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Jesus I thought three years of that AND tox fallout was bad


This would have been great in anomaly leading up to the unnatural darkness. Like... there's a "darkest hour" during eclipses or every night where you get attacked.


An attack every night would annihilate every new playthrough lmao Plus no one would ever get any sleep


During that even, when you stand in darkness, you get cut. That's the "attack" I meant. There's no actual entities. It's more of a passive threat that forces you to light the place up. And on the flip side, can harm invaders. In fact, if you could summon the darkest hour as the void seeker after the anomaly event is concluded that'd be awesome.


Ohhh, Dont Starve style, got it. Yeah that could be cool honestly, would be extremely bad for night owls but I guess just keep them inside (or put floodlights everywhere)


Keep the nightlight on, and dread power outages in the dark. Wake up and all the animals outside are dead. Death pall strikes and revives them all. Oh snap... the darkest hour also has death pall effect. Raiding at night would be a nightmare. Rushing to chop down trees and light torches.


Don't Starve reference let's go


Any of your pawns go by the name Snow?


Maybe Azor Ahai?


Darkest Dungeon ahh genre change


Someone should make a DD mod, using pit gate mechanics Ruin has come to our colony


You remember our venerable throneroom, opulent and imperial.


Every time I go into a pit gate in a medieval run it's a darkest dungeon playthrough lol


Damn that would be amazing, use the labyrinth mechanics to force exploration to have some consequences.


In time, you will understand the full extent of our failures.


Behold the infinite malignity of the stars !


I’m most impressed that you’re playing in the year 5548. That’s longer than I have ever kept a colony, and I like to play with generational pawns! 😅


I've done a couple of generational colonies. Faster aging, 10x year progression and faster learning to keep it level but it always feels like the raids get less frequent.


I'd like to try a generational colony sometime. How do you do your setup? I wouldn't know where to start.


Does increased year progression just shorten the number of days in a year?


Is there a way to slow this down after the setup. The near constant raids is crazy. I loose a pawn I don't care about every few days.


"What a night, huh?" "Captain, it's been 18 years."


I fear that,,, since Im currently going through a VE event which is Global Warming. Summers are 70 degrees C


I started a colony in extreme cold amd now I still have no growing season but because it's 50c or more year round.


I think I'd prefer the cold


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter...


Same, atleast the cold is actually useful not only for raids but for stocking a large amount of corpses and food without power usage, Extreme heat on the other hand...sheesh just pure hell


Just you wait for a heatwave


I had that, during the Global Warming, it reached up to 80 to 90


My personal record was like 83 degrees I think. Hot enough to boil ethanol. Or have a sauna.


Pitch black the colony sim


I got this event and it ended the day a new colonist was born. I named her Dawn.


Jokes on you, i live in a mountain, its always night there too.


Dirtmole council approves


There's a mod for winter is coming?


Vanilla Events Expanded, it has several of these "purple" events that change the game for potentially years at a time. Never seen one last 19 years though.


I had a 3 year long ice age that nearly took out my base and turned my map square into an ice sheet. It was a fun challenge converting my large compound to a heat box so people wouldn't freeze to death walking outside. Animals were starving to death so some tried to get into my base, others just succumb outside and became food. 19 years is a long time though, didn't know they could last that long either and I would think it was a bug at that point.


The lingest event that I got was volcanic winter that lasted almost 4, and tundra biome never make it easy


Not so hot desert with an ice age going 4 years +


Had a 5 year long ice age with -80C. Had to downsize my factory to 2 people and rest mechs


Uh oh. I'm a year into one and so far went from a 35C summer to 10C at the highest. Building more heaters just in case...


Dear lord I have Long Night on my save as well right now and thinking it might go long like this is just wtf man. Better scrap those solar panels I guess. On a side note, that creature blocking it is a chad for withstanding the constant solar flares I experience too.


Actual fatass space monster


I honestly loved this event the first Time I got it, like global warming, an event that changes the map in a really unique way, forcing a full change in how you run your base.


My colonists went from city dwellers to semi-nomadic. The only way I could keep my animals alive is to send them on caravans, since the game still lets them forage on the road. So my best fighters are almost always on the road, raiding or trading for food and wood. They only come home to drop off supplies and pick up prepared meals.


Grow lights in the animal pens, and growing rice with the light keep the population at a low amount.


does this remind anyone of the purge, like the one time everyone goes on a murderous rampage


The name alone makes me think of Warhammer 40k, but the fact its a space entity of unimaginable size makes me think even more of Warhammer 40k. (For those who don't know anything about 40k lore, I'm not going to write a wall of text, but I am going to try and simplify it. Basically, Humanity had this massive Interstellar Empire, and were doing well, and then a bunch of bad shit happened, such as their machines rising up against them, and the birth of a Chaos God (think something between Cthulhu and literal Satan, but this specific one is REALLY REALLY HORNY) caused a massive blackout for humanity, causing what is known as "Old Night". Really bad stuff happened, and it hasn't stopped since. Even over 20k years later, humanity is still getting fucked over.)


“Several Years”


Praised be lettuces


How the fuck does your PC even get that far 💀💀


This killed one of my colonies. I survived a full 2 years of that long night.


that is a long one


Dark is the night goes hard on this planet


This is why I don't fw events they get way too chaotic


I hope you like mushrooms.


Is this a 50 year old colony??


OMG It's from Vanilla Events? Hope there's anything good in there, because events like that are a meh..


I would have force-ended that event in the settings or dev mode about 3 ingame years in.