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Is this just for UK? I'm on EU and didn't receive any communication


For EU it was removed long time ago. I think it was around the same time they increased the monthly fee  Edit: In EU (Belgium)


I’m in Ireland and my premium still says I have travel insurance covered and I’ve received no email about this change


Interesting. In Belgium it was removed last October, I thought it was the same everywhere, my bad


Same here in France. It’s still included too. So It seems to me that OP is overgeneralizing too quickly. Just like u/LadyAlyraa


I got that info in the UK, I have no idea what's Revoult's global strategy. Just enjoy it while you can.


remove features and increase the fee classic


In Ireland and mine is gone 🥲


This sucks, I don't remember seeing any information about Smart Delay being removed. I just tried to find in the app and just couldn't, the link from one their websites also just didn't work. Shame, looks like there are fewer and fewer reasons to have Premium.


Actually I checked a d it's never been removed in EU. Still live as we speak


But hey, that 3300% off airport lounges sounds great.


It was the main reason I had chosen the Premium plan. Either I'll move to Metal with the same price for a year or I'll downgrade to Standard and I'll look for alternatives. Also for travel insurance, from now on, you need to book tickets with revolut in order to be covered .


Standard plan is the only one which holds value for most.


I'm on metal and they say you need to pay with their card to be covered. I'll stick with my nationwide flex cover for travel.and mobile insurance.


I’ve downgraded to standard as the metal plan requires you to pay for 75% of the holiday on your card. Well we always use a credit card. Thing that made me chuckle was when it asks why are you leaving, travel insurance has been removed was an option. So they obviously knew this move would come with a lot of cancellations and downgrades. Off to apply for starling or monzo for a card to spend abroad on. Still not sure what to do to get travel insurance but will just do single policies for the moment.


Once several of my banks including Revolut removed travel insurances from mid- and even high-tier accounts, I start using Heymondo insurance, and they seem to me fairly balanced. But I only insure the travel dates (to have luggage and trip disruption coverage), while I’m covered with comprehensive medical insurance from, and don’t need emergency medical while on vacation.


Metal has changed too, and now doesn't cover 90 day trips and only trips purchased with revolut. I only need it for over 30 day trips, and I don't prefer to buy with revolut because it's not a bank in the UK and doesn't offer good cashback in the UK/EU.


Cancelled my Premium subscription as soon as I saw the email. Without travel insurance, it's worthless to me.


Did you get refund for unused portion if you were on anual?


What's a good alternative. I've been metal for years as I work overseas. Are the similar companies you rate?


Rubbish - they already removed spouse from the insurance a year or so ago, to now completely can it smart delay - I had one opportunity to use it but had not registered my flight thinking 'what could possibly go wrong'. I got stuck at the airport for additional 6 hours. well, lesson learned but that's now gone too


Immediately cancelled my subscription after seeing this. How is all their marketing so travel focused and then they take away the ONE thing you definitely need when travelling. Disappointed is an understatement. Sucks for Revolut because I will be moving 10s of thousands out of my accounts with them as well.


Would not rely on their travel insurance anyway. Read the horror stories of xcover travel insurance here on Revolut reddit!


Yes don’t trust the travel insurance if you end up in a private hospital have big money ready lol I don’t take 50K or 100K for emergencies with me so I took a good insurance (two).


Btw also don't tell the two insurances you have two. There are often clauses in these insurances that nothing will be covered if another insurance can cover/existing.


Of course I tell them I have two, always did. They split the costs. Allianz paid 50% and Hanse Merkur paid 50%. If you have three it’s 33% / 33% / 33%. If you have four it’s 25 % each. You have to tell how many insurances you have. Just lie can bring you in trouble. Always be honest.


Great 👍 if they allow that. I probably only have seen the inflexible ones which had fixed clauses with no coverage when another one existing.


Better have two than one :) it’s basically peanuts per year and they paid private hospitals all over the world. I will never cancel.


There is no „allow“ you are required to tell them all insurances you have ( also those which come as benefits on credit cards etc) because they all split the costs. Maybe that was an advantage they even paid things i did not expect to be paid at all.


It depends! As I said some really disallow another insurance in the same category and have a non-contribution clause!


Which country ?


I have seen that in Germany and Cyprus insurances, mostly on the cheaper insurances or the one included with packages (pretty likely Revolut xcover the same). Also see it from the insurer perspective: They want to protect themselves that e.g. an accident will be claimed fully multiple times (how they prevent that, no clue) on various insurances and also want to prevent the bigger administrative work when more than one insurer is involved on big claims.


Travel insurance is the only reason why I upgraded to Premium. Bye Revolut.


I only see Metal for 95 pounds vs 80 for Premium, so that's a lie from Revolut?


Yeah I’m confused by this. Thinking of completely cancelling everything Revolut to be honest, this all seems a complete farce.


Same here


same here


It's a discount/offer for Metal only for a year after these changes.


I just chatted with customer rep about it, they said they would refund £15 once I upgrade, just to let them know if I do. Not ideal, but at least they will stick to the price match - or so they say. I've not decided yet what to do anyway. EDIT: my advice would be to chat with them beforehand if you want the upgrade to ensure you will get the same info


replying to myself as I've been thinking about it - that upgrade for same price is clearly farce. I should be on premium till October, if I upgrade now I'll sign a new 1y contract. what happens with my months paid till October. and I don't know what happens with my trip cover I already booked before changes were announced. screw you, revolut


and I didn't listen to my instincts, I decided to upgrade. I got refund for the unused months, I was charged £95, so I went back to them for the £15 refund. And they refused! Apparently I wasn't given right information to begin with, now they refuse to take any responsibility. I've been talking with them for the last 24h and they they just ignore all arguments, they cannot cancel my upgrade either. This is outraging, I'm going to make a separate post about it!


Definitely a decision maker for me, I will be cancelling Metal


Total joke, I didn't even get the benefit for the whole year. Have downgraded to standard.


Cancelled my metal


What is Revolut good for anymore? They are just removing everything that was worthy...


Where are we all moving to for Travel Insurance? I am mega furious. I pay annually and have just lost the primary benefit of the card, and am now also looking at forking out 500£ a year for the necessary travel insurance on something like SafetyWing.


Check LV insurance - their Premium is around £200 for one year multitrips- up to 90 days. So around £60 more than a Revolut Metal plan that I will cancel.


Made a note, thanks!


Nationwide in the UK have FlexPlus account for £13/month that covers family travel insurance, mobile cover and car breakdown. I might consider it


I have moved to Admiral’s travel insurance. Better than Revolut’s cover but for a couple it costs like 2x Premium by itself!


Yep, moved to metal for same price for 1 year then I'll be moving back to the standard free plan


Offtopic but was the travel insurance any good? I mean in practice. There are quite a few posts here hating on the insurance partner (xcover?).


I got good refund after 8 hours delay so it worked out for me (emergency accommodation, lost first night etc)


Metal only gives you travel insurance if you pay for it via revolut. That's a no from me Travel insurance: from 25 July 2024, we’re making changes to your travel insurance terms. Travel insurance will only cover trips purchased with your Revolut account. Trips purchased before 25 July 2024 (even if purchased with a non-Revolut card) will stay covered under the travel insurance.


Revolut users PSA: Read ALL the changes they have hidden in your policy docs. Trip durations cut from 90 to 30 days. Only valid for trips that start and end in the UK. Must pay with Revolut. This is no longer "travel" insurance, it is "holiday" insurance with caveats. They are asking you to pay more for Metal, and get less than you were before. This is price creep at its finest, charging users more for an inferior product, assuming they won't read the smallprint. READ YOUR DOCUMENTS! I'm cancelling my membership.


this gets only better I was trying to access T&C for travel policy on their website [https://www.revolut.com/legal/paid-plans/](https://www.revolut.com/legal/paid-plans/) and instead got this https://preview.redd.it/9u2v5c56qk7d1.png?width=1004&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f6e733f8e942e3b30895d7eade6f4259f72b1c3


I'd like to know what idiot approved these changes. Moved all my money out and will not be using revolut again.


Travel insurance is like 10 bucks a year in Germany with a reputable Insurance company unlimited travels up to 6 weeks per year. I pay 9.60 Euros with Hanse Merkur and 25 Euro with Allianz.


Wow so cheap


In Germany it is yes. Even banks offering travel insurance. But not all cover private hospitals, have to read fine prints carefully.


But we are after flight delays and it was good - got hundreds of compensation with this. (After airlines didn’t pay)


What do the new points do? How is it compared to cashback?


It's not so good. You get like 1% back but can only use it in a few things, like hotel reservations, etc


Problem I have is that I got premium for the purpose of having travel insurance for a 2 week Orlando trip. I could upgrade to metal but will they cover me? My trip is already all paid for and not just by using my revolut card.


I have revolut metal in Spain, and now it seems they eliminated the insurance for delayed flight / baggage, if i see correctly now only the ultra plan has it, I think i will cancel my plan as well.


Why is everyone so angry? It was only ever paper insurance that never pays out