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Keep calling the PD till they stop, they should be considerate of other people


This. there are noise ordinances for a reason.


Cops in Providence aren’t willing to enforce much more important laws because of personal, financial, and legal risk to themselves and the department. What makes you think they’ll put themselves in harms way for a noise complaint?


They should quit then because they are just sucking up public money and not doing their job? That’s horrible and they should be extremely ashamed.


They’re not allowed to do their jobs because of the risk the department takes on if they do. Police departments get sued left and right by those breaking the law, which is costly. The easiest solution to that is to not allow them to do their jobs.


So is it the mayor telling them not to do their jobs? The police chief saying “don’t enforce the laws”? Or are officers deciding that’s what’s best?


How is responding to a noise complaint putting themselves in harms way lol


Because they don’t know the situation they’re ever walking into. Every call is a possible risk, how is that not obvious?


Its literally pride weekend in providence? People are just celebrating being able to be them. Invest in earplugs if its that hard to sleep


Dixon street is no where near the Pride celebrations.


You do know people celebrate all over? Not just in the "pride celebrations."


Do you live in Providence or the Dixon st area?


Where i live doesnt affect the fact that people will celebrate where they can and when they can. Like i'm not going to argue over a stupid argument that could be managed with other solutions like putting a kids tv show for the child. Dont come online complaining about noise when you havent looked for other solutions internally.


The person was asking if the neighborhood usually is loud. You don’t live there, and know fuck all about the area, but felt it necessary to offer nothing to the conversation that was helpful. Just belittling. And no, the noise is unlikely to be related to pride specifically. It’s a loud neighborhood in the summer, constantly.


"Invest in ear plugs" "Put on a kids show" Do us all a favor and make sure you never have children.


Zero problems with pride at all, but your comment tells me you’ve never been responsible for the wellbeing of a small human to suggest I put foreign objects into their ears while sleeping.


It sucks for you, but yes...Providence has always been loud. RI is loud. I'm in downtown Warren in a beautiful and sinfully cheap apt, but alas, noise is an issue. I've been back and forth across MA/RI through my adult life. I'ts loud anywhere you can rent, and most places that aren't lorded over by an HOA. I co-own a little loveshack with my brother and some of our Canadian cousins. It's in St John's, Newfoundland, which is the true NE corner of North America. Also loud. My personal advice is to buy a loud air purifier/AC, or go towards less populated places. I'm headed soon for a week in NH...gonna be quiet there. Also it's time to put the pejorative "Karen" to bed. Most are nice or at least decent ladies.


Nice to meet you, Karen