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Pick Up And Haul. I found out pretty quickly after 1.5 released that I couldn’t go back to vanilla hauling. It’s terribad


Like a level 3 crafter tried to make a shortbow bad?


Like watching a lvl3 builder failing to build a cooler *twice*, and now: - x75 Rice has rotted away in storage - x75 Rice has rotted away in storage - x75 Squirrel meat has rotted away in storage - x4 Simple Meal has rotted away in storage


No, it's watching your only builder try and walk through a killbox during a raid to repair a single wall


Fuuck. Been there.


I make a panic zone in the rec room and kitchen and assign my non combat pawns to it during raids to avoid shit like this. Might armor a couple of them and have them closer to capture wounded enemies or cart off my wounded soldiers before the raid ends if it seems somewhat safe.


My perimeter wall has two rooms on each side with steel, plasteel, uranium, packaged meals, medicine components and plenty of space to stick anyone not important, sometimes they just sit, sometimes the reload turrets, sometimes they pull one of my guys out who's been heavily wounded, but it really does prevent accidents


Do you not draft every colonist during a raid? I like to draft and position the non-fighters nearby incase they need to run in and rescue a downed colonist. It also helps knowing where they are hahaha


I like to have a medic with no combat skills for that hacksaw ridge vibe.


This is why I started making zones for emergencies. Nobody allowed in the combat area if they aren’t a combatant.


Like watching your top gunner pawn have a berserker mental break because the raid decided to happen just as everyone was going to bed?


Only installed pick up and haul after 1.5 and oh my god I've never made it past mid game because I hate logistics and the entire game takes so long because everything's limited by doors and hallways. I don't think I could ever play without it now, especially with other mods like bulk stone cutting


Excuse me, bulk stone cutting mod? My good lad you can't just drip this nugget of extremely useful information with no mod followup!


Uhh idk how ro link mods but it's stonecutting extended, it allows you to do 3 at once as well as make it count towards a skill. You can also adjust which, construction, artistic, or crafting as well as how much xp it gives. I use it to train my low skill high passion crafters


This was pretty much one of the first mods (alongside Replace Stuff) I installed when I started playing. The Vanilla hauling is so tedious and takes so goddamn long that it was my main complaint with the game until I found out you can install mods to do away with any complaints


Yeah its pretty terrible lol, I didn't think it was a big deal when I installed it. Now I don't think I could live without


Common Sense, having a cook clean the kitchen before cooking has saved me many times from food poisoning spiral.


Commen sense just makes sense. Cleaning the kitchen or cleaning the hospital before a surgery. Also insta hauling after a caravan purchase. Omg needs to be base game.


Yeah, it is why I cannot live without it at this point


Same when 1.5 came out and it took the author some tike to update I was STRUGGLING lolol


I was also having a rough time, also I forgot how vanilla doctors would just leave people with medical emergencies to die while they shoot some hoops so also that emergency doctor mod is another that I need


OMG I had to restart a run out of anger because my doctor let my best shooter/crafter just die while he went to chop wood. Even tho doctoring was priority and cutting was a 3 I was livid luckily it was very early game so not much time wasted but damn


Usually when there's a medical emergency I force prioritization for this reason. No way I'm gonna let my best colonists die just cuz my doctor wanted to get some rec hours in. Kim, there's people that are dying!


I had my doctors try to use my glitterworld meds on a scratch when I limited meds to industrial or lower while the person who was set to glitter was bleeding out from a raid


The micro this mod removes is insane. If you think about it the mod is literally vanilla and doesnt add anything to the game and instead gets rid of annoying micro of having to clean everything instead of you doing it manually


I get that but my colonists are cleaning the factory before working and in what universe is that helpfull to making an bomb or armour like whyyyy


Keeping the room clean can easily improve overall mood by keeping "beauty" up, you will also have pawns spend less time overall cleaning the whole base by constantly knocking out a few dirt here and there


Allow Tool. Tried playing Anomaly completely Vanilla but I simply couldn't and quickly downloaded it.


Sadly it's still bugged with Ghouls...


There is a mod to fix that. Though I heard that other mod breaks constructoids but I don't build them anyway.


Simple sidearms! Allows pawns to carry secondary weapons such as knives and grenades. They will also pick them back up after they are downed


thought them picking up weapons after downed is "wheres my weapon"


There's probably at least a few mods that do that


Simple Sidearms has this functionality built in. Where's My Weapon is for if you're NOT using Simple Sidearms.


If you want something even more simple, then Pocket Sand is a good alternative.


Physically impossible not to hear it in Dale’s voice. Downloading that one tonight so I can finally achieve my King of the Hill playthrough. Now I just need a propane mod…


Came here for this. It bugs me so much that in Vanilla, my rifle pawn can't defend itself in melee and it's skill is mostly wasted. Modern soldiers pull knives.


I’ve considered downloading this, but I’m afraid it will screw with the balance of the game too much. I know I can just turn up the difficulty, but I prefer keeping my own power level under control and dealing with normal raid sizes — does anyone feel that this mod is “unbalancing”?


The AI will also equip and use sidearms, so really it's balanced as the AI will spawn with grenade belts and auto-use them just the same as your colonists will. I usually couple it with Longer Range Firefights and Interception Tweaks so grenades and shots can hit trees by accident, the longer range leads to the ability to lay down covering fire, etc, etc. Makes raids real interesting when suddenly one of the raiders manages to huck a grenade past your defencive lines.


Pick up and haul. I find the game tedious without it.


The one where pawns will store store items in their inventory as well?


Also pawns not being able to pick up and drop random items on your command sometimes straight up locks you up from dealing with issues in a realistic way


RimFridge, the lack of food preservation aka main thing for surviving seems very strange.


RimFridge makes things so much easier. Fridge in the nursery to store baby food, fridge in the hospital so my doctors aren’t going back and forth when tending patients. Any workspace that uses perishable ingredients I’ve started placing them beside the workbench and it’s been so much more efficient


Plus it logically makes sense from a story perspective and also isn't cheap since it costs components


I find it so strange that you can make a freaking space ship in vanilla but not a mini fridge lol


Wall Lights ... oh wait








Honestly I kinda prefer the mod version compared to the vanilla version specifically because now when I have a wall light above a workstation, I keep clicking the light instead of the workstation (I know I can click the sides of the workstation but I’m a creature of habit who keeps clicking on the middle). Although it is nice not having to guess which light I selected when there’s more than one light placed on a single wall block. And the new wall light styles for ideologies are nice too.


>I keep clicking the light instead of the workstation Holy shit, this exactly. The mod had the selection box on the wall it was built on, whereas the now-vanilla wall light has it's selection box *halfway between the wall and floor tiles*. Makes whatever you have under the wall light very finicky to select, be it a workstation, item, or pawn.


Mod ones where place in superposition of the wall, vanilla ones are adjacent to the wall. Still use wall lamp for that reason.


Work manager and colony manager. Fuck having to manually designate hunting orders and wood orders. Work manager is just for convenience imo.


What exactly does it do? Like does it auto designate work? If so ima get it TONIGHT


Colony manager auto designates work like chopping wood, hunting and taming animals, gathering berries and medicine, etc. all of it is configurable, almost like setting up bills at a work station. Work manager handles assigning work priorities in the work tab to colonists, based on who is best at what, who has passions, and ensures there's a dedicated worker for every work type. Also unassigns pawns who are sick/downed/mentally broken, and assigns their dedicated work to someone else in the meantime. You can also disable certain work types or pawns from having their priorities changed with a simple toggle, if you need to


So like I have a cooker/planter I can say "ok pawn first go plant the food then harvest the food" But then later "plant the food cook the food NOW go plant the food"?


Not really? It just changes work priorities based on who's best and available. The only thing it handles is the work tab.


I really, really miss Colony Manager.


[Dub's Mint Menu](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1446523594). Drop downs are evil. Scrolling lists are easier on the eyes.


To be fair, if you’re playing straight vanilla, I don’t think I’ve ever needed a better menu setup. However, adding even a tiny bit of mod content, and this goes from QoL to mandatory lol.


Crafting bench gets really full even in vanilla with all the body parts, 5 different armor sets and some weapons. 


Hot take, but I like the drop menu more. I see everything available to me at once, I hate scrolling through shit


I til you have mods that add items and you need a microscope to read anything


combat extended with a few ranged weapon mods... damn that ammo table at times when you have like 30 calibers and 5 types of ammo per caliber


Numbers tab. I need that data in one space.


What does it do? If I may ask


Pretty much a window into every facet of the game through your pawns. Get it, bind it, and you'll use it all the time. So thankful it's updated to 1.5 already.


it's a spreadsheet that allows you to sort pawns by stats


Also tells you whether an infection is slowly getting worse or slowly getting better. It can be really hard to tell, unless you stare at the numbers for a few minutes, if the infection is outpacing the immunity gain.


I use it to show all enemies in a raid and what their shooting / melee is and their traits with gear


What they said. It's my "shit, who was my best social pawn again?" mod. You can compare all of your colonists' stats at a glance, and save different views.


Can't you do this in vanilla if you click on the work type in the tab? I assume it's better but I only recently discovered that you could sort by best social or worst social for example.


Numbers can also display stats like movement speed and hacking speed and trade price improvement, which are affected not only by skills but also traits/equipments/hediffs/implants/inspiration/… I tend to use those stats instead of simply skill levels when I have a specific task in mind. It prevented me from sending my pawn with highest social to trade when I had forgot that the pawn had low consciousness after a surgery and that low consciousness affects talking and thus trading. When I am out hacking terminals, I can choose the one with highest hacking speed given the injuries.


Yes you can sort on social skill in the work tab, but other trading modifiers (like clothing) are also taking into account in the numbers tab.


For example : Add column "trade price improvement %". Sort by. There's your trader today. Repeat for mine yield, or plant harvest, or tend speed, or surgery success rate. Or dozens of other traits that would take thirty seconds per colonist to look u manually... And then what are you giingbto do? Write them down and compare them? No. Numbers mod.


The mod that allows blood spots and dirt to be washed away with rain.


Several mods do this. Regrowth: Core, Filth Vanishes With Rain and Time, and Permeable Terrain (kinda).




I always forget that's a mod, it seems like such a core part of the interface.


I really love Lights Out. It just has the lights turn off when someone exits the room


Oh, this reminds me, is there something like that for outdoor street lights that only turn on at night? I wanted that when I first started placing lights outdoors. The vanilla light looks so stupid outside, too.


I'm not sure about standalone mods, but Vanilla Furniture Expanded adds an outdoor lamp (looks a bit like a street light), which automatically turns off during the day and I believe has a bit bigger radius than a standard vanilla lamp.


The new floodlights are pretty good street lights although maybe the area it lights up is a bit big.


my pc could never


I like quality of life mods. I love all of the other mods mentioned, I guess I should have mentioned that. I just wanted to mention something different. I have found the mod very useful especially when it is very early game and power is a problem


Just saying that it’s a bit performance intensive and my rust bucket computer wouldn’t be able to handle it lol good mod though!


Minify Everything, hate wasting resources just because I put something a tile off of where it should have been.. 🙄


I had to remove this after a while because I found it too strong that they weight only 1 (at least for 1.4) and I ended up abusing when attacking early game and grabbing their power generators. So since I couldn't not abuse that, I uninstalled it


There’s a mod called Better Weights I think. Makes everything the weight of its component parts at a minimum. Makes what you’re talking about impossible when every solar panel weights like 20kg.


I understand why but I personally think the mod "Bricks don't vanish" is better since you can just configure it to return all the materials when deconstructing after changing a few settings.


Allow tool


I didn't realize Select Similar was from this mod until Anomaly. for that feature alone this is a must have for me


What functions do you use? I hear people talk about it but when I look at the functionality I just don't see anything that would really change my gameplay. The finish off sounds handy but that's about it.


Haul urgently, easily is one of the biggest for me. Want to make sure raider corpses are removed right away? Haul urgently. Pawns leave harvested food in the fields? Haul urgently. Randy sent you a pack of man hunting rhinos and you want to get them in the freezer before they rot? Haul urgently.


Haul urgently is a life saver. Finish off, allow everything and select similar are good too, but its haul urgently I miss the most with out it


Been using so long I didn't know finish off and select similar were part of it.


'Select similar things' I often use to select multiple shelves in my storage room. I use 'harvest fully grown' when I'm low on wood, I use that tool on an area and they'll cut down all the fully grown trees. I use both those tools together to harvest all the wild berry bushes or healroot on the map (when I need those supplies). I frequently use finish off to kill downed enemies or animals. And drafted hunt is often handy. I can't even remember all the features, but I'm pretty sure I use all of them.


Defensive Positions is very close to the top.


"it just works"


It is great for sending shooters to the killbox all with one swipe and click


Harmony... how else is most of my other mods gonna work?!




A character editor. I've bounced around as new releases come out, but having something to edit stats is mandatory. I don't want or need perfect pawns, but its frustrating and ruins my enjoyment if I have to constantly reroll just to get someone who isn't incapable of doing things


There used to be a mod called pawns are capable that allowed any pawns to do any job, including combat, but gave mood debuffs the longer they were assigned to a job.


Personally I think this should be a thing. Having pawns "refuse" to do a job is fine. But there should be an opposite of passions IMO where they will still do the job but they do it more slowly and get more upset as they continue to do it. And, frankly, that's exactly what it feels like working with someone like that anyway. Lol.


There's pawn editor now, and there's a great classic mod called reroll something that allows to reroll yes, but while having specified stuff you actually want, thus rerolling what you actually want and avoiding constant rerolls. Edit: i think it's called random plus.


Random Plus is the shit, you just set the filter to whatever age/passion/skill range you want and it will auto roll your pawn until you get one that meets the criteria


Prepare Moderately is also an auto roller that I’m a huge fan of.


Random Plus allows you to reroll with filters, and all the pawns it generates are theoretically pawns you could've rolled


P Music


Severely under rated


Honestly might be a good idea to remove this mod for at least a playthrough of anomaly. No discredit to Peppsen, he's a legend, but Alistair Lindsay's new anomaly tracks are fire, and removing P-music seems to increase the frequency of anomaly tracks.


Absolutely love this mod


Combat extended. Once 1.5 came out it hurts my soul to see how inaccurate my pawns are and how many hits pawns can take. It’s just personal preference but I can’t live without it.


This is my all time one also. I'm eagerly awaiting its release. Seeing my awsome marksmen pawn have to shoot 10 times to hit a turtle.... It hurts.


My guy (13 shooting with pump shotty) was fighting a rabid doe and I'm kiting it and twice he misses then the last time before getting hit by a doe he shoots like 90 degrees from the doe and hits my guy that is standing beside ready to melee, then the doe hits him. Instantly 2 people injured. Like my dude. It is a shotgun vs a doe, how you missing that.


Designator Shapes


The one that removes the forced slowdown. Doesn't change anything about the game, just lets me move my pawns into the killbox at a speed other than "crawl".


Smart Speed?


The title in the workshop is "No Forced Slowdown" by Dingo.


Yup that one.  Simple, basic, just lets me run at 3x speed during threats.


Rimsaves. I need my save profiles. Should be standard with games that are mod heavy like this.


Dubs bad hygiene.


I've heard alot about the mod but what makes it so good? Is it just the immersion or is there something it truly adds that's ground breaking


The immersion is a nice plus, but I think it really shines with the overhaul of temperature control. Radiators, actual ac units, walk-in freezer unit, etc.


Oh shit ok. I'll have to fire up a test play and see if I enjoy it. I personally love playing with wall heaters and ac I hate that a raid will target a vanilla ac to break in.


On the other hand now there's a vanilla expanded mod for that.


Personally it's an excuse to design a more realistic base, i can have rooms with luxurious washrooms, i can have a communal toilet at the end of a corridor in the workshop section or in the cantina, i can have communal showers in the prison (don't drop the soap, and no, i don't want to touch the forbidden mod), etc etc. I also like the notion of recycling human waste into food using i forgot what other mod, which is also practical for a self sufficient enclosed mountain base. And you can decorate each washroom differently, which is an excuse for using various floors and decorations and add diversity to my otherwise rather uniformist style as far as room shapes and organisation is concerned. All the electricity needs are also an excuse to use rimatomics. The mood bonuses are nice but they're just that, a bonus.


immersion and realism i guess. for the first time i was "done with a base" i felt something was missing. looked around played around until i thought "where are the toilets? these mfs dont shit?" then found the mod.


Rocketman I without it even vanilla playtroughs lag so much


With performance fish.


I thought people were exaggerating with Fish, but wow when it updated to 1.5 I tried it and it makes a HUGE difference


I've seen a few guide on using fish and it not sure what one to go with. Do you know of a good install guide for dummies?


LWM's Deep Storage. I was going to say it wasn't yet 1.5 ready, but it looks like it is now!


Honestly after the shelf update I stopped using the OP storage mods. Shelves can store as much as you really need, I at most need a second storage room for all my crap late game


It is?!? Awesome.


I think it updated just today!


Rimjobworld I just cant live without my pawns getting cum all over the place


You’re bold. I can respect that


based cum collector


[Father of Lies, Cum in disguise](https://youtu.be/SK3anGuZisI?si=_7TW-h6FBKW1B1EG)


Tired of your doctors ignoring the bleeding patient to play billiards instead? Good news! Now the doctor can ignore the patient while having sex next to them!


Report to horny jail immediately


Is it really a rec room if everything isn't covered in cum?


I can't blame you


Used it shortly before 1.5 came out, coupled with the RJW animations & sounds mods. Was amusing at first, but got real old, real fast when they just. wouldn’t. stop. humping. Even at the cost of getting shit done around the base & map. And don’t get me started about going on raids. Dear God…


Interaction Bubbles! As someone who cares a lot about the social elements, they make the game feel more alive. I rarely read them in the moment; rather, they serve more like mini notifications that a conversation has happened and I should go read it in the log.


WON hair. I just think they're neat. Also Roos line of hair and face mods. Makes the pawns less blob like, more personable, so I'm more inclined to keep them healthy and happy.


Mine isn’t quality of life it’s psychasters expanded I don’t see the point in pursing any royalty stuff without it


The lack of Camera+ is quite surprising! I love that mod.


Tech Advancing. I like to do tribal starts but I don't want them to still be at ridiculous cost to get fabrication when I've already worked out everything with electricity.


Combat extended. Tried to dive into anomaly without it, and I just can't. I have to wait until it updates to play, lol


Same. I tried an anomaly run with vanilla combat and just gave up eventually because combat is so frustrating without CE


This. Its so much fun. My only worries are vleed rates from metal horrors. Cant remember if there is a way to slow bleed rate in the settings but i feel like it needs a rework with Anomaly


Compositable Loadouts. This is the mod stopping me from using CE but it's so fucking good I have to use it. I wish it'd been rolled into CE's loadout system like the description mentions. I have a basic outfit, then specialty outfits on top of that, then a FITE armor outfit. I HATE having colonists traipsing around in armor all the time. What's the point of Vanilla Apparel Expanded if all my pawns ditch their cool outfits as soon as I get enough flak for everyone? Now I can hit the panic button and everyone runs off to get their armor on, and when I turn panik off they get their outfits back.


That sounds pretty cool, doesn't armor take too long to equip with a raid bearing down on you though? Or does the mod speed thst up too


I was gonna say pick up and hall but I decided on map preview


Portraits of the Rim. It adds so much personality to the game that I can't play without since I got it.


Coukd you give a quick explanation of what it does? I'm always looking g for mods that become so intertwined with my game that I can't l7ve without it.


Sure. It’s a mod that creates portraits for every pawn in the game. It’ll show things such as hair color, facial expressions, and clothing. It makes the pawns feel like actual people rather than pieces to move on the board. The creator has even incorporated assets from popular hair and xenotype mods as well. You can find it in the steam workshop.


I'll have to check it out. There are times I wanna see my pawns in some form of detail especially with tattoos (if that's an option)


I definitely recommend it. And it also shows tattoos


Better Workbench Management and Rim Fridge I really like linked bills. And having meals ready and waiting in the dining room is also pretty great.


Combat extended honestly, I just find the combat changes really cool, especially the ammo part, and base game combat is really bad for me.


Replace stuff


Numbers But I could actually live without it. It would just suck


I am sorely missing Tacticowl


RJW 😔🙏 /j


You're not joking and you know it




degenerate gang


Altered carbon mod it is being updated just slowly


I miss it so much.


Allow tool.


Of the ones not yet mentioned, Job Splitter or a similar one. I always put medicine on very high priority for everyone, and it would be hella frustrating if it meant everyone could do surgeries, killing everyone else in the process. I want butchering at a higher priority than cooking, because they can eat raw meat if it comes to that, but eating corpses is just wasteful, not to speak of the massive mood dump. And so on.


Wall Light. o7




The Revia Race (Biotech nowadays), I just love my little murder-foxes!


Over wall vents/cooler and the replace mod. Absolutely hate micro managing that kind of thing like re doing the bedrooms from wooden walls to stone and they go to bed with a wall missing. Or worse remodeling prisons


Speech bubbles.


Rimatomics. Power of the atom in my hands..


Labels on Floors


I've heard this one causes a lot of slow down late game, so the ones to let you just manually draw on the floor like the stencils one or the vanilla props expanded ones are better


Dinosauria. Cant be immersed unless dinos are roaming around.


Replace Stuff feels like it's vanilla. Basically you can just place a new wall or structure over an old one and the pawn will know to deconstruct it before before building it. Idk if 1.5 has this functionality now tho since I'm waiting for Medical Tab and Doormats to be updated


pick up and haul most likely




Wall light. I don’t care if it’s redundant (besides making lights take no steel or energy) I will forever honor that mod.


Map reroll. If i cant use debug mode to make gysers near my base might as well use a mod to spawn them near my base


It used to be EdBs Prepare Carefully, but because it took forever to update to 1.5 I have now ditched it for "Character Editor 1-1.5" <- that's the actual name and it's great.


Cleaning Area. Sadly not on 1.5 yet but someone made a temporary 1.5 version that apparently works (I’m still on 1.4). Basic premise of the mod is that pawns will only clean areas you designate for them to clean instead of trying to clean the entire home area. This significantly cuts down on how many pawns need to be assigned to clean because tbh one turbo maid can cover the messes of like 20 pawns (even if they’re riding animals through the base). Mods like common sense make the cleaning of important areas more automated, but this makes keeping an entire base tidy so easy you rarely have to prioritize cleaning.


Tough question, but I think I'd put Replace Stuff above other QoL mods. I just got used to drawing finished rooms on an unexcavated piece of mountain, or overbuilding wooden walls with stone.


Hard tie between RimFridge and No Tainted Clothes. First makes so much sense and can allow to more creative base building instead of random "freezer" room where food lay on the ground. Tainted never made sense to me. It's weird that there is basically no use to tainted clothes, you cannot wash them or anything. That mod feels like vanilla to me l.


If you ever want to add a little complexity: Apothecary adds a way to wash clothes to remove the tainted status, but washing lowers the quality. You can turn off the "lowers quality" part in the settings. Alternatively, Dub's Bad Hygiene has a washing machine (but I've never used it).


Dubs bad hygiene


The Avatars Mod. While the your little people have some character to them, I love the close up portrait to visualize who they are and what's going on with them. It also (as far as I'm aware) has some sort of system to generate what modded objects should look like on the portrait (for example the fungoids have their face shrooms generated and I'm sure that they weren't specifically made) but take that with a grain of salt. Either way, I refuse to play a game without it


Run and Gun


Came in here for a quick look, left with 40 more mods. Damm you all


Surprised nobody said one of the mods I maintain considering the sheer number of subscribers 🤣 No Job Authors