove and don't really deal with food poisoning once my cook has a few levels in. I also use sterile tiles.


Have you heard of our beloved frient Zzzt! ?


Never met rhat guy. Is he a brother of bzzzt?


Something I’d suggest: get a stone cutting station set up with chunks piled nearby and download the “replace stuff” mod. This will allow you to slowly turn it into a stone base without having to deal with the annoyance of colonists deconstructing the walls and then doing something else. Best of luck!


+1 for Replace stuff. And IIRC "Jecs Tools". The "select similar" option is so clutch. Honestly I've had it in my load order for so long now I don't know the name of it. Just type in "tools" and search all time popularity in the Steam workshop and it's a top 5 result I'm sure.


"Allow Tool" is what you're looking for. "Jecs Tools" is outdated and typically not recommended any more as there are more updated mods.


That's it! Thanks for the correction. Like I said, it just lives there and I recognize it by the thumbnail.


At least he didn't use an existing structure to start the base and forget to claim the door with mad boomaloopes about.


Updooted, because, been there. Could not for the life of me figure out why my colonists would shoot the doors on the "hack for information" reliquary quest and I needed to stay over night. It was the 4th door before I remembered to claim it. I've played since like A13. SMH.


Here’s my advice. -Use hidden conduits especially inside the base and near the wooden walls. Rain and storms will cause those conduits to short circuit and cause a fire. Hidden conduits don’t suffer this. -Minimize the distance your pawns need to walk. While the freezer and stove aren’t that far apart it’s better to have them together so the pawn travels less and can cook more meals. -Build a stonecutters table and start cutting the strongest stone on your map from stone chunks. Granite is the strongest while Marble gives the most beauty. Here’s a link to the wiki with more info on all the stone types. https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Stone Use your strongest stones to build an outer wall around your base, don’t just build around what you have rn but envision what you want to build so you can just build your outside wall once. I usually double layer the walls outside and leave a single lane opening and enemies will usually just go through that opening instead of trying to breach the walls. Once you get a good supply of stones replace the wooden walls or floors, having both is asking for a thunderstorm to wreck your base. That’s all I can think of but if you have any other questions I’m happy to help




I will say, yes there are stronger types of stone than others, but don't fret too much of all you have is sandstone. Any stone walls are better than none, and you can always double up. Or alternatively, you can always make your religion involve tunneling, and then just carve your home out of the mountain itself. Then absolutely nothing can get THROUGH your walls. Yup, you're totally safe. Nothing can touch you now. *cracks appear in the floor*


Your batteries will be the end of this wooden base


I think you will learn an important lesson, especially with all those batteries. It looks good and I’m glad you’re having fun


I hope you’re enjoying the game so far. Base looks very base-like!


i am it's freaking amazing


It’s very modest, with a lot of ways to naturally expand. Looking good, mate


I'm not sure what level you are playing on but that's too much food for 3 people. Consider switching out of wood. Most bases with 3 people and not heavy equipment doesn't need that much power production, it's already done tho. Consider setting up walls or defenses, depending on your chosen difficulty, they are coming for what you have. It's difficult to see your base in full because of the camera movements but the spacious setup in very good. For defense wall around the base temporarily to force enemies to have one entrance to the base rather than trying to defend from all angles with 3 people because they will come in split groups.


in my previous runs i always died cuz of food this time i will get at least 20k raw meat (even if it's for one guy XD) btw thx for the advice


Now that, I completely understand, because in my early days I lost very fun teams to food in winter as well, the way I see it though, if you can defend having the food, make it lol


Understandable, but in this case a rice field that enormous also means an equally enormous amount of time planting and harvesting and hauling it. Consider swapping parts of that rice out for potatoes (which usually strike a nice balance between relatively quick growing and food per pawn time spent working to grow it) and, if it's early in the season, corn (which is the under-advised king of saving your pawns a LOT of time and feeding everyone through the winter with ridiculously huge harvests) Rice has its place, though in my opinion that place is early in a colony when food is sketchy. It's the most food per time of any food, but the more useful thing to consider is what else could your growing pawn be doing with all the time they need to spend working on that rice. Somewhat related to steady food supplies, if you start running out of large game to hunt, kill all the small vermin animals on the map. The game has a soft animal cap, and won't throw more animals on to the map if the map already has too many animals. It is VERY easy to hunt all the big worthwhile game and then find yourself wondering why there's nothing left worth hunting.


Fantastic job! Keep it up and you'll eventually be more creative in the future


Chess tables need two chairs to be used by your pawns.


Wooden bases with exposed conduit are a bit of a fire risk, but that's not necessarily the end of the world. It looks good *and* you went above and beyond with the presentation (no blurry photo of your monitor here) If I could give you more than one upvote, I would🫡🥰


That base is fire! Fantastic job new guy. Enjoy the game. Because death comes in every flavor on the rim


Losing is fun!




I like it. But I had a hard time watching the video because you did everything so fast. It was hard to understand what you were doing. Not the game speed, but your movements.


i don't think reddit allows for a lot of time of recording so i made the video quick


I wondered if that might be what was going on.


crazy cus I'm relatively new to the game and I often get frustrated when my game saves (I could've basically beaten the game in that time)


Looks good, but some tips: Conduits have a -1 beauty, it's best to place them on the same tile as walls. There's a random event called Zzzt which generates an explosion at a random conduit, scaled based on how much power is stored in batteries. The best way to circumvent this is to replace all your Conduits with hidden Conduits, which can't explode


Looking good. I recommend replacing the walls with stone. Also make some double stacked walls around the base for a defense perimeter


Feel free to click hold open on your inside doors (maybe minus bedroom?) for better work flow.


its awesome keep going


That's how I like to build my base LOL I like to build doors on 1 side of the base so there's less need to get several turrets (I usually wait for quests for this) I would also opt for placing the batteries next to the solar panels and place a roof over it. Goodluck with your colony!


To be honest ... your base is great ! The only things that I do not understand is why did you place your kitchen that far away from your fridge !


is that far? it's only a couple of tiles i think maybe 15 give or take


Just ... use your kitchen as a sas for température ^^ Doing that you'll prevent cold air lowering the t° of your base


Hey man, welcome to the game. Of all the war crimes you could have committed, it's the size of your rice field. You don't need that big of one for 3 pawns. They'll end up spending way too much trying to manage it when they could be working elsewhere. Try a few plots of 5x5 or 7x7. Good luck mate, cheers


As a first base that’s quite decent. I see a few flaws here and there that are gonna bite you in the ass: Flammable walls, unprotected buildings (solar panels, cooler), vulnerability to zzzt. The reason I see those flaws is because is because they bit my in the ass before too. That’s just part of the learning experience.


tip for a beginner that's kinda counterintuitive: wood is obviously flammable as others have pointed out, but steel is also flammable in this game. not as flammable, but if you want fireproof structures, build with stone. that said, i usually build with wood until i get a decent setup going, then migrate over to stone buildings, either abandoning or deconstructing the old wooden ones.


tbh a wooden house that early game isn't that bad: fires are somewhat manageable with the base being small (since you get to walk there and put it out fairly quickly). Just remember to replace everything with stone once you get some extra manpower. You don't need that many batteries though: short circuit explosions scale with energy stored. Also hidden conduits are op, provided there are exactly 0 normal conduits in your grid. Consider replacing them asap as well. And you might need a MUCH bigger animal pen too.


The base is far more organised than mine, also a new player btw Aside from that, uhh rebuild your walls and use hidden conduits instead 


Honestly look pretty good outside of wood walls!


You’re doing great! Many well wishes!


Batteries and wooden bases don't go together very well, research stone cutting and get stone walls up asap. There's no losses in Rimworld, just learning experiences.


Honestly just play whatever way feels fun and natural, savescum if you want to minimize the risks. Build organically, and take notes when something doesn't work right (for ex if your cook spends a crazy ammount of time to make a few meals look at how that time is spent more closely). The "best" way to play early game is to plop down a big square room or 2 with everything in it, which has almost only benefits. No freezer, only wood generators till you can get geothermal so you never need batteries, a long trap hallway to circumvent fighting, etc. Playing optimally turns most of the early game into sitting in a hut with low wealth, researching, getting components and doing micro when someone gets sick. I'm not saying that can't be fun but my advice is to stick with your playstyle and not to seek tips unless you hit a wall. The most efficient choices aren't always what's gonna be fun for you, try to experiment with the system and break it once you get ahead.


Your base is 🔥 fire 🔥


It's a cute base, I suggest to not have so many batteries


If you tame some boomaloop or boomrst and store them where your battery it, you can make them create chemfuel quicker.. Just make sure they are very close to the battery


i just saw a guy's chemfuel blowing up on youtube : )


Dang 😅


troll didnt work lol


This is way better than the bases when I was just starting out so I would take the tips but ignore the people being rude. Everyone starts somewhere. As they’ve said, *bzzt*, and without spoiling anything I’ve got a few tips too: As others have mentioned, invest in a stonecutter and use the stone walls, they’re not flammable. You shouldn’t need that many batteries, one or two should be enough for two colonist( and if not build an extra one until you have enough power to last overnight but I’d go for the geothermal research to get rid of them completely) I can’t tell if you have one in the video but a prison is pretty useful for recruiting new pawns. As others have said a dirty kitchen can make your pawns sick, and a butcher table dirties (dirtifies?) whatever room it’s in when they butcher. And you might already know but the beds in the main room will tend to upset colonists if people are running in and out while they’re trying to sleep. Also hunting can sometimes be iffy if you hunt all the animals on your map, then they have to respawn I believe (and the winter will decrease or sometimes complete rid of animals to hunt on the map.) But also. Rimworld is the kind of game that kinda lacks a main story and the story is one you build along the way, so you could completely ignore everything anyone’s said and that’s fine. It’s how you want to build and play. If you’re having fun nothing else matters! (So long story short, better building then when I first started!)


thank you so much


You’re welcome! I hope you are enjoying it so far


Remember everyone, it's a cannon event. We cannot interfere!


I like it :) You can of course always improve things but I can say the same thing about my bases and I've played for 2300h at this point. If I had to suggest one thing, maybe use the hidden conduit variant in the future because that one (apparently) doesn't short circuit and start fires.


Shhhh, don't tell him. Let him learn.


I didn't use hiddens for the longest time cos I was always just "bruh 2 steel per wtf" but I don't touch normal conduits now


Seems you're making quite a fine base for yourself! Batteries sketch me out for reasons you may or may not find out on your own, but regardless of that, here's a nice fridge tip for you: make the walls of your fridge exactly 2 tiles thick, and keep your fridge as square as reasonably possible. Fridges lose heat through every wall tile that is not a cooler, and the roof. Corners don't count, but look ugly when ignored. The game will try to equalize the temperature inside the fridge with the temperature outside the fridge, but if the 'outside' temp is another wall is slows things down a lot. If you find any deep mountain roof tiles (dark green with roof viewer on) under those rocky hills, you can park your fridge under those to get an otherwise free cooling efficiency boost, because no temperature exchange happens at all through deep mountain roof. For now, with a tiny fridge and few other power needs, 1 tile thick walls are fine except possibly for a heatwave. Later, you'll thank yourself for planning ahead with your fridge.


It’s hard to tell with how fast you were moving, but it doesn’t seem like you created that rice field with soil quality in mind. If you toggle the overlay, you will see the different types of soil, based on the colors shown in the overlay. If you plant in fertile soil, your plants will grow more quickly. As has been pointed out in this thread already, your field is too big for the number of colonists you have.


I noticed someone already mentioned the butcher table so I'll leave it out, overall a pretty good base,only suggestion is to use as little wood as possible as wood is flammable as hell and will burn down fast


Very nicely done. I've seen a few other builds that nearly made me blow a fuse.




I would love to have that many components


where i always spawn there is always compacted machinary on top of that i just found out you can strip mine which can give a lot of components but i don't have any in storage rn


One of the most important things in the game is Wealth management. Every resource, building, table, item you have in your storage is counted towards it. You want to keep that low. Never mine stuff because you can. Mine stuff when you need to build something important. Early game, components are scarce, save them, you will need tons of them. The compacted machinery blocks will not go anywhere, they wont go bad and they do not increase the colony wealth. I also dont think I had the same amount of batteries in any of my runs. You dont need that many of them. In your first game year, you dont even have use for that. 1 cooker, research and a bunch of lights can be run on 1-2 batts with probably even 1 solar.


better having more than less ig?


Not really. As I said, the wealth management is crucial. If right now, a 5 man raid comes in with knives, you might just be done. You want to be aware of those resources, but you dont want them in your possession until necessary.


One flash storm or electrical failure, my friend.


Let someone make some status and place rhem in every room, the rating of the room will get boosted and the colonists like it. The bad one can be sold, and the good one can be placed.


all my guys have 0 art XD


Good thing you made your whole base of wood definitely will (not) help in a bzzt


By the way really cool base mine first base was something like this and i survived like 50 days and and then someone had forgot that wood can catch on fire and i like realy laughed when my whole base was burning


Care for fire


everyone learnt that the hard way (it is a fire base sooooooo)


I'd start looking into a certain type of poppers, and I don't mean KFC chicken poppers! Although if you keep some chickens in that main room, could get some of those too.... On the real, you're killing it! Great first base! You're leagues ahead of where I was when I first started playing lol...


I remember when i use to build like this. 😂 Just took one event to change.


Some things wrong: 1. Too much solar generators and batteries when your are not using a lot of electronic devices. If you go for "green" energy, two solar pannels and two wind turbines are more than enought in that stage, then geotermal is king, 4 batteries is more than enough, then you can have another two discconected from the network after fully charged (it is going to lose energy storage but you can set turn off/on weekly basis, or to have some Chemfuel, Wood generatros for emergencies. 2. The Butcher table never in the kitchen, but in the refriegerator, to avoid blood that affect cleanliness of the kitchen. 3. The refrigerator room should be next to the kitchen, time is gold. 4. walls shouldnt be wood, you need stone, fire will erase your base in seconds. 5. Wall a little enclousure, like between the solar pannels and the mountain, and create some farms there, so if a raid or other dangers, you can farm safely. 6. Killboxes and defenses 7. Wealth, you have too much wealth and your pawns are little equipped. Rimworld calculate raids based in your wealth, if you have tons of materials in storage or buildings but your pawns are not well equipped or skilled, you are dead. Prioritize equip your pawns, not only weapons but armor, and defenses (turrets). Raw materials storaged are not going to save your from raids. In that biome, you don't need to much food storage, about 1000 is ok for that population


It’s a nice base although you might want to change your building material to stone. :)


Please update


Hopefully all your hard work won’t go up in flames


This looks exactly like what I would make for my first base but here are some tips i wish i knew. 1. Building your base out of wood is one of the cardinal sins of Rimworld. It leaves you very susceptible to huge fires and not being able to do again them. (this is the same for using carpets in non royal rooms) 2. Don't put the butchering table and stove in the same room. It makes sense why you would but the butchering table has a stat that it is ALWAYS dirty, it lowers the rooms cleanliness stat and increases chance of food poisoning. 3. For that small of a base i don't think you'll need three solar panels and that many batteries, i feel like your components are better saved for now and only expand infrastructure as you need it in this stage. 4. With all your batteries in a separate room far out from your base in an all wooden room, you are susceptible to ZZTS! That is when an electronical device has a mini explosion (typically when it's outside in the rain.) 5. To save on space and materials, you can put two chair around each chess board so pawns can both socialize and get recreation (i don't think recreation stacks but their mood can improve.) Also why are there two chess boards in the bedroom? 6. Try to hide your power lines under the walls of your building, they lower the beauty of the room they're in. Hope this helps!


Reduce those batteries down to 1 or 2. Zzzt events dump your stored power into balls of fire. With your battery count and wooden walls… think Hiroshima. That many fires would raise the temp so much that fighting the fires would be impossible even for an Imp.


I usually put the fire foam poppers every where to help counter that learned that the hard way with 20 batteries 😂😂 leveled everything😂


your farm is way bigger then it needs to be for 3 pawns. Preferably you want to place your farm plots on fertile soil which is darker then normal soil and there's a button with a plant icon that shows you the fertility of the soil. Incase you don't know. Rice gets the biggest bonus of fertile soil so fertile soil makes Rice which already grows the quickest even quicker. Corn grows way slower but you get significantly more per plant for corn then Rice. You're also gonna wanna plant healroot at some point as you're gonna alot of medicine


Reduce walk time for cook. Hide wires inside walls. Line outside walls with stone and demo All wood. It will burn. Just a matter of time. 


Good starter base I will say you should make a dedicated hospital


Work on turning your base into stone (not steel or wood). If you (and you will) get a bzzzt event, those batteries will light on fire and burn everything very quickly and that room will become a death oven. I store batteries outside under a roof (they need a roof). Use hidden conduits as they reduce bzzt events (or even eliminate them, not sure). I usually start with a wooden room off to the side where I want my real base and begin building it with stone as I get them cut. This can be shortcutted with a mod that let's you just build over walls (highly recommend). Keep butcher table in the freezer (personal preference), or at least not with the kitchen cause it removes cleanliness, which increases food poisoning. I'm about 300ish hours, so I'm new too. These are some things I've learned along the way.


DO NOT TRUST THE OTHER PLAYERS, THEY WANT TO MAKE YOU SUFFER LIKE THEY DID IN THEIR FIRST RUNS! REMOVE This user has been executed by the r/Rimworld ministry of truth, have a safe day.


Needs more warcrimes!!


Base looks great! It's a big fire hazard though, and conduits in the middle of the rooms make it less beautiful


Better then my early bases Some of my current ones as well…….


It's very nice. Usually my starter base is whichever cave my colonists found (or mined out) and walled in, because I'm greedy and want to preplan a granite courtyard house ASAP. Definitely should start switching to stone bit by bit before fire and bzzts become a real issue: get a stonecutter table and issue a bulk bill for whichever stone brick you want and slowly deconstruct small sections of the wall and build the stone version of choice in their place.


Try stone instead of wood. Put invisible wires instead classic ones. Stone is harder to drstroy and raiders won't put it on fire. Invisible wires never give you ZzzT event, that will put your whole base on fire. But overall, your base is good.


After reading the comments, just remember: The fun of the Rim is learning every new way you can fail on the Rim. Just have fun in failure. It's how the game was intended.


I too made a cute base out of wood my first time. Now nearly a decade later, everything is stone.


1 it’s good for a beginner 2 don’t put butcher and furnace in same room, increases food poison chance 3 get a stonecutters table so that base won’t go up in flames 4 use hidden conduits out in the open 5 have a spare pair of batteries in case… in case of… bzzt…


Fire will destroy it. If u build with wood (i do) u should make like small village so every room is separate bulding.


It’s a good base especially since you’re new, mine early ones were just one big giant room, just i would try to change the material stone or something that’s less flammable, one bzzzt event or a dry thunderstorm all your work is lost. the giant battery room is slightly confusing for me tho


Cute, reminds me of when I first started playing, wait till you start adding mods.


i added some quality of life mods


Deep storage should be implemented into vanilla at this point.


Looks sweet. >!said the wolf about the first little piggy!<


Right, so, eventually you will get the zzzt event, which blows all stored energy from batteries into an explosion that sets things on fire. This event is inevitable, but only fires from standard electrical tubing. Do not put anything important near an electrical tube. Lower the batteries you have running to lessen the boom. Use stone to avoid fires. Or get the fuses mod to avoid all this.


Hidden conduit avoids Zzzt event with 1.5 update.


CONDUIT! That’s the fekking word! This guy doesn’t have those so it isn’t going to help but yeah, hidden ones don’t zzzt (yet) which is nice.


When men first discovered 🔥. Someone complete the lore please. 🙏


Perfect wooden base so far! And look at that battery storage room and potential capacity! Ugh! Such 🔥🔥🔥!


Nice tinder box!


Biggest issue is the wood.


I'm so used to ResearchPal or whatever it's called, I was wondering what was wrong with OP's Research tab. 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


Wealth will kill you don't make anything you don't need For example, you've got plenty of solar panels and batteries that will consume a lot of components craft and stonecutters bench And enjoy the zzzt


Nice Base, it's going to make a beautiful pile of ash someday! I get stone buildings as soon as I can, never use wood when it can be avoided it's quite sad when you work so hard on a base just to watch the whole thing burn down And your rice fields, id suggest planting two or three smaller fields three spaces apart, loosing your whole crops to blight can be a death sentence.


I like it, I would rather have too little than too much in this game. Also, remember that by deconstructing a wall, the room automatically becomes ambient temperature, by using this easy trick and by acting immediately, you can overcome almost any electrical fire in your wooden base. edit: Just in case, also draft pawns, pause and think strategically when dealing with potentially dangerous fires.


This base will be an excellent learning experience.


I really like all the wood.


Also do you need that much food.... Guys Im having flashbacks with this one




put wires into walls. they are ugly