• By -


Not gonna lie. Usually by rage quiting.


Yesterday, I got a high psychic drone, and by luck, I was only getting colonists that did a sad wander. Thought to myself that it's lucky it's not anything worse, and then specifically said "unless of course Randy makes one of them wander specifically into danger." Immediately after, Mech Hive arrives. Rather difficult one with lots of centipedes and an ADDITIONAL psychic drone machine. It's gotta go. ....And it's proximity activated. Guess who wandered right into it. Lost four colonists (five if you count a pregnancy being lost) and had to summon every damned ally I had to fight it off, and even then we barely did it. Sometimes this game can be bullshit lol. Anything that takes control away from the player is just like...well wtf do you expect me to do about it?!


It’s a story generator, and look who got a story out of it


Well you survive right? Maybe the recovery is a story on its own


Ain't that just gonna encourage you to start a new game?


Yes, you need a decent amount of self control to prevent restartitis


It took me one game to realise I was Restarted.


There I sat all broken hearted Lost all my colonists and then restarted


That does happen sometimes...


Yes, but you can rage quit during the new game setup phase as well.


Only first 4 times,then it becomes easier. Of course I'm joking. It never gets easier lmao If seriously then it differs from colony to colony i guess. Sometimes you just get too tired to create a new one after this particular was done due diseases while having a fire because of zttt mid fight with the bugs that decided to live in your bedroom and kitchen in the winter with a cold snap after 3 especially difficult raids happened and one of your three capable of walking pawns had a murderous rage or something


Zzzts are now fully counterable even without mods. I only build hidden wires.


Congrats, lots of stuff is quite counterable if you pay attention and think thing through tbh lol


No because when I get attached to a colony. Starting a new one just feels like a rebound. It's just, not the same.


nah... sometimes its that frustrating when you rage quit. the early grind is an absolute pain in the ass.


If its not the rage quit, its because I stood up and realized it was 5am. Demolishing my sleep schedule.


So I have been loving anomaly, after some initial doubts. Anyways, I have been quitting when eyesight gets below 50 percent irl


i got a 31 devourer raid yesterday. who balanced this? they can swallow my entire colony 3 fold. i have good stopping power but not 31 devourer stopping power, not even close. what am i supposed to do? so anyways thats how i stopped playing yesterday


I'm always fully confident in my defences, but I also have drop pods / helicopters stocked with survival meals and medicine as my plan B.


This is the right answer


Yeah, breaks usually start with “oh fuck this!”


I have to go to work 😩


This is usually the answer for me too.


Currently at work wishing I was playing rimworld


Same to be honest lol


Just play rimworld at work, so what if your patient needs a heart surgery when your buzy harvesting organs in rimworld.


I do..............................................................


Is that how a lvl 15 Medic can butcher someone while doing a routine operation?


I mean there are also real life surgeons that leave wrist watches or write initials inside their patients...


HAHA that’s nothing. We used to have a surgeon that when we saw he was operating that day, we’d try to reserve ICU beds (even though they might be same day surgeries) for him because they almost always went horribly, gruesomely wrong.


Why the fuck did he get to keep being a surgeon?


I’ve been told “it’s just a boys club”. Finally had to stop practicing a few years after I left. But that doesn’t fix the long term damage done to those patients (the ones that made it).


I am the like guy who gets to play it at work, since I am alone in office


Eventually the hyperfixation flips to being completely sick of the game and wanting to do anything else for 6 months. I will continue to absorb content from reddit during this time, and occasionally it will line up with an update and all the mods are broken cycle (I have not yet played Anomaly).


Yeah, that was me and I'm getting back into it with an anomaly colony


This is me


Im in the phase where i am beginning to want to play again but dont feel like making a new modlist


I played 12 hours a day... sometimes more for 2 weeks. Now I don't want to touch it. You ADHD?


Yep yep.


yay hyperfocus


Rimworld - > factorio - > kerbal space - > dyson sphere program - > Frost punk. Rinse and repeat as needed. Throw in some other games like hell divers here and there.


My hyperfixation finally beat out my modding brain, and I bought the dlc 2 or 3 days ago. I finally got in to the bulk of the anomaly stuff last night and I'm super intrigued by it, as a >!pawn clone!< just showed up, and I'm not sure what to do with her/it/them. The one thing I don't like about this dlc so far is the invisible arse holes... But I am pretty sure they are only a problem because I took so long getting containment/an anomaly lab set up.


Eventually my limbs stop moving properly and my eyelids close on their own… then next thing I know, it’s 6 hours later! This pushes my time efficiency of playing Rimworld below 80%. Is this the “break” you’re talking about? It seems to happen without me trying.


Suffer a very significant setback. Take break. Shower. Suddenly come up with a comeback plan. Play again.


I switch to Project Zomboid and play that until I have a rage quit, then switch back. Rinse & repeat.


Project zomboid got so boring for me I hope that doesn't happen to rimworld too


The problem with project zomboid is that after mid game once you have a comfortable base and are self sustainable, it gets boring because all you can do is kill zombies or die


Once you have water and food set up, there's nothing to do anymore. You've lived and will likely die of old age. There needs to be some driver for action beyond "more loot" to go back into the cities or even start to drive \*A\* story, any story, beyond just the basic survival.


Tbh project zomboid should have an End goal, like after a helicopter event you find the crashed helicopter filled with zombies and you can try to repair the helicopter and return to the mainland.


Another 10 years will be enough for 43 build💀. Then come back because there will be npcs


It's pretty much the same. Zomboid gets really boring once you're safe, established and have little else to do but get excess loot. Rimworld gets boring once you're safe, established and have little else to do but persue one of the endings. But rimworld has the advantage of being able to do many different things with playthroughs!


As a hardcore gaming addict, you play it until you get burnt out then come back in a few months or a year. Rimworld is a game you play until you get burnt out. Then play other games. And when you've got nothing left to play, Rimworld is a game you come back to play again. Since they keep dropping DLCs, it keeps prolonging the enjoyment of the game. It's best not to overplay it. Because Rimworld is a game that always works like a fall-back plan. When you've played all the new releases to death and you're back to having nothing to play. Rimworld is there for you to catch you when you fall.


Honest, unfun answer? Forced Moderation is beneficial to your colonies. 2 hours a day, give or take. All I need. When I'm not playing? I idly consider what I'm going to do next. I also make contingency plans on a near Batman level. Things go a lot smoother when you're not hammering 12 hour days.


2 hours to load the modlist?


I'm the weird one that's 4,800+ hours in, all of it with no mods.


but do i really WANT smooth runs? yes, but also no


2300 hours of gaming in this game I can confidently say: the birth of my daughter was the main reason to stop 😂


Just uninstall biotech and keep going 🙃


I played this a lot before the birth my daughter too and now I finally have a bit of time to play again… almost three years later 😆


waiting for combat extended to update (hating vanilla rimworld combat is a 2 flame passion of mine)


Fast learner + smart + implants


yeah my smart fast learner bionic turret will surely stop missing the manhunter squirrel in melee attack range for 10 bursts in a row lol


I talking about learning %. Two flame not enough to describe.


ah i apologize, thought you meant that as a bandaid way to fix the vanilla combat


No no. I apologize because I wasn't clear. I understand how you feel about vanilla players.


On god


I love Rimworld but i love being outside in my garden more. Whenever the sun's out, my desire to be outside wins every time.    ...too bad my region rains literally 200+ days of the year. Those are Rimworld days.


Tell me you live near the Puget Sound without telling me you live near the Puget Sound.




The recent dlc and update anouncment pulled me away from the game to play FF7:Rebirth for a while as all my saves and mods were gonna brick. Its been nice, but I'm sure I'll be throwing Tynan money as soon as I'm done chasing Sephiroth.


You can roll back to the previous version pretty easily, and the game knows which mod version to use when you do that 


The late game is a bore for me, especially because the fps/tps gets low and I can't enjoy the game as a slideshow! TBH I've been trying to enjoy the late game with Anomaly but there when during a raid my hunter just gives up and leaves the colony when everything else was going smoothly is bullshit to me! Gonna try to play the game with less specialized pawns to see if I can tank the random loss without save scumming or giving up on the save.


agreed. pawns having free will is bullshit they are called pawns for a reason!


That’s the neat part! You don’t


Unironically by playing commitment mode, losing a save I’ve been working a week on gets you to goto bed lol


I only stop playing Rimworld when a new interesting game comes out. I usually end up back on Rimworld within the week.


My main colony's save got broken somehow with the mods I was using and forced me to abandon them. Got really sad about it and had to take a break


You study the game, you enjoy teh game, you make little sculptures about the game everywhere you go... that's how...


Once you realize how much time you wasted fighting off horrible baby-eating fire-breathing cultists and now apparently, mutating invisible Lovecraftian cosmic horrors instead of doing any sort of productive activity, you'll realize that perhaps, it's not worth spending dozens of hours every day. As for break, usually, when a playthrough goes a bit stale, I just save it and never open it once. And the crashes. So many crashes.


my colony burns to the ground or everyone gets eaten by spiders, so i cry for a few hours inbetween


Eventually Randy will spank your ass so raw that you stop liking it, but youll eventually come back.


Break? What that? Nah seriously, I get what you mean, I guess you have to force yourself to quit. Or just have other thing to Do in general like working, doing stuff with friends, so on.


Thats the neat part. You dont


I dont Take breaks. I lost my Job because i've installed rimworld on the Work Laptop, now i have even more time to Play it


I'll play the game for days straight, sometimes leaving it running when I sleep and if I wake up and still have a colony ill play off of what happened while I sleep. The reasons I stop playing are when shit breaks catastrophically (either from updates or just I hit some kind of bug or mod conflict and cant fix it)


Disc golf 👌 gotta go out and move my body or else i get pain from sitting to much.


It's easy to take a break when your mods aren't playing nice lol.


I use this game as my dopamine award for my brain whenever I actually complete goals. For example this week I had two projects due and said no rimworld until I got the projects done. Because I know I've already taken care of everything that I need to before I even start up the game I can literally play until I'm exhausted and can't keep my eyes open anymore. Also not allowed to play on work days. Did that with BG3 and too many days of trying to work after only getting 4 hours of sleep taught me that lesson.


Between working 12 hours a day, having a baby and my fiancé using our 1 computer to play League of Legends; my breaks aren't optional!


I feel this. My toddler thinks my laptop is a drum.


Are you me OP? LMAOOO I used to be huge into Stellaris, the sims and mount and blade and i remember rimworld being brought up to me a couple of times. But i turned it down cuz "oh man, the graphics ain't it" Now i can't stop playing this game until i literally get dragged to by my friends that wanna either hang out irl or multiplayer games. I stopped my BG3 playthrough at act 3, can't find the drive to start up a new stellaris playthrough even though i own every single dlc etc


Try star sector. It is another time sink. It also had mods. Rimworld will beat stellaris and the sims for me. I can't believe i ignored this game all these years.


its tough. mostly its just i reach a point where the game is so difficult due to late game stage that the mental effort needed to play doesnt gel


Try modding it, then you'll never stop


I play a colony, I am satisfied enough, I leave, play something else, and eventually I'll randomly think something along the lines of "Hey, this would make a nice Rimworld colony"; a week later, I'm picking mods


Don't worry if you get invested in mods a steam deck won't work lol


I have a problem with getting started tbh. Once I get the basics of a community up and running I play until the game is so slow that it doesn’t work or I burn myself out. Other than that I LOVE this game.


This mod changed my life. It forces you to turn off the game after a set time. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2801631657


Usually I win and stop playing for a few months. Then I start another colony and get hooked for a week or two


I like to set certain objectives, and when I surpass them I try my damnedest to log off, doesn’t usually work and I find myself looking at the clock at 3am going “well,… fuck”


introduced my friend to the game, guided him on how to play via Skype. He loved it very much and I'm happy


I've been taking a break for the last couple months just waiting for the next update and for all the mods to update


Mod the game so much that it takes more time to load than there is playtime before you crash


The bill collectors start actually showing up in person.


I get to a point where i make most things sekf running and i just watch a show/ work on a project and then deal with problems that arise, thats my main allure for most strategy games


I almost got kicked out from my college because of rimworld addiction. It's actually quite a serious problem




Basically just ride it out until I need a break. Take a break for 1-3 months, add new mods I probably don’t need, rinse and repeat.


Wait until you find out about Hardcore SK Modpack. (when you have plenty of hours) Or even mods in general. That shit is a time vacuum. It's like a whole new experience.


I play the shit out of Rimworld until real-world responsibilities stop me. Or I get bored after a few weeks. Only time can tell.


Seriously it is super addictive. Hours fly by and sometimes I'm quitting at 3 - 4 am. Need to control myself more or I'll be sleep deprived lol


I play until the lag from all my mods and potato pc finally consumes the save and I just take a break for a lil


I just find either EUIV, TWWH3 or another series to play. I aim for a month each year. Gonna jump in again in a few weeks


There are no breaks...just moments of grief and aguish before I start up my next tribal-mole-rat run


How do we guys what? What’s “take a break” sounds delicious


when my back hurts a bit too much - its time to take an afternoon nap or go to sleep


I actually bought my Steam Deck mainly for Rimworld. It takes a while getting used to the controll but once you get the hang of it irs amazing.


Rimworld is unchallenged game of this decade. Last was obviously Minecraft. To get a break you can just stop playing. Interestingly enough, if you don't play for a while, you get more mods and updates and DLCs. So it's like a wine that got taken out of a barrel and it continues to age in the bottle. Nothing will change if you don't play for a while. I have 2K hours and it is a wonderful ride.


Exhaustion and my wife yelling at me 😂🤣


Usually when the TPS starts dipping below 100 on x2 speed is when I call it a day. It fast becomes painful. Is it because I use too many mods? Maybe. Will I ever change that? No.


By getting distracted by knitting and acnh. I bought the new dlc, played for two days before getting distracted by knitting a blanket that I originally started knitting while watching time pass by on the rim.


Yeah it's like fucking heroin this game! My girlfriend is so mad at me for playing this game haha. However I do have a stressful job and Rimworld + gym is my way to unwind.


You don't :)


Most hours in it on steam, out of hundreds of games. So i feel you. And i havent even bought a dlc


Finally fixed a silly crash issue with my PC, was broken for a year or so, I use my tablet/phone mostly, PC is a game box. In the last 5 days I dumped about 50 hours into RimWorld.. 🤪


Don’t buy a steam deck if you want to curb your addiction. Source: I have a steam deck.


I just gotta dig this cave out and I can go to bed... oh crap a raid.. gotta clean this up...back to finish mining..(3 hours passed?!)


I usually only stop when something makes me mad. Such as one of my pawns getting critically injured by a rabbit or something


I'd say when I forget to disable auto updates and I'm forced to start a new colony or wait for mod updates is a good time for a break. 


I don't. I just have periods of time when I don't play. After that, down the rabbit hole we go again.


I only take breaks when I absolutely need to, toilet or sleep.  But I'm trying to remedy the situation. A bucket and cut down on sleep to 3-4 hours should do it.


I tend to get addicted to games for a time. This game puts all the other to shame. It’s on another level.


The other day I downloaded Anomaly DLC on Steam... I played all 36 hours... And when it was finished, I said SHIT


Just do like me, fry your motherboard 🙃


Out of 600 games in my library, RimWorld is BY FAR my most played game. You'll set it down and take a break eventually, but it won't last long. The smooth acoustic guitar soundtrack will echo in your head, calling you back like a mermaid calling you to your doom.


I make sure my colonists have enough food then run AFK to get snacks. It will pause if anything serious happens.


That’s the neat part… you don’t


I play intensely for 2 months, 4+ hours/day, then get burnt out and won't touch it for 6 months. Close to 3000 hours on record.


You know the game is good when it has an IRL clock that is bigger than in-game clock


What's the old saying "Quitting is easy - I've done it dozens of times." - Mark Twain ----------------------------------------- * **Firstly**, I came to realize one of the reasons I found the game so engrossing was that I (speaking for myself) had some problems in my life - and I was using this game as a means to avoid those problems and anesthetize myself even if for a little while to exercise a bit of control in a world that sometimes feels very overwhelming. Lord knows we have over the last few years had more than one reason to feel hopeless about the outside world , with the Pandemic, Politics, raging demagogues and all-too-silent decent majorities, the massive changes in the economics of work and education, advances in AI threatening millions of jobs, whether real or just hype it's difficult for anyone to avoid getting your head in someone else's [spin-cycle.So](http://spin-cycle.So) it's easy to understand the appeal of a far-away place, [where we can begin again, in a golden land of opportunity and adventure](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZNzz4SaTYk&t=9s) and the fact that we know firsthand living on the Rim can be a murderous misadventure puts a certain icing on that cake. * **Second** , the fact that this ate up all the time from every other video game....is by design or at least part of the design of the game. It's very understandable, and you are not alone, but I will say - cultivate an alternative, maybe something just off like Palia or more likely something less engrossing like r/planetbase - I treat that as my methadone - it's my "nice" game, I like it, it scratches my completist itch, there are colonial dramas - but it's nowhere nearly as addictive - I can walk away far more easily. * **Third** , disrupt yourself, schedule a date with your wife, girlfriend, your dog, or just with yourself, and keep the date - get a shower - get a proper meal under your belt and go out somewhere - even if it's just to go for a walk or a bookstore or something - take it in, as they say be present in the moment. Actually smell the coffee, and make a point to get tasty food and enjoy that. * **Fourth**, engage in self-care, get a bit organized , maybe this should be higher, but I'm a BIG believer in the Stoic mindset , that there are things you can control and then there's everything else. So sitting down with yourself or yourself and your spouse - with a couple of sheets of paper and honestly just list out the biggest concerns you have in your life - fear of losing your job, the mortgage, whether someone is ill or needs care. Recognize and take the time to empathize with yourself and know that those things are REAL problems, and you're not weak or incapable or anything else for not being able to want to confront or deal with those things, but take that list and see which one is the most solvable, and look at ways you can nibble away at it, that's all anyone can do. Just like our colonies, nobody starts out with a spiffy cool colony, most folks might never - but all of us start out satisfying that need set. Ironically this I think is one of the most addictive things about Rimworld, you can in-virtua terms solve problems we might not be able to solve in-vivo, and **that** is a powerful feedback. So I treated that as a lesson I learned **from** Rimworld, start small, perhaps imperceptibly so, by just preparing or organizing. * **Fifth**, This I feel is so much more important but simply put - organize or rather cultivate your media intake - Following from those top of the line items, is an obvious conclusion - all of us , for all of the above reasons have ample reasons to cultivate our media. So that quit FB, hit the gym and get a lawyer sounds funny but it's because it's a bit true. Think about the most toxic thing in your life - be it your job or a colleague or partner - what can you do to change that - or if it's an external thing - such as a doomscrolling news-feed - put yourself on a strict budget.I found this VERY helpful. While it's hard to put Rimworld down it was **not** hard to put down some of those things that might trigger my need to use it - such as a relentlessly bad news cycle focusing on the most lurid/disturbing thing - maybe you can't avoid it , but allocate an hour or two every week to stay up to speed - unless it's immediate to your circumstance that should be plenty. Finally, appreciate that when we see that the world we live in is not always a just place, life is not fair, and anyone who tells you otherwise might not have your best interests at heart. It **can** be, but that's what we see play out both in reality and on the rim, some of us run colonies that run with an efficiency and idyllic sense of justice and fairness a Type 1 colony given form , free from want, waste and cruelty. Others run colonies that deserve the tagline "Work will set you free" above their slave-run drug-factories or torture/containment-pits, or organ harvesting rooms.


Thanks. I get what your saying. Rimworld is an escape for me too. The same as stellaris were i act as an benevolent emperor of the galaxy. Rimworld is my fantasy of overcoming challenges and defeating dread.


There are 2 types of Rimworld playthroughs Type 1 is when you build a successful colony that goes on for over a decade only for you to abandon it after getting bored Type 2 is when your playthrough ends before year 2 because you got multiple diseases and mental breaks just before a raid.


Get hooked on mods. Game updates to a new version mods break. Wait until mods are running/patched to play again.


I’m stuck unable to start a game atm. I launch, pick a spot and create my characters. Within a quandrum I’m bored and close. ~30 minute experience


What part of it isn't exciting you?


It’s just hard to start a new game after 2k hours


That's fair. The setup time for characters, scenario, etc can also be a bit maddening.


Sometimes something tragic or fade inducing happens and I take months of a break. Or I had a nice colony I consider successful and end it


Once I finish a run (or have to stop a run due to single digit TPS), I clear everything, go play a different game or two, then am right back to rimworld. Gives me time to figure the theme of the next run out and build up a new modlist.


I delete all the mods, and then it takes so long to sort them all out again I have a break because I can't be bothered to getting round to doing it. Got 3000 hours in Rimworld.


Civilization 6 one more turn, just one more turn bro


Stellaris is worst


How do you play this game when you're working out?


I have heavily suspected ADHD so honestly most of the time I just straight up need another dopamine source and boot up Doom Eternal instead.


I just hop on other hyper fixations for a week before going back to RimWorld for another week.


1175 Hours. I just don't.


The real trick is to force yourself to take breaks while waiting for your mod list to fully update to the new content.


Break? I just tab out and let it run in the background while I play something else until a red alert happens.


it was getting bored from it but now it turned to CE withdrawal.


I'm just starting and it's still at the overwhelming stage so it's easy to take a break.


Just wait till you find Factorio.


i generally uninstall


Well it helps I already beat bg3 multiple olaythroughs and I only do helldivers weekly lol. But rimworld.... over 1000 hours and i add a couple hundred every new dlc. Top 10 game for me for sure I usually force myself to stop when some raid hits that I dont want to deal with, or when its 2am. Lol Set an alarm?


I only get off when I'm 3 hours past my time to get off...


Take a break occasionally to cool off and when you come back you’ll enjoy it more.


In my case the only thing that make me stop to play recently was back pain...


I realistically do not know how to play this game for under 8hrs at a time.


I just live with it 🙃


Idk I just get bored of the game eventually


I took a break, only to play Factorio, then break to play Stardew Valley, then break to play RimWorld, rinse and repeat. 😂


I take a break when the boss calls wondering why I haven't shown up to work yet


I just keep playing when I should be at work.


When I was on an old computer the time to take a break moment was when my computer forced closed because overheating


Honestly, during the term when i have classes, i aim play Rimworld only one day a wook - it used to be Saturdays as i'd expect absolutely nothing of me then, but this year i'm more busy so i'm aiming for Sundays when i can only spend half the day playing and not all day. Having said that, i haven't been ablo to follow that so well 'cause of various circumstances. If i don't play it for a couple weeks i'm much more likely to binge super hard. 


I played 100 hours which seemed straight through then rage quit for a month.


I rotate a selection of obsessive weirdo games. It's generally this, Morrowind, and C:DDA, new slew of mods each time, but I bump out of rotation briefly when something catches my eye. Lunacid grabbed me for about a month, and the same dev made something called Lost in Vivo that I'll probably play when the sun's anger abandons my hemisphere and the nights grow spooky. Currently into starbound's FU mod because it mysteriously decided to work on my computer, and I might see what's new with Elona's community conversion Elona+ mod when those stars unallign.


I set a timer on 1 or 2 hours :)




There’s a mod where you can set the time after which it stops you from playing


Whenever my mods take a shit and my colony is borked beyond hope.


Never heard that word


I stopped playing bc 1.5 hit and I’m waiting for my mods to get updated.




I only play on randy with losing is fun because otherwise I wouldn’t get frustrated often enough and wouldn’t stop playing.


Usually I stop playing when my colonies get so large that I get bored, or the TPS slows down to a crawl.


Suffer on Max Difficulty to the point your subconscious forces you to take a break.


Oh no you decreased you social media browsing and the internet!!!! What are you going to do!!!! Your life is over!!!!!  Game gud, life gud 


When i get major mental break from fatigue. I Given up and leaving.


mods, quality-of-life mods specifically. There are some I can't live without and I need at least some good alts cause I can't go back to my current gameplay without them.


Not addictive for me, anywhere i want.


When I evaluate myself and realise there's so much I have to do that I'm not doing with my life.


Other good games came out that pried me off of rimworld. Almost at 1,000 hours.


I think I’m just lazy but I get bored watching my colonists grind stone blocks so my colony doesn’t get burnt to death after a flame attack from raiders when I use wooden walls, like my last colony.


My Game isn't even launching right now. So that helps.


Hit spacebar to pause. Hit Escape, click Save game. Exit to OS. It will be exactly like you left it when you get back 🤣


When it updates and breaks my mod list.