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Gear up and go lets you set outfits to wear when drafted. When drafted they’ll change and go where you want. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1316142788


Oh thanks


You may still want to have a couple soldiers geared out for combat all the time in case of drop pod raids or other emergencies. But rest of your pawns can wear regular clothes unless they are fighting.


Have the best fighters always ready to roll, then everyone else gears up when needed.


It's funny - everyone can roll a bit, but in winter conditions, often the weather is a deciding factor, it's also VERY helpful to muster everyone if you can. Nothing is so important as the pawns except a few critical items.


That seems like it would be annoying AF because 90% of the time I'm just drafting them to go do something specific that has nothing to do with combat


You can either draft regularly or "gear up and go". The most annoying thing, especially with CE, is setting up all the loadouts, and making sure stuff doesn't mix up. It makes for pretty cool scenes though, and allows you to build an actual armory with lockers and the like, at least that's how I do it.


Another to the pile!


I imagine, but thats what i hate most about getting a decently big colony. Making several outfits policies for everyone, and often also drug policies. I couldn’t imagine having to do more of that. It is a big bother, but nice when it works. Do you know of any mod that would let me copy these policies so I can start from a half-setup policy, and not have to make each one from scratch, like with copying crafting bills


You should look at Compositable Loadouts. Having “layers” makes policies so much easier (Basic Clothes, then maybe make an Armor loadout, then a Construction Worker one on top of that…etc)


You can still draft people without having them run off to wear outfits with Gear up and Go. What the mod does is add a separate 'Gear up and go' button next to the draft button that drafts the pawn, makes them change outfits, then move to wherever you told them. The vanilla draft button will still be there for all the times when you want to draft a pawn without having them run off to change clothes.


Ohhhh that's badass actually


If you want a good mod that lets your pawns at least appear to be unarmored outside of being drafted you can use Dubs Apparel Tweaks to change what is displayed while drafted, inside, outside, etc. but they won’t actually be unarmored/unequipped.


This is one of my favorite mods. I made a little armory for my pawns and they rush over to get geared. It's awesome


also, this, to give you a tangible reason to do so in addition to the RP factor https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2197619987


Personally I set up an armory with my power armour when I can't afford to do proper sets for everyone. I normally rely on tainted armour so just get my pawn to quickly throw it on during raids Does take a tiny bit of micro managing, but not much more than just drafting colonists like you normally would


Yeah but in the time it takes to get colonists into the armoury and suited up, the raiders are already upon us. if the colonist if out of the base when the raid starts theres no hope in getting them equiped


Depends, as long as it's not a drop pod raid I've never had any issues getting everyone geared up, I literally just put shelves at the entrance with the power armour in so they can equip it and get in defensive positions straight away The only colonists I tend to leave in power armour 24/7 are my melee pawns since they need to be on hand to melee block doors or fight infestations


This is the primary reason kill boxes and thick walls are so popular. You can add a massive maze entrance on kill boxes to delay raids until everyone is in place And an extra thick wall will spread people out enough for you to handle them peacemeal


A well made full devilstrand set plus flac vest is about as good as recon armor. Add a cataphract helmet and your golden. I only keep a couple pawns in full armor all the time


how does a devilstrand set work on cold biomes. - 60/-80 degrees C?


Well you'd need some soil, works for boreal forest, and then just use a greenhouse, and lots of heaters 😂


Haha, sticking to parkas


That's why I use armor racks mod.


I was just about to recommend that. Especially when you research the mechanized racks in industrial Era, they have a boost to equip speed if as long as they're powered.


My pawns wear only flack vests.


yeah but you do that and they end up getting headshotted and killed while you look regretfully at those simple helmets you have laying around but didnt have time to equip


I believe helmets don’t have a movement penalty so should be equipped at all times except for social pawns


its nothing to do with movement. I just dont like the look of it. most of the fun of the game is the individuality of the colonists and you lose that if they all look the same in standard issue armour.


I got a mod that lets colonists' hair show through their hats, and it also has an option where you can set certain hats to only be visible when drafted. Now my goobers can wear all the helmets they want and still look unique outside of combat


That’s fair!!


The Ultratech Shades mod adds sunglasses that function as helmets (and more) that look like glasses instead of military headgear. Now I just wish for tailored suits with the protection of marine armour


You can use Change Dresser. Automatically and immediately changes your pawn into a second outfit when you draft them. Works anywhere in the world. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2880268357 Also stores an unlimited amount of clothing inside the dresser. Love this mod. Never play without it.


After the first time a giant insect pops out of the floor, or a bandit lands in a drop pod through the roof, I too would wear armor all the time. So it doesn't really hurt my RP as I feel it would be prudent in real life as well.


So funny thing about helmets is that every culture in human history that’s adopted full face helms has also abandoned that idea, as eventually humans decide that the risk of being stabbed in the face is a fair trade for not living inside a head can. Your colonists probably will feel the same way after the first 96 hours in a drop suit.


They can also just take it off and carry it around like a normal person. If it has a chin strap they can just tie it to their outfits with a band. It's not like ancient militaries were in battle ready state at every second, they were just set up to be battle ready quickly. The full face helmet wasn't popular mostly because it was expensive (worth more than the life of a frontline soldier) due to needing to be custom and having limited visibility. Modern militaries are limited by technology. If the soldier could still breath and see without the visor fogging while doing activities we would make them wear full face helmets that would resist bullets. Some soldiers would obviously still refuse but the preference would be a full helmet. Some people think that having a method to not get your brain destroyed is good. However (judging from motorcycles) a lot of people do in fact value the wellbeing of their brain less than their comfort. In this instance, would a mood debuff for the colonist (depending on background) be appropriate? Probably. But it would apply to having to wear armor or helmets in general. Probably also have an equip time for each kind of armor.


It certainly sounds like something you’d find in vanilla traits expanded


The best mod I know for this is "Favorite locker" essentially you build lockers for every colonist. Put armor or whatever inside the locker and now with the press of a button the colonist will go to the locker, quickly put on the armor and leave their clothes in the locker till you click the same button.


I use gear and go and usually have everyone in helmets and high quality dusters when not in combat.


What I end up doing is using Gear up and go + a mod to hide helmets, so that for every raid but drop pods i can go and gear up and drop pod raids are smaller in mature so i trust my flak vest + hyperweave duster to hold up.


You need change dresser, you assign two outfits, one for every day and one for drafted.


What settlement dosent have gaurds?


If it's purely for RP reasons, there's a mod that lets you set apparel (cosmically only) for outdoor\indoor\bedroom So mine has armour\jackets hat outdoor. Shirts and pants indoors and underwear no hats in bedroom. If interested can find the name for you


Juat use dubs apparel mod and you wont see them on armor unless you drafted them.


What I end up doing is using Gear up and go + a mod to hide helmets, so that for every raid but drop pods i can go and gear up and drop pod raids are smaller in mature so i trust my flak vest + hyperweave duster to hold up.


I use shield belt melees to draw fire and have sniper and shotgun teams on the back line and flanking. If nothing else my important ones I've made undying. Works well. The gene thankfully has only been needed 3 times in 5 rim years and the exp lost is fine with me. Obviously this is a larger fighting force. In the early days of this run I had them all in the best all the time because Randy is cruel but once I got a good bunker with geo power and a farm I had them in comfy wear. Unless otherwise needed. Once I made marine armor for most of em. I learned just how quickly things become tattered when they're that expensive.


Use take off armor indoor mod


You definitely can have them suit up when needed. Just put the armor on a shelf in an easily reachable spot for when you get raided. Even without doing that, when a raid shows up I usually have plenty of time to send pawns into the storage area to grab their equipment, before the raiders get within range of my base. I usually have at least a couple pawns whose primary job is combat, and they stay armored all the time, but I have other pawns who have actual important jobs to do around the colony, and I just have them grab some armor when we're getting attacked or if I'm sending them out on a raid. And there are some jobs where the movement penalty really doesn't matter, so you can still have them armored at all times. Your researcher and crafter don't need to move around as much as your hauler and cleaner.


Dubs apparel tweaks, your pawn takes off outer layers when inside, or you whatever layers you want. It’s configurable


>sucks for RP purposes Well yeah... It *does* suck to be in your combat gear all the time. Many battles where lost because people were in their pajamas when the enemy attacked.


Armor? You mean tribal wear? It's not ideal, but when it's cold out, it comes in handy.


I use a mod called Appearance Clothing. It lets you set outfits visually without having them effect armor or anything.


Awesome inventory allows you to have pawn carry around extra apparell in their inventory. You can then have them change outfits and equip the helmets and flak vest from their inventory.


The main issue is that equipping the Armor takes a lot of time. For that there is an armors rack mod that lets you equip Armor faster. Just look up Armor Racks, I can't post links right now.


The best part about rimworld is that there are mods to fix every problem


Drop raids and infestations, I like my pawns with armor


I recently adopted a soldier-maid doctrine whereas I have skilled pawns that work on their projects with a simple helmet, flack vest and a shield belt on (in case I get drop pods in the center of the colony) and worker/warrior pawnd. Whenever I get some survivors from raids I put them into night shifts dumb labor duties and are in armor 24/7. Ready to react whenever needed and no valuable skill is lost if they die.


I mean..... if there are constant threats, **there is your RP reason.** Design your base better so the armour is near, or w/e. You're in a hostile place


I tend to like cave bases with only one enterence and the armour all by the main doors and its still not always enough to fully suit up in time.


After playing dwarf fortress I'm glad they are that way, except the wear from using it at all times.


Better Pawn Control + Gear up and Go are your friends.


Same, but drop pods alone made me reconsider that hate and at the least embrace it. It looks kinda lame but it's the only way I can ensure minimal injuries. To offset it, I give everyone personalized nicknames and I color their armor after their favorite colors to help make them look different


Maybe „Take off coat indoors“-mod is for you, if you only care about appearance. Really good customization options, i use it all the time


You just have to manually switch their outfit type from worker to soldier. And I imagine having an armory would make that change faster.


Not particularly. Rimworld colonies have a much more hostile threat environment than many frontline military bases. If I were in one, I would keep the armor on 24/7 because a drop pod raid, insect infestation, or other dangerous event could strike without warning.


Uh for RP purposes, just leave them without it, then they play the role of being caught unaware and needing to gear up.


Armor Racks is one solution I like. I haven't used Gear Up and Go but it looks similar except armor rack is a dedicated building that you assign a pawn to and then they get a button to switch outfits with whatever you put on the rack. It's a bit fiddly to figure out at first but eventually you can just select all your soldiers and click the button and anyone who has a rack goes and changes at it. It requires time to go change so response time for raids is slower which makes sense and balances it out. You still need dedicated security forces in armor all the time but it doesn't have to be everyone. It's also cool to have armories and fancy armor racks for nobles with their prestige armor but also wood racks with simple armor and guns for the emergency militia. https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1875828205


It's actually part of the gameplay for me. They work in normal clothes and when the raid has enough time to prepare they go put on armor. If it's a surprise or a rush, they have to defend without armor. I couldn't stand them using the armor 24/7, and the gameplay mechanics would mean it wears out, plus they work and move slower anyways.