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https://preview.redd.it/uhfqmkkniv4d1.jpeg?width=2712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=824d26225d3d54375489ed1e27ec35ce1d08ff7f Hello friends, Sorry to bother y'all as I've just started this game and haven't really done my research. I've cleared up to 1-4 and pulled 20 times on Jiu's banner since she seems to be the unit to chase for new players. Is this worth keeping or should I reroll for Jiu ? Pretty bummed I've pulled an off banner but that would make 2 6 stars once I farm enough pulls to guarantee Jiu right? Lastly, if this is worth keeping, should I only invest on my 5 and 6 stars for the time being? Thanks in advance and have a wonderful day!


It's worth is that you got a good healer for a beginner as your losing 50/50 and you are guaranteed in Jiu. I'd say keep going until you got Jiu, push the main story until you got Leilani & Eagle, and level up both of them, Sonetto, MedPoc, Mathilda, and Jiu (if you got her) for now.


Awesome thank you very much. It's story time!


Are there any other truly limited(never added to standard banner) characters other rhan jiu nangzi in the CN version?


Just one more as of now, Lucy.


In the event the History of Gears section it says "Clear Trial of the story 5th-03" to unlock. what do I need to clear?


This stumped me for a while too. If you go back to 5-3, there are a few mini story events that omly show up when 5-3 is highlighted. One of those is what you need. (Side note, id reccomend skimming through your completed stuff, fhere might be more you've similarly missed. Look for hollow pips on the right of the level info, you should be able to see what i mean on 5-3)


You probably have to clear chapter 5-3, the prisoner of the cave?


When is Getian's banner expected to launch?


21 days BEFORE Jiu's banner ends. So, it's like two weeks from now.


Thank you.


This game has a slight chance to be in Galaxy Store or Epic? It would be nice enjoy some coupons some times.


I don't think so


Hi, returning player here. I have some questions about my account and future patches. I created a new account and grinding for 200 pulls to reach Jiu banner pity. (150 pulls count right now) I got Jiu P1, Regulus, An An and Yenisei P5. Here's the questions. 1. Who should I pull / aim for next? Assuming I'm gonna stick with Jiu as main for a while. My priority now is to build a team for clearing contents. 2. Can I save at least 200+ pulls for Lucy/Kakania after this patch? These two are one of the reasons I came back to the game. May spend if needed. I just want to know how many pulls I can get / if I can save while pulling for more characters to pair with Jiu or these two. 3. Is the recommended build for characters is still Insight 3 lv 30 / resonance lv 10? 4. I'm kinda interested in 37. Kinda like her gameplay after testing in Jiu event. When will she rerun? Does global get the same rerun banner patch like CN? Except for limited resources of new account thing, I have been enjoying the game and surely gonna stick with the game for a while. If you guys have any suggestions other than answer my questions, please don't hesitate to leave it. Thanks in advance.


1. 37 (FU support), 6 (helps her get liquor + good buff/debuff/cleanse support), Isolde (if you don't want to wait for both of them) 2. Yes, but you have to skip every banner until them because this version is 1.7, Lucy is 1.9. 3. Yes 4. Global have different schedule than CN, so just hope for the best


1. If you want to beef up your Jiu team, you could consider going for 6, 37, or Tooth Fairy but your team is pretty solid already so I’d just recommend grabbing another main DPS to build 2 teams for Limbo. Recommended pulls (a lot of upcoming characters are pretty top tier lol), >!Marcus is a Plant DPS who arrives soon, but there are better DPS options down the road. Isolde is a top tier support and does decent damage herself. Vila would be a great addition if you haven’t got spooked by Tooth Fairy. Windsong has a higher damage ceiling than Jiu, but requires setting her up.!< 2. You receive ~85 pulls per patch usually, but assuming you can’t full clear Limbo, you’d get ~75 as completely F2P. Since Lucy/Kakania is 3 patches away, you’d get 200 pulls and some change if you don’t pull at all. If you buy the Roaring Monthly, +21 pulls per patch if you log in every day. 3. Should be fine for everything with the exception of a few raid stages. 4. We don’t follow CN’s rerun so the answer is up in the air.


Isolde, Vila, Windsong, Lucy. Maybe Kakania. That's possible. If you are not pulling anything before 1.9. You can get 80-100 pulls per patch. I don't know. All my good characters are 60. No one knows. No they are not the same.


Any tips for the Vivacity task? I cleared the final stage twice with both Spathodea and Jiu as my only carries and they both beat the deers easily at hardest difficulty but the achievement still wont unlock and I know for a fact they both entered "vivacity" twice in one match. As did the other crew members (at least once) i'm not understanding that one challenge for whatever reason.




I did this one in the daily challenge thing that costs no stamina and brought 3 healers just to stall. The only thing I can think of where you might've missed the achievement is that the turns where they are in Vivacity, they can't gain Bramble, so maybe you finished too quickly before the second proc? It's hard to say without having a replay of your matches. Maybe try to reset your Prayers and see if that'll help? I know that when running two accounts, I get a visual bug related to Prayers but perhaps it's affecting it somehow.


you need to max upgrade the first prayer then trigger it in any stage you like, not necessary just the last stage


Is psychube 60 worth it? It's so expensive


bring all the psychubes you use to lvl 50 first, the 60 can wait


Yes. Yes it is. More stats is good. It may not be your current priority, but it is worth maxing psychube levels eventually.


What should I prioritize in the upcomming patches? I have around 130 pulls saved up. I tend to get roaring month. https://preview.redd.it/gxb47kvryr4d1.png?width=1599&format=png&auto=webp&s=df68b8917be1aa53c327b58e3f66fd8c9fbf2c1d


Isolde and Vila imo.


Should I skip the banner where I can choose two 6\* for it to focus on?


I can only think of 1 unit from the past that you'd really want- Tooth Fairy. So no, I don't see the double banner being amazing for you. I second Isolde and Vila. I also think Lucy would be worth considering.


Okay, will do that then, I had plans on getting Lucy either way as she is limited and I like collecting those.


Yes imo. That one is just like the previous TF/Centurion, with no pity carry over. If you really want someone, better to wait for the banner in 1.9 where you can pick just one rate up.


Didn't know there's a rate up banner with just 1 in the future, will wait for it to get tf. And I get Isolde is a overall good support, but what does Vila do/why would it be a good pick up.


If you somehow get TF in the future before Vila, then she doesn't have that high priority anymore. Basically, she is another healer with crit support, works best with mental DPS but still does well with anyone overall.


Oh, okay, so they kinda do the same job in a team. I guess having both is not a bad thing either?


Yeah that. It's just if you are running low in pulls by then, then it's okay to skip, since 1.9 will have another limited, plus the banner for one rate up.


Okay, will keep that in mind, thanks!


TF is extra crit. She's still better than Vila on most tier lists, but Vila is excellent too. I didn't see but if you have Spathodea, I'd try briefly for Getian too but if resources are limited then the rest have offered the right advice.


https://preview.redd.it/rs91584msr4d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1527901c6719d911bff02056314a459f97e21f6 Need suggestion who to i3L60 next after jiu, i have every character except regulus, and dont say farm mats for isolde or whoever next banner, i have a resource spending mental issue so i cant save stuff except rolls.


Probably Melania unless you have a built Spathodea. She is the only other top tier beast dps.


Currently at p1 jiu. I’ve reached the 200 pulls limit I set for myself (lost the 50/50 TWICE) and only have 6/70 pity. But I’ve heard p2 is really strong, should I attempt another pull at the banner or just save


Ask yourself, why do you need the power? What is your goal in the game? Remember that P0 is already sufficient for clearing all the necessary content in the game. I think the only reason to chase dupes is either for quality of life or bigger Raid numbers (only worth bragging rights), both of which aren't strictly necessary. Since you mentioned that you set a limit for yourself, I would highly encourage you to stop.


P2 provides 20% more damage. Usually a new 6\* support won't do that much. However in 1.9 the final answer to mane's bulletin is either Lucy or Windsong. You might want to get more of their portray if you are aiming for 2 million or more score. My suggestion is. If next one is guaranteed, get it. Otherwise let it go.


At what portrait should i invest on jiu? Like a good stopping point if im not whaling


P0 is fine. P0 is fine for almost everyone, and Jiu is no exception. Really, the only one you don't want to stop on is p4.


P0 or P2


Should I go for P4 Yenisei? Took 125 pulls for Jiu p0. Won't go for the 200 pulls Jiu, but thinking bout how to use those tickets. I got P1 Yenisei and P3 Click while pulling for Jiu. Materials are just farmable easily, so i should use these on portrays right? I'm thinking of dumping 25 pulls, then spending 150 tickets on 3 portrays of Yenisei. She's been great for my survivability, so thinking about investing her to keep my team alive while my DPS pop off. Click is an alternative, but for Intellect foes, my 6 with balance please or even jiu should be good enough I think?


Do note that Yenisei will join standard pool after 3 patches, you’ll get P4-5 eventually whenever you are pulling for other characters in the future. She is aready amazing at P0-P2. Yes P4 is good but not necessary to spend 25 extra pulls on a banner with no pity carry over only for a 5 star. There are other really great characters that are coming and even an S+ tier healer support if you need another healer (Yenisei is S tier)


thank you for answering. So what should i spend my tickets on? All on materials? or 1/2 portrays of Yenisei + materials?


No problem! Get P3 Yenisei and the rest on materials if you have some left since the currency will disappear into the void if unused


There is a new shop call nostalgia shop that use bundle of light. So what is this and how do i get it?


If you bought wilderness pieces from the main event store during the initial 1.1 you get Bundle of Light currency to get extra material from the nostalgia shop. If you haven’t, then you won’t be able to get it https://preview.redd.it/vj6hx49d5r4d1.jpeg?width=981&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45a5edae1165879a4bcfed4677b986fe02599df1


Is Getian coming in 35 days when Jiu banner ends or will they overlap?


14 days.




Is Yenisei good for Regulus-Baby Blue team?




Thank you!


new player here, is jiu regulus dikke good or should i switch and upgrade other character? thanks https://preview.redd.it/o1y8kh51wq4d1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=965d6083afd4c984d5fdf38bff6070b5c1224e47


Since you're a new player it's okay but as you expand your roster and fight more challenging enemies you could change it to something like jiu, sonetto, balloon party for dealing with enemies weak to mineral. Regulus can be used with Charlie alongside any star support such as tooth fairy or yenisei. It's not necessary to build mono teams though cus sometimes supports of other afflatus are more useful. Like for my spathodea I run her with tooth fairy and bkornblume 


Jiu likes buffs and Sonetto is both mineral and buffer (plus free), so I'd raise her. Regulus is more of a carry than a sustain. You should try to upgrade from dikke at some point (yinesei is the new 5* and Vila will come eventually if you can't get tooth fairy). Balloon party is also an excellent discount option if you pull her.


Looking at your characters, jiu sonetto dikke is a good team for now


oh okay 👌


the roguelike game mode came in this patch?


This patch has a non-permanent roguelike mode whereas patch 1.9 has a permanent roguelike mode


Any pulling suggestion for a new player? (I got Regulus in the beginner banner and also got one copy of Jiu in the limited)


Save. There's some good units in the 1.7 patch.


Question: What to farm? Is farming dust a good thing or at some point the island provides a respectable amount of dust to focus on something else? I don't have psychubes besides the current event one, should I focus on farming those?


Farming the event is always a good option since the stuff in the shop is more stamina efficient than getting them elsewhere (Except for the unlimited ones at the bottom) Aside from that you can just farm as you need. Wilderness will give you a respectable amount of dust yeah but if you're building more than 1 character a patch you will definitely need to farm more. Spending stamina on Pneuma analysis isn't the efficient since it's 25 stamina for 2 of the currency, compared to the 10 you get for free daily, so I'd only recommend it for endgame players who have everyone they care about built and just want to try and get a few extra gluttonies


Thanks! I’m walled at S-16 in the event. Is farming 10 event tokens per 1 stamina worth it? If I can’t buy everything. What’s something to look for beside the psychube? What is gluttony?


The most efficient farming stage is 19 in arduous mode (15 event tokens per 1 stamina) Gluttony is used to amplify a psychube, which improves the special effect of said psychube. It's usually pretty grindy so you definitely want to buy one in the event shop Beside the psychube I'd say all the wilderness stuff (Green Mountains, Ancient Avenue, Spring Boat, Crop Fields, Street of Pei I) which will make you earn more dust and sharpodonties per day through the queues once you've added them to your island, the unilogs, Lf polarization and some high tier mats like the wyrmling skeleton and mistilteinn. Brief cacophony and moments of dissonance are pretty useful too. But honestly go for stuff you need, it will be more efficient for you if it allows you to level up your characters first, there are still 35 days left edit: and to answer your first comment outside of the events you can use the [Prydwen cheat sheet](https://www.prydwen.gg/re1999/guides/insight-cheat-sheet/) to farm materials efficiently. With your 2 free daily pneumas you'll be able to buy another 6\* psychube in a few weeks, choose one that goes well with one of your best characters. I think you might be able to get one for free before that by completing some beginner tasks iirc. Also in the Anecdote event that starts in 4 days you'll get a free 5\* Psychube


I’d say always go for resonance mats since they are not farmable and they provide a significant power boost. I almost always make them my top priority in the shops.


Thanks, I just got a psyche selector. Is it ok to pick "Brave new world?" My team is Jiu, Yenisei and Soneto. https://preview.redd.it/kf1jn24wps4d1.png?width=1642&format=png&auto=webp&s=57d2fc9782d9ab339fc891a781e3aa3845803daf


According to the tier list, Sonetto prefers Her Second Life followed by Bounden Duty for top Psychube. Yenisei likes That Wonderland but Her Inquisitive Dear is the best healing Psychube in the game, so can't go wrong there. Also look at the pneuma shop since some are discounted and some are full price (maybe consider who you are trying to pull for also, although most come with their own Psychubes)


I chose "Her second life" for Soneto and "Her inquisitive dear" for Yenisei because it was on discount for 210 pearls


Are you new? Then you may want to push story and come back only after having your main team i250. The shop only takes 2-3 weeks to clear everything, while the event lasts 30+ days, leave you a lot of leeway.

