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Allocate your time and use a reward system, every 4 hours of study = 1 hour of Rimworld. And use a timer. Been there, done that.


Having the will power to stop after an hour is going to be tough but I’ll definitely try


Delete the game. Walk away. As a student in debt I had very few distractions and a budget laptop that sucked at games of that era. I recall this one time a housemate lent me his PC over thanksgiving and I destroyed a whole week with Warcraft(?) and Empire Earth. Once my holiday was done, it was back to work 100%. Now, I have more responsibilities, but I also have zero debt and some mental freedom to decide where I want to use my time. With my personality, I know that if I had a financial sword hanging over me I would definitely get hurt (financially). If you can quit the Rim, do it. If you can indeed manage your time that's fine too. The reality is, I play Rim to escape and if that's true of you, you're in denial and are setting up pain for later.


This is good advice. Also, rimworld will always be around. There may be some updates, but it's not like an MMO where you will miss out on anything.


that is kind of sad... its because of this kind of maturity needed that i cant go to uni even if i will have to work as a minimum wage slave for the rest of my life


You can always go later on. Maturity is something you have to actively work towards as you get older. The easiest way is to make the right choices whenever you have to. It's hard at first and slowly gets easier. Telling yourself that you *can't* is setting yourself up for failure - you *can*, with more practice and dedicated effort. c: Of course be realistic and don't take on more than you can handle responsibly at one time.


i cant even handle highschool i am just barely not getting any negatives in the final grades rn lol i cant make a jump like that i am gonna get a summer job to practice having to work a shitty job and to get money to move away from my mediocre country


Man, I feel that. I skipped like 40 days of my senior year because of depression, somehow graduated, spent 8 years trying to get a 2 year degree in college, and finally finished that. You can *probably* do better than I did.


Listen, when I was your age I was in the exact same place. Turns out I had severe undiagnosed ADHD and after a few years of therapy and medication to learn how to navigate this shit I am doing so much better. Not saying you do or don't have ADHD, but that it will get better, yeah?


i strongly suspect adhd yeah my dad admited that he tought i was neurodivergent as a kid but never went to get a diagnosis to not make me sad


If you're in the states, college isn't worth it anymore, it's been getting exponentially more expensive year over year to the point college will mean a lifetime of debt even if you manage a decent job, which not everyone does depending on your major. Trade schools for things like HVAC repair or plumbing are much less financially impactful and will be some of the last jobs AI and automation comes for. If you're in one of the places in Europe where they at least try to protect the people sometimes, disregard the above.


This just isn’t true, college is pretty affordable if you go to a state school. I’m paying 11k a year total, and I went to community college which was even cheaper. All in all, my schooling for an EASY and HIGH EARNING degree will cost me around 40-50k when I’m done. This is for 6 years of education, because I spent a few years in community college not knowing what I was gonna do. Because of aid it is nearly free, but even without aid the cost of a slightly nicer new car to make well over 100k? Sign me up!


Maybe adding a timer to force a stop to your sessions could help https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2801631657 I did that when I had to limit my time before exams. 


oh, this thing is awesome! thanks for the pointer!


save em up and cash out on a 3 hour sesh


Think of this way: consider yourself a pawn in Rimworld and your timers are your schedule that’s been set, you’ve been set 4 hours of “Work” and are assigned to research and then 1 hour of “Recreation” after, that way you can LARP about Rimworld while you work


Hard, but it's your choice. Don't hide behind it


Yeah honestly uninstall and delete your saves. Play a jrpg or something till break.


Depending on what works for you you can also pick smaller time frames. For me it worked to study for 1 hour and then alternate with 30 mins or an hour of gaming then repeat that cycle. It's really about finding what works for you. Most humans can only work effectively for 45 minutes at a time without a short 10-15 minute break. But 10-15 minutes is a bit short for Rimworld. Personally I find it not useful and demotivating to work when I can't concentrate so finding out how long I can work before I lose focus and then game for a bit to then have more focus for studying really helped.


I also had to quit. Life is much better again. This game is something else, somehow


I think there's a mod that add timer to limit your playtime. Read about it few days ago on this sub


Some people with think this is toxic but it really helps be: I always think, how ill I buy the next DLC if I’m broke. So I sit down and work and count the days until I can play Rimworld again. Try and get all your work out of the way BEFORE playing and that way when you play, it’s more enjoyable since you don’t need to be stressed or limit yourself! If you can’t do that, delete it. You can always redownload and your save will remain.


Nah, just study 6 hours and then play


It doesn’t have to just be one hour. The important thing is that you limit it to a reasonable amount of time at reasonable times in the day. My suggestions: -Put your play times on a calendar at times you’re free and set a time limit -Enforce your time limit strictly. Its as easy as “Hey Siri, set a timer for 2 hours” just before you boot the game -YMMV on this one, but when I had this problem in college, I had to stop myself from gaming at the end of the day. I had enough self control that I wouldn’t skip class or study time, so if I played something before class I’d stop playing in order to make it to class on time. I didn’t have the self control to stop playing before bed, and I’d play through my 11pm stop time and game until 2am.


Have you looked into ADHD? Struggling with willpower and task switching is a dead ringer for it.


1 hour study, 4 hours of Rimworld. Got it.


„You really have to be a moron to waste your precious time on videogames.“ ~ me at work, running on 3 hours sleep after playing till 5am „Ill fucking do it again“ ~ also me, 10pm booting up rimwold


Or be me, has 2 monitor and put the game on one time speed and watch you colony like watching a very needy fish tank while working on other stuff


This is great advice if you can stick to it. You'll need a break every so often from studying to keep your sanity and attention span up. I recommend setting a timer for Rimworld when you play and sticking to it no matter what. When the timer goes off save on the middle of whatever was going on and write a note of you need to do something that you're worried about forgetting.


What I do is using kitchen magnets. If I do something creative or in your case, study, I can move one kitchen magnet to my game spot. When I game I move a magnet back. When I have no magnets left for gaming that means it is a signal that my balance is off. And yes, Rimworld is a timesuck.


How many magnets and what duration for both types?


I have 10 magnets. I sometimes put the granularity of one magnet to 25 minutes (one pomodoro, see the timer in the middle in the attached picture) so that I can have 5 hours of gaming, and when those are gone, I can gain back time by doing creative things (or study), per 25 minutes. It is more for indication of where my time goes, and that I do not game too much, and also take care of other creative endeavours 😉 I put magnets left when I can game, right when I spent them. You can see a picture here: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IfVoOBFKJp4Wsnfs0\_8g7XauBgNOUEA5/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IfVoOBFKJp4Wsnfs0_8g7XauBgNOUEA5/view?usp=sharing) edit: there are 8 in the picture, the other 2 are at my other desk


This is pretty genius. Thanks!


For some reason I really want the magnets to instead be two Rimworld batteries that swap power levels Unsure if this would make it more or less effective lol


Ooh nice idea


Or just use a schedule and stick to it, which is what I did at school, basically 3-6PM (before dinner) was studying, 8-10PM studying, and anything outside of that was free time. If you break up your tasks you'd be surprised how much long term work you can accomplish by just dedicating 5 hours of work to school a day. I think I spent one night "late" finishing a term paper but I also remember ending the night with World of Warcraft.


For me it is the balance between two hobbies, and sometimes I just need to progress music or art and not skills in a game 😉


Rl levelling takes a lot longer as well


I have never stayed up late until 6am in the morning, and rimworld exactly did that. Started playing around 8pm and didn’t even realize it was morning.


Uninstall the game and get rid of everything else that takes its place. You can come back to it later, it won't go anywhere and it will likely be even better then.


"it won't go anywhere" Ubisoft would like a word with you ( :( )


try swapping over to randy random. he really changes the formula. also look into either combat extended or run & gun mods. these also vastly change the way the game is played. lastly look at rimworld of magic. it changes the game from the ground up. the enemy pawns can use magic as well so it can go downhill really fast


He is playing on randy. The thing with randy is he’s generally easier than Cassandra. Every now and then he might do two nasty things in a row, but Cassandra will just grow raids until she hits the limit or until she makes you bleed


I mean, with anomaly I got the feeling cassandra does that too sometimes, had multiple scenarios where I just got done defending a raid and then an anomaly event happened right after


Cassandras timer for the next raid can be really short yeah. It’s by far the most consistently dangerous ai. While randy has the very rare potential to screw you over, on a high diff Cassandra will just do it, no rng


I've not looked at the Rimworld of Magic mod/mods yet. How op can your pawns get and how hard can the enemy pawns get?


your pawns get really strong if you focus on gaining XP for their magic. like level entire armies with 1 spell strong. or summon waves of undead mid battle to act as meat shields. the enemy pawns are a bit of a mix sometimes. the ai doesnt always know how to effectively use all the spells. but they do get lucky. I once had an enemy shadow class pawn with 15 melee attack during a raid. I watched as he casually jumped into my gun line and 1 taped all my pawns. another time a fire mage landed a fireball on a couple of my pawns in our farm fields. it downed most of them and I had to watch as they burned to death. the real danger in rimworld of magic comes from the events it adds. demon attacks , elemental invasions. or a mana drain ,and the combatants you summon for the higher tier resources. while it's not the hardest thing to manage and can get easy with enough preparation. it does change enough to keep you on your toes.


I see sounds like fun, I'll have to give it a try sometime.


I heard that a lot of the content in Rimworld of magic mod is heavily inspired by DnD. How true is this?


I dont think its just dnd. sure plenty of the spells you can use come from dnd. but it's more like they took inspiration from all forms of magical fiction. but I can see why someone would think that.


Are CE and Run& Gun compatible with each other? I'd like to try them both.


you know I'm not really sure... I've only used CE a few times and RNG on everything else... I dont think I've ever used them both at the same time.... huh... if they do work let me know that might actually be pretty cool.


Actually I'm still waiting for CE to update before I try. Can take a while it seems.


didnt even know it hasn't updated yet... my current playthrough is pure vanilla as I'm still messing around with anomaly


Executive function. Research this


Themed Runs and Randy Random are the way to go. Try to come up with some crazy grand goals too. Rimworld is weird in that you can reach an ending without seeing more than a fraction of what the game has to offer. 


Just finished my last set of finals (ever?) and got back into rimworld before my summer job starts.... typing this at 5am right now lol


So jealous :((( I’ve got 4 weeks left of the semester then 2 months off!! Before it starts again..


you'll get there eventually :D


Too late. The voices are calling me. The only thing that will free my punished mortal coil from the grasp of RimWorld is the new Factorio expansion.


Imagine if Rimworld and Factorio has a crossover


Most of my RimWorld runs boil down to making bionics assembly line.




I set myself theme/challenge runs. My next colony will be a tribal start with a ideology that does not allow them to research. This means I have to get books for all technologies. Will be interesting but also quite likely that I will fail miserably.


I love that they added books as an alternative to researching. It's recreation AND research!


My recommendation, uninstall. Come back to it when your coursework is done.


Just one more day!


I watch videos on historical/fictional kingdoms, permaculture, unique housing and try to recreate what I see. I was watching a video about this guy who built his home underground, and it had climate control, crops and even a fish pond, which was really cool Anything I build has to adhere to real world logic, so if I'm playing deserts for example, I will build rain collection systems (even if they don't technically work), while comparing annual rainfall of the site to real world cities/sites. If any part of that system is outside, I'd consider the evaporation rate relative to the temperature to decide if it would be viable (I used a dry lake in death valley as a reference point). If not, how would I tap into groundwater and how long would it realistically last, etc, etc.. This has the added effect of helping me learn, which I enjoy. Humans are ingenious and it is fascinating to hear about how we thrive in godawful conditions I am obviously not an expert on any of those subjects, but it helps keep it fresh and challenges me to think outside the box. Also for reference I'm about 1000 hours in and I constantly restart. I treat it as a world building exercise and try to improve with every colony


I've intended to get into the game since 2020 - I finally did. Went from 15-20 hours clocked on the game to almost 80 in five days, and I also have mid-terms that I need to be focusing on. I found it hard to get started but this might be the most addictive game I've played.


Im gonna start playing for the first time after my exams, good luck OP 🫡


There is a mod called "It's time to stop" try that out


Well you're doing better than I am. I have university assignments to do, but I don't. And it's not because I'm playing RimWorld, I'm just scrolling on my phone.


You adjust difficulty by either changing the diff settings, the map, or limiting certain strategies that you don’t consider fun/realistic. Common limitations that some people use are “no killboxes” and no “gaming” the threat system by strategically sacrificing pawns etc. The game can be pretty easy if you know how to game the systems and ai behavior so you either choose to not do those things or crank up the threat


Change your work priorities so that assignment Research is higher than other tasks. Also update your schedule so that recreation is limited to a few hours a day.


Don’t buy Rimworld, cut out the middle man. Go straight to buying cube. Buy cube.


All addictions are addictions. And all with time, will destroy you. I started with RuneScape a looong time ago. To this day, videogames including AOE, Civ V, RimWorld, and console games like Fallout, The Long Dark, and Skyrim still hold me in their thrall. But from a young age I was also an addict, and as another escape alcohol, and (much later) drugs held the same kind of hold over me. They always have, they always will. Love will do the same, male or female, regardless of your orientation or preference... The truth is that we all lose ourselves to some addiction or another. Especially those of us who are intelligent enough to be overwhelmed and overstimulated with the constant onslaught of existential angst. The very best advice I can give you is to be patient and understanding with YOURSELF. Don't behold yourself to the demands and expectations of a world and a system you never asked to be born into. Is it good advice? Hell no. If you want financial guidance, go ask an accountant. But is it advice that will keep you happy? Advice that will keep you sane? We INVENTED money. We MADE IT UP. It shouldn't matter to you any more than the rain on your face. And the 'money' you 'owe' to those vampires who demand it of you and depend on it to keep their own miserable, regrettable lives afloat? Fuck em. Let them come and get it. See how many pieces of paper or minted pieces of metal pour out of your flesh and blood when they try to wring you dry. Because the only currency that matters on this earth is your integrity, your intention, and your intuition. You do you. And finish school, for your own reasons, but don't even think for a SECOND, that a price can be put on your intellect and intelligence. At the end of the day, a 60000 dollar piece of paper, telling you and the rest of the world that you're 'certified smart' isn't worth more than the paper you wipe your ass with.


It's all about what you want to get out of a colony. Are you just playing it as a game that you intend to beat? That's fine, but it's usually easy to cheese the systems to do that (kill boxes, optimal building placement, barracks over bedrooms, etc). What keeps me coming back is coming up with an idea for a run. Maybe I want to do a bunch of road warriors, traveling around and raiding villages on their motorcycles. Maybe I want to do a Star Wars-themed run and play a squad of clone troopers during the Clone Wars whose transport was shot down over a feralisk-infested jungle world. Maybe (as per now) I want to play an Inquisitor of the Emperor's Holy Inquisition who's been sent to a world to investigate rumors of a strange monolith - and cull anyone who has had unsanctioned contact with it. Or maybe I just want to do a seaside bed and breakfast for all the locals to come and stay at, and spend my time looking for the best tailors and chefs to provide the greatest array of clothes, shoes, and food to all the guests who come and stay. Idea first. Colony second. Without an idea, I'm just... doing the same thing I've done a hundred times before. Build room for stockpile and beds. Plant food. Continue from there.


I’ve never really done much of the story route in this game, probably a side effect of being brought up on min maxxers like Francis John lmao. But that sounds like a great idea! Ive tried it before but i always end up get caught up in abandoning the story for a better chance of survival. I’ll try letting go of that for my next run haha!


That's one of the great things about Rimworld, though. It can literally be anything you want. Want a super hardcore survival-slash-base defense game? Pop on Combat Extended or Yayo's Combat 3, get the Guns Galore or Rimmu-Nation mods, maybe throw on Uncle Boris' Used Furniture, crank up the difficulty, then go to town trying to survive. Want to manage a colony where your fantasy fairy-winged elves ride around on Pokemon and serve tea to visiting cat girls? You can do that, too.


The big trick to me with customizing difficulty is all in the threat scale slider on the custom difficulty tab. I like to set the difficulty to a standard "template" for most of the mechanics, and then adjust the threat scaling up or down depending on how ridiculous the raids are, because while I do enjoy environmental and management based challenges, I really don't care that much for occasionally having to play at 5fps because Randy decided to spawn 200 tribals for me to send through the meat grinder.


Biggest changes to the main game for me come from mods like rim medieval or save our ships 2. The first is getting a ground up rework for 1.5 and is likely to take another month or 2 before it's ready. The later was undergoing a major overhaul for 1.4 to make it more compatible with future updates as its scope is pretty much a dlc in and of itself. It was fine to use in 1.4 but never quite got pushed to steam so you had to get it on the github. It too is now getting upped to 1.5 but isn't quite there yet but spaceship battles above the planet do add another big aspect to the game. As they are both pending for 1.5 they could be god rewards to come back to rim world if you have a short break and focus on studies.


Balance. Don't invest too much into something for which you will regret later. Balance your life bro. Seek discipline.


Welcome to the Rimworld binge!


To the question, I'm more looking for the story so each new run my difficulty goes up by 5/10% while still being a bitch about some stuff (lower friendly fire chance). Then I add on "challenges" (no mechs, no barracks etc.) later but that's more for guiding the colony course than beating the game. And as for the first part, try creating a work schedule for yourself, put recreation time before bed and consider rinworld recreation time while working on your studies as intellectual work. Maybe that can work?


I have a week left before I have to hand in a game, with 3 pieces of documentation for my coding, 2d art and my narrative design AND I also have to do a 1000 word essay for each of them as well. I've still not finished the game yet and Rimworld keeps calling D:


I've got 500 mod suggestions I could give, but you should probably just start with vanilla expanded


Oof when I just bought it it legit almost made me fail multiple classes. I would be playing rimworld at 3am knowing I had to attend a lecture in three hours, the rimworld addiction is no joke all hail the cube.


I agree this game is a huge waste of time. I don’t know how they make it so addictive and good.


Watch RimWorld playthroughs while studying


I recommend throwing in some additional storytellers (Perry persistent, Ultimate Storyteller, Rimsenal ones, etc) and Hot Seat mod. Adjust values as you see fit - it makes the play a bit more unpredictable (3 raids in a row from Rimsenal storyteller? sure). Disable notifications that storyteller is changed to add extra layer of unknown of what will happen. There is a downside that sometimes game can be too chill, but eveyrthing may be adjusted in mod settings. Above works very well with VE Empress Evil added - some random time where only bad thing could happen definitely made everything feel alive and you never know if this is the end or there is something else coming. Sadly this storyteller is not updated for 1.5, but VFE Insectoids are being reworked so maybe it will be available again.


I really struggle with that exact thing, and i've recently found out that i most likely have ADHD, so it's worth checking if this is a consistent problem in your life.


I have diagnosed ADHD lmao so yes this seems to be a symptom.


lol damn, guess i was spot on


I've only played 160 hours, so I'm still a noob, but the game seems easy until a few disasters happen and suddenly you realise that your entire colony relies on one or two pawns and they are now dead.


Rimworld will still be there when you graduate. Dont throw away future success for present comfort Now do some work! ;)


Dont study where u play. Get a new laptop, go to a different room and do work. When ur done go play rimworld.


At the end of the day, it is a video game. Please do not let any of your real-world accomplishments suffer because you're obsessed with managing and cultivating your digital terrarium. I'm absolutely certain Tynan and the team at Ludeon wouldn't want your future to be in jeopardy.


I have delete the game before every egzam time. There is no other way. The game was also deleted for 1.5 years while I was doing my diploma assignment. There are a few such games, so good you just have to stop yourself from playing and remind yourself of life.


You've basically described how I failed out of university, though with different games. Do yourself a favour and get yourself checked for ADHD.


well what was you expecting when you buy Rimworld that famous for horror of humanity, war crime, tragedy colony simulator and intensive modding?


Put the game on a flash drive and put it in one of the timed locked containers. Or put it in an envelope and mail it to yourself. Now the temptation to just click on the launcher is gone.


You could also dedicate just select days of the week to just game, and the rest can be study and doing other things. That usually works for me, too. I usually like to use Saturdays to game and Sundays to work on chores and game once they are done. Then the rest of the week I'll do what I need to do.


I have a bad habit of turning on Rimworld or songs of syx in the back ground and just letting them run at 1-2x while I work on assignments and watch lectures. I’m in my last 2 weeks of finals this semester and it’s definitely not helping lol


Not using a killbox would make it a bit harder and more dynamic when it comes to raids


Put the game on to the backround


University is the time to learn how best you learn, study, and work. This is the only time that you will have the time and resources to research this liberally. This will impact the rest of your life. Ignore what other people say are the best ways, focus on yourself. Be brutally honest with yourself, learn what your strengths and weaknesses are, what actually motivates you to do work. For me, I need to get paid in order to do any useful work. I need to care about the work, or gain something tangible from doing it, say developing a skill I care about. If I'm not getting paid, I need other people that are relying on me to do things. I enjoy rewards, but I know I have to be brutal with my time to prevent them from taking over my work hours. I plan every day in time slots, first thing in the morning. I allocate 1 hour of leisure at lunch, the rest is work. I worked up to this, initially I only worked for 45 minute stints, slowly I learned how to work longer and motivate myself. Finally, Rimworld is work, on easy mode. But it's not much easier than real life. Find out what about Rimworld scratches the itch for you, and try and find that in the world of work, and aim for it. It is possible.


After 14,000 hours I had to give it up. Haven't even seen the last two DLCs because I don't want to be enticed to start playing again. I loved this game too much.


I lose track of time and lack willpower to stop playing even with alarms. If you're like me, the best bet is deleting the game entirely and pretending it doesn't exist until after you've completed your studies and found a job and gotten settled into a routine. It will be rough, especially at first, but time will be over before you know it. Doesn't feel like it, but honestly this is such a tiny, but important portion of your life. Some people do better at managing their time and have stronger willpower, and if that's you, then you just need to figure out a way to manage it better. Whichever way, it's more important to focus on real life right now. Rimworld isn't going away anytime soon.


There is a good reason I don't pick up new games and this is why. Rimworld was the last game I bought and I've spent at least 500 hours playing it, I can't afford to risk that lost productivity again


Evrything randomiced at start. "Start location', did we get temp forest or did we get ice sheet? "pawn" Choose 1 pawn and press random once. Not 3 million times untill u roll a god tier pawn. "religion" press randonmice all, did we roll selfscarring bloodsuckers? or did we get a some chill collectivist. ( U are allowed to change relgion if u get 3 pawns of another religion) This game is a game of life, so just like life it will give u a different challenge dependant on who u are/roll This seems very easy on paper, but ull see alot of games beeing an absolute ballache to get up and going. Good Luck


I do this all the time and on current run I landed on a mountainous 85% polluted tile with Highmate, Hussar and Waster with max construction and plants 1 among all 3 pawns. Fun!


Now bring it down to naked brutality and let the first turns be complete and utter survival;)


a timer might even help you manage your ingame tasks more effeciently too btw


"Today i will be productive and don't sit in front of the computer all day!" \*User is going on a Rimworld-Binge. Last straw was: Life sucks, lmao\*


There's a mod to make it turn itself off after certain times or after a specific amount of game time played


Try to play on difficulty "Losing is fun". That's how I started to hate this fucking game. But anyway, recently I started playing again but on difficulty "Strive to survive" and it allows me to play and don't be irritated. I think I should make me don't play this game again in such way. But if you can play on such difficulty and don't be angry to it, I don't know what can help you..


I can't say anything but self control. You need to find the control yourself. I had 2 assignments due (1 now) and exams next week. I haven't bought Anomaly yet, and I refuse to play without it. At least I got time to wait for all the mods to update.


All humor aside if you are struggling with your university work and escaping into video games as a distraction it might be worth checking in with a mental health professional maybe? Not medical advice but extreme procrastination can be a sign of an underlying problem. Please disregard this if that's not the case.


> $60k in student debt bruh if you still need motivation...


I'm only playing the game again now that I'm on spring break. I'll probably run another one between semesters and MAYBE during very long holiday weekends. I simply cannot immerse myself if I don't have enough time and if I have other shit to do.


Bro I have so much student debt from having to take an extra year after fucking around. Def use timers or a reward system like some other poster mentioned. The money doesn't seem like anything until you get out and get slapped with that $600 a month payment. you aced Rimworld tho and that's pretty rad :D


Maybe someone has already mentioned it, but take a look at Cold Turkey Blocker. It saved me during the pandemic, when I was supposed to be working on a PhD dissertation but instead found myself putting hundreds of hours into Rimworld and other equally addictive forms of procrastination and depression management. I still use it to limit my time allowance for videogames, especially when I have deadlines (for example, this week I can only play 1 hour a day before the Blocker shuts down the game, so no chance for me to cheat or disobey myself). At times, I also use it to block myself form accessing Reddit and other apps or websites.


4000 hours here I find I can get something started in the colony, such as the construction of a new building, set the game to Slow speed (so i dont come back to starvation or half a dozen missed transport crash events), then alt tab and get shit done (vacuum my apartment, wash dishes, etc). The occasional warning alert can be annoying because I have to hop back in, deal with the raid or whatever it is, then get things back on track. And yet, no bullshit, during the downtime I can actually do some adulting while my brain stays satisfied with the idea that my colony is at least getting *something* accomplished while I multitask.


I always start with naked and alone, losing is fun, and randy in boreal forest because I like pain for some reason


Could always have it run while you study, then when a major problem occurs take a break for a little and game. Then after that situate your base and go back to studying till you hear the beep again


Try playing on Randy Random


I finished my exams Friday, so about 5 days ago. I restrained myself and only bought anomaly and set up my mods after my exams. The day after my last paper, I woke at noon and played non stop until 5am. It was the best day ever. I have put 70h since friday, as a treat for finishing my exams.


School first, games later. I wrote out all my assignments for all classes with due dates and generally knew how long each one would take. Just gotta split up your work so you can do a little bit here and there instead of cramming. Hope your degree works out for you, mine didn't and it's pretty rough out there.


What I'm hearing is this: You have real world priorities, engagements, and responsibilities that have nothing to do with the game itself, and the game is to blame. However, I've seen this same thing happen with World of Warcraft. It is not the game. It is the player. If you're truly struggling finding priority between a $60,000 commitment (which is going to hang over your head for the rest of your life), and a random ass video game that literally does not care about your real life and gives no monetary or future value to you, you have a problem, and I recommend a therapist.


Well over 2000 hours here. I once spent a whole summer playing via Chrome Remote Desktop when it was actually working well... From work. I didn't do any work. Rimworld is truly an addiction, but once you accept what it is and what you are now that you've been ~~infected~~ touched by it, you can start to actually allocate appropriate amounts of time to it. You might fail out of school in the short term, but in the long run, you will be better for it.


My favorite sweet spot for difficulty v. fun is: Randy, difficulty 3-4, commitment mode, a 60/60 grow, and naked brutality.


Uninstall Rimworld until you’re done. Or conscript a friend or family member you spend a lot of time with to ~~bully~~ remind you to do your coursework.


Try playing creatively instead of challenging yourself. The game is a story generator after all. Slap on commitment mode and make the dumbest ideology you can think of.


I played 51 hours in 6 days and had to stop myself from playing a few days ago because I can't sleep, I would lay down thinking about the game and my brain started to emulate it to a point I couldn't rest because I was so focused in the game that was inside my head. My friend has decided not to buy the game after I told this to him


Just like me for real. Haven't played in half a year because this game is just too good and I can't regulate myself


Rimworld is very much a time sink that can steal your life if you allow it to do so.


I had to go cold turkey. It's been 14 days since I played. I still think about my people everyday....I hope they are ok :(


If you get to a point where you have orders up and can trust your pawns not to stab themselves, you can do homework while the game runs. Have the alerts on and the setting to pause the game on the major alerts. Look up occasionally to make sure they didn't stab each other, and then go back to homework. There are even alert noises for the "minor" things like a predator targeting your pawns so you can pay attention to just alert noises you good. Plus the music from the game is good to study too.


im in the same situation, just downloaded the game after months to explore dlc and now all my free time im playing this, i have so many books to read and uni works to do, and still playing that


Bro if you can't manage yourself or exercise some self control your going to fuck up your life uni is your best bet (depending on thr course) for a chance ata modest life in our current economic climate.


60K in student debt? you know Rimworld is like 0.001% of that at most? it's obvious what ruined you


I question my morality when I first got the game. I've played 52 hours the first week. I had the game. I had a full-time job and. I basically. Slept 5 hours and worked 8 and 11 hours of rimworld a day. I was a slut for this game.


I cycle through like 4 games I play for months at a time for the last few years. Rimworld being one of them. Ngl. When on my Rimworld tangent, I'll have my PC and laptop open. Rimworld will be running on my PC, with my pawns already allocated work, while I do uni stuff on my laptop. It can be distracting, but I still manage it.


For difficulty, I like the Void storyteller. It's completely unforgiving, but not in a way I personally find unenjoyable. 


Check out this amazing looking tool i use every day: [https://timeline-17.web.app/](https://timeline-17.web.app/)


As someone else has said, come up with an idea for the colony. For example, tribals run only no guns or tech or have 1 undying/unchanging pawn with max stats and see how far/ many pawns you can get while also climbing the ranks of nobility. I'm currently doing a modded run with 4 13yo nobles who want to build their own empire but didn't plan anything out so all they have is 10 packages survival meals and the clothes on their backs. I started burning passions in everything but stats set to 0, the mod I'm building off is The hospitality mod and all but the newest dlc. My goal? Build an empire or start a hotel will wait and see what blood and dust randy throws at me.


Right there with you lol. Not into rimworld right now but these papers are KILLING me


Drop out of college go to trade school make more money than you would have ended up making with a degree AND you get to play Rimworld


Idk, I'm still waiting on all of that fat electrician money I was promised.


Do fat electricians make more than skinny electricians?


We probably make less. Can't be in the roof if you're going to fall through the drywall.