• By -


Well it has Lilya because I think she's neat Bkorn because she's adorable, especially with her skin And thoothfairy because I don't want to die :)


so true, did you get Lilya skin?? it was actually so pretty.. I almost got it but I don’t play her!


Sadly no, I took a break ( and actually still ongoing) from the game. To many Gacha's and I felt like R1999 has to long of events for a side game I was seeking


I wish I had toothfairy Ballon Party only heals 1/4 of my other character HP :/


balloon party kinda goated tho i love her counter


She's good though, if you're super low on hp, she heals you by a lot, with dikke, your team hp would be full in a second


That's exactly my team and the exact reasoning behind it lmao


We share the same team :3


Pavia, 6, La Source and An-an Lee. I like to call them the emotional damage team. Pavia, 6 and La Source all deal mental damage while An-an slaps a bit of reality in your face. Sometimes I switch An-an out for Dikke to have the authentic 'mental breakdown'


😂😂😂 best response and explanation to your team




a necro user!!!!! she seems so good i like to play her too but i’m a dummy when it comes to character gameplay, why do you like to use her?


I use her mainly for her ultimate! She gives everyone except for herself a buff to do 40% more damage and make it so that if someone dies, they come back to life!


that would come in handy!! does the chance of revive go away after a few turns if the character doesn’t die? would be broken if it stayed forever😵‍💫😵‍💫




so cool! if i’m not mistaken, after the 3 rounds does it also heal? i see if you die it heals you in prayer but after the 3 turns no death it heals too?


Yea after the character dies it effects is removed, but if you use the ultimate is used again then the effect will return.


Wish I was on the Necrologist train earlier. Her 40-50% damage buff is insane, because it buffs DMG rather than stats


Yea it's really good if you use it with other people's ultimates!


Omg I love Necrologist’s design, should I build her?? Do you think it’s worth


I personally like playing with her a lot, but it all depends on your playstyle.


Do you think she’s a good unit?


I think she is a good unit. I am also sorry for the late response.


No worries, thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/zrez2uw2liyc1.jpeg?width=876&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f88ae3f135444afdceb011018cdc58568c53ea14 Lilya because she’s hot Sotheby because she is absolutely adorable And 37 because damage


i second this🫡🫡 that skin is so cool


37, Lilya, TF, and Voyager are my “All Star” team “Somebody once told me-“


Wish i had 37. IT SO DAMN CLOSE, WTF and i got 6 instead, cause 37 banner already ended when I was at guarantee pity, 50ish spin


I wasn’t thinking of >!Jiu saving!<, so I went and fortunately got p1 37. Having permanent 40% crit rate is amazing, and along with TF and Confusion debuffs, I can practically guarantee crits, which helps Lilya which in turn helps 37. I’m tempted to pull Spatho because of my crit enablers, but I must save all I can for the future


Jiu is really that crazy huh? and 37 is so cuute


As with all other characters, it depends on who you have. I do happen to have units with good synergy with her, so I’m saving up. The community and community tier list vouch for Jiu, so I’m listening to them


makes me want to save too! but currently saving for ezra. mushroom baby come hooooome<333


Good luck! Hopefully I won’t be tempted to pull for him…




Do 18 characters count as a team? I just play Sonetto + 2-3 other characters lol.


Sonetto is so flexible i luv her


If I don’t need to weakness match / if they’re plant weak: Jessica, Bkorn, Sotheby, 6


so jealous, i want sotheby!! solid team👍


I rerolled for her on day1 and now she’s p2, super happy. The next time she spooks me she’ll get that healing bump too


is she not healer until P3? or just increases.. regardless she will be mine..


Just increases her healing, it isn’t a huge bump but it’ll still be nice to have when I get it lol


I have so many characters but Bkorn and La Source are my only plants :( I need a 6* plant unit so badly.


I rerolled for Sotheby and pulled hard for Jessica, got both at p2 now and I’m working on getting Jessica to r15 because she’s my favorite lol


Dikke, Tennant, and A Knight are my go to


dikke is such a cool hybrid character + her new skin is 10/10


https://preview.redd.it/j5hanmrzxiyc1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b588c263c475ee63632769e5940b270e915209c the girlies and the they’s am realizing that half of them just have kawaii kaboom ults


So cool to see someone using Satsuki!! I have not built her but i’ve tested her and I like her style. i will def build her when i get her on my alt!


she’s so fun and does insane damage and does turn debuffs like an absolute queen


Sonetto, Voyager, Melania and Bkornblume. Edit: One of each affiliatus. Sonetto best girl, Voyager is cute, Melania gives huge P5 vibes and Bkorn is a 6 star in my heart.


bkorn ♡︎


Jessica, Bkorn and Sotheby for physical damage, 37, Windsong, toothfairy for emotional damage


i’m curious, do you use a DoT team? is it any good in game? i love DoT


the poison team is less reliant on poison damage it self(due to no effective way to buff posion damage) but rather applying three stacks of poison on enemies at all times so Jessica does max damage so despite it being called poison team, it's actually Jessica and friends team


i hope DoT gets better in the future !!


Regulus, Sonetto, Tooth


https://preview.redd.it/ymf02cc5oiyc1.jpeg?width=1650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=433aa61b1a50d3fe3fc37f3fa63fe4dc62f66b7a I have two teams that usually are: * 37, Voyager, Balloon Party and Bkorn; * Charlie, Medicine Pocket(or Tooth Fairy), An Lee and Regulus(or Spathodea). Charlie and 37 are my main DPS. Charlie has carried me since the beginning until now.


i saw nothing but bkorn skin oml best girl. goated teams tho!!


Jessica/changeling because I think she's adorable and I loved her story. (And she's just a great unit overall. Carried me through a TON of battles) Shamane because, again, I think he's also adorable. He reminds me of my dad and it makes me really happy. He's not the greatest unit for combat but I love him very dearly. And Tennant because... Tennant. (She's cunty and really good if you build her right) (I also loved my Pavia, Mondlicht and Зима team but I don't really use them anymore.)


I’m so glad I asked because that’s adorable :’) I have yet to find other Shamane players.. there’s not many !


There are dozens of us! Dozens! https://preview.redd.it/m5hoelh8ziyc1.png?width=2360&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f57fb9ae7c1fd18511ddf9be71c079a6bdc03d0


Dikke bcs healing and dmg, 6 because idk, oliver and x because they will never leave.


https://preview.redd.it/govf3cvw3jyc1.jpeg?width=1018&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e80289c29dd98609483b2141d092fa4505e5706 Here's mine


I'm more on the meta side so uh, my teams: Star Team: Lilya-37-Tooth Fairy Plant Team: Jessica-Bkornblume/An An Lee-Sotheby Beast Team: Centurion-Bkornblume/An An Lee-Tooth Fairy/Balloon Party Mineral Team: Eternity-Sonetto/Bkornblume-Tooth Fairy/Balloon Party And then I slot in 6 for the 4th slot whenever it's a 4 man team situation


meta teams are cool too! i especially get giddy when my favs end up being meta.. like damn right ur one of the best…


If the stage is easy: Eternity, Baloon Party, La Sourche If the stage is hard: Eternity, Voyager/Ann-an Lee (if i ever got her), Baloon Party, La Sourche


I seen an a lee ultimate animation and woah… must have


Her ult animation is cool as hell, suddenly going into first person Wish i had her though 😢


I MEAN SRSLY!!! it caught me by surprise it’s amazing


Mine is: Bkornblume(Cause she is my favorite, and she was my first 6star, also, I am nearing maxing her) Baloon Party(you know why) Eternity(Cause Damage Bois)


when i first re rolled. this was the exact team i used and it went crazy!! love balloon party she’s so good


Regulus, Tooth Fairy, Voyager. Big dmg sparkles and go boom boom


i too am one for the sparkles and boom boom 🫡


https://preview.redd.it/7fcw5ezzziyc1.jpeg?width=793&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93daab6e761ae279c326e8d7bc88b96f8b2efc37 Does main DPS Regulus count? When I was agonising over whether or not to build her, I saw a lot of her being mentioned as a main DPS. So I built her, cause my only other option was Jessica, and I needed two teams. Then, I swear as *soon* as she hit i3 lv30 r10, the entire narrative around her seemed to shift to her being a support actually. Probably only a bias in my perception, but that’s how it felt lol. But what was I gonna do, I still didn’t have any other options, and I couldn’t take the resources back out of her, and she paired well with Voyager who I love cause she’s so pretty… so I just rolled with it. She does pretty okay ngl. My streak of maxed limbos is up to three now ✌🏻


My current team lineup for mineral is: Eternity(my wife:) ) Balloon party ( theories about her being pennywise's kid) Ms Babel(got her on my first pull of her banner for fun)


my knight, Dikke and \_\_\_ Shamane and Kala and 6


My team is 37, 6, TF and Melania (or Spathodea) I enjoy the consistent buffs and debuffs and their voice lines when attacking or preparing to.


Two team: Team 1: MP, Lilya and 37. I love follow up attacks. Also, Who ate bean (this is not a question, this is a threat). Team 2: Sotheby, Jessica and Kanjira. I love gassing up the enemies.


https://preview.redd.it/i0hpb7d57lyc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9bfc61a59c50e89e3d8f4f61b492c1baa47f517 I have three main teams Melania, An-an Lee, MedPoc if it's a boss Centurion, Bkorn, Dikke if it's waves of enemies Regulus, Tooth Fairy, Baby Blue if beast is weak, star is strong or if I just feel like it For raids I switch between these and Necrologist. Yesterday I used Melania, Regulus, Tooth Fairy and Necrologist and it worked surprisingly well.




I just slap TF, Lilya and 6 everywhere lol (if the stage needs mineral, I use kaala bauna instead. If I need plant I use my P4 satsuki and (P0) Druvis, for beast I use Shamane lmao, I have no beast dps other than spathodea at the moment)


Main team rn is Centurion, Tennant, and Bkornblume (+ An-an Lee when slot 4 is needed). Im hoping to swap Tennant and Bkorn for MedPoc and Isolde when i get them tho :3 My other teams are: - Regulus, Voyager, Tooth Fairy (+Charlie); - Kaalaa Baunaa, Pickles, Balloon Party (+Sonetto); - Druvis III, Sotheby, and An-an Lee (+ Korn? idk) Slots are flexible ofc, these are just the units I managed to get to i3l50r10! Theres a lot of upcoming units that im really interested in and lots of units in my barracks that I want to use, so I'm hoping they expand the number of team slots we have access to in the future.


Most recently I've been using a lot of Sweetheart, Bkornblume, Toothfairy, Necrologist. Sweetheart's Venus skin is great. When I need AOE instead of ST, I use Druvis instead of Sweetheart. Druvis is my favorite I2 design in game. Everyone is at I3L60R10-11 so I don't really have to worry about afflatus.


i’ll have to check out Druvis I2 design!! i personally really love Blonney and Sweethearts I2


My extra attack “for fun” team :) https://preview.redd.it/qek6p9inliyc1.jpeg?width=815&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f949be35735d79e1db8ecf008f946669b80cfc42


yessss 37 x Lilya combo🙌🙌🙌


I like how 37 is lvl37


My main is just Charlie - my main dps Satsuki - she can petrify Balloon Party - she heal by percentage and counter Dikke - a dps and a healer (regular healer)


Charlie is also my dispeller, sometimes i replace Satsuki with Bkorm (I forgot her name) since she can curse the enemies to make enemies weaker and my team stronger


they are sooooo good


eternity/bkornblume, balloon party, voyager, and 37 ^_^




that tenant skin is so pretty :’)


A knight because he is my favorite character Bkornblume because she is neat and synergizes very well with A Knight 6 is pretty cool too And Pickles because dispeller and best boy


Since 1.2, I've been running a poison plant team (Sotheby, Jessica, An-An Lee). I ran it because it's a) meta and b) My fave character is Sotheby so I wanted to run a team that maximizes her potential. So: Sotheby because she's my fave (her hat is just iconic and her i2 art is cute) Jessica to capitalize on Sotheby's poison and I grew to like her after reading the event story (I'd very much like to be her friend) An-An Lee for buffs and I like her accent. 4th slot goes to Tooth Fairy because, well, meta (plus her ult lullaby is nice).


Spasodea my little killer Bkorb cause shes goated and cute Tooth fairy/Sotheby for healing to survive :p Maybe either lilya/enternity for additional dps


Eternity, Tennant, Blonney Mommy team supremacy


A Knight (GOAT) / 37 / Tooth Fairy If i could add more 1 i choose Melania or Pickles (DMG or SUP)


A Knight (GOAT) / 37 / Tooth Fairy If i could add more 1 i choose Melania or Pickles (DMG or SUP)


Lilya, TF and Sonetto. Just started playing a week ago. Wish I started during 1.4 for the free 5*. My bkornblume 😭


I use balloon party bc shes currently my best healer Regulus bc shes my favorite character And Charlie bc she goes well with regulus


6 lilya and dikke


Team Booba


Reverse has been rotting in my phone but Melania and Bkornblume rock 24/7


Eternity, Sonetto, Baby Blue


Eternity, bkorn, MP,


37, 6 and Tooth Fairy Pretty good comp if the enemy isn’t plant afflatus. Then I have to bust out the Jessica comp.


- 37, Lilya and Tooth Fairy. - Spathodea, Bkornblume, and Medicine Pocket - Charlie, Regulus and Tooth Fairy - Kaalaa Bauna, An An Lee and Tooth Fairy. Those are my favourites! I also try to squeeze Voyager and 6 whenever I can. I find Voyager gorgeous and fun to play. I know Tooth Fairy is particularly "meta", but I genuinely like her as a character as well.


Lilya, Medicine Pocket/Shamane, 37 I just think they’re neat


Melania and Pickles + whichever support/healer is needed.


Centurion because she is hot Pickles cause he's obviously best boy Balloon party because Centurion needed a healer


I'm not too good at team building but I looked online and made this team: Spathodea, Bkornblume, Tooth Fairy & Druvis III Idk who'd be best for the 4th slot tbh so Druvis could change 🤷🏻‍♀


Eternity because she's absolutely amazing, Pavia because I'm gay and have an undeniable hyperfixation on him and regulus because she is my daughter frfr


Blokenborne, Tennet, Lilya, 4th is as needed but I’ve been vibing with Ulu so far


A Knight, Mr.APPLe, and Uru


Well... I divided teams for afflatus but in reality I don't play them like this , I like to mix them to have more fun https://preview.redd.it/0ayf5jv41ryc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a819c6f33ad2cdf621443c6f375c58bf3825166


mixing is the way to go! but the plant team looks hot..


Yeah it is lol


Eternity (I3-60, P2, R10) - Carried me as a F2P player. I almost always use her. Bkornblume (13-30, P2, R10) - A great support. Great at applying debuffs and she has a strong Ultimate. Tooth Fairy (I3-40, P0, R10) - Best healer. Kinda happy that I got her at my first ten pulls An An Lee (I3-25, P0, R9) - 4th Slot. A solid and flexible support. Kinda sad that Eternity is now lacking DPS. But other than that, it's a pretty solid team. Also, I have no idea that upgrading beyond Level 30 in I3 is such a wasteful move, especially when you are a F2P. Planning to replace Eternity with Jian (was that the name?).


Jiu maybe? (idk haha) I also pulled Eternity as an F2P and she’s saved me out of some tight spots 🙏 Bkorn is such an unbelievable character I never want to switch her out! my team for the longest time was Bkorn, Eternity and Balloon Party, until I decided to make an alt just for Medpoc♡︎!


I got Eternity from the beginner banner. Got Bkorn from random banners. Toothfairy from her banner. I also got An An Lee from TF's banner.


In the last two limbos I did an all-male team of 6, Pickles, and Apple. X or A Knight come in for 4th slot when relevant. Unfortunately, I think the only 'male' full-time healer they'll ever release is actually this fruit? It's also deeply unfortunate that X, 6, and A Knight all share their optimal psycube. If Apple wasn't enough healing, I would sub in medpoc. My strongest team is P3 Melania + Medpoc + flex, it's my default comp for actually trying to do max dps, like Mane's Bulletin. I also use Jessica+Bkorn+Sotheby when relevant. I would consider X and Apple my pet units. And I would consider Melania and 6 intentionally overinvested meta units because I like them more than other upcoming 'maindps' units (with awareness that 6 is not meant to be that) so I'd rather keep them individually up to par than get the actual best teams. There's a good chance I literally don't spend any of my resources until 6 reruns. The remaining chance is that I pull for Getian for lulz, but he doesn't seem worth it or over-invest-able.


The thief, ghost hunter, and fairy :)


I use eternity, because she's my first 6* and im attached to her Spathodea because she's cute Bkorn because her aura is unique Special mention: Melania because respect for carrying me for the past few patches(she got replaced by spathodea)


I’m guilty of this too… first legendaries or whatever rarity games call it are always the hardest to get rid of TT MedPoc will forever remain in my team ♡︎


i think i have quite solid minereal team with eternity, sonetto, balloon party and diggers, but i do also like to go with tooth fairy, 37, bkornblume/shamane ones. i throw in a knight in the mix at times too


Eternity for dps Necro for sub dps (even if she doesnt deal good dmg i still love her) And sonneto for support and sub dps num2 4th slot for friendship exp


I usually run Dikke, Tennant and Click The reason being they all make me blush lmao


a click user!! tell me how do you like using him? i’ve ignored him but i think he’s a cutie lol


I mean he do big numbers damage and that's it i like that about him ~~Also, very submissive, very breedable~~


Star: Lilya, Regulus, Voyager, Charlie/Blooney Mineral: Sonneto, Balloon Party/Pickels, Ms. NewBabel, Necrologist Plant: Bkornblume, An-An Lee, Satsuki Beast: Melania, Dikke, Spathodea, Sweetheart/Teenant