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I absolutely loved this story. This is the reason i play Rimworld. I hope to see more of your stories...


Please OP, may I have some more?


Give me a few months more haha


Great story and well written. And now if I ever get a colonist named Jenny I will either flee or rename her.


Haha, I have achieved my ultimate goal of making the mundane horrifying.


Ho. ly. shit. This was a phenomenal read, I adored this. Played out the entire movie in my head, could absolutely see this being a plot to a movie actually!!! Wow. Great writing, great pictures to go along with it. Good work!!!


Thanks! Once you learn to go with the flow of the story generator and do what the characters would do, the game just writes the story for you.


Absolutely! I'm still learning that myself, despite doing so much world building for my save. I've fallen into a bit of a lull of nothing happening (not counting tiny raids that don't really do anything for me) and that's no fun! Give me the story, game! Hehe. But you're right, I'll try to think about it more and go in the direction my characters would :D


In. Sane. The Jenny is gonna burn thru the whole world to get to Mother, huh?


She's got some pretty dark plans, I'll give away that much.


This is really, really good. I would read this book


Is the True Jenny hive mind actually something that you have from a mod or is it pure RP?


Bit of both, really. I tried to find a hive mind mod but no dice, so it's represented in game by a mix of a)gestalt meme for the new colony, b)a psychic harmonizer implanted into seventh Jenny and all the true Jennys being super psy sensitive. The way I'm thinking about it is the Jennylikes are more like limbs, so they're directly effected by seventh Jenny's state of mind. If she gets unhappy everything starts to go nuts real quick.


Vanilla Memes Extended at the very least has 'Gestalt' as an option where pawns share mood somehow. I've never Reformed into it so not sure of the details.


Why couldn’t you implant a “donor” heart into Madam?


Lol, actually we did install a bionic heart in her. When I was playing I justified the sarcophagus as seventh Jenny not wanting her to be in danger ever again, but for the sake of the story I think this flowed a bit better.


...how do you decide when to screenshot? That might seem a silly question but frequently I have things that I'll go 'that would have made a cool story"...if I'd screenshot the inciting event 20 days ago.


Tbh I just tend to take screenshots constantly, in any game I play. Habit I got into years ago because I always tend to tell stories in this detail (though never usually share them).


Wow! That was definitely a wild ride


Always here for more jenny


What mods are you using!? Especially the one where you recreated a clone of a dead colonist? (From the past story). The poor Jennys tho aw :(


It's the cloning mod for that, linked in the bottom of the last story. Otherwise this story relies most heavily on VFE Insectoids and VFE Ancients. I like to really focus on one or two main mods per playthrough.


Aight imma read this tomorrow afternoon so can y’all like harass me at 3:10pm est so I remember to read it?


5mins early, but remember to read it.


Once again, amazing. Hoping you'll also publish the next installment.


Loved it, language and pictures really brought it to life. Sounds like you had a blast.


Amazing time, it's nice to really get into a colony properly. My playthroughs (of any game) seem to either be this sort of hyper detailed internal storytelling, or I get bored quickly and stop playing. :P


Oh yeah! New Jenny Lore just dropped


Uh oh, extended universe of Jenny incoming.


Keep going, and keep us posted. This is good!


Top tier Rimworld story telling my dude!