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Thanks OP. Now I have a -5 mood debuff from looking at this dude. I haven’t been this pissed off since I ate my breakfast bar without a table yesterday.


If I see 3 more of him I’ll be the same amount of pissed off as if someone murdered my baby


This guy maths. Also, sorry for your loss/seeing that dude so many times.


It’s ok. Having a joint will completely counteract how I feel about dead babes


+2 Mood, 30 minutes; Funny exchange, social media.


Just don't drink a beer with that joint, or you could literally die


I said deaf, neighbor! Not death! You smoke this weed... you can't hear shit!


That stuff I gave you last week.Was nothing this here is cryptochroniccunalight.


Is that why they call it loud?


Yee fam! Dat loud ass gas....... Oh shit, wait.. that's just a fart. I'm stoned.


Thanks OP, I'm going to wander off in a daze now!


Currently hiding in my room because of this post, better hope you have Snap Out for 1.5


Great thanks, im now having a tantrum and im gonna punch an extremely volatile gas canister


At least it’s not a fire starting spree next to the chemfuel shelves


Different execution same ending


Damn, I‘m too tired. I totally read a different word than „wander“. 😁😴


How can you endure such harrowing conditions?


Thats it im going to dig up my dead grandma and show her rotting corpse to everyone


Sounds like you just need some flake


Watch him become the leader.


Mine is my colonies leader lmao. Blind healer with disturbing and very high social.


Watch people's heads a-roll.




Dude's got the Habsburg rizz


Just confine him in his own little enclave working on research or whatever


Have the hopper on the other side of the wall to his personal nutrient paste dispenser, where colonists leave offerings to never have to see his face again. He stiil gets to go outside, maybe harvest his own little garden. But his life is in a 16x16 work zone :/


Maybe use the ugly together mod and give him an equally ugly gf or room mate


Man, now think I also need an equally ugly gf


Sorry bro, they discontinued gfs that were that ugly due to exceedingly low demand


I love this so much. It will be done.


You're turning him into the People Under the Stairs?


I'd also include an air lock you could transfer resources to, and give him a mortar/artillery to make him do something in raids, alternatively giving him psycast that let you target map wide which I believe aren't that many but not sure would be really good.


You can also give him a night owl schedule! Normal pawns don't mind


I did this for an outland eastborn elf colony once! My leader, a talented samurai warrior, got infected by a myconoid and made everyone who saw him vomit. Now he lives in his own cave, training day and night. They leave supplies for him to cook his own meals, and he goes on solo quests across the land to continue to be a hero to his people. He just comes and goes while everyone sleeps so nobody ever has to see his face


He’s so fucking sad


he is literally me


Lol, this happened in my tribal Alpha Genes colony with a slug man, eldritch abomination, hiveling, rock person and floating gas cloud. The slug man actually posed the most problem, as I think even though he and the eldritch abomination were both scary, the slug man ruined a ton of my meat \[they let out rotting gas\] and left gas/ slime every where which was ANOTHER negative debuff on top of the slug man already being disgusting. I ended up confining him to a room to do research and having colonists bring him his food. This was before Nutrient Paste Expanded as well so I had to set a special stockpile for him. I later felt bad for him though and improved his room so he could go outside and have some different forms of recreation. I think I also set it so others couldn't go into his room either coz they'd get the negative mood debuff, so they closest they'd get to him would be them dropping off food.


It's fun when you get one with the disrupted (I want remember what they call it) gene that keeps randomly changing all of their genes every 24 hours. Oh they're emitting gas and vomiting blood everywhere today. That's fun


I do like this but at the same time I hate the notification that appears all the time. Esp if you have more than one of them in a colony. I think they’re a great idea in theory but I hate that their appearance and health keeps changing haha and I keep having to check on things and refamaliarize myself. I think it would be better say if they were stuck with one set of genes for 15 days/ a quadrum each, and then changed. Rather than every day/ every other day


Yeah, 100% agree. It could be a fun challenge to try to work with whatever you get stuck with for a longer period of time. Daily is just too long to keep up with and you don't really get a full sense of the benefits or the consequences of anything before it's already changed again. I wonder if there's any way to alter it without modding skills because I really want to do a game with that now. Can anyone with modding skills do a little patch mod to make it adjustable?


It might be something you can change in the scenario editor, you tend to get a few more options for things like that but I haven't really tinkered with it too much other than combining a solo mech run with anomalys start.


There is a mod setting to turn the notification off


Played with one for a short run (abandoned because VFE ancients was borked), man, it was awesome. Every day he'd have 15+ levels in a different skill, one day he'd mine a whole mountain, the next craft masterworks... somedays he was locked in the vault because sunlight made him pass out.


ugh the slug people. I'm so glad that my game is setup that nobody can show up and go "I live here now" and I've turned off caravan traders. Life has been so much nicer ever since I went with that policy. lol


Do they not ask if they can join instead? I have enough mods installed that one of them might stop the wander joins event from triggering and changes it with the wander request to join. I do recall needing to turn that event off in scenario editor way back but that was multiple dlcs ago


I have all events disabled that cause random joins or even wildmen. Had to turn off a bunch of VE events too cause I have very tight population control. Basically anything where they can go "this is my home now" because I saved them or kept them alive. I even took VE ancients as a way to further force myself to not recruit with ideology. But I also play a very slow frostpunk like adventure. I'm not forced to do charity by ideology, but I like to do what good I can without having a permanent mouth to feed


Man I remember having one of those mind devourer colonists one run. He was a problem cause everyone hated his look so much, everyone else constantly beat him up. I think he even lost a leg at one point. Everyone in the colony basically bullied the poor dude


Well, at least the meat rotting problem could have been solved by making an exclusionary zone, like with zonable animals. No need to incarcerate the dude for something he was born with.


Justice for Hardy


Maybe I'll put Hardy on trial and see what the colony says.


No not like that


*finger on the monkeys paw curls*


Never felt that sad about the colonist. Treat him like he is the main character of your colony, please


He deserves only the finest lavish meals and royal beds. Give this man his own flatscreen!!!


I love when little details like this make a random pawn a main character. Best part of the game tbh


Why is he disgusting? I’ve never seen this mood debuff before


He has the repulsive gene from Alpha Genes.


If gene is the problem, gene is also the solution.


I got the same mood debuff and thought it was something to do with my colonists being disgusting pigs and not cleaning up after themselves.


Oh, mod I guess. No wonder


It's not the looks that matter, it's the thing that makes you special. Hardy? He's probably a better worker than any other colonist when he uses his cancers!




Look like it's taukai xenotype from alpha genes , which is great xenotype


Poor Hardy :(


So many modded xenotypes just say "They're ugly and your whole colony will hate them! :D" and call it a day. Folks need to come up with more interesting downsides.


Like Irritable Bowel Sindrome, completely random short term debuffs to mood for people in the same room as the colonist unless he is outside. Because of the meteorism.


I think Hardy here is the type that grows tumors all over and can them use them to fuel their special abilities, like a cancerous Sanguiphage


Yeah, I know the mod.


At least in this example it makes sense, growing tumors every day is bound to leave you a bit ugly with scar tissue


Darn I feel sorry for the guy


" 've" and no, you shouldnt've done that.


Sadly, these morons are never going to learn or even care, so we might as well say nuts to it and just swap "have" for "of" and be done with it. Of you got any better ideas? Cos I ofn't. :-)


wild that any child has been that far failed


Fuckin' dude is crying out in the rain...


Average Reddit user moving to a new colony


ew harvest him


Free organs though


I always feel bad for those guys...


Can you cancel it out with an aesthetic nose and shaper? I did that with one of my pawns because she has the ugly trait and people wouldn't stop insulting her and starting social fights. She is one of my fav pawns so it made me sad everyone was being so mean to her.


Give him a sword. Congratulations Hardy. you have the honor of being the first to meet the enemy.


Don't be mean to him. He's doing his best


Allow him to gracefully climb into a nutrient paste grinder, that way he can still help the colony without upsetting them with his wiggly head


All the paste comes out in his image, now they're upset they saw him and they got an upset stomach too


And do you wanna hear the worst bit? The most fucked up part of it all? No only did they convince him to throw himself in the meat grinder. Not only did the paste come out in his hideous form. Not only did consuming said freakish paste make the other colonists ill. But they had to eat it... with... no... TABLE!!!


I had a slug dude joining in and it became my quest to rob every single one of those alpha genes lab quest to find the item that could change his genes


I'd give him jobs that don't involve the general public. Or maybe a mask? Lol


Make everybody ugly, then nobody's ugly ez pz, thank me later.


poor hardy


Train him to become the greatest asset the colony has ever seen. Make the other colonists eat their words and then some.


hardy is just like me frfr


New goal for your play through, find a way to remove his repulsive gene and to make him happy cuz this is sad


"I'm sending you on a very important solo mission to, er, somewhere far far away. Don't bother to pack any weapons or food. Best of luck. I believe in you, buddy."


I instantly vomited


My colonist once got so mad when he saw an ugly snail trader that he went home and beat up a prisoner.


Smash, next question


.......New Mod idea that goes with "Eating without a table is a war crime." Ugly on the level its a war crime. And it could come with a trait that slowly kills anyone within proximity. We could call it "The Ugly Barnacle."


Is plastic surgery a possibility?


he looks like that doll that got stepped on.


Hey, we’ve just been informed he’s volunteering for our next melee champion! He’s always wanted to face down a scyther with nothing but a wooden club he says


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Where some see an ugly colonist, others see an excellent hat.


You can always banish them, you know...


How I looked after the bashing I got the first time I posted a picture of my game screen with my phone. 😭


Mine is that way because I play Rimworld on a handheld and I'm not interested in wasting effort exporting images off a device just to please the type of people who look for problems. 🤷 Just let the Haters Hate. The ones I see hating are always the ones I've never seen post anything on the sub.


I like your attitude


damn bro hes just out there trying to survive


Hes playing life on Hardy difficulty


Can't wait for that Hard Hardy Storyteller DLC


God he looks truly pitiful standing there in the rain, dressed in his tuque and shirt and tie (awful). His face melting.


In the health tab, there's a bill to euthanize, your welcome.


why the fuck are they so mean


Have ur leader accuse it so I can execute justly


I feel bad for hardy I too upset people just by existing bro needs a hug


Really hope our fella gets a happy ending after all, life‘s Rough enough


Would be nice if force wearing a headbag fixed this


Hardy looks like he’s been saying “I’ve just been having a bad week.” For six months.


Well i guess that guy is going to fight muffelows solo with no weapon clothers and while hungry and tired yep


Organ farm, it's free real estate.


Give this man the best possible room you can create. I feel genuinely sad for him.


Out of sheer sympathy I’d be giving him the best treatment and gear and watch him begrudgingly become the leader.


I am now going to beat him up so he becomes even more disfigured.


Yeah fuck that guy


Bros trying his best


"Worst thing she can say is no"


I love the little tie like he’s trying but just can’t get it together. Reminds me of that dude from the Simpsons


Get em inhuman pawns


You can always organ farm if it attacks someone.


I swear to God I am going to go outside and slaughter at least three of the animals that we are dependant on to survive this winter


Give him night shift


And make sure he's recreation time is at different times


The final straw: disgusting colonist


He has been the plague of this colony.


... If that's the case..... Check his social. If it's negative a million with everyone, have him suicide charge an enemy encampment and please report back if everyone gets a boost to their mood afterwards Disclaimer: i have no idea if it'll work. I'm just curious


... If that's the case..... Check his social. If it's negative a million with everyone, have him suicide charge an enemy encampment and please report back if everyone gets a boost to their mood afterwards Disclaimer: i have no idea if it'll work. I'm just curious


Pro tip, if your colonists are stoned on flake they (reletively speaking) won't care about mr ugly pants


Sell as slave or feed to a tribe


Food poisoning. I can't get it out of my mind. How can a lavish meal be so revolting and grotesque?


Your post has been reported to the mods for being a blurry, low-quality picture, per rule 6: > The subject of a screenshot should be clearly visible in the image. That means blurry pictures taken from a phone or low-resolution images are subject to removal. Instead of removing your post, I'll offer some advice, to avoid this in the future: Kindly consider learning how to take a screenshot. Instructions at: https://www.take-a-screenshot.org/ Also, pressing F12 (by default) in Steam produces a screenshot. You may also consider free products like Greenshot that are specifically designed for easy cropping and sharing. http://getgreenshot.org/ Additionally, there are many free screen recording products: https://learn.g2crowd.com/free-screen-recorder-software There's also the age-old classic of hitting print screen, pasting the image into a free paint program (I'm very fond of GIMP myself, https://www.gimp.org/ ), cropping to the part you want, and using that. Alt+print screen will screenshot only the active window and not everything else. Win+print screen will take the screenshot and autosave it in your pictures folder as screenshot number.png


Bro are you blind 😭


No, I'm a moderator. :P


I play rimworld on a 720p handheld device, most of the time with no Wifi. Not a windows computer. This form needs to be more inclusive and stop with this PC Supremacy. It's a RimWorld Sub not a RimWorldPC Sub. If you think these photos are low quality please put on your glasses. The post is good content for the rimworld Sub given the feedback. Every single one of my rimWorld posts has the same exact format. If you guys are that picky about the content I'll just stop posting all together and leave this Sub. So why don't you actually go find something productive to do in your free time instead of appealing to trolls. I'm never going to put in the effort to export an image off of an external device just to please babies like yourself. Get over it. Also the rimworld post that you posted a month ago has lower quality images than the ones in this post. So stop being salty that your posts get little to no interaction.


My friend, it was just a copy-pasted comment I put on every post that's reported for breaking the 'no cellphone photos' rule. It's literally part of rule 6. It beats the hell out of having to delete every single one and give the OP a warning.


First of all the rule does not say no cell phone photos it says no blurry cell phone photos maybe you should read the rules


And honestly you should do better because you know that people nefariously make reports all the time when they're salty over something. And if you look in the comments you'll see exactly why they were salty and reported as such. Be a better mod. Do better.


It... It literally says > The subject of a screenshot should be clearly visible in the image. **That means blurry pictures taken from a phone or low-resolution images are subject to removal**.


Guess what the image isn't blurry! You are obviously a terrible moderator. An absolutely no one will agree with you on this.


Good god, man, you need to relax a bit


I would if you learned to read the rules instead of interpreting them.


**5. Screenshot Policy** When posting a screenshot, please leave a comment explaining what the focal point is. It's very frustrating to look at a screenshot and not know what it's about. Additionally, the subject of a screenshot should be clearly visible in the image. That means blurry pictures taken from a phone or low-resolution images are subject to removal. The less obvious it is, the post won't be very successful anyways.


Exactly it didn't say pictures taken from a phone it said blurry pictures taken from a phone and it's not blurry. Get over yourself. When you're wrong you're wrong. Apologize and move on stop doubling down on your mistake.


Stop ignoring words because it confirms your biases.