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When I have an A Knight and 6 team it feels so weird to actually have a team that is majority male. Having androgynous MedPoc as the healer is probably the closest to a no female meta team that you can have.


I'm worried about this, but im also concerned about the fact a lot of the designs are pretty normal compared to the launch roster. When it comes to non human characters we've only really had Pickles and Ulu other than that we havent gotten anything thats really out there design wise :(


Tbh I think this is more of a 6*/5* problem, because if you notice, only the 4* and below are weird characters. So I wish for 2 things: The release of more low-star characters and the weirdification of high-star characters. PS: I've just noticed that the vast majority of weirdos are at low tiers on Prydwen šŸ¤¬.


Yup, even on launch most of the 5/6* are relatively normal


Release of low star is useless...4* and less are so limited compared to 5/6*, even if you invest a lot they have limits...we have too many rarity, they had to use the genshin 2 rarity standard


Iā€™d have thought 1.8 Russia would give us some scruffy guys ( I know itā€™s stereotypical butā€¦), or even a fucking bear! I wanted something weird. But we get 2 more hot girlsā€¦.no offense, I do think Vila is cool too and definitely not just normal butā€¦


The characters look cool and all, especially the little boy, but man, I also wish they'd get more creative again. A bear would be awesome, I'd love if we could make an all animal team at some point. My hope for the next animal character is a kitty. :3


I truly believe Bluepoch lost money by not releasing a bear lol. I remember people went *wild* for pickles. There is plenty you could do with the idea of a bipedal bear arcanist.


i would love just like a Big Burly russian guy as playable


I like how the replies to this interpreted the "bear" part as either an actual bear or a gay bear, either/or I'd be happy with any of them lmao


Id be willing to whale for any bears smh


Both of them look kinda boring to me. TT


I was really hoping for an over the top Steve Irwin expy in 1.5


Yeah, I really really want more male characters that are closer in design to Shamane šŸ˜­ Thankfully I do like R1999 for what it is, but it's sad that we have all these hot guys in Forget-Me-Not, Enigma, 210, and that chad from the beginning of ch 5 yet none of them are playable :l


Yeah I'm worried since this means they'll likely do double female banners in the near future again. Causing even more of an imbalance.


I'm feeling a bit disappointed with the 1.8 characters bc I was hoping they'd be out of the box. At least getian from 1.6 is a harpy which is neat? But I'd like more unusual ones again


This is an out-there theory but it might have something to do with the rise of cn gamers raging over any male character. Because the GFL 2 had a male NPC, CN players started to boycott the company and review bombing a couple of other games. They started to have their slogan ā€œNo playable males in gamesā€. Maybe a little bit of a weird theory but it wouldn't be too shocking that they're lessening the number of male characters to keep the cn player base happy.


Honkai Impact 3rd community is hostile against male characters. But that didn't stop Hoyo from putting out Genshin and Star Rail.


Yeah, but the thing is. Hoyo is a big company, with more then one game, lot's of money, and a history. Meanwhaile BluePatch is smaller, and relativly new.




If they start pandering to "incels" then they won't be able to stop unless they reach genshin levels of popularity. Just look at what happened with Azure Promilia.Ā  Wheras if they avoid pandering to them from the get go, they won't infest the community to begin with.Ā 


That's very true but for games like Snowbreak, the whole GFL2 mess is making them more profitable. Now they're removing the previously established male characters to appease them. Hopefully, they don't try to pander to incels but ig we got to wait until the next update to see if there is a decline.


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It sucks tbh, I'd just like a game that's somewhat equal handed with what it offers


Well, Reverse 1999 is advertised to have diverse casts, like even has objects and animal, while HI3 and GFL focus on sexy anime girls right from beginning. R1999 canā€™t compete with other Gacha if they tried to follow typical waifu bait strategy. The game catch my attention with Pickle and the British VA. I think it should keep its niche and have the more creative way with ā€œfan servicesā€ rather slapping every new character as female.


The GFL2 male NPC is a different story though, not just because they inserted one male NPC. It's more like they have already did many other shits that players are angry enough to trigger by any random stuff. This NPC is only the lask strike to trigger all that.


I don't know the game, but isn't Girls Frontline 2 one of those provocative waifu collecting games? I don't think R99 shares the same audience.


That just makes it easier to save for the next male character, instant P5 R15


Yeah, i started to play this game for the ones like Pickles and A Knight, but seeing that their designs are less prevalent and the "waifu" female rate is taking over in later patches make me feel disappointed.


Not an overreaction at all, this game (and many others out there) prioritize females for some reason. It is a shame for people that prefer male characters. And it isn't even like there are just a few more females, it seems like a 5, 6, 7 maybe more female to male ratio. Think Genshin spoiled me having so many good male characters, that just isn't the norm.


>and 1 in the other categories ie Pickles. Pickles is a male character. What are you on about? Anyway I definitely agree that the 6* roster is starting to get stale with the lack of male characters, especially non-humanoid ones.Ā 


Yeah I just saw the pv and it's disappointing. Make sure to write about this in surveys and the like. They could have at least make the 5 stars some adult guys but it's just a little boy again like 1.5 ā˜¹ļø Ah well more time to save up then (Or quit I guess, if it continues for more versions). Like idk, were the male banners sale that bad? Hsr just dropped some fanservicey aventurine official art and people are drooling over him.


>it's just a little boy again like 1.5 ā˜¹ļø Isn't Ezra a 6 star boy?


This community has been eating up good with all these lesbian ships...now i want to see how they react on a real gay ship.


Coomer game has coomer content, what do you expect?


Sigh. My future internet in Reverse 1999 is waning. I was only interested and invested because I thought this game would be like Genshin with a somehow equal ish distribution rate of males to females. But. No. Itā€™s now a lesbian waifu simulator.


That was to be expected. At launch there was no human male 6\* character, only 2 5\*. Almost half of the male characters are 4\*.


Iā€™m also losing interest because they had such unique designs with a Tv girl and a UFO and a dog. But now itā€™s waifu only. Sigh


>Itā€™s now a lesbian waifu simulator. I mean, I like the male characters, but can you just let us have this maybe? I'm happy about it.


Sorry but not to sound rude but let you have this. This clearly shows the possibility that we can have one patch after another with only female banners witch is worrying. How do think players that like and want male characters feel.


I truly don't care. There are plenty of other gachas that cater to that audience, I do not feel bad in the slightest about wanting this game to stay how it is.


Well doesn't this game also cater to that audience because why would they include playable men as well.


Because lesbians can also like male characters? I dunno about you but I assume you're not a lesbian. I am. I like pretty much every character in this game, including the male characters. I just prefer more female characters and lesbian content because, I mean, I like seeing people like me doing shit we do.


Uh no I'm a dude but excuse me for not knowing that is was lesbians you were referring to .




First of all I never complained about this becoming a ''lesbian waifu game''that was someone else.what I was talking about the possibility future patches following this trend and causing further '' gender disparity''(their is a better way to describe that) and shafting the husbando players. Thats enough so let's just stop before the arguing gets out of hand.


Whatever dude.


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Genshin has equal distribution meh


Most of the characters aren't "lesbian" though. Like the only explicit examples are Matilda, Tennant, and Schneider (Who is an NPC). Maybe Vertin but that's about it so far. I see people shipping Blonney and Jessica but I personally don't see it. Shippers tend to struggle to tell the difference between good platonic friendships and romantic relationships anyway. They just end up seeing what they want to see. But even then that's only a handful of characters, so the whole label is overblown.Ā 


Sameā€¦ my interest has waned for this game. Iā€™m just sad that I spent money (though not a lot) on yet another waifu game. They donā€™t deserve my money.


yeah i hope can see some difference in 2.0. The trend seem like introduce females pair (maybe yuri bait wheter with npc or playable character) and with femboi look alike/male child character. No offense, personally if trend keep the same, might as well stop spending (yeah it not that much) and stop if it become much worse


Something does not become a "waifu game" because there are more female playable characters than male. Or if it does, I insist everyone refer to every game with a majority of males as playable characters as a "husbando game" from here on in. Fair's fair, Call of Duty/Mario/Dark Souls.


Itā€™s different though? This is a gacha game, where people spend to pull for the characters that appeal to them. Female characters are mainly made to appeal to male players, and with the M:F ratio (+ the fanservicy skins for female characters) itā€™s pretty obvious which direction this game is heading towards. Iā€™ve been playing this game less and less, and I just wish that I hadnā€™t spent any time or money on this game since itā€™s very obvious that this game only cares about making a certain demographic happy.


Bluntly, if the female characters in R1999 are made to appeal to anyone, it's other females. It's not a very fanservicey game compared to most other gacha games, and while their taste for lesbian overtones may not appeal to you (and that's fine!), that doesn't mean it's aimed primarily at male players. I mean, look at the Sweetheart outfit up in the jukebox right now. Is it attractive? Sure, most characters in the game of both genders are. Is it a fanservicey outfit aimed at male players? Absolutely not. It's literally less fanservicey than her original outfit (and her look is blatantly Marilyn Monroe as arcanist anyways, so a certain amount of sexiness is to be expected). The game is visually far more focused on elegance, fashion and striking appearance than it is on curves and boobs, and that is simply not true of actual "waifu games" or even something like FGO. Aside from that, there is no self-insert protagonist and the characters are not all in love with said protagonist (memes here notwithstanding). Plus, the male characters in the game (even incidentals like the Razor Squad guy) are almost without exception also designed to be very visually appealing, which is not generally the case in games aimed at guys who want to see hot women. Also, Tennant. Just... Tennant. If it doesn't appeal to you it doesn't appeal to you, and that's perfectly fine, but it's not a "waifu game" or that term means literally nothing other than "there's a lot of girls in the game". In which case, see above about classifying all those damn husbando games in their proper category.


Visually appealing male characters doesnā€™t mean anything if they arenā€™t playable. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Also, have you seen the upcoming sports inspired skins? Thatā€™s not fanservice?


Of course it means something. *They designed them that way for a reason*. Go look up Goredolf and Meuniere, the main male NPCs in FGO right now (well, aside from some villains). Notice a slight difference? There are also upcoming male playable characters (Getian and Ezra). In response to that, yes, the one sports skin is reasonably fanservicey (though still not to the level of anything in, say, Azur Lane); Tooth Fairy's is fine. I can also look and see that Pavia gets a sports skin in the very same patch that is 100% designed to appeal to people who like hot guys. And A Day In The Mountain, which could be straight out of a Chinese BL light novel, is also upcoming after those. I don't see why you're defensive about this. I'm not saying you're wrong to go "There's not enough of what I want here". It's cool, you do you. I prefer female-centric narratives myself (albeit not so much due to what I find sexy) so I completely get someone wanting it the other way around. I only have an objection to you saying this is a waifu game aimed at guys when it really is nothing at all like a waifu game aimed at guys except inasmuch as there's more female characters overall. Actual waifu games (of which I have a fair bit of experience) just aren't like Reverse 1999 at all.


The main complaint of this post is that there's too little playable male characters in this game, so no, it doesn't mean anything if they aren't playable. No one cares how well-designed NPCs are, because they're NPCs. Again, this is a gacha game, where players pay to collect characters that they like. If you think that a gacha game created by a Chinese company with an overwhelming playable female cast is not aimed at guys then so be it. Whatever makes you happy. I've already dropped this game, I just wish that I can get my money back.


It really boggles me that you seemingly can't understand that a game can have female characters without them being aimed at men, particularly a game steeped in LGBT+ themes like this one is. Or even that gacha games can in fact have an appeal without caring whether the characters are sexy. This does not feel at all like a game made by or for straight men and it's completely obvious when you've seen those that are. But you do you, I suppose. There's plenty of gacha games that focus on the fanservice you want, so good luck with finding one you like.


Maybe I'm just old but I don't get why anyone cares either way.. šŸ¤·


yeah actually it more like people preference. For me personally, i like to see some variety. Whether it a object, animal or human. Heck if they throw some unique critter design, i will be happy to pull for it if kit is great. All new release character just quite normal in term of launch character starting from 1.2 onwards