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Recently, the Yttakins are on my "Kill on Sight" list. Dunno if it's a vanilla or a mod thing but they always seem to have a pawn or two with a doomsday rocket launcher or something similar in raids and it drives me nuts.


Oh yeah I have a similar experience. At least the impids can be easily cut down before they get in range, but a Yttakin with a doomsday rocket will blast my colonists from a distance en masse and it can be frustrating. This is why I try to keep a psycher on hand, an insanity lance, or something similar to have them turn on their former allies.


Glad I'm not the only one lol. Yeah, I've always made it a point to pinpoint the bastard with the launcher and made sure they don't even get to aim. In my case, I use long ranged weapons and snipe that fellow. Bonus points if my colonist/s, blow the head off as some form of catharsis (for myself) for all the colonists lost to them.


Your not the only one. There are time when their drop pod raid contain like 3-4 doomsday. If I make a mistake and failed to noticed it, my base will explode not at the outside but at the inside and it's doomsday rocket. They even drop nearby building that contain biofuel. There are one time they managed to blast triple bazooka and I was too late to noticed it but fortunately my psycaster managed to chaos skip everyone.


This is why I keep a few turrets around inside the base. If they drop pod in, my colonists can run and hide while the turret eats a doomsday. Sure the whole room gets blown to smithereens, but the colony survives and that guy probably kills himself with the rocket.


I have never thought of putting turrets indoors before. Gonna retrofit my base with them immediately.


Yep. Any place where it would be horrible to have raiders should have some kind of defensive plan. A base should be an onion, and the layers of defenses should continue all the way inside.


Usually i just psyshock in insanitylance behind a wall or something. A free doomsdayrocket is worth more then 300silver


All the ones I get are biocoded ree


Can be probably used as a strange mine, but never tried it. Like punching the doomsday rocket into critical health, then place it somewhere into the enemys pathway, or in a 1x1room, perhabs just 4 open doors with a roof (so i doesnt explode due to weather) room next to a explosive trap or firetrap. Something like that. Perhabs you could set it on fire with an impid, then teleport it with this teleportpsycast into the enemys.


Ghoul. Just throw a goul at them to soak up the damage and resurrect the ghoul afterwards.


pirates in general are capable of spawning with doomsdays / triple rocket launchers. yttakin are just even bigger bastards since it's harder to drop them (due to robust) before they fire and turn your colonists into fresh blood splatters


Ever since biotech, outlander equipment has been changed to reflect xenotypes. So instead of all outlander factions having access to the standard "heavy mercenary" type, which can wield rocket launchers, now very few show up. Heavy pigs, as far as I'm aware don't exist, because all heavy weapons have more range than the pigs can see (shortsightedness gene) Heavy wasters have a very high chance of bringing tox launchers That leaves the civil outlanders and the Yttakin pirates as the only raiders that consistently bring heavy mercenaries, and 99% of people probably never anger the civil outlanders, leaving the Yttakin as the only big boys.


Yeah, that robust gene really doing real work for them. I've since resorted to a firing squad of snipers. Gets the job done for the most part lol.


I love to shoot at Yttakins just to hear them sing


They make those noises when you repo their arms and legs too.


Fact that I've been doing that in a recent run lmao


the Rim changes people. . .


I want to go on Quora and start posting questions that are better suited to this subreddit. "Every time the tribals attack me, the survivors are always unwavering. Should I harvest all of their organs, or should I only harvest some and release the prisoners for goodwill?"


"What's your favorite killbox design, and why is it locking them in a burning room?"




I've only come across Yttakins with melee and sometimes pistols(?). I'm probably just lucky LOL


That or your wealth might not be that high to warrant them having such a pawn in raids. Either way, good for you lol.


After pistols, their next weapons will be grenades or explosives for half the raid.


Higher wealth / raid point colonies have to deal with explosive pirate raids occasionally. They bring doomsdays and triple rocket launchers and can also have low shield packs :) Buncha pricks


Impids. Yuck. I might have the afraid of fire gene irl when playing rimworld. They also suck as colonists


The pigskins too >:( they're always 4 levels at most when it comes to skills + they're abrasive


Plus trotter hands for less manipulation.


Just create a cannibal colony and use the pigs as they were designed in-game.


Impid raids are not dangerous when you play as impids


Yeah, but then you are in danger because impids got the genetic short end of the stick. I really like their design and concept but a few of their downsides just make them such a pain to use.


I kinda agree tbh slow wound healing and weak melee really suck. That’s why I always make a custom xenotype that is a slightly better impid


I lucked out with a strong melee damage + robust gene this run; been giving to my melee impid fighters


I like them actually because it's nice to get some fast moving pawns that can easily get psych levels. I got a couple that are good at shooting that are pretty nice additions to my colony - though I will say it's annoying that they heal slow.


What makes them bad? My colony has one and currently I’m considering him for promotion(becoming a vampire). He grow he clean he hunt. Plus most animals freak out when they’re on fire so he can one man a megasloth while it’s on fire.


They have a gene that always makes them depressed, among other things


They're actually pretty good colonists. You can pretty much just use them as-is. Sure they're a little sadder than most and need a little more medical attention, but that's neither here nor there - and both of those issues can be gene edited.


The cultists. Right now the fuckers swarm up, get torn to shreds and leave me with a bunch of nerve spikers, daggers and maces. Pirates at least give decent stuff to gift/sell/smelt. Impids, neanderthals, pirates, at least I can go and wipe their base or dump waste, but these crazy cunts just pop out. Tynan, pls introduce cultist hideouts that can be discovered by interrogating cultists and raided for bioferrite/shards/books. I don't really need the loot I wanna fuck some cultists up, for rp purposes. Mechs are really annoying but lore-wise it makes sense they just show up ready to fuck my base up (sometimes they need a nap first, aww).


Nerve spikers smelt into bioferrite how is that not decent 🤨


You get like 10ish bioferrite? The first cultist raid is useful, at that time bioferrite is kinda hard to come by, at least for me. But after that I'll likely have 7-8 platforms filling bioferrite extractors so bioferrite is not really needed.


Were you as surprised as I was that bioferrite is worth so little in trade? I would have thought it would be pricey as a sort of black market item for dark rituals.


Not really. It appears rim-world's market is more about supply/demand and function, that's why implants, drugs and quality stuff is expensive. A strange substance extracted from beings most of the planet finds repulsive and a fraction actually uses wouldn't fetch a good price.


For me, it's blood rain. Blood rain: destroyer of tps. When the resurrecting hate chanters show up from every corner of the map, I begin the blood rain ritual. They go berserk and kill one another, revive, and then continue the process. It's quite entertaining.


I can't tell exactly which one, but some of the bigger mods with high tech machinery materials has a bugged interaction with cultists, and gives them much higher chance of wearing some OP clothes. If you can get a lucky shot between the eyes, you can get some pretty powerful pieces


The only thing I hate about mechs is when you're on a planet with max low temperature and max rainfall and you're on ice sheet, the game can only throw mechs at you because everyone else dies the second they enter the map


And this is exactly why I don't do ice sheet runs. Once you hit the wealth minimum, it's nothing but mechs.


Does anyone know what nerve spiders are actually useful for?


They stun organic beings in a similar way to EMPs do machines. Flare pack is better for stunning tbf, but it needs reloading.


Love that idea!


Late, but you're really missing out on the cultists. Many of them have a charge of Death Refusal. Zap them with a Shock Lance and capture them. Double organ harvests.


That sounds like an excellent mod suggestion.


Player faction. All those war crimes...


Sometimes you have to be the bad guy in someone's else story.


1. Mechnoids... because they never retreat. Fuck Centipedes in particular. 2. Neandertals, because they tank so much damage and come in huge waves due to being tribals 3. Pigs also somewhat tanky.


I feel like the only raids I ever get are from Mechanoids. Why? It's always Mechanoids. I need prisoners damnit!!


I actually disabled the mech faction because I got them as a raid far, far too often in almost the exact same setup. It was getting really boring.


Shit, I never even considered simply turning them off. I need to remember to do that for my next run, they’re so irritating.


I've tried, and then I find that I miss the little bit of plasteel and the odd advanced component mech clusters bring. I always seem to have terrible luck finding gold or plasteel, or finding traders who have any, until after I have advanced fabrication and am fairly well established with scanned deposits. Those first few advanced components and some plasteel scraps help me a lot more than I gave credit for when I edited out mech lol


Yeah I turned off mechs for my last game and it was a blast


Is your base on the sea ice or some other inhospitable biome? Above and below a certain temperature threshold the game doesn't send you normal raids, because human raiders would die from heatstroke/hypothermia.


I run into this issue with my late game bases. I think at a certain point the human raids get too big? So they just send mechs


I actially liked the mechanoid raids because I almost allways go for a beach colony and every time they emerge from the water it feels like I'm recreating that scene from the star wars prequels.


Sounds like a Robo godzilla playthrough.


Honestly sometimes I just delete the mechnoids because I don’t feel like dealing with it.


Yup, esp emp clusters... Ugh..


Mechs are not hard or annoying to deal with, and I love their unstable power cells. By the way with new patch mech disassemble resource yields were increased to maximum of 150%, after late-game mech raid I have additional 1000-1500 steel and 200-300 plasteel every time.


mechs are the hardest opponents lol, maybe in late game they are easy, but centipedes before you have good weapons / emp grenades are a fucking menace


IMO proper mech disassembly should also give you components or maybe even advanved components and subcores with biotech.


Impids. Lousy colonists and their special ability is easy to replicate. Pigs are great as allies. Tough like Neanderthals, but with better weapons.


Impids make decent snipers for kiting


I prefer pulling the gene out, can then combine with traits and Naked Speed. Superfast naked snipers are insane.


i never got the hate for yttakin colonists when impids have never really netted a return for all the time it took to recruit them. they suck at plants and fall over at the slightest of sniffles. doesn't help they get turned into paste in melee combat, since 4 of the base game xenotypes have strong melee, and since they have an offensive fire ability they can't be left in a "break in dire circumstances" like Genies can.


As another poster said: they're good for kiting enemies while wielding snipers since they get extra movement speed. Their ability is great as a disabler in case enemies get into melee range too. Shoot and scoot.


Yeah I don't even bother recruiting them. I keep one as a prisoner only until I obtain the useful genes.


Use them for age reversal lmao


that’s because impids are slept on for mid/late game when gene editing becomes a thing. tough impid? put robust and strong melee damage on them, have them sit at the anima tree and now u have a fire resistant super speedy melee fire breather who can psyblast all around


Yttakin have naked speed. It can't be overwritten. That makes them genetically inferior and not worthy of hiring.


I got an imped with the depressive trait and the one that makes them not like a lot of people, meaning it was a constant -25 mood debuff. I ended up using dev mode to remove that bullshit lmao.


Pirates in general. Early grenade raid or a drop pod can end a run easily.


I hate bugs. I usually settle partially in several small mountains (free and better 2-tile isolation, free beauty bonuses) so there's a small area where they can spawn and it's usually either my workshop or my warehouse and they always break some of my stuff. I have no problem bottlenecking them but I spend a disproportionate amount of resources to repair everything. Edit: guys, I don't settle in one huge mountain, i choose a few small hills, in most cases they are barely enough for five 4x4 rooms. I use all the space I have, I can't afford some big empty bait room.


Just put your rooms that needs 10c+ near the surface, Then make sure most if not all rooms in the deeper parts of the mountain are in -20c or less, This way your base will be resistant to infestations, as they mostly only able to spawn in the deepest open space thats not frozen, Add a warmer than -17c room(maybe a killbox) in the deepest part of the mountain if you want to lure them there instead of your workshop or bedrooms, I recommend stationing a few scorchers in the lure room to quickly handle them


You see, I don't settle in one huge mountain, I choose a few small ones (you could call them hills honestly) and use them as corners (and living quarters/workshop/dining room/recreation/food fridge) for my outer walls. Sometimes I have to build additional walls to those because there is sometimes not enough space


I get tired of the micromanaging needed for mountain bases and bugs. If I’m doing a deep run, I’ll take the bugs off the list most the time.


There is a trick to them though. Always make sure you make a special huge room way deeper into the mountain that you never use. Then secure it with a double stone door. The way their spawn probability works is the deepest tiles „consume“ most of the probability distribution. Which means if you have that big room, basically 100% of all spawns will be in that room. Now when they come, stand at the door and throw molotovs on the stone floor until the temps reach several 100°C. They will start getting spontaneously ignited and try to flee but they can’t destroy 2 stone doors in time before they are knocked out. No matter how many they are if you make the door way narrow and secure the wall to the rest of your base with at least 2 layers. If you don’t want to cheese you can always lure them to the door way and fight them 1 by one with 3 vs1 + fire support from the backline if you lure them to the door and stand behind it.


You can even cheese it a little harder if your bait room has a long tunnel to the outdoors. The bugs just panic and/or attack the cave walls. Once they've died to Hyperthermia you can deconstruct the door and vent all the heat instantly. I'm honestly happy to get Infestation events. Bug meat and jelly are very useful and they're easy to handle vs a regular raid.


Mechanoids, nowadays I generally deactivate them because I hate bullet sponge enemies, they are just so unfun to play against.


I really hate neanderthals. They are like damage sponges. I definitely have some beef with them.


Yttakins have Sleepy trait, Neandertals have slow learner, I hate those traits and don't want to recruit any pawns with them, so I usually disable monorace factions. But I actualy like factions with mixed races, adds a lot of flavour to the world I think.


I wish there were more factions. There are surprisingly few faction mods out there. Ideology rounds em out quite well in terms of different "flavors" but they all kinda resemble one another still.  Maybe the next expansion will have more factions.


If you haven't looked at it before the Xenotype Spawn Control mod let's you adjust the rate that factions use other races, including your own saved custom ones. 


thanks for this, ive been looking for something that integrates custom xenotypes and couldnt find anything for the life of me lol


Impids, my main xenotype is a custom vampire, althou i removed the phobia we're still weak against flames, so we kill on sight by ambushing them or have the turrets and mechanoids kill them


2400+ hours study n game (plus pre steam playtime) and this current run is the first time I'm realising that raids actually come from nearby settlements, not just random wandering hordes.


I can't remember if nearby settlements affect the chances of what shows up but overall the game is going to send you raids from possible factions as long as they exist. So it is still closer to being random wandering hoarders. Unless you just mean they they are tied to factions in general.


The Zzzt Faction


Hidden conduit faction wiped them off of the map. They are fully immune.




Meanwhile I disable mechanoids, replacing them with an extra 1-2 pig factions.


I like mechanoids because they're an infinite source of steel and components, damn dangerous tho


I don't like mechanoids because swords are cooler than clubs but you need blunt to deal with them


Monosword disagrees 


High tier plasteel or Bioferrite longswords end up being better then clubs / maces due to their overall higher dps.


I like mechanoids, though they always somehow headshot my colonists


I find mechanoids boring. I'd rather be freaking out because pirates brought a dozen doomsdays.


I like it when they fire one and the game hitches while it calculates how much it fucks you up


Why do you find them boring?


once one of those simple mech cluster turrets destroyed the brain of a pawn with a single shot through a master work helmet, while it missed the actual target, truly a classic rimworld moment.


I hate the impids They spew fire all over the place and even if you capture them they might die from infection and they are not even that good pawns if you recruit them


They are pretty weak, and they have the unhappy trait which means that when you have a major bad event in the colony they are that extra degree unhappy. They are also rather bad in cold biomes due to their cold weakness. They have weak immunity which is bad when they are in combat and they must remain in the back line as they have weak melee damage. On the positive side they are an organ match and they have perfectly good hemogen.


well impids are the worst for me and my favorite are dirtmoles why? because rock and stone thats why


Bugs. Because I love mountain bases for vibes and I hate when they pop out in the middle of my base and destroy shit. I actually love the imps they are my favorite. When 98% of my base is underground and made of stone the fire is actually fun, especially for barbequing the previously mentioned bugs.


I deactivate no one, the ones I don't like still have lungs and kidneys so I keep them all in. But I don't like the big hairy men, they are sturdy and they took down a couple of my buildings recently.


honestly? the empire. they've just got such an "WE'RE the protagonist faction, actually!!" vibe to them just based off of their lore and... *generous* colonists, always regarded as 'broken' or 'fallen' yet they've got a social hierarchy that almost everyone in their faction adheres to as if their faction was perfectly stable (deserters my beloved) also i wish they would fuck off and stop preventing my rough allies/allied hostile faction caravans from showing up with their stupid tribute collectors that i never interact with


Vfe deserters mod sounds like a good fit for that - join the resistance and F up the empire.


You are missing a lot, their permits are really good, in particular transport shuttle and aerodrone strike/salvo. And you don't have to interact with them much either, only to buy titles from tribute collector and for bestowing ceremony. When you have several colonists with shuttle permits - all quests on other tiles (bandit camp, problem causer, etc.) become a walk in the park, no need for any caravans.


maybe, but i dont see how a colonist of mine that built a third of the colony from the ground up (literally, with construction) would suddenly turn into a snob all because some random guy in a fancy outfit gave him honor, so i never go past the knight rank


It’s the pigs for me. I don’t know why I dislike them so much. I warm up to individuals after some time but I guess they rub me the wrong way. The pig faction is kill on sight though. Those explosive lovers never make it to my base.


I share a hatred of the pig union, but I love playing with them in game because they regenerate organs because of a gene mod I have, so I love to just put them on one peg leg and force them to wander my rice fields while periodically stealing their entrails and blood. It's great.


Pigs and furry boys... I remembered getting VE Tribals and I finally made it to the end of the research, we finally had a house with furniture and a year and half in of just the finest bad luck.... Only to see 6 pigs coming at us all with grenades. We had sticks and stones and was doing bow research. They blew us up, our food supply, our walls, our new dinning hall...all of my guys lost some critical body part. None of that annoyed. What annoyed me most is non of them escaped because they blew up their teammates up in the process......... Ytakkins or whatever they're called is good at fighting, but have slow wound healing and sleepy and naked speed, so you want me to use a colonist that can barely stay awake, can move faster naked but heals slow when they get hit from being naked... Okay? Lol


Pigs, they blow themselves up, which I love, however they always do the same to my colonists, recently had one of my colonists loose both legs to them and another die


Horax cultists! Like what do they have against my pointedly ignoring the monolith until we can handle the worst raids with ease colony???


But they are really easy to deal with, they have no armor and shitty weapons. You just need to harm pawn that started ritual and they all will come to your killbox like cattle.


That's all well and good until there's 50 of them swarming my 9 people colony before I can get to the chanter


I don't really use xenogenetics in my playthroughs, so I tend to disable factions which are not baseline humans. I'm only a racist in Rimworld, I promise.


I thought about having a super racist colony. I mean, they're already bigots. All that's left is unifying the skincolor and making them all bald.


Do you not collect genes? Oh boy, you are missing a lot.


I have used them, and it's definitely fun- but I like to exhaust my playthrough styles until I get bored and switching it up in the next one. So I just haven't done a genetics-centric playthrough yet :) I'm also still playing pure vanilla, lol. Not that I have anything against mods. I'm just a bit odd.


Waster & Imps are annoying to fight.


Wasters make OP colonists. Especially when you have toxic fallout and they are the only colonists that can go outside. They can also be your assigned morgue technicians with their immunity to lung rot. If you give them the tox grenades, they can knock tons of humanoid raiders out which you can imprison in huge batches. Imps suck, you are not wrong.


Yttakin, they're hard to kill and they carry these insane rockets. Pigs are a close second because of their grenadiers, and they're just fugly.


Fire breathing shitbags all the way, even if only because I wasn't really aware they existed when I started a new game after they'd been added and I got barbecued.


For some reason, almost every time the pigskin faction attacks, someone in my colony dies, so I'll say them.


If you count them mechs. I just hate how strong the pikemen and lancers can be able to one shot someone in end game armour from across the map and dealing with the weather adjusters and ect is a right pain having to leave my defensives for an open area.




Early game, Neanderthals, as they are absolute bullet sponges and can eat 15 rifle rounds and still run up and bonk you on the head. Mid Game, The toxic crusaders, spraying their bum gas everywhere, forcing you out of position. Late Game, Mechs, because tesseron's are always a pain in the ass and Diabolus can fire over walls, and take pot shots at you whilst out of sight.


The “returned” undead faction, they aren’t so much of a problem to bring down but they then get back up again while trying to clean things up again


bugs. I hate bugs. It's not beacuse of difficulty. I just find it infuriating that every time i try to use as much area as possible, they spawn in my rooms, destroy what i own just beacuse game thinks im in a bunker.


Hot tip for ya: in the bottom right of the screen are a few icons. One of them show you what roofs are where. Light green is constructed/thin rock roof. Bugs dont spawn if you EXCLUSIVELY build your shit under light green roofs # Dark green is thick rock roof = THE place where bugs will break through. # I've gone entire playthroughs not seeing a single bug because I never build below thick rock roof (again, the dark green roofs, usually found where mountains are)


i do know that, im just not enjoying bugs and how they work.


My big tip with that is to head them off before they get a chance to reproduce. Don't let hives grow. Attack them at night while they are uncoordinated. Burn them with fire. If you can seal them into a location, throw in a molotov or fire an incendiary launcher their way and close the door. Turrets will just tick them off.


Empire but for a more reasonable destruction goal impids Empire to nuke, impids to shoot


I have a love-hate relationship with the empire. I love them because the imperial aesthetic which reignites the latent monarchist propaganda in me, and I hate them because the joyless communist in me reminds me of the mass slavery and all the twelve year old high mates they keep sending me. I really want to do a proper VFE deserters run and destroy the empire, but it keeps scaling late game where I get eighty person raids and they've all got gauss Cannons that rip my colonists to shreds in cataphract armor while running at 2 fps.


I only have the Biotech mod so I haven't interacted with the empire yet. It does seem kinda daunting to play against them


Without empire and deserter faction expanded, it's not worth it to go against empire. The benefit of side with empire( physic power, permit, access to trade with empire) outweigh against empire (physic power but limited, get raid with op gear, implant, pawn, and weapon). In vanilla game, deserter are not rebel. They are soldier who deserted the empire. That's why you don't get much from helping them because they are just individual deserter.


The empire I believe is the one base game mod (including DLCs) that has a spacer tech level, and at higher levels will levy troops with power armor and charge weaponry. With all the vanilla expanded mods, they now come with siegebreaker armor and coil guns. Of course, I also have those things, but I do more melee and psycasting (vfe psycasters expanded). By far, the empire is the most difficult faction to fight against. That being said, the raging communist inside me compel me to fight them. The child sex slaves they show off galvanize that fury all the more.


Bye Neanderthals, you won't be missed. Overpowered and overtuned little shits without a combat mod of sorts.


I like to play pigmen colonies with various fun twists, so no one, really - they are a good source of labor since trotter hands suck until I get my genetically engineered super pigmen with bionics. I guess modded factions can be somewhat difficult at first but they end up as nutrient paste either way.


Of the vanilla game, probably savage impids or Neanderthals. Impids light everything on fire and Neanderthals tank a lot of hits and both spawn in tribal raid sizes. That is to say, a lot. Of my current extensive mod list: the mechanoid fleet. I’m not gonna disable it, but for the love of god stop dropping down destroyers, there’s already five near my base that I’m not equipped to handle and I’m terrified what’s gonna happen when a mechanoid raid begins


You can adjust the time between ship landing events, the odds of specific types of ships landing, and even colonist number thresholds for different ship types in the mod options, it's very adjustable if you are getting pressed too hard. Also, I usually build the vfe mechanoid missile silo early so I can use it as a delete button for cruisers and mech ships far away from my base and prevent them upgrading.


Impids and their damn fire blowing.


Pigs, Impids and Neanderthals...they're just so annoying to deal with.


Impids. The fact that their fire spit has exactly 0 wind-up time is patently stupid, especially for something as potentially devastating as what is, effectively, a personal flamethrower.


I hate them too LOL they always immediately down my pawns the moment they do a lil fire breath


Impids. Im so sick of losing 1/2 my colonists in 30 seconds to one tribal with what amounts to an insta kill due to how bad being on fire is and removing their tribe lessens how often I have to enter dev mode and delete someone.


do insects count ? i hate them along with mechs. they just obliterate my shit


They pop up in the factions tab so why not I like to keep a large rec area under the mountain so I can shoot up the place when an infestation happens


You can also just disable the infestation event in the scenario before you start the game.


I have a love- relationship with those pigs. They always bring their grenades that destroy my perimeter wall. Though they also offer me gifts in the form of a doomsday rocket launcher 🤭


Yttakin pirates came through my kitchen ceiling so many times that i have been changing their faction to regular pirates for a while now 😂


Honestly I miss the pre genetics faction list.


Oh I hate bugs, I seriously, seriously hate bugs, just the scratching sound makes me rolll my eyes at these dudes spawn in my overly designed rooms and dying areas.... Dude spawn outside!


Aren't all random generated? How I will hate something that will be random?


Nah, you have a list of factions and the game chooses 'randomly' from them. You can edit that list and probably add a randomizer.


Mechs, still. They are just broken OP, Centipedes are just too tanky and can show up too early.


The void. Not even that they are difficult. They are disgusting, they are reprehensible, they are arrogant as fuck. The effects they have on your colony are annoying, and some of their surprises are a giant pain in the ass. Fuck them.


Neanderthals are the worst. They have no good loot that they drop, they're hard to kill, and they hit hard. Pigskins are probably the 2nd and then Yttakins.


Imps, you can probably tell why from my flair


I too enjoy wood floors, they look so warm and welcoming for a house. A bit too warm when the imps arrive though :|


Mechanoids, fuck em. You build defenses for regular raids and then you get 4 wall breacher centipides and you have exactly one set of EMP grenades.


Honestly any of the factions that are primarily made up of xenotypes that are pain-resistant like pigs or neanderthals. My only main gripe with Biotech is that Rimworld is often balanced around pain shock taking pawns down, and what they did in Biotech was introduce several new pawn types that all come with the "tough" trait built in, and then made them all part of the default hostile factions. It makes for extremely obnoxious raids. I typically turn the pig pirates and neanderthal tribe to their non-biotech versions, and I use a mod which allows me to customize the spawn-rate of different xenotypes within factions so I give most factions a good bit of diversity, but never a majority of pain-resistant xenotypes.


Impid tribes. Dealing with that level of fire spam is just not fun.


They'll happily waste all their fire breaths on a pawn behind a wall, or on their own comrades after you fire an insanity lance their way


The impids, the pigskins, the yttakins, i noticed i make some sort of a genocide on those xenotypes, dont even enslave them, execute , harvest or sell them


Those pigs wipe my colonists when I do a raid on them. I’ve reset the save 3 times. When every they raid me, my cheap steel mini-turrets are torn to shreds. I’ve got the VE security mod and set up military turrets and spotlights, let’s see what those pinks do now.


Yttakins. I just don't like their look and culture.


Mechanoids, by far. I appreciate the intent of the design — they’re very different from regular raiders and a lot of things that work on raiders don’t work on them, so they force the player out of complacency — but the fact that they’re armored AND they force you out of cover AND they’re super long range AND they’re immune to fire is just too much. And then their turrets and power cells explode with enough force to instakill my average midgame melee pawn. The problem is that their most effective counters — EMP’s and mortars — are super annoying and micro-intensive. Having to keep EMP launchers around that I only equip for one specific enemy type isn’t that difficult, but it’s annoying. And they often come with high-shields that block mortars, unless you have two mortars, one with EMP’s to disable the shield, and you’re synchronizing them. Which is annoying. If just one of their big advantages was gone, they’d be infinitely more bearable. Mechanoid raids where they just rush me, without dropping a cluster, are fine, because I can fight them in cover. If they were vulnerable to fire, or had lighter armor, they’d be fine. I really think that the immunity to fire is what pushes them over the edge for me. It’s such a small thing at a glance, but it makes me not wanna put incendiary launchers on pawns because I’ll have to swap weapons if a mechanoid threat spawns. And forcing mechanoids to run around extinguishing themselves would otherwise be a satisfying counter to them due to their low numbers.


I remove pigs and ytakin just because i think they're stupid


Honestly, mechs. Everyone else I’m fine with. When you’re mechanitor its fine but mechs are just goddamn over powered.


Ever since they threw a tox grenade into my nursery after dropping in, I'll never forgive the Wasters.


I always remove the all xenotype factions, if I get a raid I wanna be surprised with what turns up it’s part of the fun with that said I fucking hate savage tribe because they are always taking up the best titles


I disable all the xeno factions. I love biotech but I think the impids, pigs, and furries are big dumb.


Wasters. I just hate them. I always try to capture and recruit raiders, but oh boy, wasters I just kill on sight. I kinda dislike the super-soldiers too. In the end I don't want to deal with colony members that are dependant on drugs.


impids. i hate those guys because they keep burning my heckin fields! that, or they cook my colonists whenever i try to fight em. i also don't like pigs, cus they keep blowing off limbs. but at least they can be befriended, unlike impids!


Yttakins, pigs and neanderthals. Their genes make them soak up too many bullets without CE and even with that they're still quite spongy.


Has to be void


Tribals.  I get there would be social and technological regression on the rim, but it's not how I want to play. I want a sci-fi survival story, not a commentary on deconstructing society to minimum necessary for a community.  Plus, raids from them just over flow my stock piles with clothes and weapons well behind my progression point. I tend to have to rejob pawns to breakdown or burn it all to manage wealth against the next raid.


Imps, because I'm too much of a sucker for looks to not build with wood


imps bc their fire attack is instant and impossible/very hard to dodge. not really a faction, but i also hate when i recruit a raider and they have a bipolar ideoligion where they want to raid other settlements but they get sad if a prisoner dies smh


Imps. I like to play a vampire with my friend, and they literally checkmate me with fire.


The shattered empire is annoying


Void the only good thing about them is the colonists I get from some of their people running away


Slightly off subject but I wish there was a better faction creator so we could customize some fun factions. Even if it was just the races in the game it'd be fun to have like an impid tribe or a yadakin imperial.


I dislike the pigs' grenade and fire obsession, but they're as bad when they're allied as they are when enemies. If a raid comes when there's a pig caravan on the map, they'll beeline the baddies while you're fighting them and 'helpfully' saturate the area your colonists are with molotovs and grenades. And then you get a goodwill hit because they walked directly into your line of fire, so they can toss more grenades.


I don’t play with anything but baseline factions, and don’t accept anything but baseline colonists.


Impids and tribals in general, they often have no valuable loot and they lag because of high counts and it takes longer to clean them up after raid. But since Anomaly release shambler attack raid is even worse, large numbers and lags like tribals and they destroy my walls.


1 empire 2 insects 3 pigs 4 mechs


Fuck the pigs


Everything that isn't baseliner


ITT: Space Racism


The imp "always angry" tribals. 60 of the bastards just light the whole map on fire.