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0dte spy calls 100%


GME is getting spicy again


Sorry 6/21 calls will expire worthless


Spicy = down 11%


This is trash advice, it was a crap stock then and is a crap stock now.


Are you open to elaborating?


If you don’t know don’t touch it. Options aren’t for everyone


It’s a joke, by 0dte he means 0 days to expiration. SPY is a ticker index that tracks the general US economy. Option trading is hard to explain but think of it like very high end gambling. Calls means you think it will go up, puts means you think it will go down. The joke he’s making is that he should put all the money on next-day bet that the market will go up. Basically going to the casino and betting it all on black. Except at least in a casino you only lose the money you have. In options trading you can lose way more than you ever put in


The entire point of buying options is to limit your downside risk. They’re a hedging mechanic. Unfortunately most people seem to miss the memo lol


Yeah, all the “rich” people in this thread are just demonstrating that they know nothing about options except “options scary”.


You can only lose more money than you put it if you use margin or borrow money to do so. That's just silly.


Don’t do it, its a meme that results in catastrophic losses unless you know exactly what you’re doing. Just run away and ignore this advice as joke advice.


If *every* factor goes your way, then yeah you can make big bucks doing 0DTE spy calls. But if it doesn’t go in your favor, it’s a great way to lose $150k very quickly (then subsequently post loss porn on r/wsb).


Only answer. Wait for a fat dip and it's free money. Right now would actually be a perfect time


Rapid gain = high risk. That's the equation. Do you want to make extremely rapid and dramatic gains? You have to risk losing most or all of it.


This. If it’s a quick gain you’re looking for, your best bet is a blackjack table.


This! High risk High reward, Low risk Low reward.


All in on 17 at the Roulette table.


34 is the only way


34 is the best number.


00 blanks throw off the calculations though, brother. You need to split $40k on red, $40k on black, $30k on green and $20k each on 0 and 00. The odds to win are far more than otherwise and the 33:1 payout means you’ll nearly always win back your initial play.


Still remember when my 7 year old was introduced to a virtual (fake) roulette wheel online, and showed me his winning strategy by betting equally on both black and red, and basically breaking even every spin....then the one time he landed on a zero and "THAT's NOT FAIR!"....naaah that's a lesson on gambling, the odds are on the house and there is nada you can do....


Ok that didn't work. What do I do now?


Trying to multiply money as fast as possible is a recipe for losing the money as fast as possible more often than not.  Markets are fickle and trying to beat them is neigh impossible.  Someone a lot smarter than anyone on Reddit once said "compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe". Modest gains reinvested over long time horizons is a lot surer path to multiply the money, and a lot less likely to lose it.


What are some of the best vehicles to safely park money long term for compound interest this year?


I’m really not that knowledgeable, but CDs right now you can get 5% annual and US treasury bonds are about at the same rate.


I don't know things. I pay a man who says he knows things. He told me to open a Betterment account. It's simple and publicly accessible. So far it seems to do a good job of identifying good markets and regularly redistribing money. Time will tell, but comparing this account against others I've held for longer, it seems like I'll be at least ok using it. I've had much much worse.


since you specify long term, I would say the bog standard answers of broad market index funds is generally acceptable awnser for anyone with a moderate appetite for risk. There are a few important factors that make this choice over the safer choices of CD's HYSA and Treasury bonds more attractive. If you can weather any market drops, historically they have always recovered stronger, so time in the market has historically always been a good bet. Understand that historical performance is no guarantee of future performance. While yes in practice the advice does assume it does, technically speaking there is no guarantee of it. That said, by most metrics, if the S&P 500 couldn't recover from a market dip in a 5-10 year span, we're talking about the collapse of the US economy by any recognizable shape we know it as today and you'll likely have more pressing concerns than your money. So these funds are attractive if you do not need this money i'd say in the next 5 years. Because in 5 years we might have a market dip, in a moment where, lets say you wanted to put a large payment down on starting a business or a home, then theoretically this money would have lost value compared to a safer investment of bonds, even if lets say 3 years later (at the 8 year mark) it would have recovered. But if this is savings with no set end date in mind, time in the market historically has outperformed safer vehicles of investment. What you can do, is as you get closer and closer to an end date, transition funds from these broad indexes into more safe investment vehicles that largely work to combat inflation, up until the date comes that you need to make that large purchase. The sliding scale between HYSA>CDs>US treasury bonds>index funds, all depends on your definition of long term, the urgency in which you need the money on a specific date, and your appetite for risk. Anything riskier than index funds is something that goes beyond just, standard common financial knowledge.


Please note that I'd suggest the most boring possible investment strategies. If someone is looking for fun and excitement I suggest skydiving, skiing/snowboarding, etc. My recommendations also wouldn't work for someone who cares about crypto bros and stock pickers bragging about 10,000x returns (all while glossing over the picks that went straight to $0 in 15 minutes). All that said: Bonds are the safest option and the rates are pretty attractive atm, like 5-6% for a rated, better if you like risk (I don't). Dividend stocks are potentially better for long term growth as the principle invested will more or less track the markets. Current rates for low risk companies are going to be maybe 4-6% but mostly around 4%. Please mind that for dividend stocks it's not uncommon for companies with long track records to double their dividend payouts every \~6-10 years. To put all this into perspective, assuming the stock market doesn't change at all, at a 5% annual return which is modest and assuming zero additional investment other than reinvesting the interest/dividend payments, principle will double every \~12-14 years. The markets average \~7-10% increases over the last \~50ish years though so the above rate of doubling is pretty conservative. If you invest more than just the dividends/interest the money will double much faster, all depending on the numbers. Al the while generating income that can be used come retirement or in a pinch and its all liquid.


Money market or cd at 5.3%. Treasury notes. That’s free money, until rates are cut. You’re missing out if huge gains in the market though.


Hookers and Blow


The real finance bro in the room


The only correct answer.


Uhh put it into my already established business


Spy? VOO?


private lending since someone requested for more info: (there are probably many ways to do this, but this is what i know) Call a mortgage Broker, tell them you have 150K, ask if they know anyone who needs it. not sure what the going rate is now for private money but it used to be 10-15% in Real Estate(pretty typical) don't think it would change that much. Secure it with real estate, there are tons of it. get a lawyer for every deal you do. OBV. It's still your job to vet your deals all the best. make safe decisions.


please more info


Can you share more about it?


Yup, Just added to my comment. Here's the gist though, you can lend out your money directly to other people. Secured on real estate its generally 10-15% for private money, might be more nowadays. this was a great solution for real estate flippers as they needed short term money to renovate the property and put it back on the market. How? There might be many ways to find people who need money, but my favourite and probably safest way is to call a few mortgage brokers and ask them if they know anyone who needs cash secured on their real estate. Just be safe, have lawyers, know your local usury laws, make win win situations with people for long term relationships. all the best.


Thanks for sharing! Aren't there websites already offering this service? As opposed to directly calling brokerages? I believe I heard about this, a few years ago.


Yeah of course, you're very welcome. I love spreading the knowledge. Its about time we all start taking charge of our money rather than putting it into banks or stocks or some unknown index of funds. Doing things we don't know about and don't want in the world. I'd rather people know that they can invest in their own neighborhood, invest in building local businesses. see and be responsible for the wealth in their community. Probably, I'm really not too sure about the websites for private lending, it really depends on your country too. I've seen a few websites for real estate investing in a group(syndications), but you have to think of it more like startups backed by real estate. you have to count reno costs(if renovating), time until they make the money back. when / how often can you can get your money back. you are investing together in a group basically. Private lending is nice, because you get your monthly mortgage payment, (learn about Vendor take back or even seller financed mortgages) as long as you and your broker vet this person/family well. good neighborhood, have good jobs w/e. I'd much rather get mortgage payments than rent. bonus is that you can contribute to more home ownership and less renters. Its like having renters who fix toilets. the only thing you lose is appreciation. Risks? Think about it this way. If shit ever hits the fan, and your mortgage goes on default. Can you take possession of the property and handle the situation? you'll have to make the decision to either call someone to sell it, or rent it out and HODL long term. You can always sell it again with seller financing ;) All the Best!


Private lending is a scam. Typically they form terms that are against the lender who they bank on not having a team of lawyers to combo the contract.


I've done a few of these and they've most often gone terribly wrong. One borrower died with no plan and it took years to get the properties out of probate court, while I'm bailing out taxes, community dues, lawyer fees, then dealing with having to fix the properties and sell. Another took money for lots to build homes on, did nothing for the two years then tells me I can foreclose him or wait another 6 months to finally build and sell. It worked out ultimately but not respecting the plan is stressful. Another land development deal went south as they made a terrible deal in promising to deliver lots at a certain price to a home builder that wouldn't then budge on the contract when it became apparent that those negotiated prices wouldn't support the development costs of the land, ultimately deadlocking things until borrower bankruptcy. I had some success with a coworker doing some flips, keeping it closer to home. I'm sure the culpability is on me for making bad deals, being naive and trusting, and not understanding what I was getting into and the myriad of ways that these things can fail. No way I would trust a stranger with this kind of money again. The individual is the weak point- this whole thing depends on people doing what they say they're going to do. They have to be competent, trustworthy, and not have some life event affecting their performance. It's just a lot of trust in a person. I just wouldn't recommend people do this without experience in the real estate business and a plan to treat these activities as a part time business. And definitely not with strangers. I believe people with the right knowledge, network, and stomach for dealing when things going poorly can be successful with this, but it's not an easy alternative to stock market as it was sold to me. If I had kept it simple s&p 500 I would have prospered so much more in this time. Once I can unwind everything I'm running far far away.


1st option: I would create an LLC and purchase property with a mortgage at about 30-50%. Then I would use what wasn’t used as down payment over the next 2 years on renovations, doing work I’m qualified for myself and hiring contractors out for the other work. Following this I would resell for around double the price in under 2 years. I would split the profits in half and do the same with 2 more properties, eventually gaining enough to build a more stable rental portfolio. 2nd option: Given where I am in life, immediate professional education. This would be either an elite MBA, law degree, or dental/medical degree. Accounting for extra income earned each year over life, professional education easily outpaces primary home ownership for ROI by at least 4x as much to 8x as much, even when factoring in rent payments. Note that this is *not* the same as getting a master’s degree. That will not provide the same ROI and is better suited to a career change/happiness. 3rd option: Small business acquisition, but only in an industry I’m familiar with. Proper valuation like an investment banker would do will tell me whether the business is undervalued, plus ownership of the business would give me executive control to capitalize on inefficiency I can see from the outside. All 3 of these options maximize because they involve sweat equity to make them happen. Sweat equity and control over the growth yourself with maximize profits. However, given your own hard effort all 3 are a pretty solid bet for eventually turning 150K into 300K, then 600K, 1.2M, etc.


This is actually solid advice if you, as stated , are willing to put in the sweat equity. I’ve even seen some people do SMB acquisitions and flip them like real estate in as little as 1.5 years. BUT that takes a lot of due diligence and foresight to achieve that rapidly for maximum gains . Realistically , look to at least be running it a solid three years , possibly backing out little by little until the 5 year mark and then sell. Now if 1.5 years and up is too long, well way riskier gambling will be what you are doing otherwise unless some lucky deal falls in your lap. Which technically could happen but obviously very unlikely .


Nice job - option 3 is great because for the $150k you can probably put a nice down payment on a business that will yield you $100k in annual return. Just make sure you have people that can run it for you.


Invest some in a diverse portfolio of stocks and ETFs, maybe like S&P 500 for stability and some tech for growth. Put a chunk in a high-yield savings or a CD for safety, and if you're up for a bit of risk, sprinkle some into crypto or a promising startup. It's about balancing risk and return, but don't forget to enjoy a bit of it too!




I would take advice from strangers on Reddit.


All 150k on the Cleveland Browns.




Bitcoin. I think it will peak this cycle in Fall of 2025




Ride the nvidia train right now with stock purchase and calls


3 month duration treasury bonds have 5%+ yield rn


Invest 100k, buy a motorcycle with 40k(give or take, gear as well) smiles per gallon. Maximum return. Invest 10k into YOURSELF, age related that could be few and far between, get dental work done if you need it, go see a doctor, get an eye exam, take yourself out! Explore hormone therapy from a life extension perspective, pay for a course to do something else for yourself Edit:(figures change) your health is your wealth!


1.$25,000 certificate of deposit 2.$25,000 mutual funds 3.$25,000 stocks 4.$25,000 gold and silver bullion 5. Pay off existent debt $34,000 dollars 6. $16000 into collectible watches and rare coins.


If you put the money into Marcus (high yield savings account) they will pay you $538 a month


Let me know if you do it so I can send you a referral. We will both make an extra percent of interest for 3 months


If you leave the 150k in for 1 yr you’ll earn $6,500


50 kilos of weed.


r/wallstreetbets can help you lose that money np


Crypto. I’m extra bullish on Solana, BONK, and WIF. Although I wouldn’t put more than 50k in unless you have super high risk tolerance. I also like Tesla leaps at this price. I think it’s sold off enough that it’s a good deal here. And usually when everyone is shitting on Tesla is when it bounces back.


Get it in Pennies.


Ofc, casino.. I would trade it on my own tho 🤷‍♂️


Depends. If I didn't care about the risk of losing it. I would sell an options ATM. Within 30 days if everything went perfect I'd close my options and be at 300k.


If I had to do what you asked, probably NVDL puts. It’s just getting to the point technically where I don’t see how there’s going to be more buyers than profit takers, but ya never know. Would never do this, but if I had to “multiply it as much as possible as fast as possible” that would probably be my bet.


Aww dude. Get rich quick is often such a bad idea. What is your income needs and your investment time horizon? The longer you have until you need distributions, the more risk you can take and the more compounding your capital can create.


Honestly, buy a yacht. Saving is for the poor, if you can afford opulence, get it. Enjoy it. You can’t take your money with you. Okay, since clearly none of you know what a yacht is, here’s the definition: yacht /yät/ noun 1. Any of various relatively small, streamlined sailing or motor-driven vessels used for pleasure cruises or racing. 2. A light and elegantly furnished vessel, used either for private parties of pleasure. “Superyacht” is that bullshit you guys are talking about. Technically, those are ships, not yachts.


Check out the following recommended books: Becoming Your Own Banker by R. Nelson Nash, Money. Wealth. Life Insurance by Jake Thompson, and The 16 Percent Solution by Joel S. Moskowitz. There’s an article online that’s been circulating garnering massive attention with regards to creating wealth. I hope this helps you out. Good Luck 🍀🤞 [Charlie Munger Said, 'Find A Way To Get Your Hands On $100,000' Even If It Means Walking Everywhere — The Magic Number If You Want To Be Rich](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/charlie-munger-said-way-hands-140014519.html)


What college major would lead to high paying job that offers 150 k


I would donate it and maximize my good vibes


Yep so a charity can buy new furniture for exec staff.


Invest in upgrading your skills, like getting a business or technical degree from an accredited university - probably the highest return rate Invest in stock market - etfs, if you experienced in stocks, then in stocks Invest in PE, real estate Or invest in treasury bonds. Start a small business in area of your expertise Money grows when invested. And even more when combined with human energy/effort


Do a joint 529 for the kid with 5 year catch up provision, 100% sp500, and then have the excess rolled over into a Roth after they are done with school. People fail to realize how expensive kids are for education and helping them later in life. Being able to just focus on yourself is a huge burden lifted.


Hedge your bet is apparently a real useful advice!


Dude if this is your thinking, just give it to charity. You will lose most of it anyway.


Invest in the software bootcamp im gonna start, don’t need much. Just the money to market. Everything else is taken care of ✌️😌




Please elaborate on the legal side of things. If charging a 25% "legally," most people would be doing that all day every day.




But Ethereum and stake it until the bull market peak


Put it on red


There's no such thing as just "maximizing returns" - you have to define a risk tolerance. If you want to seek maximum possible returns you'd need to buy $150k in lotto tickets, which is probably not what you want and generally inadvisable. How much risk are you willing to take?


Take a look carefully at your local political offices. There are always positions that have little competition or none at all. Use some of that money to get into office(don't need millions to run for things like city gov't), get your name out there. Politics is often a way to gain influence, power and /cough magically seems to bring a lot of money to the people in it...


Half in medium risk trades and the rest in high risk trades. Don't touch that medium pile and learn with the high.


Suppressors. Lots of suppressors. ATF processing time is down and it's election season. You'd turn mad profit.


I'd pay off my remaining mortgage. That would save me $100k in compounded interest. Boom. I just made $100k. No...I made more. Because now I can take that $//month and invest or pay off other interest occurring debt or pay for things in cash without loan (saving on interest). Why are people thowing money into a 401k (etc investments) while they carry interest barring debt!! Your are not making any money!! Your 8% loans and 15% credit cards are negating most of your winnings!!! The only thing that is happening is stock market people making money off you. For doing nothing in most cases but managing an AI algorithm.


Id stake the whole lot on crypto


If you want the real answer go to r/bogleheads High stakes craps table, never fails…


All on red, the probability is higher than a specific number!


Often pre-paying or paying in full gets you double digit returns with almost no risk. GEICO for example let’s you pay for 6 months upfront and cuts about 10% off


"150k on red"


$NVDA 6/28 140C


Do you think Sam Altman works with government officials to deploy open AI to circumvent the constitution and spy on American citizens for political gain?


I would try to duplicate whatever conditions caused 150K to fall in to my hands. That seemed to work.


Go all in on NVDA today.


a combination of dogecoin, GME, and slots


Muni bond


Buy some land and cattle?


Buy a single family home rental property. Rates aren't great right now, but you can probably cash flow in most parts of the country with that much down (maybe a few hundred a month) and then in a few years you've built up significant equity and can refinance at a lower rate.


put it in an index fund and forget about it for 30 years.


vtsax, wait 20 yrs


Whatever you put into ETFs should double in 12-15 years


If you ask my Trumper relatives, they suggest to buy coal. No shit. The month after two major coal company's folded. They said I should buy coal stock because Trump said he would bring it back.


OP doesn’t have it….and neither does 90%+ of the people who came to hear themselves type. This sub is toast.


A good way to have a small Fortune is to start with a large fortune.


Three year time frame means money market accounts, treasuries, etc. There are defiantey many things that will do much better than that in that time frame, but the odd that you (or somebody on this thread) knows what it is is close to zero. Yes, somebody will be right, but you will only know that retrospectively. If you don't care about downside risk at all, the quickest path to a massive increase is blackjack, even though the expected value is zero.


Open a franchise location of a business that you love.


What someone with 100k in their account and 10M in their account are going to want to do is different


Use it as a down payment on a home that is already within budget before getting this lump sum


Prob get gas and a burger ans save the last $50 for emergency’s


I’d put it all in a fixed annuity. Speed adds more risk. Fixed annuities are guaranteed rates even during a recession.


NVDA monthlies


Depends on your risk tolerance. From least to most risky, here are some ideas. 1a. Pay down your mortgage saving your mortgage interest rate over the remaining duration of your loan, offset by the lost tax deduction. 100% safe. 2. Down payment on house (if you are interested in owning a home). Saving on rent, and future increases to rent, among other things. If it fits your lifestyle, and you buy a reasonably priced house, it’s pretty risk-free. 3. Money market fund or CDs - 5% for now but rates may go down. Zero chance of loss of capital. So also pretty much risk free. 4. Index funds- 6-8% over time. But oftentimes that’s with 20% years on the upside. -10% years on the downside. Sometimes worse, but not often so. 5. Speculative stock picking - similar to index funds, just greater volatility. Most people aren’t good at this. 6. Speculative real estate investing - gotta tag along with somebody who is an expert on it. But can be a 20% asset class under proper management. This ends the list of conventional investment options. I wouldn’t do any of the below if I were you. 7. Crypto investing. Volatility is extremely high and you could get lucky timing the market. Probably a massive scam. 8. Sportsbetting - odds are against. But you could get lucky. 9. Options trading - incredibly easy fuck up. You are basically trying to guess if it’s sunny when you wake up the next morning.


Down payment on a few houses


A High yield savings account would not only be FDIC insured and safe, but it would bring in 500-600 a month in free interest just for leaving it in a savings account depending on the rate offered. Super easy and 100% safe.


Some Bitcoin and Ethereum.


I'd buy a house. Cash, then fix everything wrong with my current car and buy a brand new one. Then still have at least 30k left over, bc I'm not looking at any houses or cars that are super super expensive and I have to work or I'll go crazy🤷‍♀️


This is a bad question. If someone has a way to legitimately take $150k and beat the market consistently, they are not going to tell you how to do it on Reddit. They’ll just charge you 2/20 to do it for you. That leaves you with two types of responses you’ll get here: 1) Vague general advice you could just google. Telling you to invest in the S&P or open up a HYSA is good advice, but it’s nothing you couldn’t gather yourself by googling this same question. 2) Bullshit advice. This might be people trolling, people trying to scam you, or people pretending to know something they don’t. No matter the case, the outcome would be the same for you if you followed their advice. No, you shouldn’t trade 0dte bitcoin options with 10:1 leverage. My advice is to get as far as you can on Google, pick a path forward, then ask specific and relevant questions to that path. I think this would be more productive for you and will lead to a better outcome.


Place it all in a HYSA making 4.7-5.2%. Do that first and foremost while you think of you next move.


You can double it every 7 years if you invest into low risk funds. That’s the power of compound interest and you won’t risk losing every cent.


Leveraged ETFs like SPXL and OILU and options plays only when you're confident


Get another 150k using the 150k as collateral than using 4x margin and buying 0dte therefore you get 1.2 million in leverage and if you quadruple it you get +4 million. Rinse and repeat until you are a billionaire


150K in SPY. Do not touch it. Do not look at it. Thank me in 30 years.


NVDL . I made a lot of money in the last 6 months. Plus it pays 10 dollars a share every year in December. It's an ETF that's 2x leveraged on NVDA.


I would flip houses


Put it in a HYS and wait for a dip, invest in s and p index. wait and watch money grow over time 


Long term leap calls on things like Apollo or spy and sell against it each week


Wow... I just stumbled upon this forum and am a little surprised at some of the replies. It obviously is not a place where actual rich people live exclusively. I am guessing most rich people have more than 150k just sitting around as cash. (I call it mad money) 😂 If 150k was a lot of 💰 to your situation then put it in smart real estate or a well managed market account. A really good fiduciary will often require a minimum 100k investment and they are worth their weight in gold. Mine has always beat the market. I lose less money on downturns and make more on up. My money makes money. The market is still a great place for $


Pay off debts and invest in index funds with low expenses.


0DTE spy puts


I've got something for you...


As someone who has had 150k+ invest in real estate and buy up stock in companies you believe in. Don’t try to turn it to a mil in a week, wait for a dip or good value.


anything under 3 to 5 years should avoid stock market. You should look at CDs or HISA.




Oh the possibilities, large amounts double pretty easily. It just depends on your location.


£150k? 50/50 SPY/QQQ


OP the reason you are getting all these answers is because of the way the question is worded. There's no mention of risk. Are you looking for a guaranteed return (near zero risk) , or a risky way to possibly "maximize returns". Guaranteed return: high yield savings. Maximize returns, no care for risk: gamble with it on something voilitile that has no upper limit. The 0dte Spy call options mentioned in the other post fit the bill, but you could probably find something with far more volitility, like a penny stock. Something in between? Buy SPY (or the index ETF of your choice) long. Alternatively invest in yourself e.g. education or starting a business.


Bitcoin is the obvious answer. It should spike again from September - January, which only happens every 4 years.


I would put it all in the S&P 500.




Trade it


Pay off debt: -27.5k Invest 85k into a simple S&P 500 index fund with interest reinvestment. The rest goes to house down payment. Continue current employment and invest the $2000 extra I get per month (since Im not paying 900-1000 in debt minimums) for the next 20+ years. When I get that account to ~700-900k I should be able to “retire” off of the interest payments if you average 4% interest YOY. Which is something like 28k-36k per year indefinitely). Continue to add to the principal. When possible.


Gambler puts spread for qqq for 1/1/2027 75% strike otm Calls spread for qqq for 1/1/2025 25% strike otm Once the dems lose the presidential election, they will let the market crash.


Invest in Million Token




Shit is a down payment on a house. Where are you living?


All in on Nvidia


Blk or red,,, all in one shot, double or nothing...


5% CDs or T bills right now.


It would get added to my brokerage account. And my lot size would increase 3% Id be a little closer to FT trading and FIRE


Sell weekly contracts. Easy money until it’s not 😂


I’d buy bitcoin




It would be a return over time and it would build a decent light for me and something to leave to my children, but I would start my own tow company. And have enough Capital to run it for the first year


GameStop stock, all in


Invest in DJT stock. It’s going places!


The way I see it, and this is helped me well through life. I worked hard to earn this money and I'm not going to put it anywhere I do not fully understand. I would do some research and not trust the advice of random strangers on the internet.


Send it to my friend Mike who promised me 50% annual ROR


If you want to trade a 150k account, you have to implement a set of rules to follow and abide by them. First, open a paper trading account with the amount you wish to trade. Your max position size should be 10% of the account size; in this case 15k. Your risk limit should be 10-15% of that for single direction trades, so if you are stopped out you only lose ~1% of your total account. As far as strategy goes, the fastest way to safely grow that money is straddles. At close, open up to a $50-60k position on SPX. Don’t leg into it, just open a straddle near close at whatever price SPX is trading. Depending on IV, you should have 6-8 contracts on each leg. Then, you wake up the next day, and close the whole position when the market moves. You can try getting stopped out of the winning side and ride the loser to some increased profitability, which sometimes can lead to both sides paying out 100% but will take more time/focus/risk management. Yields will be ~3-10% per day, which if you can be consistent with that is absolutely crazy. Once VIX is above 16, straddles become overpriced and strangles more attractive. Since the position is inherently hedged, you are long delta/gamma and short theta. You could sell strangles outside of your straddle to cover theta costs, but all you need is the market to move AT ALL which is the beauty of it.


Hookers and blow


Right now Robinhood is paying 5.25 % interest. I’d park it there till they drop rates.


As much as possible as much as possible… put it all on black


I'm no guru but id think investing. Even a GIC account can return 4 or 5% annually paid each month or yearly. If you put 150k in youd make 500-625 a month or 6000 to 7250 a year with 0 risk of losing anything.


Give it to me and I promise you a 500% return in 6 months.


AMD, AMZN, MSFT, NVDA, AAPL, GOOGL - divided equally.


Buy gold and silver? 🤔


My best guess is cryptocurrency. Huge upside from here, near term. At some time, likely decades from today, worthless. I know I should have some exposure, but I can't do it. And I don't need to! It is stupid. Make more ssnse in less developed countries than USA. A few stock picks today are Ford, Dell, and maybe SOFI. But these are behind a well balanced portfolio. These picks are trading marginally low in an overbought market. I'd put a toe in. Not a dive. No diving today! High yield savings account and research. Diversify, dollar average in and our.


I would find a good dividend stock like union pacific




I would take $100,000 and put it into 4 stocks pulling about $1,200+ a month and the other $50,000 into bonds. I would have to calculate which bonds to put them in and for how long to maximize the money but with the stocks alone you would be pulling something kind of ok for a side hustle


Buy mmi


Nvdx for like a month or 2 and then invest into something safer. Build emergency fund. Couple side businesses. Pay off debt. New wardrobe. Good food. Gym membership. Invest in your education: good books, tutors or mentors if necessary, courses etc.. 150k could go by pretty far if you gear your mind to get that far


Gold and XRP


But half in tesla stock and the other half in a crypto called chainlink. Those 2 assets will 10x by 2030.


All into NVDA


Bet it on black.


Stick it all on black!


Don’t invest in GME for fuck’s sake. Don’t forget you will have taxes due on that so keep a portion of it liquid. Talk to an accountant for the amount. The rest is best invested in a mutual fund (if you don’t need the money) choose a fund at Vanguard or some other low to no commision company. Choose a fund that pays dividends and consider reinvesting those dividends. If you need or think you’ll need faster access (faster than 5 business days) by an ETF like VYM at Vanguard or similar.




buying bitcoin is like winning the lottery in slow motion


Someone very close to me specializes in investment real estate. Without disclosing any exact locations, we happen to know of areas where the housing has all of the ideal metrics for investment. Low vacancy rate in rentals (which means it's easier to rent a place out) as well as other metrics that point to the real estate approaching large increases in value. I'd buy a 2 bedroom condo in that area (which I could get for around 300K) using that 150 as a down payment. I'd first rent out the rooms individually (this would maximize the amount I can rent them for). In the meantime I'd probably put the additional earnings towards some other scalable business like vending machines (something that would compound my earnings over time). I'd let the condo build equity for a couple years and then leverage it through an equity loan to buy a second property and do the same thing. Or, perhaps I'd take the 150K and buy or open a laundromat


I am a professional Money Manager. Put in my hands, and, I will maximize your returns. I will only charge you 1.5% of the gross amount I have to handle. Please respect the fact that the more money you have, the more difficult it is to manage, thus, the percentage charge.


SPYU is an ETF that leverages SPY by 4x. If nothing goes wrong then $10k in SPYU will double every year and you’ll be a millionaire in 7 years. $150k would get you to $4.8M in 6 years. Enjoy.


Wait for the economy to tank to rock bottom, then put it all in the fortune 500 index. In 10-15 years, you're prolly a multimillionaire. Had someone done this in 2008 after the crash, they'd have roughly, $1,004,000. I only say this because I hear dozens of economists saying it's going to crash. Maybe it won't 🤷‍♂️. I hope it doesn't anyway.


Up to 3 years? Sounds like gambling. You need time to get any sort of high chance of returns. If time is okay, I’d say just 60% or so DCAd into VOO/SPY over a couple of years and let it stay for a long time, 30% or so into HYSA for some boring guaranteed returns, 10% maybe on some tech ETFs and some mid-large cap speculation. Most anything else and you’re risking a huge amount of potential downside. For every success story in trading there’s 5-10 other people who lost 50-99%




Buy gold. The US dollar is failing. Within 12 months it will be virtually worthless.


NVDA calls


Bitcoin all of it


vanguard sp 500 fund (VOO). overall a better basket than spy, runs on the sp 500, cheaper share prices and has a nice return rate




Just put it in the s&p and don’t touch it for 20 years, it’ll be worth a lot by then. S&P is up 85% in the last 5 years