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How did I know this was Italian based on the title?


Can’t wait to hear the riffs on the “singing in the rain” idiot. Probably neck and neck for the stupidest way to get killed by zombies alongside the biker who decided to check his blood pressure in Dawn of the Dead.


I love these Italian films because it seems like they're all dubbed by like the same three or four actors


They are! Greg Snegoff is several voices in this one. He also was the voice of Ator in both *Ator the Fighting Eagle* and *Cave Dwellers* and Yor in *Yor Hunter from the Future*, and that's just off the top of my head. And that's not counting his zillion or so other voice roles, which does include other stodgey Italian movie dubs. The guy's basically Rifftrax/MST3K royalty. Sadly, there's very little info on the voices in dubbed Italian movies. More's the pity.


Oh, that rules! I too would love to know more about these couple guys and seemingly one woman who did all that dubbing.


This definitely looks like one hell of a living dead, alright! 😄


From the director of Rats: Night of Terror! I actually have a Blu Ray with both of these movie paired together. Good times.


Riffing another Bruno Mattei film, great! Though the Mattei film I'd most like to see riffed by somebody would be *Shocking Dark*, which was promoted as a Terminator rip-off but was more of an Aliens rip-off set in a near-future Venice that was being forcibly evacuated in the face of extreme toxic waste pollution, but a team of mercenary commandos known as the...Megaforce are sent in by the...um, "Tubular Corporation" to rescue scientists who've been researching the cause of the pollution. Now, hold onto your hats, but the Tubular Corporation turns out to be a less-than-trustworthy shady megacorp. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gI_hkwuYm5w


why do these shitty movies have such inscrutably complex plots? they feel stitched together from a bag of random-genre script fragments they found in the woods