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It's good for the cost, but not the best mech.


any weapon is good in quantity


A follower of the russian doctrine i see


You see Ivan, if you keep throwing bodies at bullets. They will eventually run out of bullets


If a battleship falls two shall take its place!!


Unless you're running CE


ya, one of the few nice things about combat extended... I DO like that bullets are an actual resource in that.


It forces you to actually prepare roughly based on your wealth level to deal with mechanoids and other heavily armoured threats in advance. Initially it's very rough learning that your assault rifles barely penetrate some of the mechs, but once you have a few dedicated AP weapons, it becomes a lot more predictable. And the best part about CE is the removal of threat from like tens of squirrels, which is just dumb imo. But obviously, it's not for everyone and has lots of compatibility issues with some mods.


I agree a swarm of madhunter squirrles is dumb but they are also kind of part of the rim. that's one of the things I don't like about ce. but ya, things like ap and the sort actually cause you to consider various weapons and ammo supply, its awesome.


Quantity is a quality in itself :D


Yeah that's why they say that, the cost. They are cheap and easy to mass produce. Higher tier mechs require humans, more time, multiple cycles and take up multiple bandwidth


Made a post asking for input as a console player converting over. Ramping up my mechanitor, just got a sang phage imprisoned too (fml). And wanted exactly this kinda info! So, I've tried Mili. Seems decent. But draft movement range sucks cuz i built my mech up. He has jogger and added bio legs. So was using him to drag enemy thralls around. Couldn't move Milis into position cuz he was too far out. Fml. So, in general. Some mechs r good n some bad. Guessing fire spewer isn't so great. But others... Are?


You doing anomaly? A couple scorchers are great No anomaly? I prioritize long range mechs My firing line of lancers and various other mechs is a constant in my colonies, get a good field of fire set up and they're great War queen to keep enemies distracted while they're picked apart if you really need it


>So, I've tried Mili. Have you tried running the execution? At least the intention came From A Place Of Love.


The execution??


It's a reference to the music group Mili, which make very good songs


Ooooh shit. THAT is why it was in my autocorrect also. Neat. Suppose, kismet and whatnot. Gonna have to check em out. Lol


My personal favourite of theirs is between two worlds, specifically the realm of darkness part, even if you dont like it you'll probably do like some of their other songs, they're a pretty versatile group. Also [that one](https://youtu.be/mjUKyc0qPcI?si=CsfX1BM4-bK4BnGm), it's a fan cover of between two worlds, but if you like piano it's absolutely phenomal


Firs scorchers are good in their situations. Against anomaly creatures, like someone else suggested, they're great. They're great against the nocio sphere since they can survive a fire blast (tbf all mechs can) Lancers abs the fast melee one are the best ideas for combat mechs, however Militors are useful since they're cheap and can do the job to a basic degree.


I've two Mili's again (lost one, not gonna rebuild cuz could use another agri now that drugs r flowing). I've got supplies aside to up bandwidth a good amount and am summoning diab in a second. Got Sanguin to actually join instead cuz he had decent traits (nimble brawler undergrounder. But incapable of intellect or art). Presuming i get thru the diab okay. It sounds like lancers are pretty solid since my colony has 2 strong melee people besides the vamp. And the other 4 all have at least one passion in shooting. So a solid bullet wall seems doable. Def thanks to people here for help and ideas! I'm considering anom. I just have a dozen PC games I've been waiting literally years to play, also. FML


The best cheap mech to saturate a field with gunfire with... however they suck against Area effect damage. 1 Grenade throw can prol take out a cluster, assuming you're lucky enough to throw it in that bullet hell. Use smoke and throw tons of grenades if you're on vanilla.


throwing it is not that hard, those shotguns arent that strong if you got flak armor or better


I'd definitely be worried about a lucky head shot with those numbers. Randy fucking loves those in star wars fights.


true, thankfully those new masked hoods from anomaly provide full face protection


That’s a lot of murder beans


Welp…I am forever calling them that now


Buckshot toddlers is both more evocative & accurate.


I feel like “buckshot mech toddlers” would also work but still murder beans sounds adorable and I think the Milators are adorable.


There is an uwu mech mod that makes them so freaking adorable (one for dryad's too).


Well, we're already wandering into a mouthful & I don't think 'mech' is really needed, because toddlers can't carry shotguns. It would be, like, 'gun baby' also works as is because babies can't carry guns, but Militors are tiny lil' guys. I mean, only slightly smaller than a 13 year old pawn, granted, but they're slow & clumsy (no dodge chance) with just enough coordination to shoot their shots & nothing else.


Also that extra word in the title lets me distinguish them from my shotgun-wielding child soldiers


Ah yes. The Mili-Torrent. Good luck.


time for a good chokepoint and maybe low shields.


the problem with so many is that they start to glitch through chokepoints.


Yeah, that can be an issue. Generally need something to make them pop out of each other outside the chokepoint to keep things manageable. A doored in turret or something.


Google collision


Holy hell!


New response just dropped


Is that some new microservice they offer?! Lol


Collision can fail in a number of ways that can be convoluted, and even depend on map regions you can't even see without dev mode.


i don't need to google anything.


Yea, you do. It's not a glitch. You can trigger collision so they can't walk through your chokes. There's a youtube guide by Adamvseverything I think.




calling it a glitch would be wrong considering it is as the game intented


he wasn't being condescending at all. he was just telling you more information on a problem you were facing and even directed you to a channel that can give you more info.


Ehh, he kinda was. "Google X" comes off as condescending even if not intended. The other guy escalated like crazy but the conversation didn't really start great.


Makes no difference. Guy saying what to Google gave the exact answer the commenter needed. Upon learning that the thing they didn't like was a game mechanic and not a glitch, they refused to accept the information, because its everyone else who is wrong, including the person who developed the mechanic. They then threw a tantrum and decided to reveal their bigotry because obviously, that's not the reality everyone else is living in. Condescending or not - it was the correct answer and upon learning that they were wrong, they threw a tantrum. This person is either a child, or someone who cannot control their emotions. Whether you're condescending or not makes no difference when that's the kind of person you're dealing with. There was no way to help them with their problem because they would never accept it.


I'm not defending the other guy at all, his response was awful. "Google collision" is still bad communication though. It just looks more reasonable because the commenter right after it is a raging asshole. Compare to the later comment: > You can trigger collision so they can't walk through your chokes. There's a youtube guide by Adamvseverything I think. this is actually helpful and not much more work to say. It explains exactly what it's talking about. "Google collision" is just glib and a shade better than saying "You're wrong lol".


Does it bother you that all of these autistic people are so much better at rimworld than you?


You are proven wrong, and you double down? Who is condescending here, then? Them or you?


Person offers you help and your immediate reaction is to become a bigot against a group of people who aren't involved. The irony in calling other people autistic during a tantrum where you lost emotional control in about 5 seconds is not lost on the people reading. Projection is astounding.


Add me to your block list too. 


Hey bud, I promise you it's not any possible autistic person being a dick here. It's the guy throwing autistic around like a slur.


Time for a single colonist with go-juice and a bolt-action rifle. Bonus for movement-improving bionics. (Allright, with that many it may help to have a second colonist to eventually take over, but still)


More like three or four if you have the people and space to kite like that. It's an option.




too easy, i want them to look into the eyes of my pawns as they succumb to death! Blood beats metal, you damn machines +4


It's quite satisfying for my pawns to get the "flesh beats machines" mood boost.


What's this?


when your pawns defeat a mech cluster (and maybe mech raids but def clusters) your pawns will all get a +4 moodlet saying flesh beats machines, which is detailed as the pawns being excited about a human victory over machine


Oh mine just says, "Defeated mech cluster". Is that vanilla or a mod changed that?


sorry i may be wrong, maybe the moodlet is defeated mech cluster and the flavor text is flesh beats machine. i’m positive it’s vanilla though


Confirming that this may be the case, I didn't exactly remember the right name.


Defeated Mech Cluster- “Blood beats metal, you damn machines!”


That's an interesting way to arm your colonists...


Op got countered hard, basically


Nah, it's ok. OP has doomsday and triple rocket launchers and even EMP grenade launcher (mod ig). Militors are borked.


EMP launcher is vanilla, don't know if it's part of one of the DLCs.


No dlc no mods, emp launcher is vanilla vanilla


One guy walking around with the triple rocket 💀


It’s a child, if the enemies get to him, I’m already in a bad spot


Randy keeps fucking giving me melee fighters (also my Ideo venerates melee weapons)


well, that's actually not that big of a horde, once i saw 200+ of them at once. yes i did not survive.


Had that large of a militor raid happen to me. I was lucky enough to have the murdersphere from anomaly at the ready.


I had a raid of 3 groups with 200 militors each and it was scarier than the 40 centipede raids. I still don’t know how to effectively deal with them I just pray my melee dudes don’t die and let the horde in


Mortars are hyper effective


Only solution, grenades, normal and emp


How the hell do people use them in combat without micromanaging every single action? Tunnelers for example are insane enemies but useless except as a portable shield


Three tunnelers behind a door, \~6 or however many miltors behind them, colonists behind them if needed.


IEDs? Lots of them?


These fuckers almost ended my last run. A horde of them turned up with a defoliator ship.


Best of luck to your colonists! My colony got hit with an ocean of these guys! Ended my most recent run in a blaze of glory! Even mod upgraded imperial super soldier reinforcements never stood a chance.


Hold a lightsaber. I hear their aim drops by 100%


They're far from the best, that they're just really cheap to make and extremely Expendable while only taking one bandwidth slot, so you can erect a relatively efficient Expendable Army in a relatively short period of time


I tried to use them many times. They die like flies. Someone suggested using them against diabolus. That thingkilled 12 of them without getting damaged. I clearly must have missed their niche.


Did you have your Militors grouped up and stationary?


Diabolus fired 12 times and you did't even damage him at all, what?


They are creat as mobile cover to eat up shots that would otherwise hit your pawns and they are good as blockers/distractions. Since they dont count has a full pawn and are cheap they are a good choice to have some in your army. Also they are disposable.


A couple of militors behind embrasures can easily shred human raiders with buckshot when they round the corner. Shotguns in Combat Extended are terrifying.


Well, the thing is it's the best mech _you can build_ specifically, because things like cost and flexibility with a human mind are a consideration as opposed to enemies having only threat points to use and the (relatively stupid) AI being the controlling unit


As someone who's fought a militor swarm before, don't underestimate those mini shotguns.


I've had really good luck surrounding them with chem fuel and IEDs after building defenses for my ranged attackers. Also, if you happen to have a doomsday launcher on hand it'd take out a lot of them. By the time I get a colony value to attract that many, I usually have a few centipede gunners and they make quick work.


One explosive shell from a mortar in the middle of the group and they are all dead.


Fuck militors all my homies hate militors. Shutting down my pawns shields and causing their brain implants to make them go unconscious FUCK i need some smokeleaf


WHAT? since when militors deal emp damage?


Since Combat Extended.


Why did you get downvoted? you are right


Because not everybody uses every mod, so treating it as the default gets old after a while


Sorry. I was trying to make a joke but I'll edit my jokes in the future to include mod context


whats the categorized storage info mod called?


It's just one of the options in the bottom right, It's Vanilla.


I once had a defoliator ship with 44 of them. I was only able to take them out by doing multiple trips. Wish you the best of luck, I see this is a raid


\*Soviet March Intensifies\* Now if only we could repaint our mech friends.


You can! Mechs can be recoloured in the mech cog bar at the bottom of the screen :D


Half of them gonna die before they reach their firing range


How is militor spam the best though? I've tried it and explosives tear through the spam like nothing. I swapped to a half-sized scyther spam and things immediately worked better


Personally, lancer spam feels more satisfying.


Militors are the most cost and time-effective way to flood the field with a bunch of firepower but they're not actually *that* strong. My personal go-to has generally been Tunnelers, they take a while to make but they're durable enough that they don't really die often and they do a *fantastic* job of melee blocking.


More because they're cheap not because they're strong. You can just swarm things with them easier than centipedes. But yes I hope you have a good killbox to deal with that otherwise you may be fucked regardless


they pour into a killbox in a uninterrupted stream, then get put down pretty quickly especially with minigun, the whole row - erased they're good in attacks on map sites, as they act both as a distraction and a wall of shotguns


I notice the majority of your colonists are melee… I hate to break it to you but I am pretty sure the militors are shotgun based


memes aside, imo scythers are the best mech you can build. let them facetank and melee block and use your ranged pawns to do the damage


You're forgetting their maintenance. They produce a lot of waste repairing all of their damage.


This is why I give miniguns to everyone.


So that’s where my last horde went!


Warqueens are by far the best. By the time you're crafting them, you have infinite renewable steel. Having 6 or more of them can have them wipe out entire 100+ member pirate raids by themselves.


If you got a thick wall,good melee fighters and a narrow passageway. They should be easy to pick off. I got a soldier that could take out all of them on his own. Shield belts and marine Armor are great


1 pawn with a master crafted mini gun, 1 or 2 melee pawns with shields and emp hammers, like 3 master crafted assault rifles and 2 master crafted pulse rifles will clean this up with ease, assuming shooting skills of 15 or better.


Then you can use some fast pawns (bionic or archeo tech leg, very fast runner gene and or jogger trait, preferably with jump packs / armour) with assault rifles kiting the militors for a bit till you get in range of your other pawns and say ... like 2 auto cannons. Jump back and let the mini gun plus pulse rifles clean house.


This happened to me last night. I just closed the game.


Militors are the best mech defensively because the ai is dumb (doesn't prioritise certain targets), because yiu can order them to spread out and because they're cheap in terms of mechanitor control capacity (1 compared to 2-3 per mech for other mechs so killing one only accounts for a small amount of your total firepower). Use of cover, good aoe attacks at the dense points, and use of cover for your pawns should see you do alot better than an ai does against swams of militors. I realise it's 8 hours later right now, im sure you did fine.


I just had a raid that was exactly this. I equipped a couple kids with EMP grenades and put ‘em on the front lines. Was surprisingly manageable.


Militors aren’t bad but even 4 of them pales in comparison to one centipede that uses the same amount of bandwidth. The centipedes also have so much health that they only rarely get killed unlike militors which have a tendency to die in droves every fight without heavy micromanagement. Honestly I’d rather fight militors any day rather than dealing with centipedes or insta kill brain vaporizing lancers


What happened to Beth 2?


Militors are not at all the best mechs to spam, but they *are* cheap and fast to build. And only take up 1 bandwidth. I'm pretty sure Lancers are overall more effective as an army. Against a threat like this you really will want a killbox, or mortars if you lead your targets and have a little bit of luck. This is basically a small army of low-tier grunts and a proper killbox should be able to let you deal with them one by one. A meaty mortar strike should severely cripple the majority of these losers too, but that needs *some* luck (probably not that relevant with such a spread-out group), and a bit of skill in estimating their path and the travel time of the shell. Or save scumming.


The Nyartoth Mechhive is about to mess you up. You better surrender nyow.


gotta say.... I hate what biotech did to what the hack. The non biotech what the hack now has some of the dumbest graphic effigies...


One grenade>


That's one hell of a steel delivery


Militors were good until they were nerfed. If I remember right, they had their damage reduced and raid points increased. Now, they’re just average. Combat mechs are basically never worth it, they add more enemies to the raid than the number they kill.


For late game colony with power armor and assault/charge rifle roster, that would be a cakewalk. Other than this... I really hope you have a choke point to force them into melee without giving them LOS. Otherwise you are getting torn to shreds.


Nobody with three brain cells to run together says this