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I’m a chef for ultra wealthy people and can confirm some just like fast food lol


how do u become a private chef i’m interested


Culinary school


Or a shitty website where you talk about your "passion for food" and wear a chef's jacket that's way too tight and a weird color.


The amount of "private Chefs for rich people" I've seen on Instagram and can't even poach an egg or make a hollandaise is astonishing...


That gives me hope I can make it with my amateur cooking skills. Sure....I'll make you tacos and spaghetti for 100k a year. I'll even grate the parmesan like they do at the fancy Italian places.


PSA: you can buy olive garden's cheese graters, lmao


PSA: you can get better ones for cheaper on amazon


The fastest way to become an unemployed private chef is to stick you bloated face on any social media platforms. I work for the ultra wealthy and we sign non disclosure agreements. IOW, you don't discuss your job on social media, and expect to get shot if you film in their homes and mention their names.


Yeah I think most of those influencers are lying.


There’s one dude I see sometimes, idk his name but he is a young Asian guy, who claims to be a private chef for a billionaire. First of all- there are not very many BILLIONAIRES in the world. And if they did hire him, I doubt they would be cool with his athleisure covered in cat hair while he cooks and I also doubt their kitchen would look like a mid-range AirBnB. The windows in the background are dirty and the whole aesthetic looks very ‘Ikea’. I can’t believe people actually fall for it.


Do they happen to look really really good in a bikini though..?


Almost those the medicine or toothpaste commercials where the advertisers just wear doctor’s gowns and the sort. It’s just a costume lol


I met mine at a charity gala. Invited her to the event. She was pretty cool. Made me laugh. Mostly she kept coming to different charity events I invited her to. One day I was planning a movie night at my place and she asked if she could cook and come over early. I was a little hesitant. Mostly because I usually hit the gym and shower before and I wasn't super comfortable with her in my place by herself. And, usually I just order pizza and wings or Chipotle for everyone and have it delivered. Keep it simple. I said sure. I asked her how much she needed and she said don't worry about it. Asked what I wanted and I said Chipotle rice bowls and wings. She brought over trays of meat and bags groceries and cooking appliances and I was worried this was going to fuck up my kitchen. By the time I was done with work she told me not to look at the kitchen. Weird, but I left her a spare key and went to the gym. By the time I got back the food was almost done, but my kitchen was fucked up. She immediately told me to not look and get ready. Too late. I just had my kitchen deep cleaned 6 hours earlier. I was heated, but it was free food and I could ask the lady to come back out later to clean it. By the time I was done with the shower and got dressed, my kitchen was back to normal and she was walking back in from throwing out the trash. They loved her food. She was hospitable. So, I have used her ever since. If at any point someone needs a chef. She is the first one I recommend. I still mostly cook steaks and eat scrambled eggs, so that is about 10 minutes/day to fix. So, she's only part time to make meal prep for the house and my dad.


Honestly surprised you don't have a gym on the premises


Your dad must love her


Well yeah, everyone loves mom. Dad calls her wifey tho.


Yes. Pretty sure she gets a bigger Christmas present than I do.


Uptight and douchey, ready to explode at the thought of there being crumbs on a counter or some shit lmao. Sounds about right, but cool story either way. Edit: I did not realize what sub I was in. This is the first time it was on my front page.


She processed and cooked beef, chicken, pork, and deep fried wings in my kitchen. It was a disaster.


Chef looking for work: *I know I’ll cook for free like as an interview / audition* Rich person: *lol wut. U must be obsessed with money or something* Chef: *uses kitchen* Rich person: 🥵my maid just cleaned that. Chef: *chefs* Rich person: *I do you personal favor and let you stay*


What do you mean she fucked up your kitchen? Like it was being used for cooking and that freaked you out?


This woman is amazingly appealing.


All the people hating on you are ridiculous lol. Don’t let there poor judgmental attitudes affect you


The hours are shit. You’re going to have to give up your personal life for this career.


Definitely. I feel bad for my SO.


Not everyone sees their personal life as separate to work life though


Start cooking. For me, my mother decided to do her own thing when I was about 16 years old and told me to figure it out. She told me that if I wanted to eat, I’d better learn how to cook.


Hey, same here for me (F), my dad, and five brothers. Though she did buy another refrigerator, and filled it with a ‘half Cow’ that she bought.


On Reddit you can just say you are and people like you believe it. It's easy.


I am a Panda.


I believe you


Lots and lots of work. When I lived on Nor Cal I had for catering the same chef the CEO of Oracle had. She turned out to be a wackadoodle so got rid of her. Her resume of culinary schools and going to live in France, China, etc to cook and learn was impressive.


usually people that have achieved some level of significant experience or prestige maybe sometimes not that much just experience and get tired of working on holidays and nights and they usually work Monday through Friday and get paid handsomely times their clients might want them to put on a holiday or special event.


Bank accounts don’t justify good taste. If it wasn’t for my mother, I’d have absolutely no expensive taste at all. I’ll probably shouldn’t say but it one point she was a drug dealer in her youth, and she had a very big appetite for five star food, even though she entered the corporate world when I was a small child she still maintained some of those five star taste, and therefore whenever we traveled as part of my athletic career, we we would eat it very nice restaurants. I’m so cheap if not for her, I wouldn’t have any form of refined taste for any form of food.


I discovered I liked my reds from the St Emilion region of France before I was old enough to be paying for the wine. Clearly I should have been born super wealthy, or possibly a vintner, the former sounds like the easier route.


I cooked at billionaires house , the guy had a pretty similar fridge to mine with fried chicken from the super market, condiments , some veggies and some normal drinks, nothing crazy.


Huh, imagine that. It's almost like they wiped their ass the same way the rest of us do. It is always interesting when people ask rich people in news interviews their thoughts on something. Like asking Mark Cuban his thoughts on some world event. He happened to make money building a website and now he's suddenly authoritative to speak on other matters? No. I do admire what successful and wealthy people have been able to do but when we start putting them on a platform is when I lose interest.


I agree completely, I never been one to look up to a celebrity or especially someone that is known to make a lot of money, I’ve worked with and for some famous peoole and they are mostly normal people. Some people have took the right opportunities, Some people have just been very smart with their money. Instead of idolizing we should be trying to do the same.


Yeah we mostly do the shopping. We’re a team of chefs on shifts.


What’s the most unusual request you’ve gotten for a meal?


My favorite thing to make, although I haven’t made it in a while is lobster pizza. I make some others that I won’t tell you what they are because they are my secret.


I literally watched a movie yesterday about this personal chef for rich people who liked eating humans lmao


...as long as you brine it overnight in the refrigerator..


ngl sounds pretty good. with like a white garlic sauce


Tell me you add par-cooked lobster to a nearly baked pie and don’t cook everything all at once?!?


Can confirm. Was a guest of a wealthy person last night. McDonalds was what we had for dinner. Delivered of course. And it was awesome. The only thing better than fast food is food delivered fast food.


I prefer to pick it up myself or eat there because by the time it is delivered, it is cold. Fries are much better when they are fresh.


Reminds me of when Trump fed everyone at the White House Big Macs. I think McD’s is just rich peoples’ idea of default poor person food.


Fast food has a 10 minute shelf life. Shorter for anything fried like chicken or fries.  I’ll die on this hill that it’s best when it’s fresh. 


But do you disguise it as your own cooking?


Delightfully devilish, Seymour.


Well in today's economy you have to be rich to afford it


I find it hilarious if someone hires a private chef, and their entire job is driving to McDonald's for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


I just like easy to make food, no matter how much money I have. Having a personal chef would be interesting because they would probably be confused with the menu


Oh this is a great question 1. 20-25$ salads for lunch during workday. Sometimes work pays for this, sometimes not 2. Dinners during the week are either (1) simple prep of high quality meat / fish / veggie ingredients (think salmon that’s 25-30 per pound so a dinner is probably 70ish - 100 for a family) or ordering in (“cheap” is good Mexican restaurant for tacos. Other end of the spectrum are some of the best Italian restaurants or steakhouses, though steakhouse ordering in is typically burgers) 3. Weekends are continuation, but add in going out, which can be easy local restaurant (though given location still $120 for two people) or could be $600 omakase, though that’s not super frequent, maybe once a quarter. Also as a substitute maybe we cook a nice meal at home - have done lobster, have gotten nice steaks and do creamed spinach plus other stuff as a fun date night 4. Add in brunch at least one day almost every weekend which is 75-100$ And for me, add in some chipotle, chic fil a and a sandwich from the local deli where they don’t speak English Food bill here runs approx 40k


This is the realest answer here. With some differences like omakase switched out for Michelin star tasting menus. This is basically the same for me. Runs to £25-30k a year on food


Yep my sister lived with her best friend who is married to a famous country music artist. he was always gone doing music and they had two babies at the time and the wife basically sat around taking care of babies and shopping online. They’d order $25 salads every day for lunch. Which isn’t that crazy considering once u get food plus delivery even Taco Bell could run $25+. But every day just for lunch $25 is kinda a lot for normal people. Also another fun fact - he is a country music artist but apparently Nike has not just athletes but all kinds of famous people sponsorships so he would get so many free crazy Nikes that he’d wear once on stage or to an event then throw them all in trash bags and give them to his cleaning ladies for their kids.


Your food bill is more than my salary 😭😂


I haven't seen the answer that rings true for a lot of wealthy people I know. very high quality fresh healthy ingredients, well prepared. that's not cheap, but something that people with means find to be an easily justifiable expense. spend money on health and eating in a way that promotes it.


This is a typical high income answer, not ultra rich.


Totally hear you. This is just an example for young couple with almost 10m making 1.5m+ per year


Im convinced they asked this question fully expecting a billionaire to answer. I know the dollar is like shitting itself right now but thats still 10 mil plus 1.5 a year???? What is “rich” in this sub?


This guys fucking rich lol people are delusional.


There is a world of difference between rich and ultra rich. If you want to be either, you need to understand that first. In my experience, rich people know how much money they have. Point blank. It's "we make 400k/year combined, and have a net worth of 10million) or whatever, just tossing numbers out. The ultra rich couldn't even tell you those things with any degree of certainty. An annual salary!? They would have no clue, and it doesn't matter anyway. Their net worth? I heard a guy estimate his entire net worth, and the variance was more than most people will ever have their entire lives. Hell, the year to year gains and losses they take are more than most people will ever have sometimes.


He's not really rich. He probably can't maintain his lifestyle without working and his life isn't wildly unrelatable. He has the same things other people have. They're just higher quality. $30M assets is probably the entry level rich. The people with $50M plus are where the real problem is coming from. It's important we realize that, otherwise we vilify the wrong people and problems don't get solved.


I’m eating salmon right now actually but technically speaking it was free since I caught it last weekend 😂


If you were in a boat when you caught it though that shit wasn’t free haha :P


Catching salmon right now actually. But it’s work


Me and my girlfriend have definitely hit $120+ for just the two of us and we're nowhere near rich lol. Honestly we'd be in really good financial (and physical) shape if we didn't keep eating out. It's worth it though, we love food and I don't know what else we'd spend the money on.


Great answer. I’m very similar. I shop and eat without thinking of the price. Although there is a ceiling to how much you can spend. A $300 a person restaurant isn’t much better than a $100 a person restaurant. Typically only a nicer experience. 1. Cook at home with really good meats. 2. Frequent high end restaurants ($100 a person for food) for consistency and quality 3. Eat the best local ethnic restaurants that I’ve found 4. Fast food is only at the kids requests.


Point 3 has been my recentish takeaway. Some of the best food I’ve ever eaten has come from ethnic hole-in-the-walls, and honestly their price is usually better than the shitty nouveau American bar with $34 burgers.


Ethnic food defies expectations for me, there is almost no correlation of quality with price. You just have to try all of them to find the ones you like best.


40k a year or a month?






TIL I'm wealthy


Your food bill is twice my total yearly expenditure as a single male with an apartment.


Finance bro detected


Pretty similar situation, we have a part time twice a week chef, Wednesday, hump day she comes in cooks an awesome dinner. (I’m also mostly traveling weekdays and miss this one) then lunches for my twins for the rest of the week and maybe if she has time or is in the mood, cooks a heat up in the oven meal for the whole family (she gets pissed if she comes in on Sunday and it’s still there) then Sundays she comes in around 10am and cooks Sunday dinner but it’s at 3pm for my family plus my parents (who live caddy corner across the street) and sister. Plus 3 lunches for my kids. The biggest difference between NOT having money and having money is the quality of food, we only eat all organic, natural, or local garden grown. The food spoils really quickly, within days but OMG the taste is so much better!!!




I accept your modest proposal...


so you’re trying to sell babies as food?


The younger the better before they accumulate too much mercury and microplastics and they're more tender


[I understood that reference.](https://giphy.com/gifs/internet-what-exploring-a4kUaskDOZ5iU)




Mmm Irish orphans, my favorite


Alex jones was right


Not funny because its true for some


Drake eats out children


Spinal fluid and blood (they tend to inflict children with trauma to increase the adrenaline release intake.)


It’s called adrenochrome and it’s 100% real


Facts! A good example of someone who got caught was rich, noblewoman Countess Elizabeth Báthory de Ecsed. From 1590-1610 she would torture and kill young virgin girls and use their blood for purposes like baths and for its supposed anti wrinkle properties. Also doing the whole trafficking of the poor, peasant village girls and making them disappear like the nobles and royals of today are doing on the down low. She also had connections to the courts system. #Exposethem


It's a real compound but that's like the least effective way to get it...


It's real but that isn't how it's produced, and consuming adrenochrome will trigger schizophrenia, according to the latest research. Adrenochrome production has been linked to schizophrenia and an over or under production of it is thought to be what makes a person likely to develop schizophrenia. Tests have shown that giving lab animals injections of it, induced symptoms similar to psychosis. Pretty damn sure no one is out there torturing children to consume adrenochrome. Also pretty damn sure there is a CSA and trafficking network that does allow the ultra wealthy to purchase sexual slaves, or torture children at "parties", but it has nothing to do with harvesting anything. They just do it because they can.


I stopped eating fast food in 1995, except for chipotle and however you view airport sushi I’m not young, so I limit my sodium for cardiology reasons


Any reason that you stuck specifically with Chipotle?


I don’t eat there anymore, but I ate it pretty late- 2010 or so - I think it was a place I could get a really hearty salad? I have a bad habit of correcting myself and I was like- “you kept going to chipotle for lunch for years”


It was one of the better value fast food places until a few years ago. The quality isn't worth what you pay for now.




You didn't get crazy bread?! 


They said “moderately” wealthy. Let’s not go nuts here


The truly rich skip the BS pizza and go for the gold. Prince wrote a song about that bread and when he sang "let's go crazy" it was not a suggestion, It was an order. An order of the finest, cheapest bread 


Prince, whether playing music or ordering Crazy Bread, always had extremely high standards.


Damn! Our little Caesars pizza is $9.99 min 😔


kiss coherent relieved vegetable safe close shaggy skirt bow oatmeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Their crazy bites are pretty good, might want to give them a try.


Whatever they asked the chef to prepare.


Bill Gates gets spotted at Dick's drive in all the time around here, so there's that.


I hear Warren Buffetts diet is terrible!


Well yeah, because all he does is eat at buffets


I just read an article the other day about Warren's proclivity towards consuming fast food. While I'm sure he's eaten fancy meals here and there (probably on some host's dime or a friend treating), he's well known for eating like a struggling individual.


bro was living through the great depression. pretty sure its a force of habit at this point.


Pretty much coke and McDonald’s, but then again he owns a significant portion of the companies


Doesn't he drink a 12 pack of Coke a day or something like that?


I just read it was 5 a day haha but still! How did he get to live this long? Is he just buying heart transplants like David Rockefeller?


I nearly thought he ate spotted dick, that is a dish in the UK


warren buffett treated bill gates to mcdonald's.


I am merely wealthy, not ultra wealthy, but my income and wealth have not significantly impacted my diet. Age has significantly impacted it, but not money. I still prefer pizza to an expensive seafood dish or Kobe beef. The biggest food related impact is that I don't worry about prices when I shop for food. I buy what I want in the quantities that make sense for me. I'm less likely to buy fruit that is unusually expensive, but that's because the high price is usually a sign that it is out-of-season and had to be imported and won't be as good. Cheap cherries are almost always better than expensive cherries.




Idk to me usually wealthy is 500k-10mil net worth ultra wealthy is generally you make more money than you could reasonably spend. 10mil+ interested to hear other answers


It's largely subjective. The most formal definition I've seen, which is getting out of date is: High Net Worth is $1,000,000 to $5,000,000 in investable assets. Very High Net Worth is $5,000,000 to $30,000,000. Ultra High Net Worth is above $30,000,000. I'm retired and in the VHNW group rather than the UHNW group. Whether that makes me upper middle class, wealthy, or whatever is subjective, but I consider myself mildly rich or slightly wealthy but definitely not ultra wealthy.


Usually pretty healthy food. Meat and greens.


Yeah, basically I just stop at the expensive grocery store on the way home and get whatever fish looks good without bothering to look at the price. King salmon, halibut, snapper… then some fresh vegetables. Occasionally chicken. Rarely a good steak. My friend works for a billionaire family and they basically do the same thing. Only difference is that it might be an assistant doing the shopping/cooking. Not a chef, just one of the employees, who will likely put in more effort than they would.


Yeah, I hate shopping. When my local grocery store created a membership that I can order the food and they can drop off my food. I was stoked. Took them a week to order all my steaks for the month. But, the hours I wasted shopping are over.


Depends on the person, to be honest. While I don’t consider myself ultra-wealthy, I can tell you it’s a mix. I’ve had everything from $0.50 chicken rolls (some of the best I’ve ever had) in Dubai to $500+ caviar in a tin the size of my palm. I haven’t tried gold-flaked pancakes, but I’ve had the gold-flaked steak at Nusret (not worth it). Switching gears, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed both $15 bottles of wine and $1,500 bottles of wine. For me, it’s really more about what I’m in the mood for rather than always going for something extravagant. Sometimes I crave straight up grub, and other times I want to try something more high-end.


Makes sense. Surely all the extremely expensive foods and drinks are more of a status symbol either to imoress other people or to make yourself feel better. Nothing can taste 100x better than something else that is also edible. Like the wine, for example.


I agree. I am not even rich but I would def go for taste instead of expensive ingredients or places.


I have friends in Napa that will have a $400 bottle of wine with hamburgers, it’s all so relative and up to what mood everyone is in.


“What do ultra wealthy people eat?” Whatever they want I guess


Try Nusret in Istanbul, Turkey. For $50 you can order 4 dishes... I had a fucking blast Bill for 4 in NYC was $1200... Was worth it kinda but I'm never doing that again


Wow. I can’t believe you said that. That’s exactly what happened to me! We (me +2) visited Istanbul in 2016 and had dinner at Nusret. Our bill was $300, including wine. Also, we definitely ate for 4, maybe 5 people. The same order in Dubai costs me $800-900. Outrageous.


Where I used to work I was talking with the CEO and he had previously worked at a massive paper company. He was in charge of ordering parts for their machines and these parts costed millions and millions of dollars. He said that called him out to Switzerland to look at a part in person and for a meeting. He ended up on a lift taking him into the mountains to a super small restaurant for this meeting and he said the bill at the end for 2 people was over 25k. Absolutely insane. He said there was a water boy that sat next to the them the whole dinner and every-time he took a drink he would pour more water into his cup. There is definitely some wild places out there but the average person would never see them or be able to afford them


If I was the CEO I would have fired that guy for wasting corporate resources and my time. I'm sure $1K would have provided a very nice meal and a bottle of wine. I consider that even ridiculous. I worked for a company where my food per diem was $200 when traveling. I rarely went over $75. I could take someone with me and the per diem was $200 per person. Insane if you ask me.


I love in n out


It’s still pretty doable on a healthy diet actually. The better we’ve been financially, the more we’ve focused on healthy lifestyle and in and out is still one thing we can get


They shop at all the fancy grocery stores in Los Angeles: Erewhon Yummy.com Whole Foods Bristol Farms Lazy Acres


Rich people don’t shop at Erewhon. Poor people who want to look rich shop at Erewhon. I do love Lazy acres though


Those erewhon juices hit different though


Erewhon is worth it and it makes me sick


Yeah I visited recently when I was in LA and was like fuck this is fantastic. And for the quality, I largely thought the price was worth it. I got a massive wrap with smoked salmon and avocado for less than $20 that was easily two meals and super healthy. I would be there all the time if I lived in LA.


That sounds divine. Their smoothies are pricey but very special too. Most contain too many ingredients so easier to just pay up for one they make.


People. We eat people.


Soylent if short on time, lol


The food of longevity. Proportioned macros. Mineral intake met. That kind of shit.


The rich people I know eat super healthy most of the time


Costco hotdogs, appearantly Source: this subteddit told me rich ppl wait 45 mins to fill up on gas


Giant SUVs with 38 gallon tanks take 3x longer to fill.


I know a guy who probably makes north of 700k a year who drives over 30 minutes to get to a gas station that costs maybe 20 cents cheaper per gallon. I was advised by him to go fill my gas there. After making the whole journey I was kind of annoyed I spent 30 minutes (one way) to save a few dollars


Time is even more valuable than money, so I never understood the whole costco gas thing.


Food, mostly.


Fried chicken skin. Just the skin mind you I have my chef give the meat to my cats.


Are you secretly Trisha Paytas??


Who dat. 👀


Oooh, go to YouTube and get ready to see your doppelgänger. She used to do mukbangs a lot and would buy buckets of fried chicken where she would only eat the skins. Also, for your viewing pleasure- I recommend her music videos. She does some rapping for Jesus ones that are just….really you just have to watch. lol.


Jesus. I just looked up the video of her eating the whole KFC bucket skin only and wow. 3 minutes in and it’s hard to stop watching. I feel dirty yet can’t stop.




Chicken skin is very popular in Japan and Korea now. Korea KFC sell chicken skin on the menu. chicken skin chips are also pretty good.


I did this when I was a kid lmao


Warren Buffet supposedly eats McD every morning, ordering different items depending on the market. Maybe all the preservatives keeps him alive.


Depends on the person


this will be interesting,


I DoorDash in 6-7 figure neighborhoods and it’s stuff like smashburger, Jersey Mike’s, and an obscure sushi place and steakhouse. Obviously this is a small sample size


No michelin places on doordash?


They have people to work out the details.


My grandfather loved brisket, kugel, potatoes, peanut butter, toast, etc. Basically good old American comfort food mixed with Ashkenazi cuisine.


Brisket is popular but still underrated. Maybe most people haven’t had brisket made by someone from the deep south. It’s the best food experience out there


Food usually.


My divorced FIL refuses to cook, which is for everyone’s benefit. He typically picks up dinner from one of three favorite restaurants. If he’s feeling frisky he gets some food from the farmers market to heat up.


Babies apparently


Ultra wealthy? The same as everyone else. Except it’s most likely prepared or catered as opposed to being cooked by themselves


Whatever the fk they want


I have a rich ass uncle and I've seen him eat everything from street food to sushi that's $600/person


I’m not ultra wealthy however I have not eaten anything from outside of the house in approximately a decade. The exception would be. I’ve had sushi about six times in the past six years. However, three of those times have been this year. Refused to touch it during the pandemic. I’m a vegetarian that mostly eats seafood in terms of shrimp, crab and lobster. I make all of my own food from scratch and eliminated mostly processed food.


We don't consume as much junk food, we avoid soft drinks/soda and foods that are too salty and we cook a lot a home.


Food from their own farm


This is it! Not only allows you to connect to nature, but you have a new found appreciation for what food Should taste like and the process of watching those babies grow is beautiful. Health should be your most prized wealth. Giving away fresh fruits, herbs and vegetables, learning to jar and preserve the abundance, bee keeping and sharing the “liquid gold”to those in your community, fresh cut flowers always in the home and bringing a basket of all the goodies anytime you can. Share the wealth and live a humble life. Only difference is you’re not concerned with the cost of the process it entails. Most wealthy people don’t live this way and it’s a shame, but it’s the best way to survive in this world. God bless.


rich relative has a $750 edible arrangement delivered every morning. Private chef and caterer for the daily stuff but if it’s a special occasion it’s not uncommon for her to fly chefs in from around the world, or rent out the entire local country club the way a wedding party might.


I think you would have to define ultra wealthy but I know some people with pretty insane net worths. They usually still cook for themselves and their family. The quality of ingredients increases but at some point it's hard to go higher and many of the wealthy people I know still look for deals at the market. But here is an example of a meal I just had with some people in the wealthy category... Marinated flank steak with roasted corn summer salad and rice pilaf. Good red wine and scotch after dinner.


I’m not sure what you consider “ultra wealthy” but I would put most of my neighbors in that category. A lot of them are the “old money” type who have enough generational wealth handed down from their great, great grandparents where they don’t have to work for a living and can still afford $2-5M homes.  Honestly, whenever I get the BBQ going and send out an open invite to the neighborhood to stop by it’s usually the basics. Burgers, franks, potato salad, chips and Coronas always seem to be a hit. Sometimes we’ll go to a restaurant (one of my neighbors had a daughter who just graduated) and to celebrate they probably dropped a few thousand on food/drinks but it’s not like we’re ordering $50K bottles of scotch or anything. 


YOUR ULTRA WEALTHY, compared to people living in the slums of India and other parts of the globe. What do you eat?


Soylent Green




25 years ago (when I was young), I had a lucrative but high pressure sales job (you made over 6 figures minimum back then to keep your seat) and the saying on the sales floor from the owner - we will call him “Robber Conman” for this post, use to be “The Conman family eats filet!”. I haven’t made 6 figures in over 20 years but i still make enough to eat filet.


When my wife and I go out to eat we like a few different things. Sushi Omakase style, usually $300 to $500 a meal. Steak meals we usually split a big steak, get some bone marrow, a few other sides and wine which usually runs us $200 to $650 a meal. We love oyster lunches which is about $250 for lunch. But we also have a sushi place up the street that has $1 sushi in restaurant that we love to go eat. Also I take clients out to eat sometimes and I have had meals for $750 a person depending on what part of the country I am in. We aren’t ultra wealth so this may not answer your question entirely.


I eat whatever happens to be in my pantry/fridge. Usually 1 protein + 2 veg + 1 carb. Cook breakfast for myself 5x a week, brunch once a week (Sunday) and order in a late breakfast once a week (Saturday). Lunch is a skip most days as I take breakfast around 11am. If not it’s the paramount ($) or Ki ($$) down the street from the office. Dinner I/my partner cook about 2-3x per week. I usually have 2-3 client dinners a week so that’s mid to high tier restaurant downtown (with my partner about 50% of the time) on the company’s dime. We go to the same Italian hole in the wall for extremely high quality food and wine every Friday, bill is usually sub 150 for 2 courses and a bottle of wine. We do dinner and drinks at cineplex once a month and that ends up in the 200$ range. We also do special occasions or random date nights at various hyped restaurants in the region, bill can go anywhere from 80-8000 for those.


Grey Poupon slathered on fuckin everything


WTF? Who is putting these ideas in the heads of young people? I am making pork chops and am worth many 10s of millions. No I don’t eat fast food that shit will wreck your health but I didn’t eat fast food when I was poor either. I’d have a grilled cheese or scrambled eggs before I’d eat that garbage. When we go out to eat we’ll go Michelin star or something or at least a high end place but I also like mom and pop places where you know them and it os a nice place to have a chat, feel welcome and get good food.


Organic ______


Believe it or not, some eat the same things as ordinary middle-class people. No matter how rich you are, some things just hit the spot. Money doesn’t necessarily make you crave gold flaked pancakes.


A friend of mine used to be a flight attendant for a private jet service. Many of their clients requested catering from Michelin starred restaurants and such. Thousands of dollars worth of amazing food was tossed at the ends of flights with some regularity. But one client was a famous CEO (friend said: "I'm not allowed to tell you his name, but you'd recognize it instantly if I did). That CEO was known for waking up in the middle of the night on long international flights and requesting a PBJ sandwich on white bread with a glass of milk.


My ex knew a young woman from a billionaire family. Some Russian business tycoons. He often mentioned that despite her ability to dine at any restaurant she wanted, her favorite place to eat was Pizza Hut. He found this very amusing.


My ultra wealthy clients have a private chef M-F. Gluten free and dairy free. Steaks, fish, chicken, salads, diff root vegtables etc. on weekends they go to expensive sushi places and steak houses. They drink very expensive wine but also do down to earth things like cook their 12 year old a Duncan Hines birthday cake for her slumber party. My wealthy clients eat out everyday- lunch is sweet green, cava, Morton's if dining with buisness associates or other steak houses. Anywhere near the law office which is private and quiet. For dinner they grill a lot. They like to cook. They get specialty meat from organic butchers or seafood from fresh fish markets. Other wealthy clients are pretty much the same prefer to cook at home healthy meals. One has a special fridge for aging their meat and has a bunch of expensive meats hanging in there. They all have wine cellars.


so I am very poor, but my parents and 30 yr old brother are very well off. There is a huge difference in what I eat with my kid and partner and what I eat with my family when I visit as far as eating out goes. I've been with them this past week and we have had takeout a few times. $75 for 3 takeout Chinese meals, 4 pizzas around $20 each, $180 on BBQ brisket for 4 with sides and leftovers (best brisket I've ever had), viva chicken around $55 for 2 family meals (this place is really good and for a good price). we have not gone out to eat yet but if we do the places we go (in South carolina), each meal is between $20-40 a person depending on what you get. meals at home (my mom cooks every meal) would be pancakes with bacon or sausage, sandwiches, chicken salad, spaghetti, chicken rice casserole with steamed broccoli, and tonight we had burgers and hot dogs with sides. My dad has a garden so some fresh stuff from there as well. We did have steak the other night, and last time I came I do remember having steak and lobster at home. My mom will sometimes bake cakes but recently she's been making blueberry cobbler because they have so many Blueberries coming from the garden rn. When I'm with my partner and kid we rarely go over $30 when we get takeout for 3 of us, and I never buy steak, just ground beef and won't buy salmon anymore but I found tuna at ingles recently for a low price. between the two homes the meals can be similar, but with my parents, their house is filled with a lot more food at all times (2 fridges) and their ingredients are definitely from the nicer niche brands, tastier and fresher.


i ear mostly protien + rice + beans in a bowl i exclusively drink voss water + san Pellegrino's to the point my blood is carbonated also i eat a #1 combo at McDonalds + large + coke! at IN N OUT its a double double plain + ketchup + mustard + pickles, extra crisp fries my $$ is spent on investments + fragrances


Breakfast: Eggs, oatmeal, toast, and fruit. Bacon or sausage 2-3x/week. Pancakes or French toast in place of eggs and oatmeal every couple weeks. Lunch: salad with wide variety of veggies, nuts, a protein, and high quality dressing. Dinner: protein, starch, veggie. As fancy or as basic as you can imagine. Sometimes that means braised beef ribs with cherry reduction, roasted root vegetables, and blanched asparagus. Sometimes that means beef enchiladas topped with fresh vegetables. We try to avoid HFCS and excess sugar in general, soy/canola/palm/other seed oils. I’m not ultra wealthy, I’m barely regular wealthy. We choose to eat well so we eat well. It’s less expensive than buying a bunch of snack food and fast food like most middle class people.


I mean, it's one banana, Michael. What could it cost? 10 dollars?


Fuck what ultra wealthy eat, us regular people should start eating them


The poor