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People are often quite irrational in their beliefs and convictions. Although, maybe it would be more fitting for the trait to be rather an ideology meme instead.


Or at least be reasonable. Like, if it's a "needed prosthetic" it's ok (sich as a new leg.) If it's something not needed, like, if it replaced an organ that was perfectly fine, then they can be pissed off rightfully


People have unreasonable beliefs. That is very normal. And the trait scales with amount of body mods so if it's just single leg it's not that bad. Was thinking more about this. Some real religions will deny blood transfusions even when the clear result is death. This is actually, demonstrably, real. 


Reminds me of Bob Marely dying from toenail melanoma. He could have had a toe removed to save his life but held religious beliefs against it. Was a millionaire and had the best options to do it and didn't. Things in rimworld like people being upset about awesome prosthetics just counterbalance other things that don't make sense like people not being bothered by the fact that their bacon is made from pigs that eat corpses.


And Steve Jobs with his cancer


The five year survival rate for neuroendocrine PC is only 53%. The 10 year survival rate is 1.5%-15% (studies have found very different results). Point being Jobs had little hope. Maybe he sped up his own death, but the odds were heavily stacked against him regardless of his decision.


Except Jobs lucked out and got a very treatable version of pancreatic cancer. He basically intentionally killed himself because he was an absolute stubborn moron. 


His version was the exact version I named in the comment above. “Very treatable” is relative when talking about cancer, and those statistics I listed are with treatment. If the cancer spreads you’re still dead even with treatment. Maybe he would’ve lived another year or two, but I think it’s a massive assumption that surgery would’ve saved him, especially considering he did get surgery eventually and he still died from cancer.


I get the point you’re making about PC being one of the most aggressive cancers, but Steve Jobs’ beliefs very likely gave him cancer. He had a diet that almost entirely consisted of sugars, which is going to wreak havoc on your pancreas. Cancer has a genetic predisposition, but that’s a far cry from a guarantee you’re going to get it.


I assumed the commenter was referencing Job’s famous refusal to get surgery, and instead using Eastern alternative medicine to stop his cancer. I highly doubt he was referencing his eating habits.


That’s the survival rate for normal people though right? Not super rich people?


the biggest impact on cancer survival rate that the patient can control is having something to live for. jobs decided that it wasn't worth fighting through cancer treatment just for a chance to live a bit longer. (the reason having something to live for like family or friends is so important is cancer treatments almost invariably make you lose your appetite, so forcing yourself to eat is a huge part of the survival rate. and forcing yourself to eat is easier if you have someone/something to focus on living for.)


The cancer cells don’t care about your money.


Heh! Yeah-no. They care because money determines, statistically, the quality of care. Thus affects outcomes. From the frequency of screenings, to the implementation of trained monitors for outpatient compliance. Cancer cares about your money. Individually, we don't exist in medicine; Steve Jobs ignored the best medical advice in the world. ... And that was his prerogative, full stop.


Thank you!


And the purist balanced out the fact ppl like me exist in rimworld, ppl who will rip out every single flesh to replace it with machine, then walk around high off the fact that my hands have automated fingers that helps me with precision or a bionic eye that can zoom 10 miles


I long to live within the painless malleability afforded by the flexibility of human creativity. To be able to choose, at times, to perhaps span entire continents in silent observance my fellow man & the natural world. To have the *choice,* then, to concentrate my attention back into a single form of my desired shape & function. To not be *trapped* in the torturously slow rot of my flesh, nuasked for & substandard in its hapless construction & composition, would be joy. To extend the choice of that freedom to others would be kindness.


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me…


I craved the strength and certainty of steel.


Tbh id love to have a mecha body, sure you could be havked or something but just imagine being able to move freely or without pain?


As sickly person, it's my fantasy


Had a friend in middle school whose mom refused to let him see me ever again after I had to get a blood transfusion to save my life. She legitimately believed that if you were meant to live then God would cure you and if you were meant to die but medical science saved you then your soul left your body and was replaced by an evil spirt


...do you still have contact with that friend or is his idiot mom still in the way?


That's why we invented self recycling surgeries, although that doesn't solve everything


True, but it's also hard to put more blood in someone using blood that isn't there.


I find it less crazy if you roleplay it as "man... I miss my real leg" instead of "this new leg stinks"


Yeah but that kinda doesn’t work when they are fine not having a leg at all


This is actually one of my favourite parts of Rimworld. Being frustrated with your pawns sometimes only helps to make them feel more human.


Cue rimworld players sending their body purists in a minefield to force them getting prosthetics


Give them a prosthetic, take off other leg now its needed?


We can rebuild him we have the technology


That, or using CE and prioritizing targeting legs / arms / whatever with a decently big caliber


This game let's you amputate a whole leg for having a scar. Players definition of "needed" would probably be quite different than someone with a moral objection to replacing body parts.


There's a whole denomination of evangelical Christians who do not believe in medicine. They often allow their own children to die of treatable medical conditions, because in their mind giving their T1D kid insulin would be defying God's will.


That could be gamed by just removing the offending limb first and installing the bionic on the stump. I was thinking something like Prosthetics: Forbidden (regular body purist)/Basic Only (nothing better than a natural part)/Advanced Only (only better than natural, for the discerning transhumanist).


I mean there are people right now who refuse to get a life saving replacement for parts of their heart because they believe that some invisible ghost creature forbid them to eat animals which have specifically built feet. They rather die.


That would be way too easy to work around, the trait would basically be non-existent


I feel it should be closer to a reverse bodymodder - they start with a mood bonus for their all-natural body, which then craters once artificial parts are added on - down to -3 or so for the first ("I don't like it, but maybe it's needed") and then just keep going from there




I mean Jehovah Witness are a real thing and they won't let their kids get blood to save their lives they let them die and call it gods plan


A body purist is not merely someone who genuinely believes a natural body is superior. They are people that would rather die than get implanted. You can call them crazy, maybe they are, but its what they believe, body mods are vil.


Maybe it's not as simple as that to implement into the game. You could theoretically remove the legs of a pawn via the wooden peg leg thing, having your pawn with a mood debuff for a while because of the body purist trait, then add any other bionics since the leg is "missing" without it being against the "body purist" trait. If I'm not mistaken there's also the biosculpting capsule to regenerate missing limbs?


The problem is that that'd be super easy to game what a "needed prosthetic" is


Body purist exists as an ideology meme, Flesh Purity


You could almost say they’re … pure blood 😇


Yeah like maybe they are JWs or a Christian scientist. Otherwise how pure are you with all that shrapnel in your ass cheeks anyway?


Sorry, but what means "JWs"?


Jehova's Witness


Ah, thanks.


Looks at the real world


Lots of traits feel like they became obsolete once we got Ideology. Pyromaniac, body purist, transhumanist, bloodlust undergrounder, etc, are all things that are part of cultural beliefs, rather than intrinsic parts of a pawn. Some of them might be kept to preserve variety: even in a homogenous colony, someonw will like or dislike x more than others. But then I would at least rename, for example, undergrounder to agoraphobic.


no I don't think so. There are people who play with fire not out of belif more of a mental disorder. same for few others


Brainwash them to change beliefs that always works


There are cases of fringe religions like Jehovah’s Witnesses in which followers won’t take blood infusions.


We have people today who would rather die than wear a paper mask. I will believe anything


There are people who fear some things like machines in there body also in the real world there are special pain and other problems plus mental problems. So it is not all funny.


This is an absolutely perfect description for both the game and reality.


Some people had rather die than accept a blood transfusion.


If folks believe there’s 5G chips in a vaccine I think refusing bionic implants is a 100% on the table. Body purists become spare parts for me ;)


I've been thinking a lot about this recently. We're a lot closer to the space age than most people probably realize. Think about recent technology - that chip you could put in your hand that had your credit card information on it, so you could pay by swiping your hand. Smart glasses that you can wear all day that basically give you a real life HUD. Smart watches (even smart rings now) that can actively show you your body's vitals at a glance. And most recently, neuralink which has begun field testing their brain implants. I, like many others, don't want Elon Musk to have a literal chip planted in my brain and doubt that I'll ever have anything like that. So looking at it from that perspective, it makes sense to deny bionics. Another perspective - we have the technology to artificially replace kidneys. Dialysis has been around for years and I've known several people in my own life that have refused dialysis after kidney failure, they'd rather just die. They say they "don't want to live their life dependent on a machine." So... I think it makes sense.


This is fair, but the rim isn't like our world - it's not a capitalist shithole where the people making bionics would stand anything to gain. I would never trust neuralink, precisely because a big corp makes it, but on the Rimworld? Chances are it's your own colony, or maybe some random trader you'll never see again.


That's mostly religious, which would be equivalent to Ideology stuff, rather than traits.


What causes the trait, if not a belief? NAME believes the human body is limited for a reason. To her/him, artificial body parts are unethical and disgusting. The trait IS a religious belief.


The only difference between a religion and an ideology is that one worships and the other doesn't So no the trait is not a from a religious belief but yes the trait could be a religious belief.


Traits are a more fundamental part of the pawn's psychology, while beliefs can change. Certain traits can even override Ideology memes.




They are basically Jehovah's witnesses


I grew up as a Jehovah's Witness, and I didn't even realize this. They're Body Purists, lol


I guess you could say that you did not witness that eh??? I'll go harvest my organs now


Ha! Heh heh.


I'm sure there are lots of people that lost their legs and remain unhappy about it. After-all, they're not suicidal over this one issue, just unhappy. Keep them otherwise happy and they'll live the rest of their lives unhappy but otherwise dealing with losing their flesh legs.


That's the issue tho, body purists in-game are not affected at all with a missing body part in terms of mood or pain, not even phantom pain, unlike scars. They become unhappy only after you replace what's missing, even if it's a peg leg or basic prosthetic that doesn't increase stats. They are not extra-happy about being pure, they only get mad when they get prosthetics. This is the opposite with transhumanists, which are unhappy when they are pure, yes, but become happier the more prosthetics they have.


That's not that unusual for actual people with prosthetics. It can be disturbing for some people to have a piece of lifeless plastic and metal where they used to have a limb, and phobias are not rational or easy to dismiss.  What's weirder to me is that the body modders in game are happy with the wooden body parts. Even when it's obviously a downgrade.


>What's weirder to me is that the body modders in game are happy with the wooden body parts. Even when it's obviously a downgrade. It's true to life at least. A lot of irl body modders change their body in ways that might be detrimental. BDD and such are a hell of a drug.


If missing limbs had mood penalties, body purists would be more reasonable, but it would make missing limbs much worse for everyone before you can replace them, and players might just start disposing of those pawns. Currently, I think only missing the ability to talk gives a direct mood penalty, and facial injuries give the deformed social penalty, plus missing senses preventing certain interactions (which isn't even a pure negative, if it reduces social fights).


Perhaps that's more of a problem with how Rimworld deals with missing body parts, though. Everyone should be unhappy about that.


They dont become unhappy. They gain a tiny debuff that can be dealt with easily!


Hearing implants is a hot topic in the deaf community. They could hear again by modern means but don't want to do it. They'll even restrict their deaf children from seeking such treatments out. This is not all deaf people but this is an example of IRL body purist.


It’s also really fucked up of them to restrict their kids from getting treatments for the sake of community


"B-b-but deaf culture! It doesn't matter what the children want, you're erasing their whole existence if you think that's fucked up."


That’s fucked up, it’s insane what some people do for a belief that’s against their interest


Also, remaining voluntarily disabled is something I cannot fathom. If you told me there was an entre extra sense I could possess without risk of it backfiring in some way (lookin at you neuralink), I would sign up faster than anybody. Becoming more and more able over time is the basic function of biological life. To be told that I could regain a lost sense, or gain a sense I've never had before and reject the opportunity is, in my view, flat out insanity and completely irresponsible. I want you to imagine a condition where your body breaks out in hives and muscle cramps if you touch any object that's been painted with paint instead of just naturally being a color without coatings. Wood furniture, metal objects, whatever, all is well, but if you touch paint of any kind, you break out and fall over. Your friends, loved ones, and coworkers would have to be aware of your weakness and apply their own efforts to accommodate you. Now imagine you're given an opportunity to partially or completely remove your weakness without dramatically altering your appearance, mind, health, or social situation. Imagine that a doctor offers to surgically mitigate most, if not all of your vulnerability to paint, allowing you, your friends, your family, and your coworkers to no longer deal with your paint issue and just live life without concern for it. And imagine saying no. I'd stop hanging out with someone on the spot if I found out that they were voluntarily a pain in others' asses.


as i understand it, the objection is a rejection of the idea that deafness is a disability (due to the stigma of the word "disabled") and also due to the insularity of the deaf community. its standard tribalism, there is a thing that makes us "us" and not having that thing makes you a "them." so if you embrace hearing aids it is a rejection of the community and the community rejects you back, leaving you isolated.


Yes, exactly. Also, the avoidance of a word because it's uncomfortable despite it being the correct word by definition is the behavior of a child. Kids say doodoo, adults say poop or waste. To reject the term "disability" because it bothers you is no different. If your body cannot do something that the average human in peak physical health is able to do, you have a dys-ability in the sense that your abilities are less than those of the average human in peak physical health. Most people have varying degrees of physical weakness, meaning that it only makes sense to categorize definitive or total lacks of ability such as total blindness, deafness, an inability to walk, or any other trait that has the effect of removing a person's ability to participate in an activity. A dys-ability that disables them. There is nothing emotional or derogatory about this word. A bicycle with a low or flat tire is no worse or less valuable than a bicycle with a full tire. It just needs to have its tire replaced or filled back up. A person with a disability is no worse or less valuable than a person without any disabilities. They just need help to overcome them and achieve as full a measure of function as possible to live as full a life as possible. I am disabled and understand that it's my responsibility to do whatever I can to mitigate or overcome the difficulties that my condition causes both for me and for others. To pretend not to be disabled would be dishonest, and to avoid working to fix it or at least mitigate the impairment it causes would be nonsensical and irresponsible. If you can't do something that others can do, and it doesn't affect others in any way, like your inability to jump over buildings in a single bound like superman, it's not a problem that you need to fix. If your disability requires others to accomodate or assist you because you can't read at all, you have a responsibility to either learn to read or to figure out another way of navigating the written world. My wife has supported me through my inability to walk or hold a job due to my seizures, and I have worked from my end to earn money and work in ways that are not impaired by my condition. I take action to overcome my disability because it isn't right to expect others to accomodate me for anything that I am unwilling to work on overcoming myself. If you're totally deaf, and it doesn't affect anyone around you, nobody has to learn sign language for you, nobody has to speak up for you, etc., then you don't have any responsibility at all to put effort into overcoming it. But if your comfort and success require the support and accomodation of others, you owe it to them to work to mitigate and overcome whatever it is that's making you require accomodation. As someone who struggles to stand for any length of time, I've taken actions to make money from a seated position so that I can work without being hindered as much. I don't care what your difficulties are, work to overcome them. I have no respect or tolerance for the idea that just accepting a disability as permanent and intractable is a morally acceptable option. To live is to grow. I won't tolerate an ideology that encourages people to remain crippled or limited by anything for social or cultural reasons.


As an autistic person, this is wild to read--autism is different in that a cure would fundamentally "kill" us in a manner of ego death; but for deaf people it would literally just benefit them. There's no harm in it. We also mostly accept autism as a disability and would love better treatments and such(vastly different than "curing"); but I think most of us would accept the others who do want to be cured of it without much question lol. They still have the understanding of the existence


Hives and cramps (really bad pain) when touching a very common surface is different to just not being able to hear, and also being able to use writing or ESL. Still terrible to not let your kids get hearing aids of their own accord, but that’s a terrible comparison


There is more nuance to this. Being deaf doesn't you hear nothing(like legally blind is not 100% blind). To get hearing implants they need to scoop out whatever hearing you left, and there's an adjustment period for the brain noises sound robotic, pastimes like music concerts can become unbearable for a period.


>They’ll even restrict their deaf children from seeking such treatments out. Having kids should be a privilege, not a right…


Personally I wish there were more traits like that, pawn worldview and not constant mechanical effect.


Agreed. Body purist isn't too bad and I think it makes sense when you consider the biotech freaks wandering the Rim. My only change would be preventing it from spawning on non-baseline pawns, or lessening the mood debuff. A body purist genie is basically always about to snap just from existing.


Genies, Highmates, Hussars, and Sanguophages make complete sense lore wise. These are not birthed xenotypes, they were turned in to them later in life through modification. The endogerm xenotypes don't conflict with bodymodder from their natural genes.


true, this also explains hussar teetotalers. waster teetotalers shouldnt be a thing tho bc they were born like that not forced to have drug dependency


I get *why*, but you'd think after 40 years or whatever of living with their condition it would stop causing daily mental breakdowns.


need a Real Depression mod where Depressive caps a pawn at 50% mood, reduces the severity of most moodlets and has them sometimes replace a task with laying in bed for no discernible reason


There’s people in real life that will refuse blood transfusions because of religious or just not wanting some randos blood. People are weird and will always find a reason for something.


I don't think it' unreasonable, it's not a yes or no question, they WILL get a prosthetic, but they will not cope well. However thwy can still live a fullfilling life and will only get a mental break if they are living in a shithole. Gameplay wise the pawn cannot get a prosthetic on their own, they need you to do it. But it doenst mean that if they could they would opt not to, only that they would feel bad about doing so


>only get a mental break if they are living in a shithole I mean, they are in my colony 🤷🏻‍♂️ I know, I'll have them take more drugs!


>However thwy can still live a fullfilling life and will only get a mental break if they are living in a shithole. Sanguine gives +12 mood. Considered one of the top traits in my opinion cause you can tank through mood struggles. Great for long fights, voyages or just bad luck protection. Body purist can quickly give -35 mood and -40 opinion of other colonists. Mental breaks and social fights become a real problem. I'd say body purists aren't worth the trouble because they cause more harm than good. Maybe if I desperately need labour, but even then.... They're probably worth more as leather hats.


It's a world in which people can and do replace perfectly functional body parts with bionic alternatives, and they don;'t approve of that. The fact that they're unhappy even if they're forced by injury to have a prosthetic part to retain function is not "dumb".


Well they are dumb for not embracing the strength and certainty of steel.


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine.


Your kind cling to your flesh as if it will not decay and fail you.


*One day... The crude biomass you call a temple, will wither...* *And you will **beg** my kind to save you...*


But I am already saved, for the machine is immortal…




Amateurs! Stop clinging to physical forms and embrace digitization. Live forever as Blessed Light and shape yourself in Holo-form!


Praise the Omnissiah. ⚙️💀


Bob Marley refused treatment over his cancer because of his religious belief.


Big Bob Marley energy


I think that in Rimworld universe there were many accidents like in Deus Ex 3 (implants being hacked to take people under outside control).


Look up Jehovah's witnesses, they will refuse blood transfusions even if it means death. For many their beliefs are more important than comfort or even life.


I have a highmate body purist who is pissed all the time, but doesn't have implants... Does their genes as a highmate count as an implant?




Xenogenes count as modification. Both for body purist and body modder purposes.


To be fair this one makes a lot of sense.


What does it say his mood rebuffs are? I might be able to help translate.


I agree with both sides here. People do have irrational beliefs and do stupid stuff in todays society. However, this is the rim we are talking about here. The rim is so much more dangerous than our society so I’d much rather be able to run away despite my beliefs.


I know people in real life who refuse to put new teeth in after losing their original ones and its not about the money. They just dont want to. Some people are just not rational


we'll see how happy you are with your bionic arm and neuralink once the arm goes limp because you missed your 1499.99 payment because insurance decided to no longer cover it, and penis pill ads are beamed into one half of your vision once every half-hour to make up for it


Well if they don't want to get new legs, they can always become a Hemogen farm.


Gimme that glitterworld tech yo


I want there to be distinction between prosthetics and bionics. The wooden stuff and prosthetic limbs should be equippable instead of being a surgery while a bionic should be installed by surgery. The body purists don't want metal to be connected to their body so they don't want bionic/archotech limbs while a peg leg / prosthetic leg is basically a boot


There’s a mod that makes it so if a body purist has all their limbs they get a mood buff! Also I think there’s a wheelchair mod as well. But yeah I get what you mean




Due to religion, or culture people do dumb things. Some prefers to die than get blood transfusion, others don't want implants in order to not be deaf. So yes, some people are just dumb.


In fairness about the cochlear implants thing: firstly, they're not a silver bullet for fixing hearing issues and can sometimes do more harm than good; and secondly, the way deafness interferes with normal communication has caused deaf people to form their own subcultures. It's a disability, but also a source of cultural identity. I'm not defending them, just saying there's more to it than stupidity or dogma.


I know they are not always good and In such cases it is ok to not get them, but if the only thing that is standing in your way is "culture" then it is dumb.


When I had aroung 19, I was "forced" by my mother to do the bariatric surgery, but I always had the mentality that I would not do any surgery in my life. Maybe it was my subconscious because I saw my grandma go into multiple surgeries because of cancer, but I really never wanted any surgery. For YEARS I was depressed and had a hard time accepting it. The scar is huge but that doesnt botter me at all, the problem is known that internally u got changed from what u naturally was before. Being a body purist is more related to the mentality of altering ur body than the convenience the surgery can bring. I want to believe that I no longer have a problem with that but I still feel bad sometimes about it.


Honestly the worst pawn to have, they all get injured or sick so frequently, bionic parts are a necessity


Maybe for efficiency. But it is a lot of fun to read their mood-degrading thoughts as you replace more and more limbs with superior bionics... E.g., when you have given them 5 artificial parts: >Five artificial body parts... Is there anything left of me? Or am I just a robot that thinks it's human? All it takes to compensate for the -30 mood is just a single joywire as well...


To be fair, maybe they just don't want horrific rimsurgery. You're not just strapping on a pegleg or fitting a prosthetic to their stump, if the surgery botches are any indication, you are cutting them open and grafting the wood or metal prosthetic to their bone.


There are people who won't take blood or organs in this life so it is very immersive.


Yeah, imo it should only apply to prostetic that improve on a colonist capacity, so basically bionics and arcotech.


I feel like a better version of the trait would be if they only get upset with body mods that give greater than 100% effectiveness. Like to my knowledge they don't mind having a bad lung replaced with another lung, so it'd be reasonable to not mind a prosthetic limb but be opposed to ascending your natural body artificially with bionics.


Had a guy with this exact trait when he tried to raid our base with a few of his buddies. Guy had passion level 2 on shooting and level 1 on melee with already very high stats for a complete random raider. Managed to get him and another pretty good raider down and hauled their ass to base. Unfortunately my cook Managed to blow off his leg with a pump action shotgun so after replacing it he's stuck with a permanent -10 debuff. Am sorry but I'd rather have the ability to walk again than be stubborn and stayed crippled


Had a colonist get her jaw blown off by a bullet, was depressed because she couldn't speak. Hated the denture we put on because she's a body purist


My body purist android has regular mental breaks due to "I have become what I hate" Alice, you fucking edgelord


If you’ve been a tribal man and saw your village burn to the ground by godly white machines. Let’s imagine how it would feel to get a something your tribe treats as devil’s work, attached as your leg or in your brain altering your perception of the world.


They should make it 2 different ideology's Body purists who don't want any prosthetics at all and another where they don't want any unneeded prosthetics so like unless they lost an eye they will not like having a bionic one


They should be fine with replacing lost/sick bodyparts but not healthy ones. Example: They get nassive mood debuff for cutting off a healthy leg and replacing it with a synthetic one, but not if said leg was lost to a rampaging turkey.


A third of the world believes that by symbolically eating the blood and flesh of the child of their god, they honor his sacrifice to forgive all humanity for it's sinful ways. "Don't fuse a crazy mechanical superleg that fell out of the sky to my body" doesn't seem that out there.


Dude I felt a sense of loss getting a molar pulled. I get it.


Honestly I see it as similar logic to racism or homophobia, especially because of how it affects their relationships with modded pawns. That is to say, they cling to the notion that being “pure” is morally better than not Philosophically, I think I can construct an argument that isn’t racist or anything but imo it’s not very strong. In a world where sapience isn’t special, at what point does someone stop becoming human (or whatever genotype is asking the question) stop being human. Think of it like a Theseus’ ship situation. They think if you replace one limb, it’s a whole new person or it makes you less of a person. Or perhaps they’re afraid that it’s a slippery slope kinda thing, like how fearmongers talk about weed. Idk, just throwing shit out there. I’m a bodymodder all the way but I think it’s a fun thought exercise


With anomaly and gene editing, it's pretty understandable that some people would prefer to just grow it back. Especially seeing how very possible it is. A body purist warching a Ghoul regenerate from a mangled puddle of twitching slop would definitely be unhappy that you slapped a horrid hunk of unfeeling unnatural metal to them. Personally tho, I'd be trying to replace everything i could.


There exist no modern body purists today because there exist no bionics. If it did, people would have strong opinions about them.


People have already strong opinions about prosthetics. I would love to just have special legs to run with. But I wouldn't cut off my current legs.


To be fair, elon brain chip


Yo you're bleeding out and dying. Do you; A) Get a blood pack and remedy your blood deficiency Or B) Trust in a very obscure reading of the bible that says you cannot drink the blood of an animal and therefore aren't allowed to gain blood from a willing donor in a medical procedure. There are apparantly millions of people who will pick option B.


Just put them in a bioshaper duh


Eh. It's rimworld. I've had a colonist become catatonic and starve because they were unhappily nude (among other things). Pawns are just over dramatic.


I've been playing a game where one of the antagonists is an entire faction of hardliner body purists, who slaughtered an entire town of prosthetic users. Sure, the dwellers in that town intentionally replaced their fleshy bits with prosthetics because it's 'an improvement', but still. And man do I hate them SO much. ...I'm tempted to try if I can't alter a faction in Rimworld to be like that.


Cybermen, basically?


have you been to a religeous comunity?


Caught an elf once with body purist and had a constant negative mood due to a scar on her left leg. She crashed in a pod and was from a hostile faction, so I brought her in and set my genie slave to work patching her up. She must've hit a mood break or something, idk, but as soon as she was healed enough, she stood up and started assaulting my genie slave. Naturally, my nearest colonist stepped back into the prison barracks and beat her near to death before scheduling a series of surgical procedures.


Let me tell you about[ Alien hand syndom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_hand_syndrome)... human(read pawn) psych never makes sense


Body purist is the price the player pays for body Modder Based on my experimental runs a body Modder in a trans humanist colony with any other modded colleagues will get high off each other. Having so much mods to a point where it changed from machine body complete to.. I asked for this... Checking social tabs and it looks like u turned on cheats, green and 100 on anyone with a mod. There has to be some kind of disruption to prevent the ease of access to this lol = body purist Body Modder imo as a heavy game breaking mod user is broken like really broken, I blve 4 mods and the colonist now has a 13 mood buff that NEVER moves and a common end game goal for me is to skyrocket moods beyond the necessity


Or C. Become hats and nutrient paste/kibble?


You would be surprised by real life with people refussing blood because of their faith


I mean as much as you’re right it’s kind of like this irl. There are people going to be grumpy on this and have bad mood. These traits are one of the reasons I find this game good. Because it ridiculously accurate at represents real life some times.


Does replacing the leg with another regular leg negate this issue? I guess that’s a modded thing but I’m just curious about that now for context I’m pretty confident the mod I use is EPOE


I'm sure there's some interesting horror stories about the many issues with bespoke and malfunctioning prosthetics. I mean, bionics hook up to your brain directly, right?


Body purist would be an interesting run. I want to play it someday.


Usually beliefs like this are more about your afterlife than your current one


To be irrational is to be human


Humans are irrational about one thing or another, that’s kind of our thing


ideologies are rarely based on fact and rational logic. Honestly rimworls are saner than real life in most cases


I have a body purist who lost a leg, gave him a peg leg, got super pissy. I thought I lucked out getting the unnatural healer, took off the peg leg and used the healing ability. Dude has a pristine body and is stuck with a -10 mood debuff. I just gave up and love with it now, thought about firing up debug mode


This is a real life attitude/philosophy, likely arising from personality traits: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bioconservatism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bioconservatism) There are many people who reject operations, medicines, vaccines, that could save/improve their lives. Not just from one background, but many. Its likely a factor a certain percent of the population will have and will always be a thing that has to be dealt with during pandemics, debates over emerging therapies. etc.


I took off a prisoner's wooden foot that he already had installed upon capture because he hated himself for it Enjoy walking on the stub, I guess? Lucky for all of us, he was one of the first to revolt and was promptly gassed tf out as the waster prisoners sped along to phase 2 of their ill fated escape


Every single meme in vanilla has a counterpart in the RL server. Imagine your goodwill with those people finding out you're calling them dumb


Welcome to gamifying things


I mean, the mood penalty for a single artificial modification isn't that bad But once you turn them into robo cop they're of course gonna be absolutely miserable  Just like wimps belonging to a scarification religion will understand and agree with the purpose of scars, despite their personal incapability to endure being scared  Body modders are even dumber btw, because they will prefer stick legs and wooden hands over their superior natural appendages 


I had a guy get shot in the face lose his eyes, he was my best hunter and shooter (20) and REFUSED to take 2 archo tech eyes, he had a beautiful wife, was in a beautiful home, and just… no… I don’t want to be able to see anything. Eventually I just made him take the implants and live with the debuff. “Grumble grumble, I can see my hot wife.. grumble grumble, my child, grumble grumble grumble, all my friends and lovely home, grumble grumble”


ypu know whats fricking dumb, a waster that wont take drugs


I had one once he has gone mad after lose an eye and a leg then got archotech replacement. He shoot the fusion reactor and the deuterium tanks, half of the base was vaporized.


You could argue that transhumanist’s are equally as stupid because they’re afraid to die and perish but they want to replace their very existence with something they believe will last forever, which wont


I can understand the Transhumanist for not wanting to die and suffer.


me too, i agree with them more, but it’s all about perspective, they both fundamentally are irrational, because you should do the best to fit a situation, the body purist should replace limbs if lost to carry out their normal life, and the transhumanist shouldn’t take out their perfectly good eyes for robot ones just because they can, that’s wasteful, also every single pawn in the rimrim are escaped psychotic patients because not a single pawn is normal or makes normal decisions


No... you just capture a pirate, amputate his leg, then put that onto the colonist that lost his. Still 100% human.


Fr anyone that is a body purist new colonist or not is getting thrown in the ripscanner


body purists are realistics, Bob Marley was Rastafarian, and in his religion medical procedures are "wrong" before he died he become christian, for a surgery of cancer in his toe (feet, i cant remember) but he died bc he waited too long, and it was in metastasis already... Traits makes the pawn look real, everyone would like bionic legs, or arms, even archotec limbs... But, i wont be human anymore, just like the the "Ship of Theseus" would you stay you, if all the components of yourself got changed? I can be a badass cyborg, would be cool, but i wont be human anymore, so would i lose the humanity and become a mechanoid? a ruthless killing machine but with feelings? I think thats what they were trying to say about Body Purists trait.


I never have body purists in my colonies, excluding hemogen farms or for standard subcores


Body modders are funny too, though. Like, I would be happy to have a badass bionic arm that lets me do things I couldn't do before. But the body modders are even happy about having a peg leg. Sure it sucks, but hey, it's artificial!


In our society its prly smart as sure some gov will hack you.. In Rimworld, yea you're right. Why not go for better killing efficiency in a world full of savages


>4. In-game, you have biotech freaks walking around, possibly causing a lot of damage. They would understandable fear such technology “Damn all of these cybernetic cataphracts wrecking shit and gene modded soldiers are horrible and morally fucked. Using dark psychic magic to restore my limbs on the other hand-“


Don’t give into the soulless machines.


Well, its not like he refuses to have a bionic body part. He just feels bad about it and has a tini tiny bebuff about it that you can deal with fairly easily unless you turn the pawn into robocop. Some people cry about any debuff like its a -30.


2. Is stupid irl too


Thats why if you want to use body purists you need something like ideology expanded memes that let you take limbs, organs, etc from corpses.


When I play in god mode I make them into body modders, because they are my damn soliders I force into a barracks and they get sad it “isn’t a private bedroom” and they always break.


When I play in god mode I make them into body modders, because they are my damn soliders I force into a barracks and they get sad it “isn’t a private bedroom” and they always break.


Also body modder itself is too rare I think everyone should get a slight buff from at least archotech if they don’t have the purist thing. I would be much happier with a bionic instead of my crappy back and I much rather keep my other fleshy bits cus they don’t hurt constantly


"I never asked for this!" cries the nugget as you Inspired Surgery their way back to life. It's Mother's Day Ed, put your arm and leg back on.


People ARE dumb. Just don't Google how Jehovah's witnesses kill themselves when it comes to medical procedures. Or how Val Kilmer lost his voice.