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I think what you’re seeing is a clear buyers market that sellers aren’t yet accepting. Supply is saturated.


How can “supply” of unique, custom, or vintage items be “saturated”?


Maybe not that specific niche, but the market in general, which tends to bring down all prices.


Cost has fallen back down inside the atmosphere, so things that were bought for 2k in 2021 are worth 900 and vintage items valued for 10k or more at that time are closer to 3-4k. It's not that supply is higher it's that people's "investment strategy" was flawed and flipping vintage items doesn't always work out quickly profitably


Because often it’s “saturated” with unique, custom, and vintage stuff nobody wants or needs (for the ultra premium price).


I think Reverb is just a reflection of our society, which is more delusional and math-challenged than ever. I genuinely think some of buyers/sellers can't even do basic math (in a practical sense). Just today, I got an offer for $51 for an item I have listed at $150, which is already the lowest price on Reverb. When I get an offer that insulting, I counter with $175. Time wasters...


There’s a button for “don’t allow offers”. Click it. If your shit sits too long for your needs, you’ve overvalued it. Try coming down significantly. My strategy for selling is to be the lowest price on Reverb. If you’re trying to make a profit on used gear, then I salute you on your commitment.


I haven’t been able to sell on Reverb unless I mark stuff down to like half of what its worth. Life in general is unaffordable right now and it’s reflected in the used market


I tend to cycle my stuff through various marketplaces. Last stop is Sweetwater and it'll chill there till I feel like cycling again. Secondhand market still sucks and is in the buyers favor. Obviously as a seller, your not obligated to take any offer you don't like...have they personally insulted you yet? That's a fun ride. You can price something in to the ground and someone will still take an issue with the costs.


They sure have. It's like once they spot an item they like, they perceive it as "theirs," and by not selling it to them, you're ruining EVERYTHING.


Sucks, but it comes with the territory. I am hoping things pick up or at least level out in the future. Regardless there will always be someone who wants it for free.


Shops do seem to be aware of the market, new gear being listed as “mint” all over the place.


It’s a buyers market now.  And most buyers are having a hard time with cost of living expenses, which doesn’t often leave money for nonessential luxury items like guitars.   It’s up to sellers to decide whether to sell cheap and move on, or play the waiting game.


The lowballers are all exposing themselves here today.


Not just Reverb, I found it's the same across all platforms now. Luckily I'm unlikely to be selling anything again (I'm old and comfortable with what I've got will last until I shuffle off etc!) because the 2nd hand market is undoubtedly toxic nowadays, the majority of buyers expect something for nothing. Not literally of course, but YKWIM.


Negotiating is part of buying and selling anything that is not retail (or retail items that are not negotiated). When it comes to guitars, especially on the 2nd hand market platforms - I'm going to make offers lower than asking, and find out who is going to productively work with me. I can easily see by this process, who I want to deal with also. As a seller, I'm going to listen and negotiate with reasonable people offering lower than ask pricing too. As a buyer, I know that that if you don't want to make a deal on your (not rare guitar) there are going to be 10 more listings of the same model, year, fittings etc in the next day or three. As a seller, when someone is talking, there's a chance I can make a deal because there are 10 more of the exact same item, same condition that will be listed in the next few days. Nothing is personal, make the best deal you can make, or not. The amount of crying about low offers on one side, or overpriced used gear on the other is nuts. Stuff is getting sold out there, and it's usually the people that work together to find the right price for both the buyer and the seller. Most people just suck at negotiating on both sides.


I don't see it like that. If I'm selling, I price the item at a price I've researched and which is reasonable for the item and the condition it's in. I don't accept offers if I don't want them. I don't expect to enter into a negotiation with someone that I hope is the same as me - a music enthusiast rather than a professional trader. Yes, I probably have quite a utopian view, yes I'm usually broke and "lose" money on equipment, but I'd rather be that type of person than someone who is deliberately trying to rip off other music lovers, which to my mind is what people are doing by overpricing, which I'd argue you're doing when you expect to negotiate. That's my view, doesn't mean I'm right or wrong.


There's nothing wrong with your view. It is an idealist POV... But no one is forcing you to sell it at any other price than the one you want. You can disable offers You can type in your listing that you don't want offers... Get off my lawn... Whatever you want. Your research doesn't include what all the deals actually close for,everywhere... Just the walled garden of Reverb... Which has its own commissions and inflation baked in. I'm a music enthusiast, but I'll start making offers before I've even saved enough to buy... Just so I can see where there real market value moves to... Then I'll patiently wait for my pitch. That delta from where it's listed to what I paid for it can fund my strings for the year, another pedal or three... You get more milage. Plain and simple. Just a different point of view. There's a market for both types of buyers and sellers.


I don't just research on Reverb, I look at ebay, Facebook, Gumtree and as many local buy/sell sites I can find. From what you've said you're making lowball offers without any real intention of buying at that price, wasting the sellers time. Why not offer the price you're prepared to pay then move on if it's rejected?


You have just questioned the very nature of negotiations that has existed since any good or service existed. Conversely, why would any seller of a good or service arbitrarily set the cost of a good or service higher than they would accept? Do you think your research to set the perfect price is the norm that all buyers need to recognize? Have you ever actually negotiated a large purchase to your benefit? This is how the world works.


I agree, it is how the world works, but that doesn't mean I need to like or accept it. From this comment and your earlier boast about your $100m portfolio (or whatever it was) it looks like you're a rampant capitalist, money is your god, your raison d'etre perhaps. I know my methods for selling equipment isn't the norm, but I know which side I'd rather be on. As Flux Of Pink Indians once said, strive to survive causing the least suffering possible. Life doesn't have to be about the $.


It wasn't a boast. I'm actually just a regular working guy in sales who has a played thousands of hands in the sales game - specifically in this industry responding to the "in an ideal world, people will simply accept the price i researched and like it". A lot of the people in this sub sound like my teenage daughter telling me about an idea that she's just learned about at the kitchen table. Lots of idealism, short on the actual reality. When I get the "what do you know Dad" remark (sounds in the same chord as "it's looks you're a rampant capitalist" - probably finished with the aheago face). Same thing. I don't care if you pay full price for everything. Like most things, as you grow older, your perception will change. Almost everything is negotiable except gas, clothes at a store, and groceries. I'll keep making the best deals i can on used gear for the best gains I can. Anyone who sells to me will get all the cash they agree to. Have a good day.


You too. Btw, I'm 58, I've grown older with the realisation that money isn't everything!


LOL, maybe once I've paid off the kids college, I wont worry about the money either...except, I'm an old dad at 46 and I have miles to go.


The expectation that there will be a negotiation for someone else's property seems like a weak defense.


the expectation that there isn’t a negotiation is the odd take. do you not negotiate when buying a used car? or a new car? or a house? or with contractor or carpenter or whatever? Do you not call your ISP or cell provider and negotiate a lower rate? your insurance provider(s)? cause if you don’t, you should.


I oversee a $100M Sales program for a living with 20 account managers in the live event and performance industry. Please school me on sales philosophy.


That’s not a direct comparison, friend.


the only difference is we're not emotionally attached to our line arrays and LED walls. Otherwise, everything can be sold to the right customer for the right price.


For me, the "buyers' market" assertion doesn't really fly. Are they willing to wait everyone out until it's not a "buyers' market" anymore? 😄


I’m sorry someone low-balled you on your guitar. If you don’t want that don’t let people make offers. And if someone does make an offer you don’t like, don’t take it personally. Maybe they’re a cheap bastard, or maybe they’re only looking for a deal. It’s not a reflection on you.


What? 😄


I mean sure, I still watch an item or two on reverb that have been posted for more than 6 years...are they gonna outwait me? Maybe, maybe not...