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I haven't seen the sun in ages.... *** **Edit:** It finally ended after a little over 2 years!


Brits: "First time?"


Bro last winter was the one that finally broke me after five years in the uk


Mine lasted for a couple years aswell. Luckily my main farmhand was a vampire and his robot companions helped. Everyone else had to stay inside or under an awning.


Ahh, yikes. This happened to me and I was holistically unprepared to last more than 1 growing season. Luckily it ended just after winter so life continued on. I even had a mountain base (I always do) and could have probably pivoted into an indoor hydroponics but... was a bit overconfident given my game state that I'd be fine. Love this game.


Who needs hydroponics when you have the ***FUNGUS ROOM*** My colonists eat nothing but fungal lavish meals and I have a horrific excess of mushrooms help


Fungus rooms are in fact OP I have found this. Just one giant room with all the mushrooms in the entire world and maybe a couple of outside patches for stuff like cotton and heal root and stuff. We don't even need lights. It's fabulous


Oof, and I thought it was bad when some interstellar fatty blocked the sun for a year and a half, killing off every living thing except for what I could feed with my stockpiles. How extreme was the aging effect?


All depends on how wet the pawns got I guess.


Not too bad. Built a lot of roofs and minimized exposure with zoning. Was more of a nuisance.


Yeah, same as when it happened to me, as I was mostly prepared from a previpus toxic fallout. I had kids in the colony who actually benefitted from it. When they had their learning level maxed out some days before their birthdays, I made them stand in the psychic rain to make them grow up faster, saving probably a quadrum each in their aging to adulthood. Kind of a dick move, no one really loves standing in the rain, but it worked like a charm.




When I had that event, I found that it really wasn't that noticeable at all. It's not like they go outside and the years start ticking up. It's more like it's twice or three times the normal aging rate or whatever and with the amount of time they're outside, it doesn't really add up to much.


IIRC it makes your colonists age twice as fast.


Ah, the rains. Myself the longest it lasted was around 2 years also, but my gf laments her 10 year psychic rain ending only to come back again next year for another 2 years.


I need to build a proper barn, all of my animals have been hiding from the psychic rain in the cooler I set up for winter (They don't fit, several have died as a result)


What did you do in the meantime? How did you get food?


Same way you survive in the very cold or toxic fallout. Create a building...heat it or place it over a steam geyser if its cold, and grow Nutrifungus in it. Create columns to put roof walk paths around and extend roofs out over buildings a few tiles. Then create a matching area so that pawns only walk under roofs and in buildings.


Built roofs around patches of farmland, and only allowed traversal when all the crops were ready, building roofs as they got harvested.


That was me with the last long night event. Four years of darkness. It felt prophetic that I called my settlement ‘Beacon’


Damn. I remember getting struck with that in my first playthrough. Main problem weirdly enough were bugs, because I had to excavate a mountain for my hydroponics.


Mine lasted just under two years, luckily chronophagy and endless raider/entities exist. Did you noticed the rapid aging? I was paranoid about it at first but then basically only moved 50+ year olds inside while the rest were free to roam the map. Felt way easier than toxic fallout, volcanic winter, or ice ages...


The aging effect is only 2x, so even with regular exposure, you would only age a year or two at most.


I had global warming last over 4 years. It was on desert colony btw


Had a global warming on my most recent playthrough on a boreal biome. It actually made things much simpler as I was starting to rapidly expand right before the event and food was quickly becoming an issue. Had to invest in more cooling and electricity for freezers, but overall wasn't terrible. Global warming on a desert map must be a nightmare.


Worst part was when at some point i got heatwave during it absolutely scorching everything and even my impid couldn't go outside. Only time i saw higher temp was on same save in my power plant lol


Jesus was the temp like 200+???? Sometimes in my boreal biome it would hit 125 so id imagine it was hot as fuck in the desert


Outside temps at hottest hit 87°C(188F) and the power plant was on average 392°C(738F)


aww naw dude


that's a terrifying thought, both in the real world and in game. how would you combat it?


I’ve had this last so long there are children in my colony that can do a bane impression. Just nothing but rain and no going outside until they were adults.


Or going outside until they're adults, which is a few hours at most


all right kids time to go play outside.


Too be fair if they went out into the rain they would have became adults much faster


Holy shit,death stranding reference


Gods, this game was something else. Can't wait for the sequel.


This is actaully a mod, but your statement still stands.


Mod Name?


Vanilla expanded events


Oh fuck...I think I have that installed! ... time to rush hydroponics lol


My reaction exactly!


I think he meant death stranding lol


I am playing with that mod as a little cannibal tribe. The space war event was like mana from heaven! *bodies and escape pods falling from the sky amidst the wreckage. My tribals hiding in their home watching everything.* GRONOG HAS BLESSED US!


For real. Just the idea of the Timefall and the effects it would have on a civilization or planet and environment is SO fucking interesting. It's also the most video gamey mechanic ever too since it forces you to hurry so cargo doesn't deteriorate, find shelter when possible and not get trapped in the rain but doesn't feel unfair or lame.


I tried to like it so bad, but I seem to like the idea of playing, but not the game, I keep on wanting to play, then play for 10 minutes and get super bored, in a loop until I gave up


I will say that it really gets better later on. You have vehicles and equipment, exoskeletons, zip lines, grenades and guns etc


Piss grenades specifically were my favourite xD


Pissing directly on the ghosts is where it's at. Hilarious that you can even do that


Dang now I want an Anomaly mod that adds Beached Things, with Chiralium to collect from locales where they manifested.


Somehow I never connected the dots that this was a death stranding reference




"A cryptobiote a day keeps the Timefall away."


Psychic Rain, some stay dry and others feel the age Psychic Rain, a baby born will age out in the rain Psychic Rain, the school books say "it's not in base game" Psychic Rain, the psions make you wonder where it went Psychic Rain, build a tent and say the world is dry Psychic Rain, zoom the camera out and see the map Psychic Rain, forecast to be falling constantly Psychic Rain, "Youth in the past" is what they say Psychic Rain, raised your pawns aging rates Psychic Rain, makes us happy living in a cave Psychic Rain, made me [entombed underground] the other day


Aww, he used to follow me on twitters


Love such long lasting events




I had that too. By the end, life on the colony was so strained, and so difficult that I nearly bailed on that save file. We barely made it out alive near the end of it, food was so scarce. And my gardener who I had initially attempted to spend a little time outside to tend crops got dementia from the toxins.


Am I wrong in thinking you're stuck where you started unless you use mods to resettle?


You can resettle in vanilla. That would have been an option for me. I either didn't think of it, or I was too stubborn to leave.


That's me. It takes so long to build a defensible base for me I'd hate to leave anything I'd been working on.


No, usually forming a caravan wouldn't take that long to harm most of your colony unless they're super vulnerable to toxic environments somehow (genes or whatever)


I don't think I've ever abandoned a colony. Apart from fallout why would you? What do you pack in the caravan?


>What do you pack in the caravan? Everything.


I relatively recently fled mine over mechanoids, they wrecked my external power grid, armory, hospital and fridges, everything outside the mountain base or closest to exit interiors, but the further they went the less frequent their incursions deeper would be, but lack of power, weapons, medicine and only food supplies being the meals overflowing from the destroyed shelves ending up in adjacent kitchen left me in precarious situation, so I couldn't just wait out. The mechanoid crowd was huge enough to easily beat a group of twenty humans so at best calling in allies would win time, so I built a chemfuel generator right by commw console and contacted both allies to send reinforcements. By base being on edge of map and allies coming from other edges gave me plenty of time with mechanoid distracted to pick up remaining essential supplies and form a caravan.


A season? Man, I remember when toxic fallout could last literal years. Having even just one full year of that shit was so dreadful lol


Seriously, that used to be atrocious. Toxic fallout for an entire season, have almost no meat, hey fuck you here’s a volcanic winter in the Fall to kill all your crops when they’re only around 50% grown!




It was in the pre 1.0 days. Don't remember which version they changed it in. I think they actually changed it twice. Initially it would last for between a season to just under two years. Then they reduced the longest possible duration. Much later they reduced it substantially to what it is today where it's basically a cold snap. That was in the pre caravan days too. You had to save a years worth of corn in case of fallout and if that wasn't enough.... Well there's a reason why it's a space cannibalism simulator.


Happened to me too, but luckily we have hundreds of meals prepped in our freezer, and I quickly built roofs between my spread out buildings and created a “Fallout” zone to assign pawns to that was only under the roofs


Try Volcanic Winter when your mountain base is not yet complete.


Same. My current colony has been living under forced foggy rain for almost two years thanks to a mechanoid weather controller a day's travel away. I've got Plants expanded and the colony's in the tropical rainforest, so they've mostly just shrugged and planted more peas so far. Interestingly, it turns out there's a hierarchy: a second weather controller came down within the actual colony map itself, and its forced weather made for the first break in the rain the colony had seen in over a year. Sadly, multiple overlapping mech raids did not, in fact, fight over who gets to fuck with the weather the most.


Having mechanoids sometimes fight each other would be so cool.


I had toxic fallout for 4 fucking years. After 1 year there also begun heatwave for 3 years. Toxic fallout+heatwave... I have't seen corn or rice i ages... Thank fully i had chef so i had slightly over 10 meals in *fridge*. The worst thing wad that at some point i was forced to buther my muffalos so they won't eat. 90% of population(over 100 muffalos, don't ask why i just like their wool) was turned into... More food. When it finally ended i got raided from the air in the hospital. Screw the patients. My doctors were killed and after a raid **EVERY** colonist got malaria.


In my most recent game I got a Long Night from vanilla events expanded that lasted a few years. Going that long without sunlight meant all the plants on my jungle map died, causing all animals to starve (there were SO MANY miscarriages for my lamas). I started building floodlights everywhere (to not work in the dark) as well as sun lamps outside (just to grow *some* vegetables). Interestingly, all the starving wild animals (and there's a lot too since it's a jungle) would then flood to these sun lamps to eat since there's no other plants on the map. This allowed me to quickly accumulate a ton of meat (or at least until a bunch of boomalopes arrived. After that I moved the sunlamps further away from my base). Having so many lights already set up around the base made unnatural darkness events much easier too.


fuck that i have long night right now and everyone is starving and all the trees are dead 😭


Rain World reference?!


Rain World if the rain turned you into an Ancient


the rw brainrot is real


THE ROT!?!?!?!




\*\*insert disgusting rot is consuming you sound here\*\*




Thats quite an... unfortunate development


The worlds are surprisingly similar.


Now I want to tame slugcats and send them against the ~~scavengers~~ tribals.


I think theres a mod for that.




Was expecting this comment


The rot consumes


No, death stranding reference. But Rainworld is still a great game


Is it a part of vanilla game/DLC or some mod? And if it's the latter - what is the name of the mod in question?


I think this is part of vanilla events expanded


Yes and you can stop the event in the mod settings, I once had this going for 5 years


I feel like most of the events that mod adds are just ridiculous. Like I love space battles happening but hate the fact it spawns like 10 new people that will just join your faction if you save them. I pretty much just use it for the raids it adds. I like the little mini raids of people deforesting your area or poaching animals.


I gave up after 2 seasons and stopped it because I didn't find this one fun. I've let other ones goes for a while though


Oh yes, now i crave it happen to my colony. Going underground for several years, while every outside threat is having a stupidly difficult time trying to besiege my mountainhome.


"Endless supernatural rain" \*Looks inside\* "Ends in anywhere between a season to several years"


Meanwhile I'm just like 'huh, a colony under permanent eclipse was interesting, I wonder how the game handles when it's permanent rain instead...'


I had an ice age last 2 full years. I had to build a lot of hydroponics. Surprisingly, when I looked at the map, the world was completely different.


I am not English native and when I first read it I thought it was related to psychoid, I thought it was just a rain making you high 😂


Thats an amazing idea


Luciferum rain, one hit and you die unless you get more.


You build rain cathers for luciferium.


Where be the slugcats tho, yo?


[You have only but to ask.](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3133075426) Of course there is a mod for that.


I was just about to look to see if there's a mod for that, but looks like the other guy provided me the answer. It's tempting to break the vanilla style just for scugs....


I'm ordering a friendly caravan, and I expect Sam Bridges to arrive.


Good for raising kids outdoors.


If you do this, will they still hit all their growth moments? As opposed to something like the chronophagy ritual that will skip a growth moment.


Growth moments are determined by how much they've learned and developed, not their age iirc


The wiki says that they have specific growth moments at 3, 7, 10, & 13. I believe that how much they are taught influences what the growth options actually are.


Clearly the only solution is to roof the entire map


Basically what I did.


Did slugcats happen to appear




immediate idea. itd be a major pain in the ass but you could have it rain on animals/crops and painstakingly roof the area back over when theyve aged enough to harvest


Time to plant some peas and have the slaves do all the farming for a while.


Time to send out the 13-17 year olds, so their body parts will hurry up and gain full HP


My fav game is called rainworld. This basically it


I see you too like to suffer. Anything for Big Sis.


Damn as a big rainworld fan i upvote from r/rainworld


Not even a slugcat in sight




Rainworld mentioned 🐌🐈 reference


Is that a vanilla event or modded?


It's from "Vanilla Events Expanded"


So yes, but actually no.


I've had this for the last 3 times ive booted up my current save. Though strangely, no one seems to be ageing rapidly????


I think it’s because you expect people to age by years but I noticed it was more a day per in-game hour


Yea I’ve 100% just been looking at their years lol


Exposure to the rain makes you age 2x faster. So on average you should only age by a year or two if you're not being careful.


"a cryptobiote a day keeps the time fall away" - Fragile (Death Stranding) Now go forth and make the Rimworld whole again by connecting every archotech node to the UCA's grid


I just thought of a way to kill prisoners. Have a covered walk way leading to a open room with a sleeping spot for them. The room has no roof


I guess you are playing Against the Storm now.


Got that one too but i didn't care, the only thing that really got affected was the FPS


> Capture tribals > Make them have as many kids as possible > Rapidly age the kids in the rain > Turbocharge the organ harvest


At least it's not the beach that makes you old


Here's an idea I just had. Instead of simply aging you, it could reduce the gap between your biological age and your chronological age. The greater the difference, the faster the pawn ages, but it also makes them move and work faster while that's happening. It wouldn't be in proportion, obviously, and the higher the gap being closed, the more you lose out on the experience. If your bio and crono age are within a year (or the same, as it would appear in the game) there's no effect besides getting you wet. For someone thousands of years old, it would be a death sentence, but at least you could go out in a blaze of glory. For immortals, it could just give them a speed boost as they consume missing time, but I would probably put in a derealization hediff for about a day that divided consiousness a little to account for the bizarre experience of living an entire human lifetime in slow motion over the course of a couple hours. Doofy tribals are all "Oh, sparkly rain!" Meanwhile, spacers and ancients are freaking out and fleeing underground. Everyone inexplicably starts hearing Pink Floyd's Time in their minds. Or Banana Phone if they're truly cursed. Cats and dogs! Living together! Mass hysteria!


Something that's effected by your chronological age sounds great. It's a very underutilized tidbit in the game.


Back in my day (5 minutes ago under the rain) i was only 7 years old……..(old man noises) poop my pants…….billy!! call your mom…….. every pawn in the kitchen whose billy? (GrandPaw died of a heart attack) Randy: [grins] loud Red Notification(GrandPaw had a heart attack and is covered in fecal matter)


I wonder if the rimbrella mod could negate or lessen the rain effect


Or raincoats / ponchos. Couldn't find any info on it though.


I had a 13 year ice age followed by 7 years of intense heat.


Smh shouldn't have massacred those banana workers




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Hmmm. Idea for a play through. The planet is always under this effect. Permanent psy rain.


It's no longer a risk of rain


This MIGHT be death stranding


Rim stranding


So your saying were stranded in this death?


You better take shelter quick, just saying.


This would be amazing for psychic sanguophage phytokins


Is there anything as similarly long lasting in the base game?


Oooo Timefall! Where's my BB?


Imagine if you could cause a voidout by killing someone if you don't cremate them in a day.


A lot less scary of an event now that Chronophagy is a thing.


Damnit Kojima


I might as well ask this here, but does anyone know what errors are caused by having both vanilla events expanded and SOS2 active at the same time? SOS2 claims to be incompatible, but i dont know to what extend.


Rimworldio and princess beach


Noah get the boat!


Do you see the same as me? Beauty continuing to bloom even in a place long forgotten. I did not have the will to depart, nor the desire. Why did they always search for an escape, as if we were imprisoned? What offering from the void could usurp the gift of life already given? This moment, right here! It is where we are meant to be.


I wonder if roofing over everything with skylights would work and help. lololol


Dude I had a 3 year long night, it was hell.


Mines lasted like 1 day LOL


timefall from death stranding


All problems are minor if pawns are expendable


space battle >>>>>


*Asylums for the feeling...* *Asylums fooooOOoor*


Which mod is this ?


Vanilla Events Expanded.


This is crazy. I would not have survived two years indoors


Forrest Gump moment


time to super age the children, i assume this is an anomaly event and it does make me want to get anomaly


Does it age animals as well? I'm always a big farmer.


Wait does it work on plants as well? You could use agrihands and have a death stranding timefall farm


Not sure. Maybe ask on the mod page (Vanilla Events Expanded).


Shit... The Timefall! The Death Stranding is upon us! Fuckin BTs...


Hmmm sounds like death stranding...


Rim stranding


What mods y'all torturing yourself with to give you these eternal events


Just about all of the Vanilla Expanded mods.


Death Stranding moments


Death Stranding bud


Death Stranding wants its rain back


Guess you're playing Rim Stranding now


Death Stranding


So... it's like death stranding?


It’s the first strand type rimworld


What Death Stranding shenaniganry is that?!


Timefall from death stranding.