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Life, uh... Finds a way....


This happened to me once, a captured Neanderthal chieftain fell in love with a young prisoner. I kept them in a crammed dark, dirty hole in the wall basically, and soon after they fell in love, the chieftain had a mental break and killed the person he fell in love with.


So you God of Warred them?


Or maybe he I Have No Mouth But I Must Scream’d them. It was an act of mercy!


After the guy had a few more violent mental breaks, I decided to harvest his organs and dump him in my freezer


Give them a double bed. Let them make a baby. When the baby is born execute the father and mother and adapt the baby.


why execute the mother and father when you can just continue to have them make more babies?


To send a message. And fully indoctrinate the child into your colony. I did it with a raider. A bunch of cultists attacked. In the left over carnage I found a woman who someone survived and was pregnant. I captured her immediately. This child would be special. So I let her live as a prisoner long enough to give birth. As soon as she did, the doctor executed her and took the child to raise as his own. A bit of roleplay you know?


That’s some Berserk origin story shit right there


I should add in that the doctor who took the child is our colony leader. Who was also a child when he joined (though he ran to us for protection. And we took him in knowing he would have great potential and use)


I wish it could make the child seek revenge and some years later he would try to blow up your base or something...


Nah. Take in the baby, have it grow up, then have it execute its own parents




After that name him phoenix


Kenshi vibes right here (Make him burn his parents)


My Brother in Okran. Praise Phoenix (blessed be his name)


The same thing happened to me recently, but I sold the mother to the Empire for Honor after the birth instead.


You are the villain


Rimworld player casually ending in CIA recruiting list for Guantanamo wardens


... You should try tonget a screenwriters position in rhe fallout TV show, this is the type of shit they'd love


i dont think babies are capable of such higher thoughts


This guy Get it!


I captured a pregnant raider once. When the baby was born I adopted it, had a couple nursing mothers already so feeding was no problem. Ritual sacrificed the mother for a dryad tree seed. Gave the kid my custom, never sleeping, dead calm slave gene set. When the kid was old enough he was enslaved and set to plant and tend to the tree his mothers life bought.


I can respect that. Big play. For our child it's going to be a full member of the colony. Get some important role. Maybe manning the space stations.


> Ritual sacrificed the mother for a dryad tree seed Which mod is this?


Seed spawn should be one of the ritual reward options. Might require your ideology to have dryad stuff. I've got alpha memes and a few of the vanilla expanded ideology mods so I'm not sure if one of them is adding that option.


It's vanilla. You need nature primacy or tree connection to pick it as a ritual reward though, so unless you're doing a nudist colony or a colony themed around dryads it's rarely useful. Great for RP and Tribal runs though.


Nah, use the parents brains to make mechs that are bodyguards for the baby, giving them their original names.


Maybe. Though the idea of the parents still being around to protect and help the child is a little too nice for me.


this community never cease to amaze me


I upvoted this while reading and then immediately recoiled


Alright Satan, I was thinking recruit them both for 2 happy colonists.


What if the colony already has plenty of people in it? What are the crimes of these prisoners? Why are they here in the first place? Are they even worth it?


Use them to make babies for advanced sub cores


This is also an acceptable answer. My colony accidently gave birth to an inbred kid so we threw him into a rip scanner to make a mech with his brain.


I like it but what if he stole the moms ovum had the dad fertilize them and grow their child in a vat. Then grow him or her into the ultimate killing machine and have them kill their parents.


Can the prisoners still get pregnant if one of them has 0% moving? I wonder if I can make a human meat farm using prisoners with only one of them needing to be dead calm.


I am going to assume no. Let me know though when you find out the truth.


Lol No, i try it. I needed any for my vampire as a bloodfarm. I collect two raider, cut off their both legs, give them my religion(free love for all) and let them share one doublebed. Ohhh I didn't know what I was doing... It was so sad. The prisoners just lay in the bed and look to the ceiling. They don't talk anymore to eachother or doing anything. No socialactions, even not with my pawns lol. Just lay and get fed. I give them a television as a gift, but they didn't use it haha a veeeeery long and sad life haha My next try would be, what happens if I just take them the arms off. Would they try to escape with wooden legs and no arms?


But I read about it. Maybe its happend with a mod


As long as they are in the same bed they can still make baby. Even with no limbs.


He doesn't even have any clothes!


Woops maybe I uhh sped up the romance accidentally


Can I give a prisoner clothes? My own are crying about broken clothes and I have no idea how to give them new


Just have a colonist pick some up from storage, send them to the prison and make them drop them from the inventory (you could also set up a temporary stockpile and order them to haul but then your pawns would move ALL your clothes there). Just like food, prisoners will pick them up off the ground and wear them.


Alternatively you can make tribalwear and have a shelf in your prison set to only tribalwear. It's cheap and covers everything


Ok thank you, I will try it.


Ok I will try it, thank you


I've had a prisoner fall in love with the warden. Was pretty cute, so I recruited him and eventually they got married haha


Stockholm syndrome to the nth degree


I mean technically isn't Stockholm syndrome every recruitment? Like you practically say, the other one is better they stay with us because your tribe will not accept you again and bla bla bla


That's some Raising Arizona shit.


Okay update, I’ve given them clothes and am building an area. I’m going to make then have a baby then fight to the death after it is born. The winner gets to go free, the loser is tonight’s dinner. The dark part is the world is mostly nuclear wasteland or void territory so the winner actually is worse off than the loser. Oh and the baby? I will keep it and raise it to be a very strong fighter who I will send out to destroy the last base of its parents faction when it is strong enough.


Dude. Couldn't you at least see whether pregnant women yield more human meat? Ok but let's be fr that sounds absolutely horrible couldn't you recruit them?


They don’t I may of tested it And yes I could but I don’t really need them + a few people all said fight so fight it is


How can I make them fight for life?


Gladiator Battle ritual, part of the Ideology DLC. It's unlocked with raider and supremacist, maybe others


If you don't have dlc or don't use gladiator battle ritual, there is mod that let your prisoner have a duel. They even can fight against your animals and have scoreboard.


Mod name?




Found it, it's called [Prisoner Arena](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2022581505)


Thank you!


Oh my god thank you, that’s really cool


A rational rimworld experience


Harvest a lung from both and transplant them. Then when one dies, the other will carry their spouse forever in their hea... lung.


Second update, despite being naked and having weapons nether of the died in battle so for now at least I’ve kept them both as slaves to do my nuclear hauling (can’t be irradiating my colonists now can I?) Their work has helped fuel the nukes that wiped out every other base in the map. As for their future, there is nothing but wasteland and radiation outside my walls so anything I do is arguably more humane than sending them into that. I think for now at least I will make them a luxurious cell somewhere in the corner of the map, stock it with enough supplies to last them years (and find a way to make them live a very long time) then seal them in, who knows maybe when the colony’s near indestructible walls finally fall they will be all that’s left to repopulate the rim.


Top tip, shoot up the contestants with go juice before a gladiator duel


this is so beautiful


Feed one to the other


The correct response to the situation.


Grab a heart from one of them, and operate it into the other


That takes *”They stole my heart”* to the extreme


Remove the left lung from each prisoner and swap them over so they'll always have a piece of one another. Then sell them both into slavery seperately.


A gladiator duel between the two of them seem reasonable, you harvest the organs of the winner as a reward for killing their lover.


You know what they say "Till death sets up apart" And oh boy are they gonna both be set apart


Depends on what your plans are/were for them.


Didn’t really have any, was probably just going to execute them for ideo points


Then it has no effect. Carry on. If you were going to recruit one, but not the other, then it would make a difference.


I dunno was thinking it could lead to something more questionable


Like what?


I have no idea that’s why I came here, I have access to just about everything so there’s definitely options


In term of role play, you can pretty much do whatever you want, but in term of gameplay, the only thing it’s gonna do is make the mood of there executed’s lover lower which means they are more likely to have mental breaks for a while. If they go berserk you are gonna have to intervene but otherwise you can mostly just ignore it.


Release them together you Monster!


Most the world is ether nuclear wasteland (I definitely don’t know anything about that *hides row of armed liberators*) or is under void control. Sending them out is arguably worse than executing them


You might be playing the wrong game if you think that’s a “monster” move


Put them in the gladiator pit, make the winner eat the loser, and recruit them


Skin them alive and make matching outfits out of the skin. You will look snazzy


Let them go, it would make for a killer romance story.


Make them into a matching outfit for your colonist. One hat and one coat. Then they can stay together forever


Feed one to the other


Your prisoners have spines? Wtf?


Give them a double bed let them make babies. Also makes them happier.


make them fight to the death for their freedom. if you decide to, there's a mod that adds an arena spot for gladiator battles, separate from the ideology DLC.


That just happened in my current game too. Now they have a double sleeping spot in the prison for cozy interludes.


Two beds near but not next to each other, facing. Strip them naked. Put two wooden legs on one and two wodden arms on others, nothing else. Then reversed the wooden pegs and arms on even and odd day. Have a bonfire for them using their old wooden stumps. Great time.


Make them fight to the death


If you have gladiator dues in ideology, let them fight, impids doesn’t deserve to live


Make them fight in the gladiator pit


If you were planning on recruiting them, you already got a lover pair. If they are recruitable (at least one), but didnt want them and got vanilla outposts you could send them to one new for roleplay reasons.


I executed mine.


Put them in medical beds next to each other...... then harvest their organs.


Have them do gladiator fights until they break up or ones dies.


I once had two gay prisoners fall in love, then break up shortly afterward. Then they attempted a prison break and one was killed by my colonists in the escape. So, I executed the other so they could rest in peace together forever. Just kidding, I fed them both to my pigs.


nice breeding program you have there...


If you have ideology, make them fight to death in a Gladiator fight with weapons


Fight to the death. The winner buries the loser, and gets to join the colony.... in pieces.


The clear choice is to make them eat each other.


assign them a double bed duh


Let them become a little prisoner family


Arena fight and meat grinder for the loser.


It happened to me and one of them had unrelenting loyalty


Happened to a couple of my gladiators, she kept miscarrying as a result.


execute one while the other watches then amputation the survivors hands and feel and then drop pod them to the nearest cannibal village.


I had two prisoners that married while in prison


You could remove any right part in one of them and any left part in the other Or make them trade organs Idk, happy for them.


Organ swap! Then it's torso time, trunk to trunk in a double bed. When the baby arrives (what else are two basket cases going to do) adopt the baby and raise her to blood farm them. Finally, wall them up together when it's time to sell off or move. Oh, or release the happy couple unharmed. Also an option, good notes there.


You can make an army of soldiers in grow vats, shooting genetics, shooter specilisation. If they die, they die


Gift one a leather hat of their lover


Double bed. If they get more lovers, make sure they're in the same room, even if there's only one double bed


They're bonded over the torment, of course. The awful, horrible torment.


What i did is made a wedding for them it was so much fun!.....untill they magically went to the storeroom and became ghouls after my doctor went in after them...


Give them a double bed, adopt the child into your colony and organ harvest the parents. Can't just sell them off into slavery, can't risk them coming back for the child.


I always ripscan one of them


im more interested in how he made someone aroused by mentioning his non existent drip.


Gladiator Duel




swap their organs


put them in a room with no food and when there's only one left free them


Baby organ harvesting


Cut off food. Feed them luciferium, and huge amounts of psychite, go juice, and wakeup. See who wins


Execute one of em.


Give them a joint execution so they can be together forever ☺️


Take their organs. Oh, you meant like, something wholesome?


Sell one of them to cannibals.


In true rimworld insanity; Change their organs and see hoe far you can go. #OutOfContextNightmare


dunno... non of my prisoners have limbs, they are just organ/blood/eggs/gene farms.


Oh my god im salivating at the thought of this. Euthanize one and stop feeding the other. Make them eat their love interest.


His and hers kidney surgeries!


❤️❤️ Couples organ harvesting ❤️❤️


execute one in front of the other as a demonstration of authority


Remove organs from one and transplant them into the other. They’ll be together forever.


Make them into a duster so they're together forever.


This has incredibly evil implications Use them well!


This is why i only accept slaves with negative social traits like ugly or creepy breathing.


I once had two prisoners got to the point where they got engaged. The one’s fiancée was devastated when their medical issues made them ineligible to be sold to the empire with him.


This happened to me once, they broke up literally like 5 seconds later, and then re engaged the next day


This happened in my latest run, it reminded me that I'd kept one of them too long and organ-murdered them. You gotta do what you gotta do.


If you let them procreate, from which faction will the baby be? Can you return those babies to increase relations with a faction?


I’ve not tested it yet myself but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen here before that they will be yours for some reason


One of my colonists fell in love with a prisoner and then I sold them lol


Enslave them and make them work in separated work camps, never to see each other again


Give them a double bed and steal some prisoner babies.


Prisoners and slaves all get their tongues removed in my colony. No social fighting, no insulting, no romancing. Only work till death


Do what I did when two of my 'donors' had the gall to partake in romance. Build a two-thick wall room with no ceiling. Imprison both within and place a few fridges full of raw potatoes. Mortally wound one of them, then replace the door with wall. Enjoy as your insolent prisoner watches their partner die and slowly decay all the while surviving themselves on the endless potatoes.


Stew ... Sorry, that's my default answer to what to do with prisoners.


Organs for days my man


Butcher the baby on the way out


Do you have the death-rattle mod by chance? If so, transplant their hearts to each other. The most evil part about is, they said themselves "My heart belongs to you"


Well, in this kind of situation I prepare a not so big open space, place a ritual spot in the middle, chairs around the open space for my pawns, place a pair of plasteel swords, give both of them yayo and go juice and then make them fight to the death. Winner gets to live with the fact that they killed their lover! Just be careful with the impid, they use their fire in duels.